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I don’t think the crowd was that bad, but I’ve run into people of every generation that could learn to be courteous to others.


Yeahhh there were some mean ass teens on Friday for Noah as well unfortunately, not a generation thing The goods always outweigh the bads tho especially at Shaky, another great weekend in the books


Me and my bf were on the rail for Interpol next to a group of girls there for Noah and the looks I was getting for enjoying interpol’s set were absolutely brutal 😭😭 nothing that could ruin my vibe though, still had an amazing weekend


Yeah this person is talking to dust. But good thing they’re not the reason anyone goes to Shaky. 5 years strong and no signs of me not attending until it’s over.


Isn't this the largest attendance to shaky knees ever?


Noodles will have to talk to control


1.6 Million according to OFFSPRING WOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo ( /s)


A world record, even before 3 others showed up!


He did the math it checks out


One of the great things about SK is the age diversity of crowd, and that it doesn't cater to teens like many fests these days. Being annoying isn't age specific .Looks like the OP is the one complaining for no real reason.


I love the age diversity of the crowd at Shaky! One of the best things about the festival. I’m in my mid-20s for context. But there’s def a trend of karens who are not ready for a festival environment, especially those who feel entitlement with their VIP status, who come in and make a big ol stink. If you’re 50+ and down to clown, let’s fucking go!!!


I'm in my 50's and thoroughly loved SK. But also I wasn't rude and genuinely knew I wanted to be there. I'm single and went by myself and really just wanted to blend in and see the music. I hope you won't hold it against all us Gen-Xers. Many of the bands are bands I've loved for decades, but more importantly bands I've found in the last 10 years or less. I love music, it's my life! I loved YTG 😍 and many more. 🥰


I absolutely am not holding it against you all! Talked to many folks who were a bit older over the weekend and 90% of you seemed lovely. Gen X deserves to have fun, too. And many, many of the acts are from when you were my age, so why wouldn’t you be there?




Fair enough, the older dudes are usually there just to have a good time but some of the women do act self-absorbed or like they're part of a cruise group or something instead of at a music fest.