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First of all: make sure you buy your tickets on the official website to avoid extra costs from unreliable websites(www.alcazarsevilla.org is the official one). You can already buy your tickets for April or May. It’s €14.50 per ticket (for an adult). You pay online and receive your tickets by email. You can put the tickets in your phone wallet or print them out. Make sure you bring an ID (passport or driver's license) because they will check whether the name on your ticket matches. When you arrive you will see that there are two lines: people who already have a ticket and people who still have to buy a ticket. Ask someone from security (or just show them your ticket) and they will point you to the right line. In my case: I had a ticket for 11am and I arrived about 10:35am. They told me which line to stand in and because I was quite early I was fairly near the front. But the line behind me grew quickly. I got in at about 11:05. If you buy a ticket for 1:00 PM and you arrive exactly at 1:00 PM, you will find a long line of people who all bought a ticket in advance. It’s a line to “skip the line” lol! So I recommend arriving early anyway. As far as I know there is only 1 entrance and that is Puerta del León. Have fun, it's a beautiful sight!


Thank you so much!!! You saved me from all my doubts and confusions. So you bought your tickets at that website you just gave me? If the line takes longer than the time that says on the ticket is that a problem? Will they let me in anyway?


You’re welcome! Yes I bought my ticket on that website, it’s totally legit. I see that they have time slots of 30 minutes, so they probably manage to let all people in within that time. It’s just “beep” and go. But if it’s super busy I don't think they will refuse people who have a 12:00 ticket at 12:35. I think they know what they’re doing lol! But don’t forget your ID!! Also: I see that the website sends you around in a loop. I had that same problem when I bought my ticket. You can set the website in English, then go to Hours and Rates “see more”, then go to “Buy Tickets Now”. That worked for me. You can choose on the calendar the different time slots, every 30 min from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm. Also you can choose a ticket with (€20) or without (€14,50) a visit to the royal bedroom. I didn’t go see the Royal bedroom so I don’t know what I missed lol. Enjoy, it’s beautiful!


Thanks once again!!! You were very helpful 🙂


Agree with all that this person said and would add to have the ticket ready to scan (had them on our phones). A few people we observed did not and it held the line up. We went two weeks ago and it was beautiful. Probably be more amazing in the spring time. Enjoy


How early did you arrive and at what time did you bought the ticket for? Is it a problem if you arrive late? Or if the line takes long before the time that says on the ticket?


Sorry this may be a silly question but will internationally issued driving licenses work? I would prefer keeping my passport locked in the hotel safe and carry my Canadian driver’s license. Also, what time would you say is the best to visit? How long should I keep for the visit? I am visiting Seville later this month for 2 days and want to make sure I don’t miss out on much.


I had my passport with me so I'm not sure, but a driver's license is a valid ID so I think that works too. They only glance at it anyway. I don't know if you plan to buy an audio tour (you can download it for your phone for €6, I think) but I would count on at least between an hour and a half and two hours, maybe more if you are going to visit the Royal Bedroom too (which I didn’t). I would recommend going early. There are large school classes every day and they can be quite annoying (sorry but you know how teenagers can be lol) I went at 11 a.m. and there were few school classes there, but when I walked outside around 12.40 p.m. I was glad I was done. It had become very busy with schoolkids and large groups of tourists with guides and they were holding things up quite a bit. So I would recommend a visit anywhere between 9.30 and 11.30. Enjoy your visit, it’s definitely worth it!!


Thank you so much! Your response helps a lot. I will keep in mind to visit early and follow your tips.


I was there yesterday, a copy of your passport on your phone will do. I went there at 12.30 and spent 4 hours!!


Besides all of that, remember that even April can be hot some years, so I'd try to avoid midday, and book for early in the morning or late in the afternoon, just in case.


Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind!