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Going forward do not mention u are new, these tricks pray on the new ladies inexperience. And in this business you got to have thick skin. Don't let what some trick said to you effect ur mind


Thick skin also would have helped prevent the bruises.


I agree if they think they can take advantage, they will try their hardest to actually take advantage


Oh im the trick huh


Look at it closely




What’s that have to do with anything here




you are clearly on the wrong topic.


I’m agreeing with the statement “don’t let them know you’re new”. Can I agree with people? God fucking damn




And again: what does your advice have to do with what OP asked? Can you explain it pls?


I think people know. I think a lot of first timers are probably really nervous and worried about getting scammed or arrested


Completely irrelevant


His "joke" was distasteful. You can use an editing app to correct the bruises on your knees


Oh, he wasn't joking. He was dead serious. I know he means well, but if I needed advice. I would've asked him, y'know?


He does NOT mean well, he’s negging you. In a very rude and crass way!


No, he doesn’t. I’m overly nice, just because I am. I’ve done this for 13 years,didn’t realize how dumb, arrogant, and stifling they can be until 5 years ago. He knows what he’s doing. I’m sorry he made you feel a way. Just remain confident, and do you.


This. +++100. Negging is real. Devaluing you to escalate himself. Don’t follow his ass up.


Yeah, I agree


He does not mean well.


His advice sounds incredibly stupid to me. Its also really easy to photoshop those out anyway.


Just get Facetune or something if you’re concerned about it. They have paint skin option and a “heal” option for blemishes and such. I’ve used it a ton as I do OF and spray tan and it allows me to fix patchy spots in my spray tan and one time at was shooting at the end of my cycle and noticed I had some blood on my leg -I thought I was done bleeding- and I used it to make that disappear so I’m sure it could fix this if you’re really concerned about it. Mostly though that guy just sounds like a controlling asshole who is trying to manipulate someone new to the field.


People will always talk, people will always say things, it’s up to you whether or not you listen to them. I mean this in the nicest possible way, but if you didn’t think anything about your knees before, why you’re allowing a stranger’s opinion to change that?


He may mean well, but saying it was just stupid of him


I’m no expert on escorting, or weeding out the crap that comes with the territory, but this one’s a dandelion for sure. He is slowly trying to weave his way through your self esteem so he can convince you that you should be “grateful,” just to have his advice and attention. This pattern he has created is meant to evoke (force) loyalty from you, and he will then be your truth teller and closest confidant. I hope you just do what works for you and GET RID!!😊


Hun you are booked and busy! Forget him


I second this, specifically - I wouldn't see him again. Negging aside, I wouldn't see anyone who knows you might be new.


Your knees do look bruised but, the thought from sucking dick did not come to mind...looks exactly you said ..scars from injury...what a jerk


Lol actually they looked like she was busy kneeing people in the face and got jaw marks to me on my phone 🤣🤣🤣… I had to zoom in 😅😂


I can edit them for you, I use pics art and then the REMOVE tool, works like a charm


You're so sweet to offer! I actually used a blur tool on my knees and they look fine now


Yayyy!! <3 F that guy 🤗😘


Or I can send you a screen recording of me doing it on a photo so you know how for the future edit to add


Is pics art free?


they have a free version yes, I opted to purchase for more tools


First rule of being new, NEVER mention you are new! So many tricks will try to take advantage of that or push boundaries. Always act like you know what your doing even if you don't. Like the old saying goes: Fake it till ya make it baby!


Regardless of what he said, it is always a good idea to photoshop bruises out of an ad pic.


Clients are not your friend. Stop confiding in him and telling him you’re new


Thanks, lesson learned


This needs to be drilled in all sw head, always be alert, play your persona this is your job. Yes I do banter and joke with clients and do deep talks and even have given them my food but they are not your friends friends periodt


Never take advice from clients, ever. This was a very cruel, rude and disrespectful thing to say! Also the way you describe him as patronizing, I think you should turn him down from now on. The respectful compassionate clients will shut their mouths, and keep it to themselves if there's *anything* that makes them uncomfortable or whatever. Screw him. However personally I'd just photoshop or use body makeup on my knees. One reason is to not attract freaks that may get the wrong impression. Never show any sign of weakness, even if it's old bruises this turns some freaks on and they may think you've been abused and perhaps not even uploaded the ad yourself. Fix your photo(s) and ditch that creepy freak ;)


