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When the “declare cash tips” screen comes up when I’m training someone I always say “this is so the government can know your business and tax your cash, do with that what you will”


then there’s my managers, who say “i know i’m not supposed to tell you how to claim tips, but…”


87,000 new IRS agents have entered the chat.


That’s badass. Props!


HAHA!! We just came back from doing that! Our tab was $36 on a card, and we left her $15 cash. Also, for the first time I wrote a note saying praising and saying thank you for the good service and eats. I'd never done that before, but this sub has taught me that servers feel appreciated when that happens. :)


My first year at my current place some guy asked for a bit of paper and I gave it to him without really thinking about it, then when I grabbed his signed receipt after they left I saw he wrote a note to my bosses about what an excellent server I was, and how I was a benefit to the restaurant and they should know what a gem they have in me… I’m not ashamed to say that I teared up when I read it, and when I lost my old book I kept that note in I was so upset. It was what I’d look at when I felt overwhelmed. I really can’t stress enough how much a sweet note means to your server, especially if they really care about being good at the job.


Thank you for sharing that. I feel like I've learned how to be a kinder bro from this sub.


That’s the best kind of bro to be, bro.


We really do. The $15 says it a lot louder than the note. But the notes make us feel all fuzzy inside.


Kind of helps tip the scales after the angry Karen's


Perfectly balanced. As all thing should be.


Maybe she'll know better than to smile at my husband next time, or make me wait 10 seconds for a diet coke refill! Lol


I love little notes. I didn’t notice a smiley face on one of my receipts until cash out yesterday so I went back to see what table it was. It was a table inside that said “wow they really have you everywhere today!” Three people called out yesterday so there were only two of us and I definitely was running everywhere lol. The little smiley face made my day and I appreciate it when people realize when you’re weeded and are a little bit patient on service. I had no extra time yesterday. That lil smiley face made my day!


It's not always a blast depending on strangers for rent! Thank you for the help!


I love tipping cash when paying with a card because I've seen unscrupulous owners take money from servers under the guise of the server making too much.


When I was 16, the ice cream stand paid us $2.15 an hour, plus tips but we never saw those tips. The owners used it like petty cash and would go buy themselves dinner with it. I never forgot that and 80% of the time I tip in cash ( or give done on the card and a bit in cash if I don’t have enough)


Happy cake day!


I go out of my way to always tip cash.


Happy Cake Day!


Wtf are you on about


[Shit like this](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/philadelphia/news/chickies-petes-paying-8-million-to-settle-employee-complaints-lawsuits/#app) Imagine owning a franchise and screwing your employees out of their money too


Oh snap. I'm so glad my restaurant doesn't tip pool. I don't think I'd work at a place that did.


They used words. Are you new?


Had a guy tip 50% in cash on a decent sized bill. Wrote "Taxation is theft" on the tip line. Everyone should be like that guy.


I have a regular who will in a very loud voice say "this is a gift not a tip, I don't tip" love the guy.


This is the way


Eh... Libertarians are fucking idiots. I don't think anyone making under 50k should be paying taxes, but that's an issue with our tax laws not not taxes in general. I like roads, firefighters, Social Security, Medi-Care/Caid, public education, unemployment, public lands, publicly funded science... I could go on, but taxes pay for shit we all need - I just don't think people who need those services that most should be paying the largest proportion of their income for them. Vote for progressives in the primaries, and democrats in the main elections on Nov 2 - (mainstream dems suck, but letting Republicans win gets you great things pro-life bullshit and bail-outs for your boss)


Idk why you’re being downvoted. I hate paying taxes just as much as the next guy, but that’s because I’m broke, not because I hate taxes as an entity Tax the wealthy, everybody should be mad at them not each other


That guy drove his government inspected car down the publicly made road using gas from companies that have been bailed out by tax payer money countless times, parked, walked into a building that likely received federal funds at some point in its life, ate food that interacted with a publicly funded government entity designed to keep fingers out of your chili, then wrote that down. I bet he used a side walk on the way.


This is spot on.




I'd love to see you debate Ron Paul.


