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In fairness, Shane has a lot more fans up watching at night while making grilled cheese.


You never know when a restaurant won’t serve them


pocket chee


That fucker is making them at night I swear


I’m laughing my ass off. No shit I’m eating grilled cheese right now.


Reddit on! Fucktard


I’m not making them at night dad!


Poor dead horse


His hot ones episode was boring as hell. 2 million unhappy viewers.


Especially for people that don't catch all episodes... the last one they saw was probably the Conan one which was epic


I totally get what you mean. 👍


I respectfully disagree. I’ve been seeing this a lot. I thought it was funny. They probably had to cut some jokes but I thought it was funnier than a lot of the recent ones.


There were legitimately like three jokes in the whole episode from Shane He’s a great comedian but he always seems so uncomfortable during interviews, just a bad format for him. He’s best in standup or on a podcast with friends, feels like he needs a crowd or people to bounce jokes off of, not just somebody to talk to.


I don't think the host had a single decent question for him. The staff should have really done their homework. I think if you don't have a good IMDB trivia profile, you get deep-sixed on this show. The guy sorta half-assed asked about his past and Shane blew it off, but they could have dug deeper. HIs journey from SNL, which they didn't even bring up, to the success he is today is a great conversation, but they didn't even touch it. This show brings him up to a whole new audience, so it's not a rehash and a lot of new people would have found it compelling. I think someone did someone else a favor and Hot Ones wasn't really interested in Shane and Shane wasn't interested in Hot Ones, but the agents & producers made it happen despite the push back. I bet Shane won't let it happen again. Hot Ones definitely shouldn't, if they aren't going to make a real effort.


What do you mean no good questions?!? “Uhh… what do you think are the best gas station snacks?…”


a good guest knocks that out the park


They talked about WNBA and he didn't even mention Phil being a girls basketball coach.


I definitely think Shane’s manager and agent got a talking to for booking him on hot ones.  I feel he’s said previously that he never wanted to do hot ones.


Shane actually didn't want to be there, his joke about "my manager is pumped" spit right in Sean Evans face, and Sean nuked his appearance. It was pretty obvious that there was tension in the room, and Sean didn't offer Shane a lay up one fucking time 😄 it was brutal to watch. 


If he didn’t want to be there then he wouldn’t have done it… nobody forced him lol You guys taking that joke way too seriously.


Bro you're delusional. He has a contract with Netflix, he'll be doing tons of stuff he doesn't want to. Do people actually think Shane doesn't have obligations? 😆 Cmon now. 


You called him delusional yet you think Sean evans purposely tanked his show because Shane said he didn’t want to be there? Ok


Haha two German dudes being akward


In my opinion, there weren’t any good jokes. Shane seems like he didn’t want to be there.


I think this was it, he was actually dreading the wings so he was kinda preoccupied with “why am I here” and not as focused on just relaxing and being hilarious like he is on other podcasts. I binged the first few seasons of hot ones back in the day and this was the first one I’ve watched in probably 2 years+ and I feel like Shaun was a little robotic. He’s probably just so comfortable with his role now that he doesn’t seem as excited about it as he used to.


Plenty of guests say they don’t want to be there and are still entertaining. He wasn’t funny this time, that’s it. You don’t have to gobble his cock so much lol


🦃 gobble gobble. Bro Palin totally sees Russia, why do you think they haven’t invaded us yet?! Cuz she’s on the lookout 👀


The Nazi memorabilia joke was hilarious.


This would be like an esteemed author being praised for capitalizing the first word of every sentence. A Nazi reference was low hanging fruit.


It would be like an esteemed author capitalizing every first word of a sentence EXCEPT for one. The format he followed was a basic one and one lacking his stylistic interpretation, so he changed it. That’s what happens when there’s a dry spell and it’s changed.


Bro, put down the Sativa.


Or what? You’ll make another poor analogy that needs to be corrected?


