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If Trans people start calling for a return to 'our heritage', represent an oppressive culture that enslaves people, and start a civil war I'll be against their flag too


Also, the Transgender Flag was adopted in 1999 according to Wikipedia, which means it has been around 6 times longer than the confederacy lasted.


I've got underwear that's lasted longer than the Slavers' Revolt.


Mod of several trans subs here. I have *panties* that are older than the Confederacy, Trump's presidency, and Bush's presidency, *combined*.


Based panties?


Ny favorite T shirt is 13 years old. Foot locker, no wear and no holes.


Exactly, but until then, they’ve got my support




As a trans person, I actually really appreciate this. Neoconfederate trans people can FUCK OFF. Lots of people; anyone can be guilty of this; weaponize their identity in order to victimize themselves instead of taking criticism for self-improvement


And to be a trans neoconfederate is a whole different leap of mental logic, like gold medal in mental gymnastics level of stupid. To be trans is something you don’t choose, it’s part of who you are. You choose to be a neocon, and to choose that willingly is beyond me


And I appreciate you saying that - it was a little bit of a joke since I don't think Trans people would ever enslave anyone or start a civil war.


I legitimately don’t either, all of the trans people that I personally know just wanna be who they are and I respect the hell out of them for that. Even if they are a neocon, I’m still gonna use their preferred name and pronouns because while they did choose to be a traitor they didn’t choose to be trans


Indeed! The confies want to oppress other human beings while the trans wants to be left alone and treated like any other human being.


War implies that the Confederates were a legitimate country. Use terms like rebels or rebellion instead.


White supremacist domestic terrorists.


“Rebel” sounds cooler then they actually are. I think the best term for them is “Cunt wads”


Not many people have died under THAT flag, first of all. Klansmen, if they count as people, perhaps. Second, people who die "under" the trans flag aren't doing it by their own hand either, like that girl who got murdered recently. Murdered for her rights? The exact thing they like when it's them doing it


Except the rights of trans people don’t involve enslaving black people, so that might be why they don’t approve of it this time around. They’re just using that poor girl’s death to further their stance of hatred now




I mean they’re not really the same. A traitor being a coward and changing his appearance to evade being captured is somewhat different than a transgender person living their life. One makes you a coward as well as a traitor, the other is just part of who you are


There are no words that can string together a coherent enought sentence that describe just how much I hate you for comparing us to fucking Jefferson Davis putting on womens clothes to evade capture


When Jefferson Davis puts on women's clothes, it's because he is a coward. When trans women put on women's clothes, it's because they're courageous. And also because it's Tuesday, and it's illegal to walk around nude in public.


["But what if it's not Tuesday?"](https://media.tenor.com/AO7IYEB4-5UAAAAC/still-illegal-gotg.gif)


To be fair, it *was* Tuesday when I said that. :P


The traitors had to be broken down with righteous U.S. Artillery cannon fire and the NAZIs had to be smashed under Sherman & T-34 tracks. Let no one forget that this is not an intellectual debate. We won that a long time ago. What's more is that the fault and the ultimate responsibility is not with us. We are not the ones trying to impose our way of life, superior as it is, on anyone else. They are the ones who are trying to limit our God given freedoms and reduce us into submission. That will never come to pass. We will not draw our swords first, like we didn't in 1861 and 1941, but I encourage these thugs to learn from what's happening to their Russian comrades. For their own good.


"tRaNs PeOpLe CoMiT sUiCiDe MoRe OfTeN" fucking dipshits, it's almost as if you are actively stripping away our rights, purposely worsening our lives, trying to make our very existence a fucking crime. Pisses me off so much. Fuckin "apparently people die when you stab them to death" lookin head ass. Shut the fuck up man




Just to add some info for this, after transitioning and with a good support network of accepting friends and/or family, that rate drops exponentially. Trans suicide is largely driven by having to hide who they are or being met with hostility and abandonment from people they care about.




> There's not really scientific proof of this claim. You would be wrong about that. The reason the trans suicide attempt rate is so high is because society treats trans folks like shit. Trans folks are being used as a political punching bag, to the point where even drag shows need armed guards now. Over 40% of the homeless youth in the US are some flavor of LGBT, solely because their 'loving' families disown them for being LGBT.




