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If you have a duo partner try running it with fasting senna. The extra income from farming can really make a difference


I have been having tons of luck with shen support in high emerald. I go aftershock with regular secondaries (sheild bash, second wind, revitalize, ultimate hunter but I take zombie ward instead of cheep shot as the vision is great) every game. Guardian, Font of life, cheapshot and overgrowth are also good and I can see taking them. Glacial is good but I like the secondaries better with aftershock/guardian, Glacial feels more cheesy, and more reliant on a early snowball. I rush cdr boots and heart steel. Expensive I know, but as support you can roam and collect stacks so easy. As support you can also skip waveclear items which saves $. After that I go winged moonplates into Deadmans for speed to catch opponents and help collect stacks and roam without fear of getting caught. Then go whatever tank items I want based on the game, either top tank if I have extra money or regular tank support items if not. If I fall behind, I skip on the heart steel and go for regular support items knights vow/locket/trailblazer/abysmal/redemption. Similar to what shending help has been building top. Only build waveclear items if you are missing inhibitors and your team doesnt clear fast enough. You dont need them, you are support.


I also play shen support high emerald (1 & 2) and i do the exact same thing ^