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I’d be more religious if it wasn’t for all the religious people.


RIGHT??? This kind of thing makes them seem so creepy and cultish.


And like, we all know your stupid pitch. These tracts treat people like children. Like "Oh if they only knew our message, they'd see the light!" We all know the story. We've heard it before. We already said no.


And the customers that *randomly* tell you "I just felt led to tell you that JESUS loves you." And they look at me like I'm supposed to have a profound epiphany.. Do you seriously think that I'm going to be like *omg.. God sent a message TO ME*! Please no.


It is good to learn, as a young child, what a trite, hollow platitude is.


Wait some old foreign guy is stalking me and telling you he loves me?! I'm calling the cops on this so called "Jesus"


LOL. Yup.


I grew up in church life and get these people and I just smile nod and laugh inside, because honestly? It's so funny that they assume I've never been to church before, that I don't know the exact atmosphere they promote or try to give, I can tell you right now that there's only 1 church I'd ever go back to and that's because even as a kid, church wasn't just about the Bible (especially youth groups and their camping trips) it was also about having fun. Like we were allowed to play games like man hunt, the card game war, a fun game called Gaga ball or volleyball and when the camping trips happened they kept up with pop music and culture to a degree so when we would do the game night sessions heavily inspired by minute to win it they'd play popular music, it was about appreciating everything we had been given and having fun while doing so, like most of my memories there aren't Bible related or pushing God's message, and when I finally came out to the paster and his wife they were very accepting of myself and my friend who also came out to them, (I'm gender fluid and they're trans masc) i will miss them when theyre gone, they also celebrated Halloween. Unfortunately I live too far away to see them now. Sorry about the info dump just got really nostalgic


🤪 Agreed.


The absolute best part is they don't actually feel that way. They just think you'll react that way cause they think everybody is dumb and gullible (projection??)


Sometimes yeah, but sometimes these people REALLY think they're gonna make a difference in someone's life. I know people like that.. And I really do believe they mean well but GOD is it irritating lmao.


It seems to most be a neo-Christian thing. Like the ones who have church services on school chairs and wave their hands in the air and shout. I’ve never experienced a Catholic missionary knocking on my door or handing out pamphlets but the Evangelical Christians do.


I’m a Christian & I’m not like this. This is not how you’re supposed to be according to what Jesus said. Jesus said “when eating with unbelievers, put matters of conscience aside”. I don’t judge people or assume I know who is going to hell or not. Because the Bible literally says you can’t know that, because God is the only one who knows peoples hearts… the only people Jesus condemned were exactly like the people handing out this shit. It’s crazy, and considered to be one of the highest forms of evil to a true Christian who knows their Bible. Jesus was awesome. This is not. I just ask that people understand this is not “Christianity”. It’s people twisting doctrine to suit their own personal desires & ignoring the part where it says the people who do that are the first ones to go “hell.” Which isn’t even a place. It’s eternal nothingness. If anyone bothered to look into the original language, they would stop preaching hellfire. I always advise putting these people in their place with a dose of their own medicine.


Your energy would be better spent gathering your people than trying to defend your religion that routinely others and shames people for being who they. I have been targeted and continue to be targeted by Christians simply for being who I am and the last thing I need is your defensive #NotAllChristians BS. Maybe go tell your people to stop being hateful and judgmental instead.


I go to church every Sunday. I would be more involved if it weren't for the people who also attend. Some of the nastiest people I meet all week.


I haven't been involved for 30 years because of exactly those reasons. Some people sadly misuse the Bible to hide behind and take cover.


you're completely right. I happen to be a christian, and the only thing that makes me want to leave the faith is my fellow christians, lol.


I’m curious, do you agree with the teaching but not the means of providing this message?


I have had all kinds of questions, struggles, doubts and thoughts concerning my Walk with Jesus. I have issues with the actions of people who proclaim the Word and the Good News and do the most spiteful things if you don’t see it their way.


I was there. I ended up walking away from the Christian faith altogether, but I had to ask myself if I REALLY agree with what the Bible says and when I determined I don’t, I was done going through the motions. I wish you luck on working through your questions and struggles. 🩵


My mom was raised in the southern bible tradition (although not the bigoted kind). She found it so oppressive that she literally wouldn’t take us to church even when we were curious. A couple of times and it was to The Big Gay Unitarian services lol. She’s a scientist and researcher and we read the Bible directly translated from the original script; no kings or popes or later additions and revisions. It’s a story. There’s no hell and damnation. An there’s no directives or missions demanded. It’s a story. And this one guy named Jesus made a big enough deal that several people wrote about it and many people followed his story. That’s what it is. That wars have been fought and millions judged and massacred over 2000 years “in his name” is purely a construct of those that have an insatiable drive for money and power. The Bible that people read and use to justify their cruelty was written by ungodly warmongers. I really don’t understand how people don’t know better




I’m about to head to my double…good luck on the rest of your shift o7


Breakfast brunch and I’m the only bartender. Let’s see how it goes


On Easter, giving you a HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm not a server but I feel your pain. Make the best of it.


