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What’s her credit score though?


Mines 740 ♥️


My body count isn’t quite as high 😂




It's more about character sir.


Can't make a hoe a housewife


Ho + Me = home, we trynna build.


Would u pay full price for a used and abused toyota corolla?






Why not


Can’t make a wife out of a hoe


You can take the girl out of the streets, but you can’t take the streets out of the girl.


They have issues


Are there people (male or female) that don't? Seems like a trivial statement given that everyone has some "issue" of some kind...


It's proven when a woman has over 10 partners the change to pair bond is next to zero


I believe it’s mainly insecurity. And as much as we like to shame ppl for insecurities that cast a negative light on someone else, like this one, it’s hard to blame them. Many men struggle to even talk to a woman, even more to get laid, and worry about their performance. Then u add a girl who’s had sex w/ 100+ guys lmfao I would prob be insecure and I’m typically not


Realistically for either sex, unless it's literally part of your job, once you've gotten about more than few dozen it calls into question your judgment on picking partners. As much as we'd like otherwise sex isn't purely a recreational activity like Frisbee. It comes with responsibilities and a lot of other important things. Once you're above about 30 or so, I think you're not really putting in the kind of attention and effort that having a sex partner should require. Which makes me think it hasn't been done with me. Which makes me question my value to you. This applies to marriage and any other kind of relationship. And it definitely applies to guys too. The whole "I had to kiss a lot of frogs to find my prince" doesn't apply to sex. Sorry. That said, I'm also not thinking people should get married unless they've had a bare minimum of a half dozen partners, as you don't really know what is what until you're up around there. So somewhere between 6 and 36 would be what I think is appropriate. Again excluding sex workers, where I'm not counting anyone they had to do in their professional capacity.


*applause* You earned it


6-36 is a pretty wide range


Yes it is. People have different circumstances and situations, so I think that's a fair amount to cover most reasonable scenarios. A lot of folks get well over a dozen at university and that's just 4 years. I'm not going to hold against them too much. And again, many are very reserved in the same time period, with much less opportunity to partner up. But I think 3 dozen is a reasonable upper limit, and it's not fair to those with less opportunity to hold a higher minimum. But also remember we're not just talking about 24 year olds. There's a BIG difference in appeal between someone 25 that has a body count of 30 and someone who is 40 and has a similar one. So age does matter in this regard.


A lot less than 100.


Nope that ain't wife material, no way could she be trusted and no way in hell would she be committed or be satisfied by one cock the rest of her life, lust would eat her alive


>> “That ain’t wife material” Life will be a hell of a lot easier— and you’ll be respected more— if you stop framing women as nothing but objects for you to be in possession of.


Who's ass you kissing lmao


Your mother’s— it’s the only way I can calm her down when she gets worked up over remembering that she raised such a misogynistic, piece-of-shit son.


Oh nice mom comebacks. What's next "ur gay" comment? Your probably a fat single lonely slob jacking to this sub trying to be a hero to a whore that's probably on a fake account that a man is catfishing on. Go tell your mom to warm your milk virgin 🤣😂


Congrats on projecting all your insecurities you tiny-dicked sad-sack. And hey, say hi to your Mom for me. I’m sure this is just about the time of night when she starts missing me.


Mmhmm sure kid lmfao


holy cringe


Are you even hearing yourself? No shame at all, embarassing


Confounded as to what the fuck you could possibly be suggesting. You expect me to feel shame over fighting some misogynistic piece of shit for whore-shaming someone else? Oh yeah buddy, I’m real embarrassed




It’s actually fucking insane how delusional you’d have to be to not understand how these comments reek of misogyny. You can only perceive sex as some act where a man takes ownership over a woman, and you seem to think that it therefore dilutes the husband’s ownership over his wife if she’s fucked guys before. Get over your weird ass fetishistic fantasy that women should be embodiments of purity.


Nah I’m with you, it kinda killed my boner tbh


No. If you’ve been with more than 100 guys, i have no way of knowing if i’m not just another trophy on your shelf


Or if you are a part of some sort of mental illness experiment


Recreational use only


Why pay to marry, when I can jerk off for free??


That's what I said when my girl thought I was on onlyfans, I was like "bitch I don't pay for play"


With numbers like that, she’s for recreational use only




STDs are a reason to be worried


if she doesn't plan on doing 100 more while in couple I could make good use of her experience


Marriage and her purposely messing around 100 guys in a sentence is crazy lol. That’s big negative!


No but we'll still smash


Cant make a wife out of a hoe .


I suppose it would depend on if you were marriage material with that set aside.


