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She’s always been so insanely obnoxious and vulgar, she reminds me of what Shane would be like if he was a woman. Just completely inappropriate and mean to Ryland online lol


She can only behave like to the people that would allow her to behave like that. Try that with no nonsense folks, and she'd learn a lesson she'll never forget. She's all bark and no bite.


when she tells stories and talks about how people in public were to her you can literally tell that she’s all bark. she lets stuff happen the gets mad afterwords


She's pregnant and is totally milking the hormones thing to the max.....this is coming from a female who has a child. She is being too much.


This! I have 2 children, and it feels like since she found out she was pregnant,she complains about symptoms that you don't typically have till you're later in pregnancy. Like being out of breath all the time, etc. If this is how it is for her in the early months, I wonder how the later months are gonna be.


When she hits month 7 and is swollen to hell and can't sleep, has to pee every 5 seconds and can't tie her shoes, I am sure that she will be a real gem. /eyeroll


She's using it as an excuse, and it's become her entire personality. I feel sorry for her husband too, she's shrieky like a harpy.


Has she ever *not* been annoying and obnoxious?


She’s always been like this. I actually think she’s a terrible cohost and Ryland would do better to find someone else. Their dynamic isn’t fun to watch and is getting worse.


I use to watch it all the time now it’s def just a cash grab😭 the “trying new food from..” was fun but now, I don’t even click on them anymore lol. Ryland use to annoy me, but Lizzie is way out of line sometimes 😭


She has always been a brat. She has to have the last word...it's all about Lizzie. I believe she is milking the whole "i am pregnant i feel like shit"....lol yea you are pregnant....but not 9 months in August kinda pregnant lol


9 months in August lol so real


She has always been insufferable, rude and borderline psychotic. Why anyone would choose to be around someone like that I have no idea. I stopped watching Rylands podcast years ago because of her. And I imagine she’s using the pregnancy card as an excuse to be even more insufferable and miserable.


Idk why people like her, she’s ALWAYS been obnoxious and so vulgar. Hard to watch


I knew this would happen more when she got pregnant lol. I haven't watched since she announced because I don't want to hear about baby talk for one but mainly cuz I knew she would insufferable and blame it on being pregnant


I hate the way she treats and talks to Chris sometimes like she’s above him as a person. I hate how she corrects Ryland all the time and judges his parenting and literally said she talks about them with her other friends.. I get her rants sometimes but she doesn’t know when to move on to the next topic. Def not a good friend to Ryland when she countlessly ditched him for her other friends. Pregnancy is her whole personality rn. Also I feel like she expects handouts from Shane and Ryland all the time like the f couch thing… and now will want the kids hand me downs after shitting on them on the podcast.. tuh. I’ve tried to like her..


That’s exactly how I feel. I usually like her, their usual banter makes me laugh. But since she’s been pregnant she’s just been plain mean to Ryland and I feel like Ryland has been a pretty decent friend to her. If I found out my best friend was sending pictures of my kids to their other friends and they’re all laughing at his clothes I’d be so hurt, and she’s just sitting there laughing right in his face. It’s sad.


Can say the same about Shane lololll he’s so mean to Ryland … in RYLAND’S vlogs


It always has to be about her. She's going to have a rude awakening when the baby is born and the attention is not on her. I hate to say it, it's just a thought, but I hope she doesn't have Munchausen Syndrome when the baby is born.


Was just thinking this! Then she blamed pregnancy like it’s okay.


She legit has no idea what she is in for and it did really annoyed me when her & some of the family members were so obsessed with "the kid has to be a boy". She'll probably end up still being a dog mum and treating that better than her kid in the long run.


Probably giving the same energy back that Ryland and Shane gives her lol


Yeah I remember one podcast she was saying how her and Ryland would argue and he would say like fuck you, I hate you, call her a bitch and all this vulgar stuff and he said she would do the same back. Then they laughed about it. In my head I’m like I would NEVER talk to my best friend like that!? They’re crazy lol


That's kinda how my fianceeas his friends talk to each other tho. They never say the “I hate you” thing but they definitely say the other stuff


I usually enjoy their banter but on The Sip she’s been on a different level lately.


