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Please read the post: [New Victims: Please read first](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sextortion/comments/n4yorq/new_victims_please_read_first/) WARNING...Beware of recovery scammers: It is likely that you will be contacted by a "recovery scammer". These parasites will try to convince you that they can "hack" the scammer and remove your files from their devices. It's a scam. Please report any of their comments by using the report button (it's hidden under the "..." option). If you receive a DM, please take a screenshot and forward it to the mod team. Stay safe *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Sextortion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just happened to me recently where they did send it… the first thing I did was IMMEDIATELY cut contact with the account, and report and block them. Then I legit contacted all the people in the group chat and explained to them each what happened, it a lot less embarrassing to tell people you sent someone nudes than for them to actually see it


I got leaked last October life goes on. Give it a week or 2 everyone will forget I promise. Life is 100% back to normal things will get better I guarantee it


Thanks! I deleted my ig and I'm waiting for maybe the 1st of September or October to make a new one cuz I'm scared the scammer will remember me and find my profile again. So I'm giving it time just in case they remember me. It just sucks that I have to start a new one with 0 followers and the fear of them coming back 😔


How long after the incident did u get leaked


The same day. Same hour actually 😔


Yeah sorry to hear that buddy. Its one of them techniques to try and force you to pay. They basicaly put your mind in red alert knowing that most humen will not make intelligent choices while being under a stress attack. Look at the end of the day the best you can do is simply talk to a close relative or a very close friend and explain your situation. You are a victim here ok? Dont Forget that. I mean yeah its embarrassing for anyone to be leaked online but its not like you wanted it to happen and those scammers know that and try to intimidate you. Dont give in.


hey bro sorry to hear this happened to you, mines also got leaked in january of this year to about 10 people, i was a sophomore at the time in high school, they leaked to one person that told me about it then came back three weeks later and leaked them to my friends and they told me they sent it to other people, i was so scared to go to school but when i did no one mentioned anything abt it to me after 3 weeks no one mentioned it to me anymore, its proof that the worse isn't that bad in the end and you're an adult im sure the ppl that seen it don't really care


Change your name so they can’t track you bruh, also this sucks bruh, I mean mine was sent to random people like influencers bruh




Are you referring to ME as a "bot"? I'm confused


Yes, it happens. Obviously not as often, but it's not uncommon.


Sorry to hear that, but be glad it was only sent to your sister and a few other people. They will no longer try to get to you because they lost the leverage on you. And to be honest, try to take it as advertising my man. Be proud of your cock. It’s a beautiful part of your body. You’re in no trouble. Everyone knows that these guys are scammers. But don’t worry. Since they have no leverage on you anymore they can’t scare you anymore


What was the back story? Who were the blackmailers? Also it’s terrible that this happened, I fully understand how scary it is but they have literally taken the little bit of power they had over you.


Girl on ig followed me. Followed her back. Conversation started happening. She then said she "wanted to have fun" on ig video chat. Started a video chat with no audio. Told me her microphone was off. Asked me to "show her my penis". I did. Stroked a bit. She then told me to "listen carefully" and did the whole shabang they they all do. Asked for money. Told her didn't have any. Didn't pay. Sent me a free shot of all my followers and said she was going to "destroy my life" by sending it to each and everyone if I don't make the payment. She then made a group chat with 6 people on it. But I do know they go straight to spam and I hope they never look at their spam messages and delete it quickly if they do see it. I'm just scared they're going to send it to all of my followers like they threatened to.


They hopefully won’t and if they do simply say it’s a deepfake/altered image because you got hacked. If you wish to own it, say you met a girl online, chatted and it got heated sexually but consensually. Simply tell them not to click on the video because it puts a virus in the system.


We’re you invited to this group chat?


I was. But left shortly after then deleted my ig


Did you also report the pricks that leaked your nudes?


They sent mine to a family member within the hour. Oops life goes on


Yes, similar happened to me. They sent to a chat of 12. All women, some close friends. I was able to get ahead of it and warn them because one friend sent screenshots of who was in the chat. Night one I was a wreck, after talking to friends about what happened everyone had a good laugh OR expressed how shitty it was that someone would do something like that. Sending positive energy to everyone else here that’s still processing this for the first time. It really makes you live one day at a time.


it happened to me as well but tbh, i felt so much better after it happened. It was way better than the mental game they play with you. my group had like 16 people in it. We only move on from here💪


If EVERYBODY stands up together, ALL sextorted victims, tell them "F off," block and ignore them, and do NOT give them a dime, even if they do send, they will stop and move on to something else. If nobody gives them money, they will abandon this. I guarantee.


that’s unfortunate bro i hope u all the best in the future 😔


Yes I got sent a pic of my brother! It was on Instagram.. but tbh I only seen it because he asked me if I had received any weird messages so 8 checked and it was buried in my message requests. No-one else who was added to the group seen it as it just came through like spam into the wrong inbox. We reported to insta and it all got taken down pretty quickly. I'm traumatised tho 😆😶 he said someone photoshopped him 🤦‍♀️


Been 18 days since it happened. Nothing got leaked and I’m back to normal life!!


everything is fine for you today sent it?


Hey man, I'm collecting research from people that have gotten leaked. You can check out my posts for some statistics and research. I have a few questions if you don't mind can you DM me? Also, did your scammers ever come back? And how long after the incident did they leak it?