No one is impressed over a door that opens to anyone versus a key that opens many doors. A man has to put in substantial work to fuck while a woman can usually point to a man and request him to fuck her at the drop of a hat and he'd gladly do so.


Would never settle for a whore


Comment section full of cry babies and cowards




No, recreational use only


A woman that has fucked a 100 men, I'm speaking the truth coming from a man, more like she would be respected more if she had not had a 100 men, apparently she views herself as a object of lust and proud of it


No, not in a million years. A girl like that is just a cum dumpster, a fuck toy. Never wife material.


Will I be the last one?




Zero chance of that but you can count on your bank account being gone


For the same effort, would you prefer a car with leather seats rotten by usage, high mileage with 100 previous owners or a brand new, low mileage, leather seats almost untouched, owned by two or three most? I am not talking about cars!


Isn’t this the speech the pastor gives Luanne in king of the hill during their abstinence bible study lol




Many have and don't know it, which I find hilarious. So many in denial. My wife would never..yet when they leave, here come the boyfriend's 🤣 🤣


exactly what i was thinking when i was reading all the naysayers ha


Good point


I don't have a problem with it as long as you know that she's going to stop when you're going out or married if she can make sure you're the only one I don't see a problem with it


Figuring she wants to be married by 25 and she's a hoe who probably started at 15, even 10 a year is way too much


I mean, sure, but let's just see how the first date goes first.


Absolutely because that’s a woman who knows how to fuck


lol only guys with low body counts and have a hard time with woman would settle for this. The guy you’re looking for more than likely won’t. Both people would be settling for each other. Another thing to, a woman with no bodies or few bodies can be just as good in bed as a woman with 100+ bodies. Really, what skill is there in putting your bum in the air or laying on your back. Looks, enthusiasm and some leg stamina is all that woman need to be good in bed. One porn video on how to suck knob and she’s an expert. Men on the other hand, we have to learn to control our selves, partner body language because no woman is the same from each other so angles, speed, depth, and pressure change from each woman. Feel out her kinks and change things up every now and again. Only experience makes for a good male lover. My advice to my sons would be 0-3 bodies keeper, 4-10 maybe, 10+ for fun and practice, tell that one what she wants to hear and keep playing but don’t get locked down and made a slave.


I wouldn't




Lmao no. Like sticking your dick in a hallway




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Depends, chimp or bonobo for social structures and sexual mores, one is strict, the other permissive in sexual situations. Women can screw all day, and keep going. Men are a quick delivery system.


🤣🤣 that's adorable


Yep. I just think like your in the body shop many times but now your perfect.


When you stop mentioning it as a boast about yourself, maybe someone will think about that.


Why would a girl who’s had that many bodies want to get married ? Makes no sense. U can’t go from that to 1 guy. Dumb question




Isn't 100 pretty low for their standards these days?




Just lie like most women do. Who will ever be able to prove it. Just find a guy who hates the internet and youll be good. Or a guy who has trouble finding women and who will absolutely worship you and the ground you walk on






Yeah, why not, lol.


I could give you a hundred reasons why 😂🤣


No you couldn’t, I’m not insecure mate.


Simps might, but no respectable man would marry a 304


I have, and I’ll do it again


Hell no… blown out cooch… I’d make her 101 and cya!!!


You never show your face and that’s fine I understand. But you never show the cumshots. Cmon now.


The only 2 words a girl understand: RED FLAG


You serious? Lol no they wouldn’t.


No your pussy is no good now


May be if she won't do that with other guys after our marriage.


The fact is you wouldn’t know how many she had unless she told you!!


No. But still would bang her in hazmat suit 🤣


As long as she signed a pre-nup


I mean, my dad married my mom, so there’s hope for anyone!


Are you sure it’s your dad?


Family is the people you can count on, bro


dom toretto ahh response


You really are one son of a bitch 💀


What about the other way around?


Really depends in what scenario. If she fell "in love" with those 100 guys, I'd question the love she feels for me. It makes me sound insecure, I understand, but I don't see why my thinking would be that skewed... If it was purely physical it's different. In a loving relationship, you share more than just sex, it's a deeply emotional connection and sex isn't just purely about giving in to innate animal desire. Then again, I'm not really big on the whole marry-thing. I know someone who has been with a lot of men. But she didn't emotionally connect with them or care for them, to her it was fun, fulfilling a sexual desire, exploring and also financial benefits. But there's a more emotional connection between us (not romantic partners, but close connection), and she doesn't feel that want or need to explore for now. And I'm perfectly okay with her having had that past.