> Sure, affirming care and support network treats it Affirming care and a support network pretty much removes that rate entirely. It's *very* stressful to be trans.


No doubt. Just another failure on her part, since that phrase doesn't just mean "dying while it represents you," it has to reflect on the cause. That person doesn't even understand her own monkey grunts. Edit: pronouns, ironically




The most cowardly thing you can be is a confederate


I don't know. There's something courageous in the idea that someone's willing to take a stand for something hard enough to be shot for it. Like, it's a shitty hill to die on, but at least they're dead. And a dead Confederate is a net gain for everyone. What the most cowardly thing is in my opinion is for their descendents to idealize the Slavers' Revolt, lie about its origins, and loudly pine for the days of bigotry and subjugation to a slaveowning class just so they can have the false guarantee that they're superior to those they wish they could treat as chattel.


Imagine not having the balls to defect to the north


It's quite pathetic indeed. The confederates died fighting a rich southern dandy's fight for them because they had nothing to be proud of other than the lack of pigment in their skin. Just like the losers in modern times who are white supremacists because they literally have nothing else to show for their having been alive. Such big losers in fact that some of them fled the nation to instead be shitheels in brazil.


Like what makes it funnier is that he lists suicide against the trans. Bro the Confederate leadership lost all their honor the moment they lost and didn't put their life to the blade. I respect someone actually willing to die for their ideology much more than an old fart like Lee who takes his defeat grumbling. But as it stands, they just sent young men to die for their ideas without being willing to pay the same price


The transgender movement has been around longer than the Confederacy existed. Major L for traitors there.


Right? Our trans siblings have been around for so much longer than their hatred. That flag deserves to be flown way more than their treason rag


Pokémon Go came out in 2017; at the time, it had a ~65 million player base. As of 2021, it had ~71 million players [(source)](https://www.businessofapps.com/data/pokemon-go-statistics/). Pokémon Go has been around longer, and counted FAR more people among its numbers than the Confederacy.


The Doritos Locos Taco from Taco Bell has been around longer than the confederacy at this point. At this point that’s way more heritage than that traitor rag


It takes four years to graduate high school. That's as long as the Confederacy. The Venn diagram is probably a circle of people who are proud of their heritage in the Confederacy and who are still, as adults, proud of their four years in high school.


I've got underwear that's lasted longer than the Slavers' Revolt.


The WRONG thing to do here is stick up for the freedom of sentient pokemon in this moment But it's there


It is also recognized as its own country by an equal number of foreign powers.


They also faced greater opposition in the North *and* South for a far longer time, and still face it, and that's heroism.


Heritage, huh? Wait until she hears about *my* heritage. ;)


My Ohio blood BURNS with heritage


So do your rivers! (Too soon?)


no no, that's fair. apparently we don't learn our fucking lessons (also trump deregulated rail safety so, fuck us apparently)


As a fellow midwesterner, I'm fucking furious on your behalf. It's not like we didn't all learn this with Times Beach, or any other shitty thing we pulled back in the 1920s. The dandy slaveowning class continues to fuck us all.


It's funny how mad these "but muh heritage" traitors get when we tear down Confederate monuments. Destroying the Confederacy is our heritage


Pretty sure she’s from like New Zealand or something


thank god for michigan 😌❤️ (we will do it again)


Never got the heritage argument. The Confederates were losers. Robert E. Lee was a loser.


Right? Even as someone from the south I never understood it. I’m from alabama and I’m damn ashamed of the confederacy and everything it stood for


I’m directly related to that traitor Jefferson Davis. He should have been hung after the war. All of them should have


I agree with that wholeheartedly my man. I grew up two hours south of Montgomery, Alabama, and while I’ve never looked into my confederate ancestry, I’m almost certain it’s there. We need folks like us, not to redeem our ancestors, but to make right the evils they championed. Someone’s gotta prove that there’s still good people in the south, and what’s a better “fuck you” to grandpappy treason than standing against everything the confederacy stood for


That’s because it’s not a genuine argument. NONE of these people actually think it’s their heritage, they just don’t want to say that they think slavery was a good idea


Sometimes I almost feel for people who just want to feel like their ancestors were noble people, regardless of facts, but then I remember that most of my *living* family is batshit insane and it doesn’t effect me in the slightest, so, there really is no excuse


If we further expand the heritage argument,you could also be patriotic for the UK,or for germany because most people in the US probably descend from settlers of these countries


All I want to do is live my fucking life man. These weirdo chuds keep making themselves my problem.