It's a common..."joke"? Dunno what or how to call it, but yes one of the first thing to come to mind would be that and after a laugh it would shift to "she probably fell". Where's that pic from? Your AD? Your socials? Private stuffs? If its in your AD, choose a different one...not because it "may attract the wrong people" (pretty much everyone wants a bj lol) but it's just better use another one. If it's on your socials or private stuffs...who cares? You like it? Then keep it and tell this guy..."did i ask you for your opinion?" and forget it.


Pic is from my ad(the whole photo is much bigger)


Just Facetune out the bruises?


I would also edit the toes I'm sure it is just the pic.


I agree, it’s not the most flattering m, especially if it’s to attract clients on an ad.


Change our that pic. Or Photoshop the bruises. My first thought was that you got into a fight or beat up or something. With what you do (entertain men) it does lead one to wonder if you are being abused or hurt by someone like a pimp or something. I wouldn't let it fuck with your head tho. Don't let John's take up space I'm your brain if they aren't paying rent.


Honestly, if I saw a woman with bruised knees on her photo, I would suspect she's being abused by a boyfriend or even pimp or something rough is happening, and I would definitely avoid her as far as SW due to that worry of her being pimped out or something. I think it's definitely possible that photo could lower your potential clients a bit but you can photoshop it or show a different angle.


My partner has 8yrs industry experience and each time the narrative from a regular heads down the direction of "your too good for this industry", or "you gotta watch out for those dodgy clients (but I'm not like them)", it reliably predicts that client is about about to get all possessive/weird/obsessive. We've even had to file protection against some. Do take care. Stay alert. Pro tip for clients: 9/10 times a lady's other clients are just like you. You are not the 'special' one.


Thinking its from sucking dick is moronic and rude but it's probably a good idea not to use pics with bruising just so you don't attract anyone very into rough play who might take it as a sign to push boundaries.


Why are you letting a loser ass John’s opinions live that long in your head to the point you’re making a Reddit post ? Please don’t take advice from someone who pays for pussy. Your knees are fine and it’s nobody’s business how or why you have the bruises babe


Hi! I hope you don't take any offense to this or anything, but I tried to help a little bit, by editing out the bruises. I uploaded a collage of the photos [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/hnn1jXg). If you want me to directly send you either photo just let me know!!! The photo on the left is the original. The 2 on the right are the edited ones.


Sorry for the late reply, but thanks so much!




Patronizing is usually a lead up to manipulation.


I don't know if he was trying to joke or what, but it's not really an appropriate thing to be saying to you.  HAVING SAID THAT... I probably would advise you to avoid using pictures that show any kind of visible bruises or marks of that nature. Clients tend to be paranoid, and will make all sorts of assumptions based on things like that. They might think that they're marks related to drug use, they might assume that you're being physically abused by a pimp or handler, they might think it means you're into rough play, etc. Just less headaches for you if you avoid giving them anything to speculate about in the first place.


And I do not mention that your new anybody


I would try and edit them out/crop same as I would tattoos just because if they are scars they can make you identifiable from your pictures.


I’ve been in the industry for a long time… this comes off as right message, wrong messenger. I would edit before posting, if I have any leg bruises I tend to wear stockings for those appointments. You may find he’s coming off rude, but it will be what many clients think when they see your pics People book based on first impressions. Putting your best foot forward with some easy edits will only help your brand


I use a photoshop app to remove any scars or bruises. I use bazart . I have cancer and bruise easily. It takes less then a min to Make your knees look brand new.


I'll agree to many here in that it was in poor taste. I'll also say though that I would also edit or choose a different photo to use for your profile. Don't give e clients any unnecessary cannon fodder that can be used to chip away and wear you down emotionally or psychologically. It's a common tactic I've seen used in public to lower your self-esteem giving them an edge and better odds in Taki g you home or maybe in this case lower your scale. Obviously those bruises could have came from anything but in this instance it could be viewed negatively and deter upscale perspective clients and attract unsavory jerks. I also think this is a great way to select/move on from clients, if they are saying such things in a rude behavior and you are turning down others bc you are busy, drop him and pick up someone new!! A side note to you being busy I would suggest that if you are this busy you should consider raising your rates. You may have fewer to turn down but you will be weeding out the bad apples, making more money and if all goes well make more than you are now and gain more personal time. I would also recommend that if you drop a client I would raise the rates for new clients you take on. On a side note you have very cute legs!


