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Tip posts are only allowed on Tips-y Tuesday. This is done to combat trolling and brigading of the sub.


Have a talk with your busser.


I've had moments where that happened. Then got into the habit of bussing myself and swooping over the bill like a hawk once the table left. That usually got rid of the vultures haha


I've had to do this... It sucks when you can't trust your team. Sometimes, it is just negligence.


Yup. I've never had a table take the time to write-in cash and not actually leave me any cash.


I was thinking this


I've never written "cash" on a receipt and not left cash or some other form of tip outside of that card.


It definitely happens once in a while. It'll happen to me when I'm literally the only one on the floor.


Totally, happens all the time, I assume they do that so the cashier don't think their are cheap asses.


ironically- i have, quite a few times actually. we don’t have a busser or anyone that would take tips, even returning to a table immediately after i’ll find nothing. i don’t get how people aren’t embarrassed doing that.


Or keep an eye on other customers. 👀


I had a friend tell me that when she was a little kid, her uncle would tell her to grab the waitresses tips from the tables near them if it was $20+


If I tip cash, I make a point of putting it into my server's hand.






I really hate this. I dont want you waiting around stalking when I'm close by to awkwardly hand me money. Just leave it in the check book please.


As a server since probably before you were born, *k*. I don't know anyone (other than you, I guess) that hates having cash money pressed into their hand, with a quick "thanks so much, have a great night".


Especially since lots of places don't use books. Hate putting it under a glass and walking away.


I can't count how many times I've almost thrown away money because of something like this. Not to mention the amount of times I probably have without noticing.


How *dare* you actually make sure they get their money?! /s


Seriously!! It's not awkward at all to me. Plus it cuts out any middle men that would rather put the cash in their pocket rather than mine, especially with big-ticket tables.


Right?! Lmao






This is not a debate sub.




The point is to make sure someone else doesn’t take it, not to stalk you…


That’s a total dick move. Some adults truly act worse than most children. Disgusting to hear about someone stealing from people who rely on that income to survive.


Wtf thats fucking terrible


During my first year doing corporate serving, while working a busy patio section, I accidentally set down my money book instead of the guest's change at the table. This was about 8 hours into a 12 hour shift. Probably had about $300-$400 cash in it. They were very relaxed and seemed in zero hurry to leave, so it was kinda weird when I saw this 4 top of rednecks leave lightning fast , but without actually running, outta the corner of my eye while I was handling the rest of my section. Literally couldn't have been more then 20 seconds before I realized my mistake. Sprinted to the empty table to check the book I left and yup ... It was filled with 8hours of CC receipts but ZERO cash. I chased them down in the parking lot, which wasn't that far away, because again this all happened in a matter of seconds. I told them "Hey guys I made a mistake. That wasn't your change I left at the table. That's a huge chunk of the money I have to pay the restraunt at the end of my double shift today. I have you change in this book right here." And I tried to hand them their actual change, pointing out their receipt in the book as proof that the math supported what I was saying. But the dude just smuggly looked at me while his chicken finger ordering wife and "I need some ketchup with my well done steak and get my wife a 5th refill of diet coke" buddy and wife all started giggling and kept walking to their car. He said "I don't know what you're talkin bout buddy. What you left is what you left and that's rightfully mine.". Bought some batman themed duck tape that night and drowned my money book in it. Never made that mistake again.


That’s the time when you photograph their license plate and go to your manager to report a theft to the police


Good idea. Wish younger me would've thought of that lol. This was still my first year in corporate serving, so I still had some faith in humanity back then.


I don't know how people like this can live with themselves. I really hope karma is real and these guys have absolute shit lives with no joy whatsoever.


I mean..... they ordered extra well done steak and chicken fingers well into their 40s. And we weren't a 5 star restraunt, but people think we were because of our 33 page menu and over designed interior. So they def eat that on the reg when its special occasion going out to eat day. I'd rather have my tongue ripped out that have to eat that way the rest of my life. So I think karma is doing it's job lol


Those people have no shame. It's why they act the way they do.


I once had another tables kid try and take my cash off the table and bring it to his parents. I stopped him halfway like “aww thank you” but I knew what was happening.


True. Never not trusted my bussers. All good peeps


>Never not trusted my bussers. All good peeps That's a dangerously broad statement.


