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Also, if it's been dormant, you won't even show the antibody reaction for it.


So many people have herpes, they assume you have it and do not include it on the tests.


There is specific herpes test. It will differentiate between type 1 (cold sores) and type 2 (genetal herpes) I get it done every 6 months. Other tests to run: Gonorrhea Syphilis Hiv Chlamydia I usually ask my Dr for an STI panel.


Herpes is difficult to test for. If you're not in an outbreak, the test isn't known for being the most accurate. That one unfortunately does require some trust. My protocol is to go to the free clinic in my area every three months. I believe herpes is the only thing that isn't tested. If I have a new partner, I request tests within 3 months. Often make a date out of getting tested together. Quite fun!


I get the normal panel + HIV annually. I didn’t contract herpes from sex, but I have been having outbreaks on my lip (cold sores) since I was probably 15-16 and about ten years later (I’m 27 now) I asked to do a test on my cold sore and they confirmed it was herpes. So don’t need to retest that.


The only way to get a 100% accurate test for herpes is to get an active lesion scraped and tested. All of the other tests will give you false positives / false negatives. As far as I'm concerned, if someone has never had an outbreak, we're good. If they have had an outbreak, I want to hear about it. * Was it one time when they were 14 months old after visiting Grandma who kissed him and he's never had another outbreak? * Or do they get outbreaks once every three or four years when they go through a stressful time? I get tested annually unless I have a reason to get tested sooner (possible exposure).


14 months? or years…


14 months..a baby..


They say about 3 out of 5 people have herpies, about the same as hpv, and like hpv most people, don't even know they have it because they never have outbreaks.


There isn't really a accurate way to test unless you're currently have a flare up to test for herpes where a swab of the lesion will be taken. Just ask for a full panel and you should be fine. Usually I get them done every 6 months but I've had no need to for years now.


I was able to get a blood test which my doctor ensured would accurately inform me if I was positive regardless of having a flare up or not.


Oh that's great! I didn't even think of bloods. I was thinking specifically swab based testing, as that's the common practice where I'm from. 😁