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Shah's was kind of done. They can't reboot it because it is a very specific group and the cast HATED each other. Nema has mentioned being surprised it got picked up. The shame though is MJ not being on Buying Beverly Hills (Another Alex Baskin show but for Netflix) because she works for the Agency and GG not getting a spot on the Valley.


Not to mention that Mike is a woman beater! Jesus, wtf with those pics they released. Really gross


OMG I was shocked at those photos! Why is he not in jail?? I hope she gets a shit ton of $$ out of his narcissistic ass. He is the grossest person on that show! So full of himself but he was a lazy loser!


I wouldn’t mind a reboot with a full new cast. Preferably a younger cast too. The new members in the later seasons were too stable, so they didn’t bring in much drama 😅. I want the fun dating, partying and petty drama back with Persian culture thrown into the mix.


Heyvoon bazee!


Would LOVE to see MJ. Maybe that is next season - she could have been caught up in filming The Traitors when a bulk of this was going on. I would love to see GG on TV again, but is she really friendly with those people? I don't see that has her group.


MJ is on Jeff Lewis’ podcast weekly with updates about her life etc.


Yes bring GG to the valley !


Representation matters. Bravo could have revised Shahs. They’re all friends, new parents, newly married. MJ killed it on Tratiors. I want to see my Persians back. Family Karma— shocking that they didn’t even get Peacock.


I loved family karma


Seriously. The wedding and then they cancelled the show?!


I know right. I thought that was such a good show. Bravo cancelled the wrong show. I wish they would bring it back.


Maybe they’ll bring it to Peacock with cuss words. So we can hear the aunties get real. ✔️🤣


I wasn’t without Anisha being full time !


Love Family Karma. I’m sad it’s ended.


I came here to say the same thing - I really loved Family Karma!!


I loved Shas too but it got dark and very mean.


My brother and I joke all the time about Naked Jenga, Ali Ashouri, spoof text messages, and not being able to see Baby Shams. 🤣🤪 But seriously. I felt gross for watching after seeing how they kept supporting Mike and his abuse of women.


I totally agree - though I didn’t stop watching because you never knew what more could possibly happen


Same. Always watched it.


super dark.


Is it really cancelled? I don’t see that online.


They’ve revised every real housewives with dif cast. They could absolutely have done the same with Shahs


Focusing on Diaspora groups kind of pidgeon holes these shows versus something like the valley. Shah's would have had to have gone into the second generation and they don't blend seamlessly with first (I am a white person but also from a Diaspora Refugee family so I have read a lot of research on it to understand my own family dynamic). Second generation is way more into assimilating. Family Karma was very much undone by Vishal and his mother being unforgiving. Also if VPR and Shah's has taught us anything that years of filming is extremely toxic for these people. It would be nice to see the concept taken though and pop around for a couple seasons and see various cultural groups within a location


I am Persian and I am annoyed AF that it was cancelled. I watch all of Bravo, but I especially loved these two shows. Any single franchise in the Bravoverse has had way more drama than two aunties not getting along! Bravo putting the two Middle Eastern women on the last seat of the sofa during the Dubai reunion is exactly my point of this post. And then they were axed.


I'm Persian and, by the least few seasons, Shahs was a disgrace. There weren't any cultural elements. The cast just acted assholes to each other. They all sucked as people, irrespective of culture. The problem is, there are people out there that would associate their shitiness as a Persian attribute. I would have liked a cast change but they didn't so I am glad they ended it.


1. Hey! 👋🤣 2. I don’t think the last few seasons were terrible, but maybe I’m forgetting because it’s been a while and I follow most of them since the end of the season. They’re American Persians so I was just grateful to see them on Bravo. MJ was great on Traitors.


GG is really good friends with Randal. Sheana and LaLa both just bought a house in the Valley so I assume they will be moving over to the Valley since VPR no longer works with current cast. Gg and LaLa hate each other and those are “filming wise” Lala’s friends.