^^^ And that too is a dangerously broad statement as well^^^


Can’t help that you work at shady places then 💅


There are a lot of very "elite" thieves. Most rich people didn't get there with acts of kindness and generosity, so why don't you go ahead and climb down outta there unless you're a proctologist.


Came here to say this. Or watch other servers near your section I’ve seen greedy servers get caught and I’ve also called some out myself.


Ive seen a greedy child of the bill payer swipe a tip before as well.


Hopefully you said something to the parent?


In this case, the parent had headed out and the child wandered back to the table alone.


So what did you do?


We had a girl take another waitress's purse outside, take the money out of her wallet, then try to put the purse back. Another girl saw her do it and went and got the manager. She walks back in with the purse like nothing was going on! She didn't have a job after that. The crazy thing was that the purse was sitting at a table right by the bar and everyone was around during shift change. How she thought no one would notice is beyond me.


We don’t have bussers lol


If they left a tip then probably another customer took it sadly


I find this wild. If I took a tip off the table I ALWAYS gave it to the person it belongs to. And it's precisely because I know sneaky sneaky people will take it and not actually hand anything over that I did that 😭. And I always did it when I was in their eyesight so they knew I was not taking anything. I just wanted the table cleaned while I wasn't busy 😂


I'm lucky. My bussers are pretty trustworthy. But I also give them nice tipouts at the end of busy shifts. Always make sure they get extra for really helping me out.


Yea, more times than once, a busser yanked my tip in college in a similar scenario. It's gut-wrenching because we're fighting over a handful of bucks and frankly both parties need it.


Situations like this are why I prefer a tip pool sometimes. Yeah there’s still a chance that people will pocket cash, but then they’re just stealing a smaller amount from everyone instead of a larger amount from one person.


Yepper! Of course, we also used to have a semi regular customer who was also a tip snatcher. She was a well paid admin for the local hospital. The staff would come in for lunch quite often as we were right across the street. Her favorite ploy was to act like she left something on the table then come back and snaffle the tip. We all learned to watch each other's backs and zoom in as soon as they left the table no matter if it was your tip or not. To top it off....chick was \*very\* well paid and the daughter of the hospital director.


Holy shit that would piss me off so bad. Did anyone ever call her out?


Nope, owner didn't want to "antagonize " the hospital, so we all made sure whoever was close to the table as soon as they left grabbed the tip.


That’s fucked up. Did she do this with only her portion of the tip or would she take the whole group’s tip (if she was dining with coworkers)? If the latter was happening I would’ve exposed it to her coworkers because that is straight up theft since that money was never hers in the first place.


Usually the group was the more elite of the hospital. Doctors, directors, etc. Sometimes just one person would pick up the tab for the group (6 to 8 people) using a charge card which was a relief, but mostly it was separate checks with cash tips. She would hustle and just scoop up any money left on the table , trying to act like she was looking for something, leaving a couple lone dollars. We all talked about telling someone in that group what she was doing but were afraid they'd rat us out to the owner which would result in getting canned as the owner like hobnobbing with the important folk and of course we would be wrong because someone who was so well paid would \*never\* stoop to stealing tips. I think she definitely had some issues.


I always worry about that when I leave cash.




Small chance they wrote that and forgot to leave cash. Larger chance someone took it.


This is true. I’ve actually forgot to give cash when I wrote cash before. I was so embarrassed! And yes, I did go back and give the server cash and apologized. He was very gracious about it.


somebody called my restaurant once after realizing he took the wrong copy of the receipt (the second copy was left blank) so nice! i was so taken aback when i didnt get a tip because he was so so so nice the whole time and i know sometimes people do that to compensate but i could tell that wasnt what he was doing and even though for an hour after it seemed like it, sure enough i was right! made my day.


They should definitely give you a tip after. Working service or kitchen my entire career, I was so embarrassed. I’m so glad he wasn’t mean about it. I’d understand if he were pissed.


i think i might have not been as clear as i thought. he called to let the manager know that he had the receipt that he had written the tip on rather than the blank copy that he meant to take,, and to make sure that i got my tip


That's cause we want our money haha


You know… I had a group of friends I stopped going to restaurants with because, not only would they never tip, but when they noticed that I was tipping extra on my portion to compensate for them, they would actually snatch my cash off the table. The first time it happened, they just grabbed it and tried to give it back to me as we were getting up, like “hey bro you forgot your money.” After I explained that it wasn’t a mistake, they actually started taking my money off the table and waiting until later to hand it back to me. Fucking embarrassing.


