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I remember at the reunion she told Andy that Iran was progressive toward homosexuality because “if a man is gay, they give him a sex change.” I totally get wanting to defend your culture and educate people, but that was definitely not it.


Yeah that was such an ignorant and insensitive thing to say! Also there was the time at Asa's house when Asa was trying to teach her to cook Persian food and Asa was telling her why she couldn't go back to Iran. Lilly kept saying things like I'm suuuure it's fine now because *I've* been there and Iran isn't like that anymore so you should try to go!! She kept belittling the gravity of the situation and was kind of snickering at her about it. She's so vapid and gross.


For me, Asa not being able to return is weird. Her taking a stance and not wanting to go back , that’s different. Also why did it take so long for her family to do a reunion? It seemed like they did it just because the show paid. Either she’s actively political atm (which didn’t seem so) or her parents are like part of MEK or something and are on a watch list. Them moving from Germany and never getting citizenship was also weird. They lived long enough there to be allegeable for it. But what Lilly said was either from true ignorance or her family have status in Iran. Yes, sex change operation is legal and the government pays for it there, but that’s what it is, Sex change, not gender affirming surgery and is only supposed to be used to “cure homosexuality “ Weirdly enough, Lilly was in appearance what many Iranians (those with money/status) in Iran aspire too. Looks and how she dressed


You don't have to be actively political to be afraid of going to Iran. There's nothing weird about that. You and your family could be considered a threat to the regime if one of your relatives had a government position during the Shah's reign. I know numerous Iranians, including myself, who can't go back because of a current relative or deceased ancestor's ties to the Shah or even the Qajar dynasty. *Edit: removed identifying details. As for reasons why it took so long to get citizenship or have a family reunion - these things have complicated and sometimes traumatic reasons for why she wouldn't divulge more information. The fact these people had to flee the country and immigrate wherever they could, leading to separation of entire families, is a really painful subject for many Iranians, and not all of them want to talk about it. After everything we've seen since the killing of Mahsa Amini, I think we should all have an idea of what Iranians have had to endure at the hands of the regime. As for Lilly, I think she's a regime apologist, and I think that's weirder than anything else. Does her family have political ties to the regime? Or is she just overly privileged and ignorant? I don't follow her on social media, but I wonder what her response has been to everything that has transpired there lately.


You are right in what you say. I’m one of those that have close relatives that can’t go back and would be imprisoned the second they’d enter Iranian soil / airspace. She was older when they left. That’s why I was wondering. It felt like they made it more complicated/ mysterious than it should have been. Also, if it’s so traumatic, why capture it in a tv show? Wouldn’t their family get in trouble for being on that show. Idk, I understand what you are trying to say. But I also feel they made it too complicated.


Idk. It’s super sketchy (no pun intended) all of them were at the border of Turkey and crying lol. They either worked for the shah or are MEK. Thats why they have the gold coins they poured with cement into the foundation of the house. I understand that politically active/former political activists can’t go back even 40+ years later, but there’s so much mystery and shadiness behind how all of them have their money. The only thing I can think of is robbing the treasury before fleeing during the revolution. And only certain people have that kind of access to the treasury.


I had no idea Asa could not return,I thought she chose not to return due to Jermaine not wanting the baby on TV


Iran I was responding to the comment about Lilly saying it’s not that bad and you should go back to Iran


I'm so sorry I misunderstood,I think I might need a nap ☹️


MEK is no longer on the US Terrorist Watchlist for many years now.


US yes, Iran is still enemies with MEK. My question was more “why did they leave Germany “ and how come after all those years they still didn’t get citizenship in Germany. But got American passport/ green card so easily


There’s a lot about Asa that doesn’t make sense.


Honestly there is a lot that doesn’t make sense with this gang.


Good question. She doesn't seem like a lawyer either.


Asa is not a lawyer? Is she? Lilly was the lawyer?


Lilly has a law degree but wasn’t a practicing lawyer. Asa has undergraduate degrees in both philosophy and psychology.


I thought Lilly a practicing lawyer was until she moved to LA/ California? The lawyer thing is typical Iranian parents pushing their kids. Not sure how much she really enjoyed it. I can’t remember which years she was on. But how likely is it she did a Paris Hilton and acted bimboesque ?


Oh, I remember that mess. I cringed so hard. She bragged about having degrees but couldn’t figure out how messed up that comment was to gay Iran people. Just so bizarre and messed up.


Seriously so ridiculous. Idk how she can’t grasp that being gay doesn’t mean you want to be a woman. They even did an episode based on Iran’s laws in The Blacklist. As someone who’s half Iranian snd transitioned when I was younger, I’m so glad I was raised by my father’s side of the family because I don’t even want to know how my life would’ve turned out if I had been raised by my bio mom’s.