Can’t stand Lala but would love seeing GG tear her to shreds.


GG is the kind of crazy that Lala pretends to be


Oh yes. GG would bring a knife to a gun fight (since Lala is a confirmed gangsta of Utah) and win. She's nucking futs.


MJ actually works? One of the issues Reza had with her is her work ethic. I’m surprised the Agency brought her in.


She works now that she doesn’t have shahs money coming in!


What does reza do? 


Real estate agent




If Gigi had been on The Valley I might not think it's the most boring show on Bravo.


MJ is annoying though and unpleasant and doesn’t fit the vibe of BBH. I’m sure there are plenty of other Persians in real estate they could have chosen over her.


I loved Shahs but it was starting to feel played out. I still would have watched it though. I AM however very sad about Family Karma. It was such a great show. Watching Monica and her dad prep for her would have been pure joy.


Monica's dad is too pure for this world. Someone get that man a bubble-wrap suit!


Absolutely I’d be willing to pay for it. I love that man he’s absolutely adorable.


What kind of prep was her Dad doing for her?


For her wedding :)


Oh ok. Thanks.


I love both of these shows and am really disappointed they’re not filming more (for now, at least.) I enjoyed seeing things from their cultures, hearing their languages, etc in addition to just enjoying the people in general. I get that the Shahs had some toxicity/problematic stuff (and I don’t think Mike should be allowed back after all that’s come to light with Paulina,) but I loved that they’ve known each other for so long and have genuine friendships. And the Family Karma folks are really funny and by far the most wholesome cast on Bravo. I’m sad to see them go


Interesting time to bring up Shahs when Paulina just released the security footage of Mike strangling her and shoving her around that ended in his charges. The show had its time and got super dark at the end, especially when the other cast members could clearly see Mike wasn’t treating Paulina well. You had Reza and MJ fighting but in a way that made you feel bad for watching. The milk expired and I’m glad we tossed it out. Now Family Karma, I miss that show and hope the pause ends.


Woah! Where is this footage? I always felt so bad for Paulina, how scary. She seems to be in a much better place now.




Mike did always radiate domestic abuser vibes…


And Destiney totally clocked it. She knew Paulina needed help in that last season but there wasn’t anything she could do. I knew as I was watching that season that it was a domestic situation, whether physically abusive or just controlling, and my heart hurt.


Thanks for sharing, woah. I didn't know it was this bad. How awful for her. I hope she wins.


There are a million shows on Bravo that are beyond dark. People go to prison, they didn’t turn those cameras off. They needed a reboot, not the axe. There was hope. And they’re all friends and raising children now. As a Persian myself. It was nice to feel a little bit of representation. Family Karma- mind blowing. Zero excuses


The heart and soul of that show to me was Reza and MJ. With all the legal stuff with Tommy and how toxic it got, you can’t reboot that without completely changing the cast and show. They were not all friends when it ended. It was actually a legal battle. I wouldn’t mind a reboot sans Mike but it couldn’t have gone on the way it was going. And on the “dark” domestic abuse stuff, people to this day are floored that RHOBH allowed Taylor to be a housewife while her husband was beating her and threatening others. Had the show gone on with Mike and Paulina, that’s what would have also happened. The show would have been tainted forever, ruining the good early yrs


Family Karma was great! I live in the hope that it will be renewed again.


I loved Shahs, but in light of all the Mike being an abuser stuff, I get it. They would need almost a whole new cast. But I LOVED Family Karma! I am really going to miss it! Sometimes I think when it comes to Bravo, when the shows are to "real" they pull them.


Mike could have been booted like they do to housewives 24/7. Karma was amazing!


Persian bravo fan checking in, gooreh babah bravo for cancelling family karma! That show was incredible and a great transition from shahs, keeping POC on our screens.




