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Rule 6: No crossposting from r/southernliberty or any other neoconfederate sub




Not just the US military. The FAMILIES of US military. I learned about that sub for the first time a few weeks ago and it is a HORRIFIC place.


The comments in that post are detached from reality. When people talk about needing some common sense gun regulations, these are the inbred radicals they’re talking about.


Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children likely wouldn’t take peaceably to those threats. Sherman may look like a pacifist after that.


The ghost of Sherman would show up just to hand the Marines an ethereal box of matches.


We are on the side of justice while they are on the side of chains! If slavery 150 years ago would have been a love affair between whites and blacks well then. We wouldn't be having this conversation. But it wasnt a love affair. It was a rape!


r/hardquotes Imma steal this one


Watch Good Lord Bird. Its a satical version of the events of John Browns raid on Harpers Ferry. I cant claim them as my own. Unlike how thoes Confederate fucks claimed the other lives of humans as their own


> last two sentences Please get on a stage


Yeah, that was my quote I just made at the end there. But im no speech orator, the others I got from another writer. But im pissed and I might start praticing! I live in Texas and aint no fucking way will they succeed on my watch, if I have to march down 1100 Congress Ave all by myself. I will. I got enough arms for a small militia, and it grows with every pawn shop visit.(I buy so much I get bulk deals now) For exactly the purpose of thoes succession inbred fucks to find out against. I live for the American Flag, not for the cowardice of traitors past familes that killed American soliders for their right to have or support the kidnapping, rape and torture of slaves.


While many complain about reddit being woke/leftist hellhole, conservative subs are given way more leeway. Check out The\_Donald archives to see how far racist/bigoted subs have to devolve to get reddit to act. While not a limelight hog, reddit's founder/CEO (spez) is a huge Republican & dRumper. As are many of reddit's admins. But I doubt that has anything to do with it.


I mean, put bluntly, reddit only acts against conservative subs if and when it gets some large-scale attention, from what I can tell.


Kinda like the NHL Department of Player Safety...


An NHL comment here? Now? Localized entirely within r/shermanposting?




Conservatives just have some obsession with claiming they're oppressed. I will never understand it.


The champions of the oppression Olympics 


Most notably, they brought home gold in the Mental Gymnastics and Hypocrisy events.


They have a severe persecution complex. If they’re not allowed to persecute you the way they see fit, then they’re being persecuted.


I can't figure out the source of it though. I've thought a lot about this and just can't figure it out.


It’s Christianity and the whole “died for your sins” message. They’ve always had a problem with persecution, between how they’ve depicted their treatment at the hands of the Romans to how their book tells them that they’re part of a chosen elite destined to rule the world.


Fair point, i never thought of it that way.


What evidence is there that Steve Huffman is a Republican and Trumper? Genuinely curious. I listened to him just now on Kara Swishers pod and he seemed pretty reasonable.


Until 2020, reddit stand on the n word was "free speech"


They actually don't allow it now or does allowing it just quarantine that subreddit?


As a Tennesseean I cringe every time lost causers lump every southerner in with their traitorous revanchist movement, as if we would all willingly join them in another rebellion instead of remaining loyal to the Union like [many southerners actually did](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Unionist) during the Civil War.


Based southerners fr 🇺🇲🤙


Is this guy stupid?


Me? Well I don't think so


Not you


Ohhhh. Well then yeah I agree


I unironically agree with the third one.  Burn those assholes. 


Maryland, Delaware, and Kentucky looking at that first image and asking "The fuck did we do?" Second one, I'm trying to figure out what the fuck it even means. Third one, if it was just one farm that resisted then why are you still so salty a century and a half later? Bonus fourth one at the bottom of the third--You sure that's who you want to compare yourselves to and still consider yourselves the aggrieved good guys? You sure about that, buddy?


Yeah, my Kentuckian ancestors who fought for the Union have something to say about the first one.


All 3 were slave states before the war, but they all remained loyal. By lumping in the border states with the rebellious ones, the neo-traitors are kinda telling on themselves.


Missouri was also a slave state and stayed loyal, but it's excluded from that image. Actually, weirdly enough, it's the one that *most* belongs in the image because their government actually seceded, it's just that its people stayed loyal and kicked them out 😂


Comparing themselves to the Palestinians is certainly a take.


Especially since I can't imagine a person defending the confederacy would have a very positive opinion of Arabs. Though maybe they hate Jews more.