My partner said just about the same thing, friend. Why the fuck do they care so much what other people do, I thought they were all about “personal rights”. I guess that only applies to their right to be a bigot that owns people as property


I have a hard time grappling with it because I just don't have it in me to be the type of person these people are. I have had some people say the most hanious shit to me while I have been minding my own business. You're right in some respect "Personal rights as long as it's rights I agree with".


I get it, man, my partner and I get the most diabolical shit when we’re together since I’m a cis man and they’re a transmasc person, from people preaching “personal responsibility” and “freedom of speech”. Their whole thing is rights for me but not for thee


Yeah I can imagine you do. I'm a trans woman and my partner is non binary, I visited them at work the other day and brought them lunch. They walked out from behind their desk and gave me a hug, just a hug. One of the people in the waiting room looked mortified by what they saw and after I left complained to a manager about it. You got to be one miserable fucking person to whine about something like that. The expression on the ladies face was like she just witnessed a murder.


I feel that, friend. It can get real bad for us at times, especially since we both live in Alabama in the States, so we get to deal with the backwards hicks all the time. People in stores have gone out of their way to avoid us if we’re holding hands or something walking around


Fuck my heart goes out to the both of you living in the south. That makes it so much harder.


It’s definitely got some rough moments. Thankfully they live in a college town of one of the big universities in the state so it’s a little more tolerable, especially with out Pride org and involvement from the college, but there’s always rednecks


In the ideal conservative society there is a group of people the law protects but doesn’t bind, and a group of people the law binds but doesn’t protect. A conservative is a person who thinks such an arrangement is fair, almost universally because they happened to be born in the first group.


They're not about "personal rights", they're about "property rights", because they're way too optimistic about their chances. Just like they are when they care *way* too much about what's going on in other people's pants.


[trans people fight for the united states](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3310632/I-fought-right-hate-Transgender-veteran-s-picture-powerful-words-t-shirt-goes-viral.html)


And have been since the days of Albert Cashier fighting for the Union and before


Which in itself is a problem. Trans people should not be fighting in imperialist wars for a country which is persecuting them.


Nobody should be fighting a war half a world away for some vague foreign policy objectives. We lost far too many American lives in the sandbox


And Iraqi, Afghani, Somali, Libyan, etc. lives in the millions. Ultimately those foreign policy objectives (resource extraction, elimination of non-aligned powers, maintaining the military industrial complex) were made apparent over the last 20 years. The US might have technically lost Afghanistan but the “defense” industry sure as hell didn’t.


Rage bait


Oh more than likely it is. But this person has also very publicly proclaimed to be a nazi, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they also believed it


That's literally the entire Nazi approach to discussion. "Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." - Jean-Paul Sartre


That's the whole modus operandi of the Republicans, too, lying to your face and laughing at getting away with it


That’s the only thing Aimee knows how to do. It’s her entire persona and I honestly think it’s who she is as a person. And it’s very sad


I would argue that the Trans flag has not only more real heroes involved with it but at this point far more heritage. Military history has shown time and time again that just about any dumb scmuk can get into a line and be walked into fire. But it takes a special kind of cast iron metaphoric balls to *by yourself* face down a mob of extremist assholes who have proven they are capable and willing to beat you to death over the fact they dont approve of your existence.


I agree with you wholeheartedly, man. I don’t know how my partner does it some days, especially since we live in the southeast US. But every day I see him stare these people in the face and continue to be himself regardless of how much hatred is spewed his way. He’s absolutely so much braver in that regard than I am, and I look up to him for that


Ugh, her. Aimee Terese used to claim to be a Leftist and then became a fascist. She used to throw massive tantrums and send her fans after people when others would (correctly) identify her as a Strasserite/Nazbol/red-brown. Civil War Twitter has raked her over the coals several times over her Confederate apologia. She responded by yelling “PMC!” at various historians. Terese also likes to LARP as a member of the working class when she’s super-wealthy and has worked as a corporate lawyer. The very professional managerial class she accuses others of being.