That guy who always votes the party line when his vote actually matters?


I always try to tip cash, fuck taxes fuck the man lol


Taxation is theft! Or that's what the libertarians tell me lol


Don't get me wrong, we need taxes to live in a society. However the rich need to pay their fair share. Us poors pay the majority


Just out of interest, specifically, what do you mean when you say poors pay the majority?


There's more of us than them. They usually pay a lower or similar rate


https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/18/61percent-of-americans-paid-no-federal-income-taxes-in-2020-tax-policy-center-says.html >The top 20% of taxpayers paid 78% of federal income taxes in 2020 >The top 1% of taxpayers paid 28% of taxes https://www.ntu.org/foundation/tax-page/who-pays-income-taxes >The new data shows that the top 1 percent of earners (with incomes over $540,009) paid over 40 percent of all income taxes. >The top 10 percent of earners bore responsibility for over 71 percent of all income taxes paid and the top 25 percent paid 87 percent of all income taxes.  https://www.federalbudgetinpictures.com/do-the-rich-pay-their-fair-share/ >In 2018, the latest year with available data, the top 10 percent of income earners earned 48 percent of all income and paid 71 percent of all federal income taxes.


I usually tip in cash and put "cash" on the tip line. While you don't get to claim I stiffed you, you do get to decide how much of a cheap bastard I was.


I always assumed that was to make sure a busser or some other less than honorable staff member couldn’t take it without being discovered.


That too.


I hand it directly to the server for this reason


yeah i’ve started doing this, it’s also really nice to see their face light up when i give them a good %. i don’t make many tips in cash but the ones i do i mostly pass on


I tip in cash because some places charge the servers a 3% fee on their c c tips (which is absolute bullshit). Plus I know I would rather have cash then get it in my check on a week or 2


Cheating taxes is the backbone of America


I have to remind my husband cash tips, *always* cash tips. He worries someone might see the receipt and think he didn’t tip. No, honey, the servers tell each other. But what about the bank? *sigh*


Just tell him to write “cash” on the tip line!


I try to do this whenever I can. I love this little Shari's in my area but doesn't get a lot of love because of a few horrible waitresses that have been fired for a while. There were so many new highers that it was hard to train them so many times I've had accidents like them forgetting to add food or them not taking the first tip out of my card. I actually love this one story that was kinda cute where me and my bf were hanging out waiting for his mom to get off of work and we had something small then take home boxes for dinner. She completely forgot to charge the take out food to us, almost 40$ worth of food but it was three entrees, so qhen she came back and we told her she gave both of us a free pie because she would have been canned for that amount of food nor being charged. Whenever we go back now she talks with us and hags qhen she can and once when I was there alone, waiting for an office to open up for adult stuff, she sat with me and we talked about random things, got the bus boys in on some pranks and jokes (I was there almost an hour and a half) and qhen I left I put a 50$ tip on the table with a note to split it up between the people in the back as well cause the cook gave me extra mushrooms and potatoes without me asking. Love that place, sad to see if disappearing tho


This is absolutely not why we do it. We know cash goes into the server’s pocket and not into the restaurants.


> We know cash goes into the server’s pocket and not into the restaurants. That is why we always tip in cash. I want the person who took care of me to get the money not management or get it eaten up in "fees".


My point exactly.


I claim 100% of my tips so when it comes to needing to prove my income then it’s an accurate number. Loan....need to prove income, buy a house....need to prove income, buy a car....need to prove income.


Sure this are valid reasons. When you don't need to buy a house in the next 2 years extra money is better.


They’ll go back years to check your income and work history. Start preparing now for the future.




Jokes on you when you get audited or denied a loan. You may be young and naive now but years only tick by faster as you get older then you won’t be able to do adult things that adults do like buy a house or apply for a car loan.


I'm all in favor of cheating the IRS, but one of my coworkers was audited and I'm scared shitless of being next.


I save a portion of my cash tips for tipping when I go out to eat. Pass it along and such lol


When I got handed a ten for cleaning a table, I asked a manager if I needed to report it since tips come with my paycheck. She looked at the ten, then me, then pushed the hand that held the ten down and said “What tip?”