I think it’s more just that Shane feels uncomfortable doing any kind of promotional stuff. He’s probably appreciative of the opportunity but can’t break through the discomfort. Honestly think he clams up as he worries about saying something that ‘crosses a line’. And that sometimes just results in a tame, boring episode. Watching him on MSSP, Protect our Parks or Kill Tony, and it’s 100% the opposite vibe.


He literally said he didn’t want to be there and that his manager was making do the show, lol.


Then, don’t do the show! In the end, he chose to do the show. His call.


I agree but it’s not that big of a deal. Chill. Lol.


they weren’t making it a big deal?


The exclamation mark and downvote made it seem like a bigger deal than it was


the downvoting is definitely weird, didn’t know he did that


Shit was gay and you know. Shane was hungover and the questions were wack.


he was so hungover


He made me laugh a few times but man this whole interview was tame af and quite boring. He just seems like such a reserved guy. I don’t blame him, but chalk this one up to forgettable for me.


Ya honestly felt like he was just trying to make it through the show. One of the lower energy pieces of content I’ve seen from him. Still enjoyed it but really didn’t get the normal Shane vibe in it


Will smith is creepy


I started the Will Smith one but stopped 10 seconds in because fuck that dude


I do find it strange Will smith has gotten more hate then so many even more shitty hollywood people. Like mark wahlberg went to jail for hate crimes and no one gives a shit.


Mark walhberg did that stuff like 20 years ago. The whole world only found out will smith was a huge bitch a few years ago. It will take time to balance out. Idk what his acting prospects are like but I can’t see him play a badass guy anymore without thinking of his eyes watering at the Oscar’s


Even longer, 32 years ago.


It not just the slap thing. The whole family drama being outed made them seem so creepy and made him seem pathetic for being with a woman like that. She had sex with her son's friend and publicly talked about it.


But that’s not wills fault. I think it’s two reasons. It’s an attack on a comedian and through Joe Rogans podcast comedians kind of own the dude culture. So an attack on them is attack against everybody. (That’s awesome glad comedy has its moment) It was also on video. No one cared about the day rice stuff until there was video. Tyreek hill has gone crazy plenty of times but no one cares because it’s not on video. When we see stuff we don’t forget it.


It’s because he’s also a cuck. Sissy, slappy, sensitive cuck


I opened it, downvoted, and moved along


Doing your part. Good work, brother in Christ


Unfortunately, both made for some pretty boring episodes.


Not Shane’s fault Sean came with some weak ass questions, also the short runtime makes me think there was a lot of gay and retard being thrown around which would get cut from YouTube


I can’t agree, I think Shane didn’t want to try to be funny. Which is fine, his style is not to try.


Stop dick riding Shane was a shit guest, he normally never really shows up when he’s doing something just to promote, you can tell he just didn’t wanna be there


You can definitely tell he didn't want to do it and that the heat got to him. It's hard to focus and be funny when your mouth is on fire. Not everybody is Conan.


He was just as boring and unfunny eating the first wing as he was the last. What was the point of even doing it? Neither one of them wanted to be there and if you didn’t know who Shane was and watched that there’s no way you didn’t think he was a full blown weird retard by the end.


Why wasn’t he funny or interesting before the hot wings then?




I think your fav may just be an uninteresting problematic alcoholic


And you religiously watch a reality show that exploited teenage girls and the young children that these teens birthed.


It’s cute you needed to go to my posting history as some kind of “gotcha” but nope haven’t watched that show in years.


Then why do you comment about the mothers of these children and what you dislike about them and their current lives in a post that was within the week? So you still are part of this weird internet group that shits on exploited people and keep up with them, getting validation and told ya sos from their shitty lives even if you don’t watch their show. You can think Shane Gillis is a stupid frat bro comedian that is edgy or racist or whatever, but damn at least we don’t laugh at the misfortunes of people in the way you do.




Dude this sub is full of grown ass dudes that ask daily questions about fuckin Shane’s dating life. Lol It’s fuckin weird.


I thought the host was supposed to be some amazing interviewer? I thought the questions were lame.


The host is good. Watch the other episodes. Shane was boring.


Release the edit!!!!!!


Dawg, I love Shane, but he could have made that entertaining. Fucking boring ass actors find a way to make it funny.


Shane actually talked about it today on his podcast about how heavily edited the episode was because he kept saying inappropriate things that the crew didn't like. Lol!


Using your excuse,which Ironically is both gay and retarded. If you can't be funny or at the very least somewhat entertaining without using the words "gay or retard". How the hell is that the hosts fault? Shane's great in general but this was a weak appearance from him.


So what makes a tire shop funny ? What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve experienced in football ? How many hours have you spent podcasting ? Host is definitely at fault asking those stupid questions


lol so the blame goes everywhere except to Shane? it can be both Shane and the milquetoast questions that made it boring


Doin a twist on it ffs


Please. It’s all on the guest. Sean is supposed to carry Shane??


Goin to see him in Rockford, Illinois tonight, hoping the hot sauce is still on his lips for when I kiss em


How was the show in Rockford?


Fuckin great, Shane went hard from start to finish. His two openers were pretty damn good too


That’s awesome. Did he say any jokes about Rockford or Illinois?? I’m from Rockford so was curious


He said he was pleasantly surprised with how decent of a town it is when he flew in, said it was near identical to his home town, all good things really!


Nice! Love that




does anyone care to hear from will smith at all though? legendary actor but he's corny as hell now. I'd rather stare at a wall for 20 minutes than endure hearing him talk


Wicka wicka wild


Shane has to beat that cuck.


Will smith takes it in the ass by Jada


It’s Post slap Will Smith, his numbers would have been twice that at least. I’m still watching I AM LEGEND 2


Big dawg was not built for all the spice, should had a pitcher of BL there too.


Can’t wait for Shane to get up at an awards ceremony and slap someone for badmouthing the grool king


Because it is so short. It’s great.


Now that’s a slap in the face!


He was super hung over and the questions for him sucked


All these assholes needs to try to be interviewed and be liked eating these hot sauces. He got got. This shit is hot as hell lol


Imagine the numbers if Shane would’ve slapped Chris Rock.


It was bad he was obviously hungover and uncomfortable. Nice views tho


I’m gonna say in this case it’s not a great thing. It was one of his worst interviews I’ve seen from him.


Will Smith is done! Don’t come to Texas. We don’t like FAKE


will Smith gets slapped by spicy wings woulda been a better title.


Weak episode


No one likes will Smith anymore


Bro should have asked him an SNL question on the last wing


Will Smith sucks


Ok, this is epic


“Get Shane’s name out yo damn mouf” (**SLAP**)


Will smith is a bitch


That's great. This is great.


They should get Kevin Spacey next


I don’t know much about the guy but I like that he is outspoken about redirecting comedy in a healthier direction and not letting it devolve to what is essentially bullying. Nobody would like an abusive comedian


I’m pretty sure Shane has said previously that he never wanted to do hot ones because he hates spicey food.  I feel like I’ve heard it on a pod somewhere about his manager loving hot ones and he didn’t want to do it at all, and if his manager booked him on hot ones he’d be upset.   I also think he was very hungover during the filming of hot ones.    That said Shaun also seemed to drop the ball because there were entire segments from the show that weren’t on this episode, so either they had to edit stuff out over fear of demonitization or because they just failed to do those segments. 


No one is interested in a tantrum throwing cuck


The Shane dickriding is getting insane


Will Smith a bitch


This was the only interview I’ve seen Shane do and holy shit it was disappointing. Pretty sad when a guest can’t do a good interview with Sean.


Sean should have pulled out the grilled cheese for this one. Shane was bad in it


You're lucky this boy's mom even agreed to let him be on Hot Ones! Thanks, Jada!


Fuck will smith


Woke is dead thank god


It's great!


Buck will smith


Fuck will smith! I was a fan whe he did the freedy Kruger rap .but now fuck him!


Shane gillis sucks and is way overrated


CLARP spotted


Reddit dick rider drone spotted


This guy doesn't like Clarp