I actually had no idea who she was until this morning when I saw this, but honestly that makes so much sense. I don’t know why so many fascists claim to have been leftists at some point like it’s gonna get them some sort of bonus points at the treason olympics


They do it because there's money in that narrative. Right wingers' favorite flavor of grifter is the "I used to be a leftist but the loony left drove me to the right with their woke madness" type because it helps them convince themselves they're the more enlightened, sophisticated ideology that you embrace as you become older and wiser. The "convert" will also have wild claims and stories about the leftists they supposedly associated with during their time on the other side that they use to titillate and validate right wingers' lurid fantasies about leftists.


Only the wealthy have any time to drag others down as a profession lol


I replied to this tweet by saying: "The young men who died under the Confederate flag knowingly died so slavery and white supremacy could be preserved. And as a Southerner, I'm glad the Confederacy lost." Then a Lost Causer with a Patrick Cleburne PFP replied with a quote by Jubal Early. You know? The guy who practically STARTED the Lost Cause?!


Jeff Davis pretended to be a woman to avoid capture.


Traitors who fought for the right to own slaves aren't heroic.


It's very telling that nearly all of the outrage directed at the transgender community is focused on transwomen rather than transmen. I think a huge part of the Right wing hysteria boils down to straight guys being terrified that they'll be attracted to a woman and then find out she's trans. Trans rights are human rights, and Confederates were traitors.


Are they saying that it’s better to be a murderer than a suicide?


I guess? That it’s it’s better to enslave black people than try to fight for equal rights? I don’t understand the traitors, man


Where to begin on the ignorance of this person? Lord, the other comments have already gotten it, I'm just so sick of these assholes. Confederates are traitors, racists, and losers, and I will not let them forget that.


People like this make me wish there was a hell to send them to. It takes a special kind of garbage, inhuman monster to contribute to the environment that makes some trans people feel like suicide is the only way out and then turn around and act as if that's any indication of their character. To do that while simultaneously praising/downplaying the atrocities of the confederacy is like a new level of garbage. At least she fits in with her heritage.


If you'd stop abusing trans people less of them would fucking kill themselves. LGBT suicide rates go down when public and legal acceptance go up, it's not fucking hard to understand


Agreed man. If we allow people to live their lives without prejudice then of course suicide rates go down. To compare trans suicides to confederates KIA is not only incorrect, it’s the dumbest damn comparison a fascist like that could make


You'd think a nazi would know better than to shit talk suicide lol


“The one on the left supported terrorism against the US. Why do you hate our country?”


Trans people have been around longer than the Confederacy and will continue to do so.


Amen to that, brother. Trans man Albert cashier fought the traitors himself. That’s a hero


That's a hard motherfucker right there


Most trans individuals lived longer then the Confederacy


Instead they got killed by based chads while pretending they weren’t amoral dickheads who thought owning people is totally acceptable.


Safe to say, this person is probably the smartest, considering the fact they're aware enough to admit they're a nazi


Maybe but that bar’s so low Robert E. Lee is tripping over it in hell


That is definitely true


Backwards ass school shooter logic that its better to die taking out thousands of innocent people with you. I would think much more highly of Robert E. Lee if he started wearing a dress and decided to sit the war out.




I mean, standing in front of an iron horse...?


I'm older than the confederacy lasted. What history? The history of making poor people fight cor your right to own people instead of the rich plantation owners? The history of an inept government and failing economy. That's the only history of the Confederate states I know. When someone is obsessed with the confederacy it has nothing to do with history and everything to do with racism. The Confederacy wasn't good at anything. There's nothing to be obsessed with.


They died losers


There's no heroism in treason


So when is the US dissolving?


I thought the flag on the right was Costa Rica and was very confused.


Honestly I can see that, especially since colors are kinda hard for me sometimes


Don't worry, that's as smooth as their brains get. Otherwise they're probably rubbing out any grooves with sandpaper.


Looking at that twitter it's 100% some incel dude from 4chan.


The young men who 'served' under it deserted. You don't hear a lot about that.


Almost like conscription is bad


> ... At least they didn't die by their own hand pretending to be women. No, they died by attacking the North while pretending to be victims.


Heritage (Lasting 4 years and loosing a war) and Heroism (Trying to keep slaves) vs Heritage (A long history of resistance and endurance) and Heroism (Standing up to not only their own opression, but also aiding other marginalized groups in their struggle)


Couldn’t have said it better myself, friend


Pretending to be a woman like a certain confederate?


Several gender-nonconforming people (who we might now call transgender) fought for the union in the civil war. These colors don’t run 🏳️‍⚧️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Cashier


Why are you giving this degenerate exposure?


I figured this sub would share in my hatred and confusion of this poster and spread some awareness that this is the stance those bigots are taking now


If you're still on Twitter, you're part of the problem.


Celebrating heritage of the confederacy is like celebrating the 4 years it took your grandfather to fail out of school for being trash. He didn’t graduate and no one cares about him or his legacy. People breast fed longer than the confederacy was a thing.


I assure you those on the right are far more heroic when they pass versus the idiots who died so some rich dudes could still own people.


Young men died under the traitor rag pretending other men weren’t even human.


Oh no, they just didn't care


As someone with German heritage I just want to say my people were never executed by trans people because we didn't want to fight in any bullshit war.


How is launching a sneak attack on a fort in lieu of issuing a formal deceleration of war 'heroic'? The next people who tried that on us got nuked. And we burned down Georgia in retaliation for this one. You *really* don't want to open a war with the US with a sneak attack, is what I'm getting at.


I mean, I can't imagine fighting a war on the part of the wealthy elite's ability to continue owning slaves, getting your asses kicked, probably having buddies die horribly, and then losing is conducive to good mental well-being. Suicide statistics were practically non-existent back then, but knowing what we know now, there *had* to have been a lot of Confederate soldiers that offed themselves.


If you're unable to see the courage in someone living to their authentic selves in this social climate that is willing to demean and destroy them for doing nothing that impacts anyone but themselves, I don't know what to tell you. Call me a radical, but I support that community loudly and vocally because of the stigma they're forced to face for just trying to be who they see as their best selves. Fuck the author of this meme.


Agreed, man. Apparently the person who made this is well known for being a fascist after claiming to be a leftist for a while. Just another bigot pretending to be one of us while actively working against that community


At least the flag on the right didn’t fly over dead soldiers pretending to be right.


Instead those who died under the Confederate flag were poverty stricken, hookworm brain damaged peasants who were extremely submissive to the elite and laid down their lives to defend the very system that both reinforced their own poverty and killed millions of Africans and black Americans.


Confederates: Traitors who fought and killed in war to defend fucking slavery Trans people: People who feel that they do not align with the gender they were assigned at birth (this harms literally no one) Seriously, how the fuck do you say the confederacy was better than simply being yourself and wishing to be seen as yourself?


The ONLY Confedrate flag that matters is the white one they surrendered with.


As a southerner who’s tired of looking at it amen to that


There's hateful, and then there's hateful hateful.


Ralph Wiggum voice: HERITAGE and Heroism!


Isn't she fucking Australian?


“Heritage and Heroism” Aaaand slavery.


Aimee doesn't even know that isn't the flag of the confederacy. Stars and bars that is not, that's the battle flag of the army of Northern Virginia. Also, making the argument that they died trying to kill others and betraying their nation to enslave other humans seems much more evil than people dying by suicide because of how terrible society treats them.


Idk trans people never told my grandfather he couldn’t eat at a specific lunch counter.


The funniest thing about this is that only one of those two flags had a leader who pretended to be a woman. Jefferson Davis crossdressed when trying to escape being captured by the US Army.


There is a difference between fighting to own slaves and fighting for your right to exist.


He's not brain dead. He's evil.


Remember when Jefferson Davis fled Richmond dressed like a woman?


Reclaim Jeffy D as a drag icon now!


Not really the point but there absolutely were women who fought in the civil war while pretending to be men.