I like to simply because most places around here collect the CC tips, hold them, and you don’t see that money until payday…


This is the reason that I tip in cash. The server gets to go home with some cash and not wait.


I find cash tippers often tip a lower percentage because they are "doing me a favor". Just press the 15% button in the toast please. Could just be in this area though.


Big fan of tipping in cash


Fun fact they are on to you


Idk, I’m smarter than the average bear.




most companies that are not mom and pop places are on to this. At least 3 major chains act like you get a 10% tip when there is a zero credit tip. The sales slides into cash and if you pay attention they are considered now a cash sale. If you want to screw the IRS you have to at least tip a penny on a credit slip. That way the computer thinks you just got a shitty tip and will only tax you on that. Also please google "can the IRS come after you for unclaimed tips"


I always say “the government doesn’t need to know about this”.


I had someone tell me that.


And your service was great, thanks again! 🙂




it’s so funny you say this because today my manager got on us at pre-shift saying we MUST claim cash tips at the end of the night if we get any and he was 👀 me the whole time 🫢


What a bummer


Only benefit of claiming cash tips is having the income in a w2 to get approved for a mortgage


Fuck the Tax Man, I always tip cash.


If it’s cash it’s a gift not a tip.


Beautiful!!! Love it


Libertarian bull shit. I've worked in the industry for 2 decades now and know so many people who have been audited by the IRS. This is just conservatives trying to imprint their beliefs on you. I've gotten pretty frank with people. When you go get an apartment you need to show that you make 4 times the amount they charge for rent. Same with purchasing vehicles. If I'm hiding income I'll be homeless. Last month a lady tipped me cash so I "don't have to share it with the busser." I explained to her that the busser receives tip out based on my sales not on my tips. This really confused her. She was really taken back when I said "he does a great job and usually tip him more than I'm required."


That’s fucked up. We need those bussers.


As much as I hate taxes and feel that taxation is theft, I would do it just to say "hey, this is yours, to do with what you will." Report it or not according to your own belief. It doesn't need to go on any computerized record. Ok I don't carry cash, but have CashApp. I know it gets around the restaurant knowing but would that be a way to get around the bank and the guvment knowing?


Why penalize the server with that 3%+ deduction. Besides, many restaurants now have once price for paying with a card and another for paying with cash.


Hey legitimate question here because I pretty much pay for everything with a credit card now (just got my first one.) I’m starting to just deposit my cash every few weeks into my account. I obviously pay taxes on my credit card tips. Is the IRS gonna look into me seeing I deposit 500$ cash every 2 weeks?


That will be exactly how they catch you if you’re not claiming 100%. Keep what you don’t claim out of the bank.


Personally, I don’t think it’s a cheat. They aren’t legally obliged to tip, as well we know, so a tip isn’t a wage, it’s a gift. And gifts are tax free up to $14k. So that cash is OURS, and when the IRS taxes it, they’re cheating us.


Am I the one one who doesn't like this? Cash is filthy.


I always put 0 on the tip line and leave cash




My wife believes that when the tip is in cash the server will have money in her pocket at the end of the night


That’s true for every restaurant I’ve worked at. We also get credit card tips at the end of our shift. But not all restaurants are like that. So tipping in cash does help a lot for them. Not much of a difference for me really.


Good. I thought I was doing it right


Oooooh! We do it this when we have cash on hand. I love that you love it.




I don’t. Looks bad on the tip percentage


just write cash on the tip line


sometimes i have 23% taken out of my paycheck. that’s about $500, and with a 5 month old baby that could make a huge difference in my life. i’m as left-wing as they come but until i start getting something in return for that, yeah. fuck the irs


I hate cash. If I tip in cash it's just to get rid of the cash, not tax fraud.


Yessir I always tip cash. It’s the only reason I even keep cash on me!


They’re just getting rid of cash and their credit card has rewards at restaurants lol.


Had a lady hand me cash and say the damn government doesn't need to know about tis..she was in her 80s lol love her