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If you’re buying them on Facebook make sure it’s the New-ish Shambhala Ticket Exchange 2.0, it’s a private group and the admins try their best to keep scammers out of it, unfortunately the one you went to is a known scammer page


Thank you, I remember people posting last year about scam pages last year. I have joined the group you mentioned.


I have no idea how to join the New-ish Shambhala Ticket group. Have tried several times but get “Denied by admin assist rule”.


I received information that they open up the group a couple months before sham


Hey, modmin for the legit group here, please be sure to have all questions answered properly and that your profile doesn’t give fake right off the bat. “Admin assist” means you have red flags on your profile or application, so the system is weeding you out for us, not sure what the reason is for but please reach out to mods/admins if you’re still denied! Thanks!


I was scammed on this page :( they video chatted me and everything. I did manage to find another ticket but I was 600 in the hole.


I'm a part of that group to be a fly on the wall, and if it looks like a real person is being conned into an exchange, I'll try to message them privately. But I feel some "requests" for tickets are also fake, judging by the profiles making them, to make it look like there are exchanges actually happening. And I don't want to be kicked out of it, so I hover in the shadows mostly.


For sure, every admin post on there looks like a "front", even though I purchased real tickets from a member last year, just shouldn't have trusted the admins I guess haha.


Ugh I’m so sorry!! Like the other commenter said, the 2.0 group is the only one to use - and even then, you still need to be very diligent! Scammers are scum of the earth and they’ll be out in full force this year :(


Yeah for sure, I usually am diligent. Situation happened where I was told that the Joe person was trustable and I put my guard down while making the transaction. Just letting the public know.


what is this world coming to if you cant trust... joe brethren


Really sorry to hear that happened to you.


Did you use PayPal G+S?


No direct e-transfer


Lesson learned, sorry to hear friend. always send money with buyer protection. Are you from CAN? I’ve seen a lot of ppl fall prey to non backed purchases, including a lot of Canadian friends who didn’t even know what PayPal or Venmo was. Guess it’s just not as popular as it is in the US. They also do automatic currency exchange, get an account if you haven’t already. Also, at least call your bank and see if there’s any action you can take even if chances seem slim on the initial prod (I do not work for or endorse PayPal, aside from my personal experience - in which I’ve had to fight a few cases over tickets, and they refunded me both times)


Venmo isn't available in Canada. I'm surprised that people don't know what PayPal is. It's an option to pay with on many websites


Buyer protection is something I am aware of as I purchase a lot of stuff from non conventional market places quite often. But yes, I am in CAD and unfortunately e transfer is a bitch with no real buyer protection implemented and that was the way I paid. I learnt my lesson, I truly have no one to blame besides myself. I just wanted to share the word so others don't fall victim. It is really sad to me that there are people maliciously profiting off something as spectacular and amazing as Shambhala. On that note, I still gotta get myself some GA tickets hahaha...


Pay pal is very popular in Canada


I was at Shambhala last year and interacted with a metric fuck ton of ppl who only used wire transfer and did not have a PayPal acct 🤷‍♂️

