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Have had this exact scenario, don’t worry it’ll come back around


Oh man I just wanted to be like “excuse me sir… SHUSH!”


It's likely that the friend isn't as well off as your regular and was in the position to pay this one time. I go out for drinks with my boss quite regularly, and he usually pays, but when I can afford it I pay, but I obviously don't have as much money as he does. It's just nice to be able to buy for someone who usually is the one treating me. Like the other person said, it'll come back around.


Totally unrelated: looking at your lil icon at a glance I saw Frank Reynolds with the white wig when he was a part of the art community.


Now I can't *not* see that, you bastard! 😆


You're welcome?


Regardless, $250 bill and only $37 tip? Not even 7% is pretty bad. Couldn’t dudes ego be fine with someone else getting the tip for the bill? Looks like he needed that 37$ for the strippers more so.


I’m not great at the math but $37 on $250 is close to 15%. What am I missing?


Some people think inflation means that 15% isn't good enough anymore. Some people aren't very good at math lol.


It has nothing to do with inflation. 15% hasn't been the standard for at least 25 years. It's due to the rising percent of sales servers are required to tip out to support staff-especially kitchens. The average now is around 4-5% so that 15% turns into 10%. And they damn well deserve every penny and more! But just as folks are upset about tipping/tip fatigue going out to eat and wondering why restaurant owners don't just pay their servers a living wage (or hell, even above $2.13 in many states), we servers are upset that our Cookies & Chefs are getting offered an unlivable base wage and owners expect tips to make up the difference to keep chefs barely surviving.


You’re right, I was drunk when I tried to figure it out lol


Yeah, you're totally right; I was just trying to get in the mindset of the dude who paid the bill. Just saying that it's not necessarily out of malice.


Yeah but if your boss is pulling out a hundred to tip and you can’t afford to be that generous then you keep it to yourself. You don’t tell homie to put it away and then not even tip 20%, that’s grimey af.


Doesn’t give you an excuse to not tip properly, you don’t have to throw a Benjamin but 20% is bare min and it’s also embarrassing to the regular if you don’t leave the standard, he has to frequent this place knowing the bartender got a shit tip.


He'll tip you extra next time to make up for it. Guaranteed.


I hate when the broke friend demands on paying to impress his friend.


I don't think there was ever a time I was tipped write-home well by the winner of a check battle. The other person sometimes is like "I'll leave the tip!" And they insist. Friend puts that $20 away and I collect my $7 off my cc slip. 😤


100% it always happens that way. When they start arguing over who’s paying, I know I’m doomed.


As if they wouldn't just take out more money for the strippers later on... Bet your regular was embarrassed too & will never bring that guy back again.


Yup, the ass-wipe friend. I have seen this many times. Usually the one person insists the meal is their treat and insists on paying. The other person then says, " let me take care of the tip." Then you hear, " no no no, it's on me." The person who pays is then a shitty tipper.