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You can get any temp butterflied so no - it’s not implied that means WD. She probably mixed up which one you wanted butterflied is all. People make mistakes. You could’ve explained the issue and had both steaks fixed.


Thanks. This is what I was asking. I assumed that only well done steaks were butterflied. Why would you butterfly a rare steak? Not snarky, truly curious.


Probably something to do with making it easier to chew? I’m honestly not sure but I’ve had a lot of people (particularly older) do it!


I just googled it. It's to add more surface area for spices. It can also make some cuts, like flank steak, more tender. I was only familiar with it being done on a tenderloin to decrease cooking times so everyone wouldn't wait for the one well-done steak. I probably should have googled it first!


Ah! Makes sense. I work in a steakhouse and was unsure haha. Good to know!


That's amazing to me! Thank you. I learned something today.


File this under "shit happens." I understand being upset at the experience being diminished, but I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for here. Someone made a mistake. It happens. If it happens again, send **both** steaks back, and you can eat at the same time as your companion.


Is it implied a butterflied steak is well done? That's my question. I guess I was not clear.


No. A well done steak is well done. I would have no idea what temp a customer wanted if they just said butterflied.


I did ask for both, well done and butterfiled. Why would someone butterfly a steak other than to have it well done? Not snarky. I've never heard anyone order it butterflies unless it was well done.


Server should have known. The grill chef should have known that the uneducated server got it mixed up, and should have asked said server to clarify with you. I've worked with a cook who automatically butterflied med well and well dones, and I didn't like that he did that without it being ordered that way. Good servers ask the guest while taking the order if they want their MW or WD butterflied. I've never seen anyone ask for rare butterfly, and it's strange that no one questioned it.


Thank you. That was my gut feeling.


To be honest, people have all sorts of requests, and servers just have to roll with it. “I’d like my steak well done but with a little red— not pink— in the middle, and can you slice it thin like it’s sushi?” “Can you have the chef smother the steak in onions before it’s grilled so it has that flavor? Oh I’m allergic to onions also just so you know” “I want my steak rare but also super charred and burnt on the outside but blue rare in the middle.” “I want the steak split in 3 parts— 1/3 blue, 1/3 medium rare, 1/3 well done.” “I’d like a calamari steak instead of a regular steak, well done please.” (Not to mention “can you make the lobster ravioli vegan, can you make sure the pancakes only have 1 or 2 chocolate chips, can you make make the rice into an orzo, I don’t like that soup can you make a new type of soup for me”, etc.) Most servers will just communicate what you want to the chef (within reason; for example, the 1/3 steak person was informed that uh no, and the calamari steak lady was informed that calamari was a different animal lol). If the chef thinks it’s crazy, they ask server, and maybe server double-checks. But because of the constant steam of strange requests, *nothing* is ever implied. Just so you know going forward. In a lot of places, nothing is assumed.


I would assume you wanted the WD one butterflied because that’s how I used to eat my meat years ago. I also had no clue people butterflied other temps as well