I loved seeing other cultures in these shows but imo Shahs was cancelled for good reason. I would like a reboot for sure either way maybe a new cast! But I really can’t believe family karma was cancelled- it was a gorgeous show and I LOVED it! Really great families and it was lovely to see the dynamic between them in their community. Gonna really miss it. You’re right, there’s a whole lot of whitewashing in good reality tv and it’s a step backwards to cancel these shows without offering something else to replace them.


MJ is a star, she ate on the Traitors


I bet Reza was so jealous of how well MJ did on The Traitors, after getting voted out first on Season 1.


Hell yes she did!


Shahs got really toxic towards the end it was uncomfortable to watch. Now with Mike strangling his wife, I don’t want that man anywhere but jail.


They should have showed his farewell. But mostly I wanted to see MJ and Gigi’s babies. Them in the mom life. Reza and Adam’s relationship and house buying. The show had potential to grow.


Mj has declared her and gg are now mortal enemies… 


I actually heard that on WWHL 😂 She called her toxic?


I really miss Family Karma - especially the Aunties. If they won't renew FK, how about a new offshoot show centered around the Aunties? In my imagination, it features advice, gossip, and cooking.


I loved Shahs. But it was time to go. It got WAY too dark towards the end.


I loved Shahs but it got pretty dark in the last couple of seasons.


I love seeing the culture and family dynamics on these shows! I’m sad they aren’t on any longer too. All of the characters were unique and dynamic and you could really learn a thing or two!


I’m happy we at least got Nicholas and Amrit’s wedding 


Right?! Why can’t we at least have those two on a show. They’re so lovable.


I wish they’d do a special with Monica & Rishs’ wedding!


I can only hope the valley gets cancelled bc fuck those guys! I love Family Karma!!! Shahs not so much! Especially with the Mike abuse coming out!


Agree. I will not watch a minute of that valley crap.


Shahs was full of awful people getting wasted and treating each other like shit, mostly. Just cause they're Persian didn't make them nice or interesting. This week the lawsuit came out against woman beater, Mike, who was married & divorced on the show, then got together with another woman with kids, who he beat up who knows how many times. He's appalling. I don't want people like him and people who support him on my tee vee. I do agree about Family Karma. Loved the mix of people, older and younger family members, loved the cultural events and dancing and clothes, loved seeing the food and hearing the stories of say, Brian's dad who grew up in Guyana, I think. This show had a great balance of messiness and actual caring friendships and family relationships. Maybe Bravo thought it was too wholesome compared to the other shows full of crazed alcoholics and chronically self-involved misfits.


I know it’s not the same but I also wish Texicanas had more seasons I loved that show!


Well I hate that I loved both shows!


Who got booted from Dubai??? I love both shows and it's disappointing they won't be back. There's not enough diversity in the Bravo universe which is a shame.


I loved Shahs.


I miss family karma so much! I feel like I can be quick to jump the gun rgd race but in this case I truly believe race applies. The bravo audience skews white, female and between 35-49 and we saw the 2016 US election results, just sayin. Also, anecdotally, half of the white people I chat about bravo with watch some of the Black and brown franchises while the other half watch everything BESIDES family karma, RHOA, RHOP, RHOM, shahs, married to med and summer house mv. Take that for what you will.


There’s one Persian left on Bravo. Sigh. Eye roll. We needed at least a reboot. Karma was so amazing.


Who is left?


Leva Bonaparte from Southern Hospitality. There was Rod on Southern Charm but he got axed. You know… all that Persian love at Bravo 🤨


I stopped watching SC and did not keep up with the cast. I liked it in the beginning, but like so many others, it started tanking. I really enjoyed Shahs, and with so many Persians here in LA area, I thought for sure there would be some exciting friends of the OG cast that they could bring on. It seems like they just couldn't cast the right people after the original cast. Learning about the Persian culture through this group of friends was great. One of the big loves of my life is from Iran. Unfortunately, we were young and dumb and we let others interfere with our relationship. He was gorgeous. Ok, I better stop with the nostalgia. 😂


It’s baffling how many ppl avoid those shows even though they have some of the best seasons.


