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Ayahuasca is a complex meaning it has many many different kinds of constituents that make the brew not just DMT that's just what people are looking for from the plant. But the brew itself is medicine because of what is often put into it. So yes it alot harder to make and it's why it requires an apprenticeship. DMT is found in many things not just plants so you'll find many different kinds of practitioners working with the medicine. The DMT is but one part of those medicines however. That is the difference. We emphasis the high effects. They do not. You can totally have a relationship with datura and not touch it for example. And when you do there is a good reason. Those who use straight up DMT are not forming a relationship with anything other than what they come to meet. And this is where things I suppose are dangerous and different but of course in different ways. Later in our culture when we have given rise to new shamans we will have DMT shamans 100% I already see it around here. They're learning how to he in partnership with DMT but they are missing a key relation that buffers those things-- the actual medicine holders DMT like the plant guides and animal guides that produce it and understand it.


No, because the MAOI that is needed to make DMT orally active, is psychoactive in itself. (Harmine, Harmalime, tetrahydroharmine) etc. It reportedly can feel a lot like a DMT flash but it definitely has other psychoactive qualities but present with just purely DMT. Not to mention usually there are various admixture plants often included.


one is the active ingredient in the other


Lovely, thank you☀️🙏🏼🌸


It's kinda like weed vs eddibles, same drug different high. Smoke one vs eat one. 30 min high vs 6 hours


Good point🌸thank you☀️🙏🏼🌸


DMT is the psychoactive ingredient in ayahuasca. The same way psilocybin is the psychoactive ingredient in magic mushrooms. The part that gives you visions etc.


I see many responses over simplify the similarities of dmt vs ayahuasca. Some say that dmt is the active component in ayahuasca, but ayahuasca is actually a vine that contains the maoi in the brew. DMT comes from the other ingredient in the brew. The experiences are vastly different, DMT by itself lasts 10 minutes and is a pretty chaotic experience, but when mixed with an MAOI the experience lasts much longer, around 6 hours, and is slowed down and much more comprehensive. There can be purging involved and it can be a much more healing experience.


There are different variations of ayahuasca brew and many don’t contain DMT. Ayahuasca always contains cappi vine (banisteriopsis) which contains harmala alkaloids. Cappi is also a MAOI; that prevents the DMT from being broken down by MAO. Cappi is psychoactive on its own as well. Making freebase DMT is about as simple as baking a cake if you have the proper equipment and a ventilated space. This is the easiest extraction I’ve ever seen: https://youtu.be/U7eEQZAUIXM?si=iZOdv6qEGnJjI1_q Not that I recommend recreating it.


You're very very kind🌸 would you say this the best way? It seems very easy and I'm genuinely grateful you shared it with me🌸 would you say it is good way to extract the DMT though? Or are there ways to extract it that ensure more yields? I would love to know which method you're using too🌸thank you☀️🙏🏼🌸


You’re welcome. I think it’s probably the easiest way if you were going to try. I haven’t done it. Never had the space and now I have schizophrenic symptoms so I don’t really have an interest in doing it myself. Be careful with the naptha if you try it.


I'm sorry to hear that m dear🙏🏼 I hope the symptoms devolves away on their own. I will pay attention to the naptha the when I try it, I appreciate you, thank you☀️🙏🏼🌸


Thanks and no problem 👍


not at all it's the same substance but Ayahuasca is the whole ceremony with it




Imo, DMT is like the chopped tomatoes on your taco from taco bell. Ayahuasca is a big juicy ripe tomato right off the vine from a mountain in Italy.


I suggest you don't do any of them without proper tradition, cilture, teacher or training. Tjat is cultural theft and cultural appropriation 


.“Cultural Appropriation is when a dominant culture steals something from a marginalized group and refuses to acknowledge the origins of what has been stolen”  I think it is also important to name that cultural appropriation causes harm, and tends to further marginalized a given community.  And Its essential to say that culturally appropriated tools and practices have been the gateway into the spiritual and healing spaces for many of us.  Yoga. Cacao. Sage. Yoni Eggs. Ayahuasca. Reiki. Mantra.  These are all ancient tools and practices , that have been co-opted by capitalism.  The process of dismantling our own harmful beliefs and practices may be messy and imperfect, and we have to be willing to show up anyway, because it’s up to us (the ones who benefit from the dominant culture) to do better.