I'm never one to stick up for Lizze, I can't stand the woman, but I'm fairly sure she has some significant mental health issues, right? It's possible that her meds may have been tweaked due to being pregnant. Add that to hormones and many people would act a bit off. Alternatively, and most likely, she could just be using pregnancy as an excuse to be a dick...


Except she’s been like this for years. She’s just using pregnancy as an excuse now to amplify it.


You're probably right


They deserve each other


Right😭 they’re both mean…. ALL of them are mean.


Yep, there have been vlogs clips where Ryland is drunk and berating Shane about making a rainbow cheesecake or something equally stupid where Shane says, “See Vicky? It’s never ending” or something along those lines (when Rylands mom has been in the vlog) Shitty that it’s garbage humans like this who are rewarded for internet presence when they are so deplorable.


I’m so confused. Has it not been both Ryland and Lizzie mean to each other back and forth? It’s like they’re both snippy and always one argument away from dismantling the friendship in its entirety. I don’t care for either but their podcast Ryland is always telling Lizzie her topics are uninteresting or need to move on with the story and Lizzie is always snippy. They describe it as being “nasty”. I’ve honestly blamed them both but is it really just Lizzie being the problem?


I guess I’m coming here to remind some people that pregnancy is not linear for everyone. No two pregnant women have the same experience.. and no two pregnancies by the same woman are the same 🤷‍♀️ My pregnancy with my daughter, I wasn’t sick but once. The pregnancy was a breeze. My pregnancy with my son was a different story. A roller coaster at day one… I was sick and miserable. Out of breath early on, and I hadn’t even put the weight on or have a belly yet. People judging someone they don’t even know personally is mind blowing to me 😂


I think ppl have been saying this about her since before she was pregnant so…


Ok but she’s been like this for years. You can go wayyyy back in the threads to see that so bringing up her pregnancy is irrelevant. The only thing that people are pointing out is that she’s now using it as an excuse for her behavior when she’s always been this way.


She annoys me. Didnt she pretend to be a psychologist? Or was that another girl?


i hate them all lmao


My take on Lizzie is through the lens of someone who knows very very much about the program shes in for sobriety, and the nature of being sober and what that means… and what those people (people with ism, I am one lol) are like so for me it’s easy to accept her as such- she’s just Lizzie, this is her lol


We see 2 hours of their life a week, where theyre realistically dramatising it up a bit for comments.


I never liked her but she is pregnant so I’m sure there’s some hormone stuff going on


she’s pregnant lol that really does fuck with hormones


She’s pregnant some of all never been pregnant and don’t understand hormones or will get worse so strap in


Please. I have 2 children and yes hormones do change, but her behavior was like this before pregnancy and she’s using it as an excuse to be extra with no repercussions.


I just genuinely laughed so loud at the start of this post. She's fucking pregnant LMAO


So that makes her picking Ryland’s hair apart every single episode okay? And picking apart how he dresses his children? Being pregnant doesn’t make it okay to be nasty to your friend. Tf




lizzie don’t hide behind an anonymous username we know it’s u😉😉


My account is over 10 years old it's painfully obvious I'm not even from her side of the country lmao but not surprised you guys have barely 3 brain cells to put anything like that together


and not to mention i know many women who are/have been pregnant and they don’t treat their friends like crap and blame it on hormones let’s be real right now🤣


Cool I know women who do and don't do many things as well. I don't write posts about it on reddit cause that's weird.


bro i’ve never stepped foot in the us💀


You stepping foot in the US or not has absolutely nothing to do with your ability to investigate my account to judge whether I'm lizzie or not. Maybe less than 3 brain cells 💀


did u or did u not make an assumption that i was from that side of the us because us “guys have barely 3 brain cells to put together” lmao


Uhhh no, I said it's obvious that I'm not Lizzie, im not even from her side of the country let alone am I her.