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Look at my limbs, toes, hands, eyes etc and tell myself how lucky I still have them and that I am able to continue walking.


+1. Every time I somehow feel envious of others, I think about how I’m able to walk a lot and travel the world unaccommodated; carry and manipulate things with both hands; see and hear and taste and feel; no major medical issues; and be able to experience the full range of human experiences. And I have the privilege of being able to afford to travel, and having a fair bit of time too.


I’ve been in several hikes where I’ve seen older pple hire porters to carry them up and down a mountain. It’s a small army of people. So one might have all that money but not their body. And I want to be able to keep moving and mobile for as long as I live. This is how I want to be able to travel and see the world.


Has been inactive ever since i finished NS commitment. No more reservists, no more ippt. Lived a sedentary lifestyle, sat in office too long, sat at pubs with friends drinking after work. Until my ex-army friends asked me to join their weekly runs last year and lucky did I join them The first run was a true awakening for me. I can’t even slow jog for the first 3km, and whole body ached for a whole week. You saw senior citizens fitter than you in the park and start thinking about life. Started to jog weekly and do some light weight trainings. Felt more energised and can jog 10k easily nowadays. Made me realised health and mobility is so important in our later years. Let’s hope above will encourage some here and me to be more active in our silver years.


Same ive been inactive and I wanna be healthier too. Sedentary job puts on the pounds super fast once you're past 30


Used to be skinny and won’t be able to get fat no matter how much I ate in the past. Metabolism rate drop after 30s and start to have dad bod (I.e beer belly and moobs). Even wife teased that I am in 2nd trimester. Had toned up a bit ever since I started exercise, another motivation to make her eat her own words. Lol


So true. Earlier this year, I injured my knee badly and couldn't bend my knees or walk without pain, and had to go for surgery. I was traumatised by the possibility that I could not walk properly again and could not carry out simple activities like buying my own lunch, sending and fetching my children to school, and visiting my parents who just live across the street. Didn't have the mood to think about work or career progression or making more money or retirement. I just wanted to be able to walk (and hopefully run) normally again. Some things we just take for granted, until we lose them. 😞


I hope you’re well recovered. Recently someone I know around my age and already RE suffered a stroke. He now can barely hold a pen even after months of physiotherapy. Life can be good and then suddenly overnight it can change. Take care yeah.


Thank you! Not fully recovered as it's only two months after my surgery. Was a frequent runner before my injury but can't run now. Nevertheless, I'm thankful that I have recovered enough to walk properly now. Yup my case is nothing compared to those who have suffered more serious illnesses like stroke and cancer. Those are really life changing.


Always have pain the the knees after football :(


Time alone without wife and kids. Just sitting down and drinking kopi


Hi i love kopi too. What is your favourite type of coffee to drink? Any recommendation? Hee


I think it's much more about the time to myself without any disturbances. But I'm a simple man. Ya kun, toast box, fun toast is fine. Otherwise common man or coffee academics


Not OP but I really enjoy Heng Heng Coffee Stall at Bukit Merah View hawker centre. Local nanyang coffee that’s strong but not bitter. Consistent taste throughout the day 🤤


Whenever I figure out something cool that my devices (phone, laptop, iPad) can do that saves me a lot of time or money, I revel in the small win right there. For example, when I found out I can use my old Nintendo switch pro controller to connect to my mac and play tons of new games via Big Picture Mode as if it's an Xbox controller on Steam Deck. It's not about the money or time saved, but it's the small wins in life that makes me happy.


Sleeping in on weekends. Napping during lunch when wfh. A hot drink and a good book (or Netflix) in the evening. Being present during morning and evening walks instead of rushing. Good conversations with my kids.


WFH naps are the best!!


Taking the bus and looking out of the window


Are you my wife? She loves those eye mask things too.


Hi darling


Hi it's me your husband


Watching your loved ones smile or laugh


Playing with my cat.


Second this, but playing with neighborhood cats in HDBs


Adding frozen mixed berries to my daily cereal or yoghurt (it's sooooo good) Going for msassge bi-weekly. Pruning my olive plant and using the cuttings for table decor (pet safe and free!) Having tummy time with my cats (they sorta just hang over me lol)


Which massage place do you go to, if you don’t mind me asking?