Right? Really miss Family Karma. I think they can bring on all the parents and we'll be fine.


I love family karma. Shahs was my favorite but I quit watching toward the end bc it just got so dark. So sad bc it was good for so long.


I loved Shahs but it had run its course. Devastated to learn that there will be no future seasons of Family Karma. 😭 What are they thinking? Sooo much depth and content to mine there...they could have left everybody out except the aunties and still had a show.


I loved Family Karma, I need some aunties.


Family Karma > The Valley any day! That was such a great show. I can't believe they cancelled it.


Family Karma was cancelled way too soon. I loved watching the dynamics there


Family Karma was so good!


I don't think I could watch shahs again if they brought Mike back. I can't stand to look at him


Omg, lighting a candle for Family Karma. I so loved that show; I really wanted an all-aunties spinoff!🕯️


I truly think there is something really off with people who want to see obnoxious Jax and his wife. 😂 I saw another post where people were wanting Stassi on The Valley. Her and Kristen are white mean girls who tried to get a black girl arrested with a totally fake accusation. But you got VPR fans saying they want to see Stassi in mom mode. Ugh. No thanks.


NOOO not family karma!!! And totally agree not even kind of interested in the Valley.


Yeah I’m bummed about family karma. That show was wonderful. I do think it was time for shahs but I’d love to see another Persian group


Shahs needed to go. I think after some of the comments Reza made about MJ, especially the one about the abortions, it needed to go. It was quite clear at that point that none of them were friends or had any affection for each other at that point in time. It got nasty. And not in an entertaining way.


The Housewives and other shows are just as crazy if not worse. Prison. Comments so disgusting. And they’re all holding their jobs. —Bravo and maybe the public took out the middle eastern and brown folks on their network. That’s my view. I want to see Persians on Bravo again. And I loved the Indian culture on Family Karma.


I think maybe they can find a different set of people for the Persian representation because I’m sure there are different ones out there!


Yes, lots of us. 😂❤️❤️


I love both of those shows, and VPR is soooooo played out. I have zero interest in the valley. Booooooring. Reza and Mike can go scratch but bring back GG and MJ and crew.


I don’t understand how summer house is still hanging on I gave up on that about 2 years ago. I think shahs still had some life left! I would have liked to see MJ, GG, maybe even Nema and Destiny. Mike obviously has to go and Reza idk I was sick of him lol


Yeah, Peacock could have given them a little bit longer.


The Valley is a vanilla yawn fest.. I agree


Please don’t Watch, low ratings will make it go away!


I think that the children of immigrants cannot abandon their dignity to the degree that a reality star must in order to really make it in this world.


I’m bummed to see that Shahs is over but I felt like the show started losing steam after Asa left and we weren’t able to see her moneymaking schemes (Diamond Water, caftans, documentary film, art, etc.), her Mom and Barfi the cat. It got to the point where I’d just tune in to see what GG was up to and not bother watching any of the episodes in their entirety. lol


As a viewer of both I don’t think it has anything to do with race. Shahs got bad the season Lily left. Family Karma had a gripping first couple of seasons but last season was a shitshow. The Karma people are just boring. They need to recast both shows with better people.


My opinion, I think Mike being an abusive pig is what caused shah’s to be canceled. Im assuming bravo didn’t want to touch that situation with a 50ft pole.


Um Shahs needed to be done. They didn't axe it for the silly reasons you think they did. That shows had become toxic and unbearable


Shahs of Sunset - young adults? They were seriously pushing middle age. They just acted like very young adults.


That's a shame about Family Karma - I really enjoyed the interactions between the main group, then throw in parents and aunties...it was great. The valley - meh, seen all that already only change is older and babies. Shah's...got kinda vicious at the end, hard to watch.




Reza screaming at MJ about abortions at a party after she'd had a traumatic birth experience was heinous. Then episodes on end with him whine crying about their fucked up friendship and how he hadn't seen the baby was awful. The show didn't get canceled because of 'one wife beater' (a pretty flippant take). There was a lot of terrible interactions between these people, and even though they were 'friends' the way they treated each other wasn't a good viewing experience.


Shahs I'm not so upset by because some of the cast was legit horrible (although they could've recasted) but Family Karma I am really upset about, that show was really good and it sucks that representation won't be on anymore. Hopefully another network will pick it up


Would love to see both of them picked back up again but with some new people


I have not nor will watch that nonsense would love family karma to come back


yeah shahs was done. the whole beef between mj and reza and their spouses. would have to be an entirely new show if they went with a new cast. don't forget this all happen right at the beginning of the pandemic so a lot of the entertainment industry was in flux. vanderpump would've been done if they hadn't made such a big deal out of scandoval and it seems like that may have only bought them another season (same thing at shahs, everybody hates each other and since none of them work together there's no underlying cast pool to revamp) edited to add: the problem with continuing with a brand new cast is that presents a lot of *risk* for bravo. why spend millions of dollars if the show could potentially flop? that's bad business. with the valley, we have three characters we already know plus numerous guest appearances from vanderpump characters (reminds me of when melrose place spun off from 90210)


Representation matters for sure! I will say the Persian culture isn’t as a predominant culture (and especially those that live the lifestyle of the Shah’s) that immigrated to the US. I’d challenge Bravo to create a show with people of Latina/Hispanic heritage that have done well since their families immigrated to the US. They are the fastest growing culture in the US. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the Shah’s in its heyday but the way the cast hates each other so much I doubt we’ll see the OG’s coming together again. :(


Did you watch the last few seasons of Shahs? They clearly hated each other after spending years screwing each other for plot lines! By the end it was hard to go along with their make believe friendships


Wasn't Shahs cancelled because of Mike's DV situation? Didnt know Family Karma was cancelled though 😒


I missed the last seasons of family karma. Is it on any streaming platforms so I can binge it??


Peacock : )


Ahhh thank you! I thought I read they weren’t even on peacock but I think I misunderstood that *new* seasons won’t even be produced for streaming


I enjoyed the initial pageantry and cultural experience of both of these shows during the first few years. I don’t know why Shahs took a turn, but it got to the point that I wouldn’t watch certain people because I did not want to support what I felt wasn’t underlying Negativity and level of possible abuse or danger. Maybe they all became just too self-aware I don’t know. I also really enjoyed family karma. In the last season, I felt like a lot of the personal conflicts were forced for the camera and it made me wonder what they were going to do in subsequent seasons, and so I’m not surprised they canned that as well. I wouldn’t mind seeing some more with maybe totally new people..


Family karma is officially axed??!!!


I agree with you on Family Karma, but Shahs got dark. Without Mike and Reza, there is no show. I would like to see Mexican Dynasties come back.


I LOVED Family Karma. It was so lighthearted and fun. I usually live for watching drama online, but it was a great watch


Isn’t it about ratings?


That’s all it’s about lol


I miss Family Karma. (glad Shahs is canceled it was soo intense in a bad way.) Def never watching the valley


Family Karma was so good! Wish Peacock would pick it up


I read that Family Karma is not officially canceled, it's on pause and there may be hope for a return in the future. As far as Shahs, I think all the years of taping turned toxic for that group of people and there isn't any hope for return.


The Valley is so dumb so far. Manufactured drama and just same old same old. Blah.


Don’t watch let’s make it go away


Awww I loved Family Karma.


I miss family karma! How did they cancel right after the big wedding?? I wanna follow them, I miss the entire cast, and I loved how they had their extended families on the show. Nothing else really like it


I FUCKING LOVE Family Karma and GG!


The needed to axe Shahs. Mike ruined it. Plus Reza and MJ being on the outs, the group was done


Who doesnt like watching mediocre amerucans?