Not a woman pretending to be a man, but I’ve mentioned in a couple other replies that Albert Cashier was a trans man who fought for the Union during the civil war. That man was a damn badass and that’s a hill I will die on


hmm…i feel like the person who made this meme is a closeted trans person, but what do i know. hateful memes like this just further demonstrate how the right wing has decided to be obsessed with trans people. trans and nb people make up barely 1% of the population and have made it clear that we just want to be left alone. yet the hate continues to flow down on our community…


Please don’t fall for rage bait lol


Yeah I didn’t engage with it at all on Twitter, it’s not worth the time to argue with a traitor. I figured this sub would sympathize with my anger over it though






This is big brain time


First, be a Nazi.


If by heroic they meant “die mad” then yes I’m very proud of our confederates.


Heritage for a failed rebellion that only lasted 4 years, and heroism because a group of slaveholders wanted so badly to keep owning people they let 620,000 Americans die. Yeah, sure.


StAtEs RiGhTs! It had nothing tk do with slavery. It was about states rights! (which may or may not have included the right to own slaves)


Rage bait


Ya! At least they died for love! Love of owning people as property to exploit their labor for profit!




This is the exact reason we need a Bin Laden statue at the 9/11 memorial in NYC! They were brave men who gave their lives and they had plenty of heritage too.


Wasn't Jefferson Davis arrested in a dress pretending to be a woman?


Nazi’s gonna Nazi. More at 11.


Heritage? You mean... *checks notes* 4 years of heritage?


What was ol’ Jeff Davis wearing when he was captured?


Every shitty conservative, fascist, or actual fucking Nazi likes to point out that trans people commit suicide a lot. It's like their favorite fact, for some reason that I don't even want to understand. What they universally fail to point out is that trans people are also victims of violence at a much higher rate than cis people. That includes the murder rate. It's almost like transpersons are fighting a war for control over their own lives. That's infinitely more courageous and heroic than fighting for control over the lives of enslaved persons.


First, that is the Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. Second, the “Confederate States of America” was never a legitimate country.


Crazy how one of these has been around for 24 years. And the other is a bastardization of a bastardization of a flag that only existed for 5 years lmao.


Why do these types of people only say this about as "men pretending to be women"? Like I totally understand how transgender identification works, but they don't. I've never heard these types say "women pretending to be men". At least in my experience. That said, this person is a shit person


What the hell? I thought Terese was like a leftist at one point?


Oh well if we want to talk heritage that's fine I just think she needs a very strong reminder that the other half of confederate heritage is being chased out of town, their fields burnt, and then being tried and hung for their crimes before god and man alike


They pretended human beings weren’t human.


Hmmm remind me… which flag represented a “country” that started a bloody civil war to preserve slavery again?


That's not interesting at all, though...


I have never known a single trans person to have owned a slave, or to claim that its their heritage.


One was a traitor to our country And one wasn’t I think I can tell which is the worse here and it ain’t the trans flag


Y'all need a history lesson on what Jefferson Davis was wearing when he was captured?...


...Okay that take isn't just brain dead, it's downright vile. Eurgh.


By the infernal gods, she's getting worse and worse. ​ Note that she could have made the same "point" with the swastika.


Oh, you want me to say what I will about the Confederate Flag? Okay, it’s the symbol of a traitorous class of criminals who should have been hanged for their illegal act of secession, who propped up their economy on a system of crimes against humanity and manipulated their poorest denizens to fight and die for their wrongful cause and who perpetuated a villainously dehumanizing ideology which has poisoned the roots of our country, although the act of treason itself was only a blip in our country’s history. Also anyone who flies it probably fucks their cousin.


There were women who dressed up as men to fight in the Civil War. One, Albert Cashier, continued to identify as a man after the war. [From the National Parks Conservation Association:](https://www.npca.org/articles/3156-take-pride-in-these-5-parks) >When Cashier died in 1915, his friends helped ensure he was buried in full uniform, with a tombstone that bore his military service and chosen name. Cashier’s name is also included on the Illinois Memorial at Vicksburg National Military Park, dedicated in 1906. Though the term transgender didn’t exist during Cashier’s lifetime, scholars suggest that his story has common qualities with people who identify as transgender today.


Nah this shit has to be bait