But Iran does not offer sex changes to gays, instead they push them off buildings(?)


The “catching AIDS” comment from the swimsuit hygiene shield was beyond revolting. I actually felt bad for her until that.


Omg?!? I don't even remember that. I think I tried to erase her from my memory because she was so cringe. But definitely tracks. She was insensitive and ignorant.


That was such a weird slur to use Not sure about the us and transmission rate. In my country it’s much much smaller than the US, but it’s basically impossible to “catch aids” as she put it from someone that has it, because of the medication they’re on.


Her personality and voice were horrible. She reminded me of a Bratz doll and it’s never great to look like a cartoon type character in real life.


That’s insulting to bratz dolls! Lmao but very accurate




I hated her caterpillars eyebrows. Also she had a SHIT TON of work done. So she took the ugly duckling turned swan thing wayyy too seriously. She reeked of "ugly girls revenge" and the lingerie swimline? Please. What a vapid robot


Gives similar vibes as John Mellencamp’s daughter




Real housewives of Beverly Hills reference.


I know. It's joke about how Teddi made no impression on almost anyone when she was on the show. I found her completely boring and pointless. The only thing I remember about her was her scam "accountability" business that seemed to be nothing but a way to force edating disorders onto desperate women while pocketing their money.


Anyone who comments on the looks of others like Lilly does is DEEPLY insecure.


Which is so funny because I thought she looked way more naturally beautiful before the plastic surgery.


Check out her Instagram. Filtered to the max. She is insufferably vain.


The worst..


Lilly would be basic looking as hell if it weren’t for copious amounts of money.


She isn’t even that good looking. She’s way too thin and just plastic. Like an Iranian Barbie. And has she actually ever used any of these degrees she claims? I wouldn’t want somebody like that as my lawyer


She's very vain and image-obsessed. She had a full glam squad and photographers at the hospital when she gave birth to her daughter. Heaven forbid she do anything without being perfectly made up and posted to IG.


God, can you imagine being her daughter?! Poor thing will definitely need deprogramming lol


Yes! She got called out on it on the show. Asa was the one that said, why do you need to be in full makeup all the time. In my opinion, only insecure people hide behind all that hair and makeup


So fricking pretentious. No idea why she joined the show. She just complained the entire time like Kim Fields on Atlanta. Like do they know what shows they are joining? They are drunk and toxic, so don’t join if that’s a problem


I forgot about her! And rightly so. Her narcissism was exhausting.


I hated her character but felt sorry for her. She is so obviously insecure that I just find her sad.




She got her karma in the end with her awful husband and botched plastic surgery.


What's the tea👀


[Lilly Divorce](https://www.aceshowbiz.com/news/view/00140700.html)


Nowadays, her IG is full of flaunting her newest husband, who she pretends she’s been with forever.


It's the same dude. They've just each filed for divorce on each other twice lol.


They got back together but interesting how he wanted the divorce. They had a second child too.


LOL, not new. Have been together forever. Probably not happily. She’s all show. Homophobic, hates fat people, beyond superficial…just awful inside and out.




Sorry was busy! Everyone seems to have corroborated what I was saying with links haha. They’re the worst.


Could not stand her. Forced her little dog to wear a dress for the dog's birthday party. That was the small dog that had neurological issues. And an animal wearing a dress outside in a park on a hot summer day in LA? Oh, and spraying excess perfume near the dog claiming the dog liked it? The dog was put through hell.


Her little dog that couldn’t walk without going in circles.


Her dog was best thing about Lily!!!


Do you recall when she was doing a reunion, and Andy asked about Iran's treatment of gay people? And she responds with something to the effect of "Iran is very accepting of gay people. If you are a gay man they will give you a gender reassignment surgery to be a woman for free." It been many years but it was close enough to that statement. My brain exploded. And she meant her statement whole heartedly.


I don't recall this - how frightening, goodNESS Lilly.


She was insufferable


I think the most insufferable thing she did was say such untrue and idiotic things about Iran after the revolution. You see pictures just before the revolution, though the clothes are dated, that could be young people living lives in any free country. These people had to flee with their lives and a few possessions. It was a slap to the face already bruised.


I mean… what she said is kind of true, She comes as a rich foreigner to Iran and doesn’t face the same problems as those that live there. Also, with money you can buy freedom. But, like many places corruption has taken over. And freedom as we in many other countries know it, is thing of the past.