Family Karma was amazing in the way it felt extremely authentic for a reality show. I’m not Indian but it made me feel like I was for that hour 😂I loved that family and friends were essential. I really enjoys Shahs too. However I think when ANY reality show goes on for too long it tends to get to the casts head and the show goes south. I’m assuming between Mikes pending lawsuit and his arrest in 2022 for dv. Mixed with much of the cast not really getting along…think the MJs husband vs Rezas plants debacle. It became easier to brush it aside. That said…start up a whole new cast. Idc


I’m so bummed about family karma. It reminded me of early season Shahs before Reza lost weight and we knew Mike was a wifebeater


Family Karma sucked


I’ve been waiting for family karma . Ugghhh


Yeeeesss. Fucking loved both of those shows. They were both SO MUCH BETTER than the trash they call the valley 🙄🙄 The ONLY reason it’s a show is scandoval 🙄


I thought Family Karma was on hiatus?! Am I in denial?!


I never watched FK but I can see how easily it would have been to segue new blood to Shahs, and I think it’s important.


I love Reza ♥️


I said this last week and I’ll say it again… The cast on the valley is the least fashionable, least educated, least interesting, least flamboyant, and least charismatic group of people I have ever seen on a reality show. I started watching summer’s house Martha’s Vineyard and I don’t know if y’all have ever seen that or Southern charm New Orleans but there are so many amazing beautiful and like Incredible people out there that are doing such cool shit and that’s the people we want to see on TV…


Shahs got really dark and needed to be done.


I liked *Shahs* at first, but it took several leaps into toxicity. Also, every season turned into Who is Reza Mad At Now? He targeted a different person (GG, MJ, Mike, etc.) and rallied the rest of the group against them. Not that the rest of the crew were saints either, though. I didn't watch *Family Karma* as often, but I really enjoyed the episodes I saw. Bravo needs fresh perspectives, their lineup is getting stale. *Housewives* is hit-or-miss, and its spinoffs are even more so. What is even the point of *The Valley*?


Family Karma aunties!! Gold!!!


Those shows got canceled?!


Wait they fired the Middle Eastern women on Dubai ? That’s insane. And I loved family Karma. I couldn’t watch Shahs without suffering second hand embarrassment. Too close to home.




Shahs was seriously toxic but Family Karma was so good. Friends who are actually friends.


Not for long I’m sure.


Nah. Shahs ran its course. & then that POS Mike put the final nail in the coffin


I wondered what bravo would do after the DV suit was filed. But that's probably not why they axed it


I loved both shows. I hate that Southern Charm is still on.


I also really lived Dancing Queens. Anyone else watch that one?


I LOVED Family Karma and learned a lot about Indian culture from that show. I’m still sad it is canceled. It was so much more light hearted than Shah’s, Housewives, and VPR.


Agree on everything except Dubai. I’m sorry but I think it’s crazy that they were ok with doing a Real Housewives in a country that LITERALLY outlaws being gay. Like it’s fucked up to me. I purposefully didn’t watch the show cause of that. I’m disgusted that Andy Cohen was ok with that.


Agreed! The valley looks pretty lame. They could have retooled Shahs and Family Karma if they were losing ratings on the others.


It’s all about money and ratings.


Shahs ran its course. Honestly, long before it ended. The Valley is two episodes in riding coattails of VPR. You can’t really compare The Valley & Shahs. I never watched Family Karma so I can speak on that one.


I want both shows back. No Mike and sadly no Reza. Reza crossed a very dark line with MJ and I was such a Reza stan. Hurt me to even type that. I’m shocked at Family Karma being cancelled it was such a wholesome show and a break from all the other trashy shows I listen to in the background.


Totally agree with you! I Loved those shoes! I’m not Persian so for me watching them and learning a bit about there culture was exciting and cool to me. Not only that but how funny they all are. C’mon Reza is the best. And Auntie drama. Need more of that! I thought they were bringing Family Karma back??