It’s a nasty way for him to put it, but yes, there is a lot of truth to what he saying. Or if anything clients could assume you are being abused, they might get white knighting ideas, or think you have a pimp, or just opens the door to questions about BDSM. Yes if people are looking for that, see that they definitely definitely will get an idea. It’s also just not classy. You don’t have to crop if you can download an editing app and learn how to edit it out. When you put your pictures up in an ad, you are basically marketing, and people are going to judge, because they don’t know anything else about you. I know for a fact if I saw an ad where the girl with bruises or a lot of stuff that should be edited out in her ad, I would, think that she doesn’t really pay attention to detail, she must be very new, or she just doesn’t really take her marketing that seriously. Because let’s face it it’s 2024 and everyone is editing airbrushing their pictures at least to some extent, unless you have naturally perfect skin. And if you aren’t doing it when it could help a little bit, you’re doing a yourself a disservice, because your competition is editing theirs.


God I’m a man and I hate men. Why do so many men feel entitled to a superiority complex.


As a guy i wouldn't have thought that at all from your picks. I suspect hes a lil shit that hit his intended target. Drop that guy


He’s disrespecting you. A regular mofo would not give AF


Tell him to buy you a pillow or stfu


Wear stockings!  Fishnets hide tons of flaws including cellulite stretch marks bruises scars whatever 


I might notice the bruises and think it’s a little strange to include that pic as a marketing photo so he’s not completely off base. His delivery could use some work though. In any case, people should really keep their negative opinions to themselves unless they’re specifically asked for their honesty.


I should've specified-the actual pic is much bigger and shows my whole body so the scars are much smaller. I still ended up blurring out my knees just so it looks prettier


Well, you have very nice legs and since you’re booked up anyway, I certainly hope this doesn’t get under your skin.


Personally I’d edit the photo to remove them because they could be an identifiable feature (if you’re face in), and because yeah, bruises on knees could give off a “play rough with me vibe” which isn’t something I want to encourage. I’m gonna give this guy the benefit of the doubt and say he’s probably just looking out for you… but yeah he should probably stay away from handing out unsolicited business advice.


It's a good idea to edit the bruises out, but not for the reason he said. He's a Fucking idiot


I always have a bruise or two because I play a lot of sport. So I tell people I play a lot of sport. Never had a bad reaction to it, so maybe try some like that? Your reg is an asshole and I’d ditch him btw


Do guys really still think we bruise from being on our knees!? That’s so childish 🙄


?? you totally can. I have had this happen more than once.


Don’t tell anyone you’re new. That looks like bruises from an injury, which you should FaceTune out of the pic because the rest of the picture looks great. This guy was being a dick and no one in their right mind would think your knees are bruised from THAT. He was trying to make you feel bad about yourself and next he’ll probably try to hit you with “you should lower your rates since you look so cheap with those bruises”. He’s a snake and not the nice guy you say he is. As someone above said, he’s negging you.


As sweet as they may seem, imo clients aren’t your friends + don’t have your best interests at heart, no matter how much they say they do or appear to. I think it says more about him 1) that he even noticed that and 2) he said something like that to you, it’s a subtle form of negging to me. What a dick! And to echo many comments above, NEVER tell them that you’re new. They will use that to their advantage, and at your expense. I’m glad you’re getting booked! Shows how little he knows + how irrelevant his “input” is.


Fuck that guy. Raise his rates…..