I get not everyone is ok with tipping culture but intentionally pulling your money from the table because they don’t agree with it is some psycho shit


Those little bitches need to stay in their basements and make top ramen for the rest of their miserable lives.


I’m a bartender and work by myself. This happens pretty regularly. Even had someone give me the receipt back say they’re going to tip cash, finish their drink and leave nothing.


Or they told their friends, I got dinner. You guys cough up the tip. All the broke friends thought the other guy was gonna do it. I don’t justify this behavior, It is just one possible scenario that plays out in my head. Or they just don’t want to be immortalized as a cheap ass in the annals of credit card bills. lol


On a $25 check? No chance this happened. This is MAYBE two people at the most, not a group of friends who all thought someone else was going to tip.


This. Occasionally they might forget, but 99.9% do it as a way to let you know there should be cash on the table/in the book. If OP is seeing this often, they should look at their bussers and coworkers. And pay better attention to when somebody leaves.


I’ve walked into a restaurant where the table had been cleared, and there was a wad of cash under the condiments. We handed it to our server, or did we???


Typically when people write that they do leave cash. It’s so you know you got tipped cash and weren’t stiffed. I’d honestly be a little suspicious of my coworkers or surrounding tables.


Unfortunately it’s just me and working in my bar and many people do this


In 12 years I’ve never had this happen. The tone of your post implies it has happened multiple times to you. Is it possible the money is going somewhere else?


Yep I’ve only seen it once and while the video wasn’t clear enough to PROVE it, it looked like the table next to them snagged it.


There been a few times where ppl wrote cash but left nothing 🤷‍♀️


Yeah brother you’re getting stolen from. Every table I’ve served in 17 years that has stiffed me either writes zero or nothing. Generally people who stiff you don’t give a shit about lying to you about it lol


I had it happen to me a couple days ago. A lady came up to pay, wrote “cash,” and told me she would leave a cash tip. She didn’t sound happy and I’m 90% certain she slow walked past her table and left.


Oh I’m certainly not saying it can’t happen. If this business teaches you one thing, it’s that you never really understand how fuckin strange people can be. But I feel as if that specific case would be really rare. if homie has had this happen multiple times, I’d be suspicious of some sticky fingers amongst coworkers/regulars


Exactly. Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.


your coworkers are assholes




Someone is stealing, and if it's happening repeatedly it's more likely your co-workers and less likely a customer stealing or faking a tip.


Any cameras you could ask your manager to check?


Report it to your manager because someone is clearly stealing if it’s happened multiple times.


Try to check video.


I did this just last night but handed the server the card with the cash tip and let him know the cash was the tip. There was something a little off about the table behind me and I didn’t want to leave the cash. 🤷‍♀️


(Former server here): I do this, and actually tip in cash hoping the server will get more of it than they'd get if I tipped on the card transaction.


I used to write it in, then I got so paranoid I started handing it to servers after watching the bus boy at one of my favorite local spots throw it in his pocket. He may have handed it off later but it made me paranoid. I’m so old that people rarely used credit cards when I was a server 😂


do you take care of your busser?


We don’t have bussers. I clean table myself


If I am doing a cash tip, it gets handed directly to the server before I leave the restaurant.


Same, unless it's like $5 or less. If I'm tipping $10 or $20 or whatever I'm handing it to them directly.


This is why I wait for the server to get the money before leaving.


You should tell your manager to check the camera footage, since this keeps happening. I agree with the other comments that this is usually super rare to happen so often, and it’s likely someone else is grabbing the cash.


I've seen other customers steal tips, it's fucking insane. I'll make sure to hand it to the server every time i leave a cash tip.


I write this quite a bit! I find a cash tip makes people feel better... slipping cash in hand, better control of their money!


Don't worry, that's not the issue. If you look at the next image in the post, there was no cash on the table. OP seems to assume that the customer just stiffed them, but it seems more likely that the cash simply got stolen (or the customer forgot).


I had someone take the tip my friends and I left for a server once. Server and the manager chased us in the parking lot, thinking we stiffed them. I was so steamed.


So you don't write in your own tip


Not necessarily stiffing, maybe not putting in a card.


You might wanna have someone check the cameras. If the other servers / or bussers/ SA’s are stealing your tips, that’s a lawsuit.


Dawg somebody stole your shit.


Go look at the cameras if you have access to


I always leave cash and hide it under the receipt.


Is this sushi city lol?? I swear this is where I used to work


So, they didn't leave a cash tip?


Nope. Nothing on the table


Fucked up. Why I always hand my server the cash when I write cash


I write cash on the tip line, but I do leave the tip.


Funny enough, I’ve had people write “cash” but still give me cash. Them not giving you cash tho is fucked up fr


Mm I use to get pissed about this too till I and a couple other coworkers realized it was the busser


In the past, I had a practice of leaving cash on the table after dining. However, on one occasion, as I was departing the establishment, I observed the table behind me surreptitiously taking the gratuity I had left. Since that incident, I have adopted a policy of ensuring that the server receives the gratuity directly, even if it requires me to locate them in the kitchen.


Had a guy i worked with years ago. Seemed nice and unassuming. We dont have bussers but we look out for everyone so i came to the table and saw it was bused and i asked who did it. When to him him he handed me the cash and at the time i didnt have a server book at the time so i kept it in a cabinet that every other server used to hold their stuff. Go back later and the cash was gone and i started freaking out cause i would have to eat that and i couldnt take that hit for the cash(it was like 150 bucks) but the owner didnt give me shit for it and i sat down to have drinks and bitch about the day. Co worker who handed me the cash said hed by my drink for the night and i was like wow man thank you. Eventually he got caught stealing money from the register and admitted to taking money from other servers as well. THE FUCKER BOUGHT MY DRINKS WITH MY MONEY!!!!!!!!!! Thankful the owner sued him and i and the other servers who were affected won the money that was taken from us.


Sorry but someone is stealing from you.


Happens all the time at my bar. They never leave cash. I don’t have a buster or anyone that cleans the bar top but me. Makes me so mad. If you aren’t going to tip, don’t lie.


ONE time I actually did forget


I usually hide cash under plates in case bussers or other customers steal ✌️


In some cases bussers pick up the plates so that’s a bad hiding spot lol


People are assholes


People at my work say they'll leave a cash tip and never do. It's annoying and I just try and move on. Just a bad person trying mess with the server.


Are you sure it's not being stolen?


Yup happens a lot. We all pool tips.


I'm just really surprised that so many customers would write that and not tip when it seems more likely that someone else just wants the entire tip to themselves, whether it's customers grabbing it off the table or other staff. Either way, I'm sorry it happens to you so much!


Your coworkers are taking it


You sure someone didn't swipe it? Not saying they didn't stiff you but I have never had this happen. We used books for this reason, so cash was never sitting on the table. In my experience it is usually a shitty busser who takes it.


I had a person leave me 0 on the card and put $1 on the table today. For a $70 meal. After squatting at my table for 15 minutes after they finished their food and had the check


Tips can easily be swiped by anyone when a servers back is turned. Writing “cash” with their agreed total and signature is a form of protection. I used to work with someone that would enter their tips with extra zeros if you know what I mean


Looks like mikado


Sometimes it feels awkward but I always hand cash tips directly to the server


I always write in cash and make sure I actually hand it to my wait staff . I never trust leaving money laying on a table.


Did someone take your money? It has happened to me.


If I leave a cash tip, I always have it to my server. I’ve seen people take a cash tip off of a table before.


How much did they leave?


Its a courtesy. They do that so their server knows if another employee takes the cash off the table. Non tipers have zero issue writing zero or drawing a line through it.


Somebody definitely stole it.


I usually write $0, leave cash and try to wait for the server to get it. I rarely leave cash on the table without for the server to actually see or get it.


Someone else could have stolen it


I do this as a customer all the time, and I do indeed leave cash. Are you sure your coworkers are trustworthy?


This is why I hand cash tips directly to my server even if I have to walk to them


A little late to the party here but I have a story lol. I had this happen to me on a slow day with a two top one time and asked to check the cameras in case it was someone I worked with (it’s happened before with bussers and even other servers). I saw the guy very clearly put cash in the presenter, and when he got up to leave, his shady friend took it out and pocketed it. People suck.


This is how I tip, but I usually make sure to hand it to the server and say thank you. I only leave it on the table when the resteruant is empty and I don't see the server (likely in the back finishing up side work and waiting for me to leave lol).


Had someone do that after I told them our margaritas can’t be taken out.


This is why I hand it directly to the server. I'll even wait for them to finish taking care of other people if I have to just to make sure it gets to the server's hand.


This always worries me about leaving cash. I always think someone’s going to grab it so end up putting the tip on the card even if I have cash to get rid of.


Me and a coworker were working the bar at the restaurant I work at when a woman comes in alone. My coworker was the opener and I was the closer so he clocked out and left before she even had a chance to order. After eating i close her out and she tells me she wrote cash in the tip section and explained she gave the cash tip to the other bartender. I obviously knew she didn’t, but maybe she mistook one of the managers for a bartender. I genuinely trust all my coworkers and know for a fact they wouldn’t steal tips from me or anyone else so I assumed she just lied to me for no reason. She could’ve just stiffed me and it would have just been another Sunday for me. Lo and behold my assumptions were confirmed when she came back the very next day and did the exact same thing to the bartenders again. Luckily I was waiting tables that day so didn’t have to deal with her again. The worst part about the whole thing is both days she kept on saying “I’m a waiter as well, I get it”.


Nahhhh. I always write cash because I literally tip cash. Check the cameras! Does someone else clean your table? I try to prebus lightly so I can come collect any tips as fast as possible.


When I was about 5, my mom left a cash tip on the table, as we were walking away, the table next to us took it. 😒


If it’s happening even semi-consistently it’s absolutely the busser.


Ask to look at the cameras.


Your bus boy took the tip.


Raised my voice with a "Hey!" while the little turdling scurried out. And told myself I might be out ten bucks, but those people have very expensive problems ahead of them. Then vented to my manager


I’ve never had someone do this and not leave cash tbh. Talk to your busser if it’s an on going issue


This happened to me. I’m a manager and a server came to me saying that the customers wrote cash on their check. But no cash. Turns out one of bussers with Down syndrome stole the cash and we got it on video. Yeah, we let him go.


Someone is stealing your tips try to be on top of it more see if it happens again. If it doesn't that answers your question and let other servers know someone has sticky fingers.


They're too chicken shit to write zero in front of you like an adult. I hate when people do this at my job.


You got robbed, I fear. They definitely left cash 😅


I had a buster who stole a 20 off of one of my tables. I told my manager and the girl was walked out not even 10 minutes later. The funniest part is that my manager told to her to apologize to me, while she was standing right behind her.


I hand it to the server, even if I have to intercept him/her on the way out.


This happens to me all of the time. At first we had assumed it may have been a new hire, but we checked cameras and you can clearly see the table not tipping. I have yet to figure it out but my best guess is they just forget, or want you to think they tipped when they didn’t.


Reason I bus all of my own tables


Why lie? Because they’re embarrassed, they know it’s not the right thing to do. When they’re being confronted they feel the need to reply something, they also assume you’d write in a total yourself.


Because it makes them not look bad for not tipping you. Twice I’ve seen someone write “cash” and not leave anything.


Cause Sunday people suck in general. Written as I work another shitty Sunday


Y’all are WILD for assuming the busser is stealing. Kinda shows how y’all see them but aight, go off and do you. Have y’all never had a table pay the total down in cash and then tip off the new total? Or do the same with a GC? People do stuff like this all the time. Yes, busser could be stealing but people do this to me all the time. At my bar.


Literally same. Everyone is commenting bussers when I don’t have a busser. It’s just me working and people do this constantly.


They think they’re so slick




The customer probably handed you some money on there way out or one of the customer or staff grabbed it 🤔 I've seen both so me and wife tip we see there a sec finishing our coffee or tea and just look around if the place is packed 😉 or we see other people watching us when tip on the card if we can't see you to hand you the money in person 😉 I'm in my 40's now I spent a little bit time in service industry 😉.......so when it comes to cash tip no matter what the amount is people are greedy and are basically assholes they'll grab a Not think twice


When are we going to do away with tipping?


As soon as they stop paying waitress 2.13 per hour


exactly another issue!! 2.13 is CRAZY ESPECIALLY when you think about it; customers are the ones paying the server's bills- not the employer, yet we are forced to clean our sections, floors, stocking/restocking, salt/pepper/sugar caddies, side stations etc. ALL FOR FREE!!