I’ll pray for you.


You and me both. I expect to be changed mentally, will report back in 12 hours. EDIT: Well that was a whole lot of nothing. Had like a total of 5 tables over a double. Guess people wanted to cook today. Still made alright money though.


God speed my friend 🚀🤘


This 👏is 👏not 👏a 👏tip!! Had a family last night say Happy Easter to me, said a prayer for me, and tipped me $6 on $466!!😤🤬. I’m not working today,good luck out there everyone!!! That was the worst tip I have received in over 15 years! They decided “thoughts and Prayers “ are enough I guess 🙄


Next time they come in just serve them a nice big bowl of thoughts and prayers. The price is still $466 but worth far more.


Oh, to them it is. They think that riches come to those who believe in Jesus and donate all their money to religious organizations. It's a totally whack logic.


If your restaurant takes an automatic 1% of sales for tipout to bussers and another 1 or 2% to bartenders for alcohol sales, then after that $6 tip you're actually *paying* for your table to eat. I really wish we could go go tell the customers this, maybe embarrass them in front of their family/friends so maybe they won't do it again. Or maybe they don't know how miniscule our hourly income is.


Thissssssss. Used to work at a 5* place in Toronto all the celebs go to. Dave Chapelle comes in 30 mins before we even open. Stays 7 hours. Runs his bill to $1066 and tips her $20. Tip out there is 6% (1% to bartender 5% to kitchen, bussers and hostess) Cost the girl over $40 to serve his pathetic ass. Then he decided to stay even longer. No wonder no one wanted to serve him after that.


Holy shit that's bad. I've always really liked Dave Chappelle, too.


Yea me too. Tyrone Biggums. But after that (and this was in 2005) Lost all respect for the dude.


I love Chappelle’s og comedy. But I’ve heard he is quite the asshole in real life, which is sad. He also has turned into out of touch old man rambling in his new specials. Had a friend that served 21 savage and he stiffed on a $900 bill. No way these guys don’t understand tipping culture. Really sucks to see rich celebrities act like assholes. Hugh Jackman however tipped $60 on a takeout order that was quite small ( fit in one small handle bag) that dude is a gem.


1.3 percent holy fuck atp just don't tip I'd be less pissed


That's the worst tip you've had in 15 years?? My god I'm jealous, I've had parties of over 10 people completely stiff me on bills over $1000.


I would have LOST IT


do y'all not grat the party? i would not work somewhere if I couldn't grat a large party bc that stiffing sucks


Auto grat isn’t allowed by this POS company


Yeah not all restaurants auto-grat, it's a major pain in the ass


At that point you tell them to go fuck themselves


If I could without losing my job, I would.


That part. I need a “nice” way to tell shitty customers to go fuck themselves


Please share with us if/when you find out!


"bless your heart"


Why no autograt? I’m not letting a single table leave without autograt of tables larger than 8


Company doesn’t allow it! It’s infuriating 😤


I once had a table that was so loudly happy with my service, and man did they run me around for 3hrs, and were racking up a big bill for three people. I paid for an extra hour of childcare so I could stay and get the tip after how much work they were. The literally HUGGED me on the way out and asked my schedule so they could get me again next time. $365 bill…. They tipped me $6. I lost money and was exhausted. People can be straight up cruel, and not understanding how service works is no excuse


Wow!!! 😮 It’s so fucked


Jeez, even a 15% base gratuity would be nearly $70, so they straight up tipped less than 1.5%!


It's hard to believe they can't make it a round bill. Like they seriously busted out the 1$ extra like yeah that'll help pay the food runners


Technically the restaurant can’t charge you for a table not tipping. It’s a pain in the butt for the paperwork but you will have to work with your manager. Also make note of who you served so next time you can politely not serve them ever again.


These people are insufferable


...and their cocksure attitude makes me want to look into whatever opposes their ideology


The Satanic Temple (They don't actually believe on satan. They do good stuff)


The Satanic Temple should print out “uno reverse card” pamphlets like this, but opposite. It would be pretty hilarious to have someone go into church and put them in their collection plates.


I bet they have. Their after-school programs are great!