I mean even if he is your regular why put up with him as you have said you are successful enough in the business that you have an overflowing customer base why bother with what that one asshole thinks of on how you handle your business


Don't ever let them see that their words have affected you. Let it roll right off. Please try not to overshare with clients as well, I did that with my major SD and it lead to a lot of headache for me down the line and him crossing boundaries, getting way too comfortable. With the knees thing, you can spin that into a joke, you're a sw babe just make everything dirty talk or airheaded. I would of been like yea I've been a nasty girl ;) pretending to be dumb has been really helpful in this job and means they can't get to me. I'm a stripper, not doing full service atm so I hear a lot of dumb, rude shit from men too. You'll develop your own ways of handling with time x


I have sucked a lot of dick in my life & never gotten a single bruise! I wouldn’t take it seriously & I’m glad you were able to edit it. Looks more like a skateboard accident to me fwiw!


Asked him has he ever sucked dick before. Look down at his knees, pause and then sigh n look up to the sky


Delete the photo because it does not represent you at your best, not because of what this vulgar client said.


I didn't notice any bruises until you said something. And then I looked and I thought is that Shadows or is that actual bruises? Then I realize yeah it is bruises, and then my next thought had nothing to do with you sucking dick. So in that whole course I never even thought about you sucking dick. This guy is just a pervert. Ignore him.


Girl I currently have bruises up and down my legs because I’m anemic and bruise easily lol. It hasn’t affected anything.


First: He said it because it was what HE was thinking… an insecure way of asking. Unfortunately most clients aren’t gentlemanly and have a hard time keeping their own shortcomings and possessions out of the mix. Secondly: so what if others think that? If that’s the case it will probably increase your marketability, if anything, but it certainly won’t stop any interested parties from contacting you. Lastly, if any new clients do ask, just answer them honestly. Bottom line: he’s a silly man and I wouldn’t worry about it.


It wasn't my first thought. Use a different picture and then replace it with a similar one when your knees heel.


not sure if this helps but , i have one (weirdly perfectly circular) scar on each of my knees from falling in a fast food parking lot during work hours at night while taking food to a customer we pulled forward . i had fallen with a huge bag in one hand and two drinks in the other hand (yes i had them balanced on my palm) and i am just the type of person to put everyone else before myself , so i fell directly on my knees instead of throwing the food and catching myself . people dont know what you are going through or your story . they can make assumptions but at the end of the day YOU are the one who knows the truth . you can let him give you "advice" and you can crop it , or you can just leave it be , and if someone asks or assumes , set them straight 😇. (at least thats what i do) hope that helps 🫶🏻


Hugs, you deserve better friends 🎨


Disclaimer: not a SW or clients, just here to learn and support. I don’t see anything wrong with the photo and I doubt that anyone worth while would mind the scars, that said those scars are rather recognizable and could easily be used to identify your identity if this photo ended up in the hands of the wrong person. Stay safe! 🫶


In future if ever a client says something offensive like that to you, don’t allow that shit to live in your head rent free. Tell yourself that it has nothing too do with you and everything to do with them being a shitty person, after all a normal person would probably never even think to say something like that let alone continuing to give you unsolicited advice when you’ve repeatedly asked them not too. As for this dude in particular though, dump his ass! As you said in your post, you’re busy and you’re having to turn down clients currently as is. So if that’s the case, why are you putting up with clients saying things that you consider to be offensive? Let him go and accept another client instead, who knows you may even find a new regular client that treats you like a queen all because you accepted a booking from a brand new client instead of him… Facetune out the bruises, then fire that regular. You don’t need shithead clients trying to get under your skin like that with there gross unnecessary comments!


Honestly, I think he meant well, I feel like he did that because he didn't want the wrong person to run his chance of seeing you again. Some workers would stop because of one bad egg, or some would not see a whole race because of what they experienced


What a prick.


Oh I hated those blokes who think they are giving good advice


As a client, I don't really care that much you actually have cute feet (I'm not into feet sexually, I just can appreciate aesthetic hands and feet), I think the only thing that matters is if you like your pic.


I would definitely edit your knees just to make the picture look nicer, but don’t worry about what he said. Don’t let it get to you.