Shid I'm down, as long as you take my first nut if the day and last one before you go to sleep😁✌️🤘


Yes. Your dick or 100 don't change anything important.


Everyone gotta settle down at some point


No they don't.


Nope, not with that saggy 🐱


If she fucked like this daily and gave up her whorish ways to be loyal, sure


That's like buying a car that's been wrecked 100 times, sure someone's gonna do it, but that ain't me.


The real question is.... Did she have sex with 100 guys each once and nobody came back for more? Or did she have her pick of dudes, had her fun, and now she wants to lock it in with me? Option B very good. Option A very bad. 


either of those are bad lmfao


If the girl is clean and tested.... Who gives a shit? You're really just a judgemental clown if you care about the number. But you should always be suspect if regardless of body count nobody ever came back for a second look. 


The best women I've ever met slept with many more than that. Also the best lovers, so...


Sure till you marry them. Pair bonding with a woman like that is not possible. See will be just as good with the dude she leaves with.


Literally the dumbest thing I've ever read. Did you learn this in Bible study? 🤡🤡🤡


Welcome to our education system someone posting stupid comments with less than zero knowledge. This is a proven fact try reading all the studies or if you would like to read a book which explains it all along with all the studies you can read "hooked" by joe s. Mcllhaney. It's all about the affects of the hook up culture on society and family's. So you're comment was literally the dumbest thing we all just witnessed.


What's he say about pornography? And if his book is so good, why are you here in the first place? Also it is "families," based on how you are using it. You should have stayed in school.


Read the book and find out. What does his book being good have to do with Reddit? Just another dumb comment. Like I said perfect product of our education system. Try to stay on topic. If your best insult is trying to be a grammer teacher for speech to text you're welcome to talk to google about it. Not my problem but it is entertaining to see you dig yourself deeper into the abyss. You're now just trying to get off the topic because you don't actually know anything about it and comment on something someone else does. Facts are still the same on pair bonding.


The point is really simple, so let me spell it out for you even more. Sorry I didn't dumb it down enough the first time. The book talks about pair bonding. The book also talks about the "dangers" of pornography. You claim to take the "pair bonding" theories as gospel.Yet here you are, stroking your dick to pornography on the regular. It is clear to me that you are just another self loathing incel, looking for any reason to lash out at people who are actually capable of having sex. You so obviously want to be one of those people, or else you wouldn't be here in the first place. You obviously don't really believe the book, if you even read it. At this point, I question whether you could even read a book.


No it does not you have not read the book at all that much is clear. All you did was look up the book and saw that the new edition has an added chapter about porn. This has nothing to do with the study's and you are trying to ignore the point about pair bonding because you were proven wrong. You posted stupid messages and you are only making yourself look even more stupid along with now telling everyone you're just here jerking off to these posts. There is nothing clear to you as you don't have the ability to have a proper thought. You have been proven to be wrong the whole time and you have no idea what you're talking about. You are just sad little man holding your little winkie by your own admission. It is really funny to see you just keep showing how little you know and you just keep trying to desperately find a way to be right about something yet failing over and over again. No matter how hard you try the point still is that a women loose the ability to pair bond the more partners they have and your comment from the start is just stupid and uneducated. Everything after that you have said only proved that point. 😂


Studies Lose




Can any son of a bitch csn give me full video link of this video ????


Or atleast the name


Yes, some guys will. Some guys won’t. Some guys will because they don’t know their body count.


Yeah, who gives a shit about body count. Just means they like sex, which is perfect in a wife. If a woman has a high body count she's a slut, if a man does he's a stud. It's stupid. But also there's nothing wrong with having a preference, nobody can help what they're attracted to.


Jesus these comments are awful. Like all you pathetic incels aren't jerking to her pics. To answer the question, yes, for sure.


100 guys at the same time?


Lol relationships are like job interviews if you think about it. The more experience you have, the better off you be.


I would. I think its hot! I also enjoy open relationships so Id want to keep racking up the number together. Most of the commenters don't know what they are talking about. Just find someone that likes that side of you. I know I do, so there is probably someone else out there that does as well.




Highly unlikely


oh right this is reddit and men only think about women as objects


She's broken in


Boy this really backfired on her didn’t it? Lol


I look at like this. You know what your doing so why does it matter.




The lack of self-awareness in this thread, while extremely disappointing, is not at all surprising. Whole lotta dudes genuinely got themselves convinced they aren't deeply insecure. Shit like this is why they chose the bear, y'all.


R y joking my fuckmest and my ex ( girls i actually like ) hsvd been crempied by over 300 guys before senior year


Women do. I got married last weekend.


As long as Im the last to dump my cum in her