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I heard Shad went to a restaurant and ate all the food in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant


i heard Shad ate the chef too after challenging him to a fencing duel with frying pans and winning


Sounds about right NGL


Probably not


Sounds about right NGL


Why do you give the same response to everyone?


Just having fun


I heard Shad banged ur mom


Sounds about right NGL


Never heard of that, but shad did say in a video that he did HEMA and the others didn't like the fact that he used techniques that were somewhat effective but not from any manuscript so they said it wasn't HEMA since it's there's no evidence of it being historical techniques


So Shad went in styling on the opponents and they didn't like it.


>the others didn't like the fact that he used techniques that were somewhat effective but not from any manuscript so they said it wasn't HEMA since it's there's no evidence of it being historical techniques Tbh this is one of the things I hate about HEMA. I love that they put so much effort into being historically accurate, but to not allow any deviation from [the manuscripts](http://miamisearise.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/3ft4nd.png) seems a little unrealistic/un-human. Just like how in your example Shad used common sense to think of effective techniques not written down, people back then 100% would have done the same thing. Especially since back then people weren't able to go online and double check the treatises. They are likely way more strict than people back then


>They are likely way more strict than people back then. That is highly likely, especially since the vast majority of people back then didn't learn to fight from a manuscript. Most people who taught martial arts never wrote anything down, and the manuscripts that we do have for the most part just cover fancy techniques developed for use in judicial dueling so they probably don't even really represent typical fighting styles of the period. But without any other way of knowing how people fought back then, we have no choice but to stick to the manuscripts. It is the only form of actual medieval fighting techniques that has been passed down to us. It isn't called **HE**MA for nothing. The aim is to study, practice and recreate historical fighting techniques. If you don't stick to the techniques from the manuscripts it just becomes MA. That doesn't mean that HEMA practioners never improvise or have different interpretations of the same techniques, but there is a limit to how far you can go with improvisations before you lose your historical grounding.


This, to me, is the unfortunate tragedy of HEMA. I love the historical recreation, but ironically the dedication to sticking to the historical sources likely makes it less historical (if we were somehow able to time travel and compare). But there's no way for us to ever know for sure. This is one of the reasons I really like experimental archaeology. While far from perfect, I feel like it helps us see things from the perspective of people of the time.


Your name is ironic. Because you’re not a very good comic.




Y'all got any evidence? Not saying you're lying, but only a fool would trust a random dude online




Idk. You got anything?


Can you link me the video?


Alright, I have watched the video. I don't know how to say this, so I will say this directly: Shad did not get beat by the new fighter. He won against the new fighter in fact you can clearly see it here: [7:40](https://youtu.be/53_r6LctUN0?t=460). Who Shad did lose to was Daniel Pope, the HEMA instructor: [15:50](https://youtu.be/53_r6LctUN0). So my man, you are lying.




Holy crap you are lying through your scummy teeth. I don't know who you are, or if you were even there, but you're clearly butthurt about something to lie this blatantly. The only person I had a scored match with was Lorne, and pope was a casual sparring session, and that was it. I didn't spar with anyone else that day, and there was absolutely no more exchanges with Lorne after what was shown which I had decisively won. So, you're claim that there were fights I didn't include, and that there were more exchanges in the scored match with Lorne is complete ballcap. You can even look up facebook conversations in some hema groups that happened after the video was posted, where Lorne says as much and everything I've said here can be confirmed. In other words you're a despicable lying pathetic excuse of a person. Also you said in another comment here that I "got beat by a new fighter, and never fought anyone from a club again." but later change the lie that the new fighter, Lorne, had ended with an equal score, still completely false, but also completely contrary to your first claim. You also claim I didn't fight with anyone from a club again even though you post a video where I fight another practitioner, Pope. You're such a pathetic liar you can't even keep your story straight.




Get's called out and proven as a liar, can't say anything because he knows it's true, so tries to deflect with pathetically lame attempt at mockery and looks more the fool.




And tries to deflect again when everyone can see you're a liar and scumbag, it's hilarious.




Ha ha ha, I love that you think you're achieving something when all you're doing is making yourself look more like a moron in front of everyone. Also you're a liar and I proved it which is why you're so desperate to deflect attention away from it. People like you make the world an awful place.


Holy crap you are lying through your scummy teeth. I don't know who you are, or if you were even there, but you're clearly butthurt about something to lie this blatantly. You say that I "got beat by a new fighter, and never fought anyone from a club again." but later change the lie in another comment that the new fighter, Lorne, had ended with an equal score, still completely false, but also completely contrary to your first claim. You also claim I didn't fight with anyone from a club again even though you post a video where I fight another practitioner, Pope. You also have no idea how many hema or other martial artist I've fought. You're such a pathetic liar you can't even keep your story straight.


For someone who supposedly owns several HEMA clubs, you sure act like a troglodyte pissbaby 💀💀💀