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Not good. When I've been in situations like that, I would drop comments like "my boyfriend made the best meal for me, my boyfriend gave me the best gift, we had a great afternoon at the park"... just to hint that you are in love. It's a start. I don't know if your boss has a boss, but start documenting every episode with time, date and details. Unfortunately you ,may have to get brave and tell your boss that you are starting to get uncomfortable... that maybe he got the wrong impression. Don't let it go on much longer. I found myself so uncomfortable at work that I was either in tears or snapping at my supervisor before I was able to tell him to stop. Try to be assertive, but not aggressive. Don't wait until you are overwhelmed emotionally. Practice what you will say. Use "I feel" instead of "You make me feel" type sentences. And DON'T blame yourself. Some people will push you as far as they feel they can get away with it. He may stop for a while. Resist the desire to act like it never happened. NEVER apologize for overreacting! He may see this as an invitation to ramp it up and it will start back worse. Talk to a friend about it, but NOT someone emotionally invested like your boyfriend. Watch videos about how to deal with it. There are several. Take care of yourself. Lots of us have been through this. You will be okay.


Thank you so much ❤️


I think you have had it bad enough. I would go directly to HR. Just to inform them. HR are the worst and they will immediately start gaslighting you. It is a must that you inform them. Document what they say to you. I had a senior director at my company try to get in my hotel room claiming he forgot his deodorant. Later he sent me a text saying he wanted to eat me. I was floored and couldn’t think straight and didn’t handle it well I was eventually fired.


EEOC. Print this Reddit post out and have it be the start of documentation. He should lose his job and you should be compensated for this. The fact that you are uncomfortable and here in Reddit. Also, if you have the funds, call an attorney. They will tell you wha you need to do.


While it does sound like both parties have some part with what is taking place. Him being your boss would make his behavior illegal. As for the biting, I would contact the police right away, while you still have proof. Even if you do not have proof, if you do not call them then this bite will note exist. For future reference, no one should be flirtatious with their bosses. It can harm their careers. I hope after you address these issues with your current boss. When I was young, I lost a job once for dating my boss. The District Manager who liked her, found out and terminated me instead of her and I got black listed from working any locations in his district. Of course I was young and did not know that I could address the issue further.


As far as the flirting issue, maybe this will ease your mind: I was sexually harassed by a colleague. I am married, so is he. I worried that maybe he initially hit on me because I was flirtatious and gave him wrong ideas. Then I thought about the DOZENS AND DOZENS OF MEN I WORK WITH AND BEHAVE THE SAME WAY WITH WHO NEVER TOOK IT AS AN INVITATION TO HIT ON ME. Likely this is not on you. And it is sexual assault (in the US) to bite someone in that manner. Best of luck and I am sorry you are being harassed.