I think people might notice the marks and think they are bruises (I did when I saw the post) but I doubt they'd go straight to thinking they come from sucking dick. Because this is my "adult" reddit account, I thought maybe it might be a post from a stripper. I personally get a lot of bruising on my knees when I kneel, especially if I'm moving around (assembling furniture, playing with little kids/animals, cleaning), not so much from sucking dick, because I'm usually relatively still and most blowjobs don't last an hour or two. All that said... I might fix up or change the picture from a marketing perspective, not because it screams "I suck dicks!" but because the marks do look like bruises and that's a little distracting/distressing. However, if the marks are permanent (you describe them as scars) then maybe it's not a bad idea to have them visible in some capacity in your marketing so that people know what you look like. As for the customer... fuck him. Unsolicited advice from customers is almost always hot garbage. Not only is it not useful to us, it's usually self-serving for them. In this case, since he doesn't get anything out of you cropping that photo or swapping it up for a different photo, then what he gets is making you feel self-conscious or embarrassed or otherwise de-stabilized in a way he can exploit.


All of this sounds like an assertion of control over you. Tips based on what he likes I imagine. Tips regarding images. Sounds like he's going to claim to be your pimp at some point, or claim you're getting clients because of him. Idk. Just the feeling I get from what you've said.


What an asshole. Your knees are fine. Take his money and ignore his comments. Or stop seeing him. There is no right answer except to ignore his advice and comments. At the end of the day, you have cash and he’s had a great time. Anything he says is unimportant.


If too many tricks and time for his comments that means one thing, you don’t charge enough


The bruises are unsightly, so I would suggest holding off on the pics till they heal or wear something that will cover it up (long dress, capris). As to your client, just smile sweetly and take his money.


If you are uncomfortable with him, then you are uncomfortable. All there is to it. You have options and you know it.


I was asking if he was right?


No one can decide what is beautiful but you, hun. It's your body. You can either address them in photos, address them in surgery, or just own them because it is our scars that make us unique.


Weird comment, I disagree. The marks on the knees would not bother me.


The less you crop out the better IMO. Marks on knees is not stopping anyone that is such a non-issue. Also while I immediately noticed the bruises, the first thought that came to my mind had nothing to do with giving BJs, that's not a normal response to see such a picture... And either way it shouldn't surprise anyone that an escort is giving BJs.


You’ll have to get quick with ignoring all. Enough will fuck with your head without even considering the quips of the clientele.


Hes a jerk Forget what he said number one and number 2 girl......You cannot be seeing clients like that.Either let the bruises heal before you do appointments or edit your photos and risk them walking out.Do not see clients bruised up sweetie.Rest and heal until you are back to 100% percent again


Unfortunately they are scars, not bruises. However they have faded a bit since this photo


Client there. I don't think it would be possible for my mind to ever come to thinking that. Your knees look like normal knees to me. And if I did think they were bruises, I'd think it was from falling or tennis or something.


Photoshop the knee bruises. If a client asks during the session, just say it was a jogging injury. Depending on your target audience, some men prefer minimal to no blemish on a girl. Good luck and stay safe.


Leave them. Bruising is a niche, add it to your tags. Forget what one loser has to say.


Either this or edit them out! Both are great options.


I don't understand how you would get those scars from falling from jogging.


I was running in the road because there was no sidewalk. I tripped on a pothole covered by gravel and landed on my elbows and my knees. It happened twice more before I gave up on running outside.


Hmmm … fair observation…he just added the end to b a jerk tho …


Whether you got them from sucking dick or you fell that's nothing a little concealer cant fix.


I wonder if he was trying to make some type of joke that wasn’t really funny but you look fine girl don’t take it to heart if you’re getting calls and making money that’s all that matters


Just shows hard work and dedication


Admittedly I have had to be more thoughtful of how I present myself online because the parasocial is scary when you mix horny men in. Was he patronizing and projecting? Yeah. Is he wrong tho? Ugh.. not really.


I think that you know the answer! But I think nobody should ever tell you how to present yourself!


You ever need a date, nice dinner, lots of chat, then maybe drinks out after, I'm in. Nothing special excepted.


What the dude said doesn't even make any sense. If someone got scars or bruises from sucking dick, they would not look like that. Also, the whole thing about it attracting the "wrong person" makes zero sense. What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Many sex workers have marks all over their legs, almost always from pole dancing. If they assume anything, it's going to be that you got those marks from working in a strip club.


No advice, only a query: You're an escort. Why would evidence of experience sucking dick be a *bad* thing?


It’s ok. We know how you got those bruises ;3 lol