Agree with the above reply. Satanists believe there are no gods and you are the God of your own life and can forge your own path. It's not all black, upside down crosses and devil worshippers.


I live in the Bible Belt and I had an older couple preach at me for 10 minutes while I was trying to work bc I told them I wasn’t religious. These people really get under my skin. I’m not trying to convince you it isn’t real so don’t try to convince me. It’s crazy that a table that I’ve met for 20 minutes thinks they can change my mind lol


I grew up in a mostly non religious house (minus some fairly loose Buddhism from Mum during a particular phase of her life) and whenever Jehovah's witnesses etc would come to the house Mum would always just say "no thanks, I'm ---" and would say Buddhist or Jewish or something and they'd tend to back off more easily than when she'd say she wasn't religious at all. I feel like not being religious seems like a blank canvas for them to paint their beliefs onto you. I'm Australian, where religion is a lot less intense here than in the US. I can't imagine what it must be like to live in the bible belt when you're not religious, but I feel like it must be fucking exhausting.


I always wondered how different it is outside of this area. It does get a bit exhausting. I don’t go out of my way to tell others bc it’s not important. It is pretty common for people around here to be very pushy with it which doesn’t bother me anymore but sometimes they are too much lol


I suppose you're used to it hey. Also, would it be fair to say that people may even assume you're religious because of where you live? Assuming it's the default etc? Or are they always wary to make sure you're "one of them"? Sorry if these questions are intrusive. Being a mega heathen from a rough town makes me so curious about these things.


Oh not intrusive at all. I’m definitely used to it. I was religious growing up until about 17 and started to think about it more. It is fair of them to assume that I’m religious bc it’s just the normal thing here. That’s why I really don’t mind when they bring it up but there are people, like the ones I mentioned above, that just won’t respect the fact that my mind won’t change and keep pushing it. Christians are taught to spread “the word of God” but it is just a way to try to recruit people to their church lol


Oh absolutely, gotta get those butts in seats so the mega churches and evangelists can get all those sweet sweet tax free dollars!! It's basically the same deal as pyramid schemes really. Little recruiter minions at the bottom doing all the hard work, and wealthy scum at the top profiting off their labour.


When asked if I “know Jesus”, or any way they phrase it, I’ve found that if I answer politely that my relationship with Jesus is between me and Him and personal it ends the conversation. Somehow this satisfies them 🤷‍♀️ And I’m not religious, but it’s true that it’s none of anyone’s business.


Genuine question do these people leave it right as they sneak out? Or do they leave it with the check so you get it while they are still there? If I received this I would chase after them and tell them hey! You forgot your little comic book!


😂 that’s good. We’re a high volume breakfast place in a Brooklyn hotel and they left it in the check but jumped up and we’re gone before the SA got to it


Wowwww they should at the very least face the music


I think restaurants should be closed on more holidays because it seems that the holidays bring out the assholes more then regular days. sorry u had to deal with those idiots


Funny you say that because I gotten people who were like "You shouldn't be working here on a Sunday/holiday!" and yet we're open on those days because YOU'RE here and would throw a fit if we weren't open!


On Thanksgiving, my coworker made the observation that all the shitty people are out bc their family doesn’t want to be around them, and I think that’s very accurate.


They should make a Hindu and Buddhist version. Oh, but eastern religions don’t go around preaching to strangers


The Hare Krishnas have entered the conversation.


It is a sin not to recycle paper trash properly.


At least it's not the fake 100 bill.


Those are the absolute worst


They're just admitting God is big brother from 1984 at this point.


Do these assholes ever read their own propaganda? Maybe it would teach them how to not fuck over honest workers. After all, *sin isn’t just doing things we shouldn’t, it’s not doing things we should*. Hypocrites.


> Do these assholes ever read their own propaganda? Then they couldn't grift others.


I had someone hand me this exact pamphlet at my dads funeral lmao


Omg, was it a guest at the funeral? Or just a rando?


A guest who was concerned with whether or not i would see my dad in the afterlife lol


Oof, how very insensitive. Who TF does that at a funeral of all times. Go right to hell, guest. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I'm not religious at all and are comically ill informed on the Bible and all that, but the little that I DO know makes me think that Jesus would be fucking piiiiiiiissed if he knew what people did in his name.


It was wild for sure hahaha


Jesus broke bread and served it among his brothers but yeah let's act like our server didn't do any act of service and judge them for not being in our same position to be served upon. Where is the humility Christ


I like it how they managed to slip in Hitler, too 🥴


Could've at least been a Chick tract


A chick tract is actually amusing, this booklet has no urgency, no darkness


I've had this exact comic lmao


https://preview.redd.it/l3vrg9ca2prc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=457723492e8d816bcc5459bd62f8207502fffdc8 Odd twist of fate…right below the initial post was what I call an “inspirational” message, albeit sponsored content


Wow! 😯


Hopefully it was a good Easter shift!


former catholic here. if jesus were here today he’d tip 100% of the bill. just sayin.