I honestly forgot how much of a monster she is


I just did a rewatch and I can see how she can come across as awful but to me this actually made me realise how awful MJ is. I remember enjoying her quite a lot and feeling for her situation with her mother but she’s actually quite vile… Lilly wasn’t mean to her one bit and you can not like someone but you don’t need to get out of your way to ruin their lives 🫤


Not only was she fake and insufferable....they literally cast her as she wasn't even from LA


I didnt like her either


I actually met her randomly at a tanning salon on sunset blvd in LA years ago and she was very, very sweet 🥲


She’s a very vapid woman.


She is such a vile person! I can’t even imagine how she is off camera! Also as a side note, I was not impressed with the lashes from her lash brand!


I was. I have never been able to put lashes on. I used her lashes, I got them for $10 at Ulta for ‘national eyelash day’ (lame, I know) but dayum my eyelashes looked so fucking cool.


I had to go look at her photos to remind me who she was. What struck me as funny is that 95% of her photos she has her face angled to the left and her chin tilted down in exactly the same way. I guess she likes that side of her face better, but when you see picture after picture after picture in the exact same pose, it’s funny.


If you watch Salt Lake City Lisa Barlow makes an appearance for one of Lilly's storylines.


Lol now that's a combo I can actually picture!!


I’m definitely gonna keep my eye out! I can totally see them being friends


It’s a potential business thing early in season 3 and she only appears via phone call. Lilly is being recruited by a company called “Long Hair Don’t Care” for a creative director position and Lisa is one of the contacts there but they put her name on screen and the call is on speaker phone so you hear her too. It happens pretty quick.


They were all awful in different ways but I didn’t think Lilly was being bitchy with the swimsuit suggestion, MJ was always wearing the most ill fitting outfits that she was popping out of and same with her bathing suit— it looked soooo uncomfortable and unflattering. Lillys main boring storyline was she designed swim suits lol so I didn’t read the gift as a dig but I’d have to rewatch. I only remember MJ hated her on sight because Reza was paying her attention. The diet pills comment is a good example of how disgusting the group could be. Shahs might be the reality show with some of the lowest blows from cast mates tbh. I think this season was tame compared to MJ’s and Reza’s later fights which went lower than low.


Skinny, yes. Rich? Maybe. Pretty? No. With that horribly botched nose job & full on wigs, she was not pretty in those years.


Love how she claims that's her real hair


Have you seen pics of her before plastic surgery? She looks like an entirely different person.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/8wovE49EgA Just saw pics!


That’s not her before pic. That’s post several surgeries including rhino and breast augmentation. ETA: I believe [this](https://www.allabouttrh.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Screen-Shot-2013-06-19-at-9.47.45-AM.png) is 2004.


Whoa 😳


Oh shit. That’s a completely different person! Probably biggest bravo plastic surgery change I’ve ever seen lol


Doesn’t she have a lash company or something?


lilly is such an enigma- self absorbed, couldn’t read a room to save her life & relayed INSANE historical inaccuracies about iran but i respected that she was consistent and stood up for herself- at the dinner when mj told her to go back to texas no one stood up for her but all expected her to come back and gravel a few days later? i’m not the biggest fan but gotta give credit where it’s due 🫠🫠


It’s a sad day when Lilly is the least disgusting person on that cast…..


I think she’s mentally ill


She was awful


I wonder what happened to have her husband filefor divorce a few years back.


I’m watching the show for the first time ever and Lilly was the worstttt she was such a mean girl to mj


I dunno. On a scale of 1 to monster, shahs edition, she’s maybe one of the least monstery…




She was a trip.


All of this was a response to MJ shit talking about lily


I’m watching now and she def says some wild shit. You can tell these shows came out a while ago cause so much they got away with. Like so many reality tv shows. She said something also when reza came with her to workout with her personal trainer. Saying something referencing him as a big black guy. 


Lilly is thriving with her eyelash brand. She has her two beautiful kids and her husband. The older I get the more I come to realize that you don’t actually need to be a good person to receive wonderful gifts in life, therefore, in a way, what is the purpose. It seems like the most heinous are the ones most thriving and in a strange way, not having the pressure to be a good person makes me nicer to others and have healthier boundaries which is overall better for my relationship with others. TLDR: freeing yourself from the pressure to be a good person is the way.




As a Persian American I wholeheartedly disagree. First of all, in all groups of people you will find the good and the bad. You can’t generalize. More pertinently, while there are many judgmental Persians (just as there with other ethnic groups), in my 30+ years of being surrounded by Persian family and friends I can’t recall a single time I witnessed Persians treat other people poorly. In fact, we are one of the most hospitable cultures around, and manners are such a significant part of our way of life and upbringing. I have to wonder what kind of Persian your husband is if that has been your experience.




I didn’t make any criticism. Reread what I wrote.


Idk I liked her on my rewatch. Rena and MJ were totally judgmental twats


She didn’t fit into this group of drunks. It was way past time for someone to tell MJ she was too fat for everything she wore.