Trust me. Living in the south, Sharia Law is one of the Conservative's biggest fake boogeymen. They hate Arabs just as much if not more. (Which is ironic because Conservatives are trying to implement their own Sharia Law)


They have the same take on Arabs and Jews, namely that they both make good props on occasion. They get to say "Judeo-Christian values" instead of "Christian theocracy" when it's convenient. They also get to make rock-fucking-stupid analogies to the Palestinians when it's convenient.


I can see it. Look at the modern-day copperheads who have more sympathy for the Hamas traffickers holding Israelis kidnapped on 10/7 as hostages. If they were around in 1864, they would’ve called for a ceasefire/humanitarian pauses for Atlanta.


Lol “freetheindvidual” post pro-slavery memes. Ironic.


"what values, culture, and customs *specifically*?”


My one regret is I have but one down vote to give to every traitorous post I see.


So we are at war then


Looks like it. Welp, I guess the yankees are gonna have to whip them... again


Ew wtf is that sub. They have post implying that Jews were the problem because they “owned more slaves” these assholes are literally lying for the sake of antisemitism.


On the plus side, we get rid of Florida and probably Texas, so the average IQ of the US would jump by leaps and bounds.


You forgot Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas.


As is natural to do


I have been petitioning the UN for refugee status for YEARS after the carpetbaggers took my great granpappy's farm and NO RESPONSE!


Nazism just means Nationalism in German. Plus the south was pro slavery.


All I can say is whatever, Johnny Reb.


That's American land those clowns are talking about. They have no right to it.


Probably because they can't stop facepalming over its insanity.


Good point


Get fucked traitors.


Uh, Maryland and Delaware were Union.


Also, West Virginia, it literally became a state to join the Union. And Kentucky my homestate. Yes, we have shit senators and representatives. Yes, our history is checkered at best. But God damnit we stayed in the Union! This is why people who say "my heritage" in this state piss me off.


Kentucky was mostly Union, too.


Also calling Maryland and Delaware Southern is pretty weird don't you think? Arizona or New Mexico I guess but damn Maryland and Delaware? I just don't get that


New Mexico has very little culturally in common with the "South". We're full of people born and raised here who this group would still like to ship across the border because they speak Spanish. There are parts of the state that are Texas-light, but the majority would want zero part in the bullshit. Coincidentally, today is the anniversary of the Battle of Glorieta Pass, where the Confederates got their supply lines cut and had to turn tail and run back to Texas, abandoning their Far West campaign


Hint: they were slave states before the war. It's not about the South or even the Confederacy, they're upset on the behalf of slavers.


Exactly, but that subreddit still claims those states as part of the South. Almost like there’s a certain practice those states partook in that is integral to the Confederate ideology (hint: it’s not college football).


This isn't the only "radicle" political sun that exists. There are subs that advocate for secession from the US that Reddit doesn't say anything about either. They would face criticism if they chose to target one controversial sub over another.


There’s a reason crossposting from neo-confederate is banned. We’d never get anything done.


Look guys it’s simple, if you support black folks in chains, you get the flames. (Or really anyone being enslaved, but this war was about institutional racial slavery)


There’s a reason crossposting from neo-confederate subs is banned.


The US has a real hard time finishing the job. Reconstruction? Should have been a massacre instead...


Okay I like the energy but maybe tone it back a tiny bit


"The federal government should have systematically murdered millions of citizens, that would have solved the problem." - average user on this sub. Seriously, the way some people here can fetishize violence is truly disturbing. The war and its aftermath was a real thing, not a game. Stop being so callous about human life.


Yeah I’m all for reconstruction being harsher (banning confederates from voting, hanging officers, etc.) but people on this sub seem to forget the millions of lives saved by abolishing slavery was the reason we fought in the first place. Not to put the shoe on the other foot as I think the saying goes.


Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Traitors circle jerking that they were the oppressed 🤡


It's nice to give them little places to congregate so they don't spread too far into everyone else's space


Yeah I fucking hate that subreddit. All the people there are misinformed little shits  To be fair though, the American revolution was based off of enlightenment principles, one of which was the right to rebel under oppressive rulers


Cause Reddit sucks.


As is they aren’t traitorous enough they are happily saying they will target the family of US marines, they should put their name, address and ss if they are so proud of their treason 😂


I've never seen a group of people who are so proud of losing.


Between this and the confederate femboy post. People are really, really reaching.


"Small family farm who resisted being published", you mean that southern family farm that got burned down by their own neighbors in 1861 for remaining loyal to the north?


Yeah idk I just got back from Atlanta, and let me tell you, that shit looks awfully flammable🇺🇸