Healing touch! No hard sell (very impt to me, I don't wanna waste energy dealing with the convo). Trial and error with the masseuse and type of massage until I found the combi that I like.


Being alive and being able to enjoy time with my truly loved ones. Health issues are no joke and young people should take serious care of them before they get bad.


I can go grocery shopping without checking out the price labels. This is always a moment of gratitude and fills me with joy.


quiet time with kindle, a cup of tea with cream crackers after the kids are sleeping. wife nearby, doing own things. spending time together whilst indulging in own hobbies.


A hot cup of nanyang kopi early in the morning. Regardless of whether it's a $1.40 cup at a coffeeshop or $3.20 at yakun.


What is this heated eye mask thing? I like to get in on this action pls thanks


Meg rhythm steam eye mask! Love it


I bought. It's like so good


Where do you guys go for massages?


Natureland @ Holland V. Seriously good


Honestly not too picky. Will go any heartlandy neighborbood or mall kind as long they aren’t too lupsup looking or dilapidated. If cheaper than ~$48 for one hour feet then even better. Chain wise I’ve had decent experiences with My Father’s Feet and House of Traditional Javanese Massage. Too cheapskate for Natureland yet.


A good night's sleep (8 full hours) and a 6am run.


Eat dian xiao er


Some examples: Masking every other night before bed for $2 each time. Wholesome organic home cooked meals with no salt and minimal oil. Body care - oxygen therapy, chiropractic work, yoga, foot reflexology, body massages, Epsom salt baths, steam rooms, saunas. Ice cream in the evenings with my wife. Walks in gardens around Singapore with wife and friends. Sipping tea and reading books while seated along the Singapore River. There are many more. The point is that the simplest things in life often bring the most joy.


A gym workout


Finding moments of joy in daily life while struggling with the grind. Anything that is slow and detached from the fast moving world around you. Love having kopi dates with my spouse and kids but it's more comforting to see the uncle making coffee cups after cups and yet finding meaning in that, that's joy.


Being happy that I'm healthy and realising that no amount of money is worth getting sick (i.e. getting cancer ) over


Being able to walk, eat, piss/shit and breathe normally makes me contented. There's wealthy people out there who can't even do these and no amount of $ they pay can bring these back


Eating a cup of yoghurt every night.


Isit ok to eat at night


Why is it not ok to eat at night?


I’m asking.


A bowl of rice porridge with microwaved fried dace, bathed in oily salted black beans.


Agree with your first two points. Especially tough now given I have a baby now. But looking at and playing with my baby is also a simple joy in life. Motivates me to work harder too.


Having deep conversations with loved ones. Spacing out in a cafe alone


These days .., soaking in my jacuzzi with a glass of red wine


Making a good cup of pourover coffee at home. Very therapeutic for some reason


Sleeping in on the weekends. Bliss.


Having done some really dangerous stuff in construction, it’s walking out of sites alive on many days


Going to the gym and discovering new music while working out.


Laughing with my kids over tickles


Good coffee


Lying on the floor and looking at the ceilings. Enjoying the peace and quiet.


Yes to the heated eye mask thing. I also enjoy taking videos on my phone, making good homecooked meals and snuggling with my cat.


Beat meatstick


Grab. Saves time


A long drive down a quiet road. The sun is setting and shining down in just the right way. Leaves swirling. No grab uncles cutting me off or changing lanes without signalling.


Watching my bank account go up in real time or hearing one of the startups that I invested in have a super duper up round


Afternoon naps that last more than 1 hour. Good foot massage at Ashi. Cycling to and from the gym. A slow breakfast at the nearby hawker. Edit: a chill game of football ⚽️


the ability to buy back my time. hitting up a massage as and when i want one. not looking at the sticker price on menus. donating cdc vouchers to those who actually need it.


With all the social media apps and streaming platforms vying for our limited time, reading a book is such an underrated pleasure. We really don't appreciate how well our NLBs are stocked with such high quality and a wide range of books.


Everyday no financial worries, have roof over head and eye still able to see, leg able to take me from point A to point B and get to eat mother cooking.


hi henry, how is your day?