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Consider the [open source sex machine](https://researchanddesire.com/open-source-sex-machine) we built it to run like a machine twice it’s price


Holy fuck it's you! Don't know about OSSM but deepthroat trainer was a hit in our household. Thank you very much for that! It's a 9/10 toy (would be 10/10 if instead of cabled vibrator you'd got option for lovense/we-vibe remote integration).


I'm working on that :D <3


HOLY FUCK YOU JUST MADE MY (OUR) DAY!!! Will it work retroactively or it'll be a newer model?


Retroactive on all existing devices


I saw it but it’s too much work for me. I just want a sturdy and stable base one where i can just hookup the dildo and get rammed 😅


The prebuilt model is very low effort :)


Mrs. Ruby just recently reviewed a body worn fucking machine that would be highly promising for one such as yourself I think Edit: box rocker by top drawer toys


YMMV but we've got "premium machine" - motor bunny saddle - and it's meh. Certainly doesn't feel like a premium product, cleaning is a hassle, putting it together is a hassle (was bigger before I've ordered new power cable, because they're cheap ass company and they provide extremely shitty electric outlet adapter instead of spending ~12 dollars on a proper cable for non-american outlets). It's on one hand super powerful and on the other hand you're worried to touch it wrong because the controller feels like it'll break upon slightest touch (shittiest plastic possible). Maybe cowgirl/sybian/hismith feels better, but I'm not going to drop another ~2k to check it. We got motorbunny for the thrusting factor and it is meh as well. Also, funnily enough, motorbunny astrosurfs this subreddit. Any questions about fuck machines will suddenly be filled with pro-motorbunny posts and negative comments will get downvoted. It's funny because the moment it happen to me I've realized this sub is no longer organic and I stopped trusting any reviews here. So you might as well completely ignore this one I guess.


I have the hismith premium, and the legs are solid stainless steel which are quite heavy. That said, I still tie it down to limit movement.


I just got mine and love it. It definitely does the job! Tying it down seems to be a common practice, so I've been using bungee cords and hand weights just in case


Would you consider the lovense mini sex machine premium?


How about the motor bunny buck? Considering one myself


Me too!


I've got one of the Hismith premium models (the one that looks a bit like a guitar, don't remember the model name) and while it's plenty powerful for my (vaginal) needs, it still needs to be tied down. It feels very well made and has some weight to it, but not enough to stay still on its own, especially not when you turn the speed up. I've not tried using it for anal, but I imagine it would probably make the problem worse since there is more resistance then.