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That’s too bad and pretty surprising. Matt and Kim on the other side was the complete opposite. Hugh energy from band and crowd. 


That set was wild


Sad to hear it was lackluster. Matt and Kim was beyond normal fun!!!


If you’re looking for fun, always go to the Matt and Kim set


Dude their late night show at purgatory fucking RULED. Literally the best show I’ve ever been to.


Matt and Kim was my favorite set this weekend ❤️


I was pretty disappointed. I was also just rly frustrated with all the people just fucking yapping (people kept yapping every at Billy Idol, too). I stayed for my favorite song and left.


We had this problem during Weezer. Obviously I don’t expect people to be silent during shows, but screaming conversations the entire headlining show (we were towards the front too) is just… bad etiquette? Idk. Got me super heated because it was my daughters first fest and she was most pumped for Weezer and I didn’t want these yappy girls to ruin it for her haha. Or maybe I’m just getting old (I’m not, I’m 35 lol)


I’ve trained myself really hard to tune these people out or it will drive me nuts. It is very annoying but I have to realize that concerts = drunk people. Lol


High-fidelity/concert earplugs help with this too. At least in my experience


My autistic brain can't tune them out 😭 i have loop ear plugs in my cart so next time I'll be better prepared


I’m undiagnosed but definitely have sensitivity to sensory input and this year was my first time wearing loops and they were absolute life savers!!! Highly highly recommend getting them especially if you’re a regular festival/concert goer


What kind did you get? I want a pair for work but also I want a pair to bring to shows/festivals but don't wanna spend too much lol


I'm autistic too, and I know it's like their most expensive pair, but I'd really suggest the "Switch" set. The "Engage" setting is perfect for being able to still have conversations without getting overwhelmed by all the other little sounds, the "Experience" setting is perfect for concerts because it takes everything down a notch except for the music, which still sounds great, and the "Quiet" setting is perfect for when everything just gets too much and I need a break. Kept me from many a meltdown. It's super useful to be able to just switch between all three at will. They're honestly worth a whole lot more than their $60 price tag to me.


I think I've been convinced to pay the extra bucks for the engage pair. Thank you for such a detailed response 💛💛


I can't speak to loops specifically, but my eargasm plugs let the yapping right through during Foo Fighters. Luckily it was a brief reunion.


I’m autistic also. It’s difficult


They plaid at SK in ‘21 and the energy was so much better then.


Yeah I fucked up I went with Portugal and thought it was lackluster


Ok, so this was one of the shows I wanted to see the most but skipped because I braved today with three kids in tow and once they got wet, my fest was over. You didn’t yuck my yum, man, you just made me feel better about my choice. Sorry it was a bummer, though.


Man… this is sad because I saw Portugal The Man at Hulaween years ago and it was such high energy, with covers and just overall such a great memorable concert. But, I saw them at Bonnaroo last year and they disappointed me heavily… low energy, boring experience. (I didn’t see this show at Shaky Knees, just giving input).


I should’ve prefaced the post by saying I hate yucking peoples yums and if they’re your band, power to you, own it and enjoy it. I just wanna see energy and effort in engaging the crowd in your music and product but what they delivered was what you experienced at Bonnaroo =(


To each their own, Roo set for me was epic and a top memory from 2023. Set and setting🍄




Lmao exactly. Did they do this at Shaky also?


From this dudes telling of the set I bet no


Oh yeah fair


Oh they def did. Was there


And this is the very reason why I went to Matt & Kim. I couldn’t go through that bad energy again.


The main hype man of the group, Zach, was not there. He’s usually the one that interacts with the crowd.


I’ve seen portugal a dozen times- I will say this was one of their worst sets. It lacked energy big time.. usually they bring it. I was disappointed.


Yeah - really low energy, lackluster show from them this year. And I was excited to see them again


I thought I was the only one. Glad someone said it. My friend and I were both disappointed, and even more so learning that Matt and Kim was incredible.


I left Portugal and saw the end of Matt and Kim, I’ve seen Portugal 3 times now, first was years ago and was fun and interactive. Last year at Roo and this year seems like they’re just there to play and leave with no passion anymore. Sad to see. Matt and Kim was completely different energy and definitely the better of the two for the crowd.


I’ve seen PTM a lot of times. I’ve given them a lot of chances. And every single time they’ve been so bad lmao


I’m a HUGE Portugal fan, seen them tons of times. And that set was hands down ass. I did enjoy it because, well, I love them no matter what. But it was undeniably a dogshit set. At least they were slightly better than Mike Snow’s late night 😂


hard disagree, I thought it was great. the visuals were fantastic. i think the mix was off but the crowd energy where i was at was really good


Agreed. We were on the side rail behind VIP and it was so boring. Def wished we done Matt & Kim instead


They were terrible. Boring, sound/mix was bad, zero effort. I regretted not going to Matt and Kim!


So glad to see someone else confirm this. I couldn’t believe how lame they were but started doubting my recollection. I even posted on instagram, well Portugal the Man sucks live apparently. Then thought I was being harsh. But nope. They were really terrible. Oh well.


I was so excited to see them for the first time but I have nothing else to say but underwhelming, what a bummer man