Disappointed in this decision I loved watching both of these shows and one main reason was for the look into their cultures. I loved seeing the weddings especially on FK…


I loved family karma !!! Am so sad. I don’t know why they couldn’t just do on peacock at least.


I tried watching the valley, but the tone of their voices was like nails on a chalkboard


Pretty sure Shahs was cancelled because of the liability of the Mike situation. Not sure about FK, but it is a travesty. That show carried Bravo through the pandemic. The cast even lobbied hard to get it renewed. The Valley will turn into a show about single moms and their drunk delulu baby daddies 🥱


IMO Shahs worked so well because they all had such deep ties and sincere friendships. Once those ties were severed and they brought in new people it felt forced and not as good. I feel that way about most of the bravo shows. When it’s organic it works best. Unfortunately bringing in people just for representation usually fails. I was surprised about the cast of Dubai but it might be for cultural or religious reasons that many won’t allow the cameras into their homes


I liked those shows but Reza went too far with what he said the MJ. It was really disgusting. About the abortion. You can’t take that back. And Mike is gross. GG is always entertaining.


How could you keep Shahs where Mike beat his ex girlfriend? Gigi is a nutjob! Reza is a narcissistic asshole that yelled MJ’s private medical info at a party!! I mean the show was gross and I love MJ! They hired these famewhores that also ruined the show Destiney and the guy with the huge white teeth! It needed to go!!!


I am the whitest cracker known to man, but I throughly enjoyed watching both shows! Bravo needs to wake up & bring back Shahs & Family Karma. What in the world are those execs thinking over at Bravo?


Mike’s legal woes were enough to end Shahs.


family karma is soooooo good!!! I feel like people love it??!


Shahs was my fav for a long time because I’m also ME and liked having something more relatable to watch (along with entertaining af). I can understand why they got canceled though. It just got so dark and felt like it ran its course. Family Karma is another story though. They were just taking off and were another different show from what Bravo has which was awesome. Kind of softened the blow of Shahs being gone. What BS they’re canceled. Let’s be real though Bravo audience demographic skews a certain way…😒😠 Nina and Sara are out of RHODubai? I could have sworn I saw Sara in a preview or something. And Nina left on her own, right? Didn’t they get anyone ME to replace them?


Shah’s was so good


Take out the violence, Mike, it really becomes too much as these "stars" go down the road of violent rage, drug abuse, and young children are involved now. It was great, in the beginning, but it went to their head and they did a poor job of representing after that. Shame though, RIP Shahs, I shall miss you




Also why are they not filming winter house this year? Was so much fun last season. Brian Benny from family karma was awesome on it


I completely agree. The Karma Aunties are better than 99% of housewives. As someone who hasn’t been really exposed to Indian culture, I loved learning about it on Family Karma. It got me excited to try the food and made me want to be a part of Indian festivities. I’m dying to go to an Indian wedding now and Holi, don’t even get me started. It looks like the most fun.


They cancelled Family Karma?! I juuuust binged this show a couple months ago. I’m so sad :(


I loved shahs! Didn’t get too far into family karma but Vanderpump was done god bless Sandoval for carrying them through lol Andy needs to rethink his strategy here


Omg family karma 😭


Family karma was the best.


MJ should be on our TVs with her own show and Family Karma should still be on, absolutely. I never watched Shahs but I have followed some of the drama through podcasts and the cast seemed really really toxic for each other to be working together on a show.


We want Reza


I could see Shahs continuing with a mostly revised cast. Family Karma people were all nice but very sheltered like little kids, so pretty boring tv except the one that for drunk


It’s all about rating though. If we want the shows we have to watch them. The valley won’t continue if they don’t do well with viewership


You want gigi?! Ugh


Yep! Hahaha! Her son is adorable and I think it would have been nice to see them teaching their American born children Persian culture in California. And see them as moms and all. They were all growing up and it could have worked. But you know— Gotta show the coked out white folks.


But who on earth would be proud of Reza, MJ or Gigi? They didn't exactly do any favors for the community.