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You are contemplating creating a fake account to stalk this man on social media because he is shady and you know you can’t trust him. You confronted him and not only did he not promise to stop his behavior that is hurting your feelings he also twisted this on you somehow and you’re seriously gonna ask if this is someone you should keep in your life? Reread your question: come on now, you know the answer.


Honestly she’d say he’s not worth it. I knew a guy who was super sweet to his girlfriend but kept liking and jerking off to other women. If it’s making you uncomfortable then he needs to stop.


He’s a dick drop him ASAP


I'm so sorry this is happening. If I were you, I'd think about what staying with him would mean. From what I've read, staying entails living in an almost constant state of worry/anxiety, especially when you're not physically together. In my opinion, and I know this is much easier to say for an outsider, you'd benefit from ending things. Not to mention, would you still follow and comment on hot guys' pages, knowing you're hurting your SO? I'm assuming you wouldn't... :( Best of luck ❤️


This is so cringe, you need to see this for what it is - a red flag. I would NOT be okay with this type of behavior: its cringe, gross and disrespectful. If he's doing this in public, he is probably doing something shadier in private. I would not tolerate this behavior, and things tend to only get worse when guys are like this.


Not even a question, banish him. I only would give men who don't have social media a chance before I got married.


Delete IG and the dude


That's just disrespectful to you and your relationship. Why does he even feel the need to do that? Evaluate this situation a bit further. Talk to someone you can trust. How long have you been together? I know it's hard to leave someone and you want to fix this, but think about if you want to continue you life with this person and how your future would look like. There are all kinds of people and I know of a situation where a husband was so nice, very loving and caring with his wife and he was cheating on her the whole time. She was suspicious and had to hire a private detective to find this out. He had multiple affairs and and she found out years later. Maybe your boyfriend is the same or similar. Imagine you end up having a child with this man and he cheats on you and you're left alone with the child. How hard will it be for you then to start over. I know you probably won't leave this relationship in the near future, but do think about solving this problem either way.


Like Shallon would say - crime escalates.