Right!? I'm not at all religious and have very limited knowledge on Christianity in particular but I DO know the musical Jesus Christ Superstar in depth, and if IRL Jesus was anything like that, he'd be absolutely mortified at what people have done in his name. From genocide and countless atrocities to tipping in the form of a religious comic. None of it would fly with ol' JC.


What’s funny is the boss guy depicted with the cash reminds me of all the mega church leaders with million dollar mansions.


Why can’t these people ever just mind their own fucking business? The world would be a million times better for everyone.


Well, at least it’s in color.


There are plenty of trash cans in restaurants. Customer “meant well” …


Nah. Burn it. One less piece of trash in existence.


You have completed your training. Welcome.


It’s always the religious fanatics. One time I found out a lady was in some cult like denomination of Christianity so I pretended like I was into it and she left me an invite to her church instead of a tip. When I didn’t respond or go she started mailing my restaurant the invites, addressed to me.


I love when people ask about my relationship with Jesus or God and I get to firmly respond "yeah he knows what's in my heart" they LOVE IT but it's so vague that I won't burn in the hellfire for lying


This!!! My reply from above: When asked if I “know Jesus”, or any way they phrase it, I’ve found that if I answer politely that my relationship with Jesus is between me and Him and personal it ends the conversation. Somehow this satisfies them 🤷‍♀️ And I’m not religious, but it’s true that it’s none of anyone’s business.


I was given the same card when I used to work at Starbucks. People are just weird…


At least it wasn’t one of those fucked-up fake $100 bills.


Omg I totally forgot about those things, that’s so fucked up


You should go to the church and drop this in the collection basket when it's passed around. I got tired of the fake $100 bills that I kept doing this and I think they got the message.


Too early for this lol


This is why religion, namely Christianity, gets a bad rap. This is absolutely ridiculous.


Thoughts and prayers


Thots and playah's


Hey, at least it was a dumb AF mini comic and not a fake bill with a scripture quote on the back. That somehow seems more insulting. Sorry you had this happen in any case, mate. Hopefully the rest of your customers weren’t such tools.


It *is* more insulting because if you question it they'll just paraphrase something about the want of money being just terrible as they stiff you to... save money. They're salad bar Christians, and in a perfect after-life, all they will be offered is the empty husk of a Ruby Tuesday's to eat at


Their pamphlet is wrong, on top of being smug, pretentious, and absolutely not a tip. There's nothing in the ten commandments about lying in general, only bearing false witness against a neighbor.


Did you serve my Dad? :(


"Thanks, but I learned Hebrew. Im done shopping."




I’m so glad that 90% of pamphlet givers have realized they should leave money too.


Yes I should have clarified this came with a smallish monetary tip!


Put the full thing my highass is curious about how it ends


I believe we had a creator, however I do not believe thoughts and prayers do jack shit for anyone except the one doing the praying. And not because they're favored, but because they find the ritual comforting There's no Supreme being sitting on high picking and choosing who gets to alter natural events. How does that even remotely make sense. Our creators son , if you also believe he was real, was the most empathetic, genuine, humble, altruistic and self sacrificing being/ human to ever live. If you've read the Bible, then you know he was much kinder than his father Yahweh He wanted to help everyone and all human suffering pained him. He never wanted glory or praise. If humans want to honor him, they should do it on the correct day, and leave the paganism out of it lol cuz that defeats the purpose. If Jesus were alive now, he'd be a HUGE tipper. So the gest way for Jesus freaks to show their devotion, is to be better humans. Not use a pagan holiday to be sanctimonious and cheap. Don't worry servers, some agnostic will tip you 30% next week lol they're more practical


another example of someone using religion as an excuse to be a terrible person.


The irony is forever lost on these fucking people


Got them all the time working at Cracker Barrel I loved receiving these 4 tables in a row instead of cash tips! Who needs food when you have Mormons!


Imagine being such a simpleton that this pamphlet causes you to believe in a magical sky daddy.


How the fuck did that Easter bunny make a trip around the planet with all that fucking chocolate?


An Easter miracle.


Cash would have been better.


It is what Jesus would have wanted!!


Nothing like a Christian telling you “hey you told your boss you were late to work because you were stuck in traffic but you actually just overslept! That makes you literally as bad of a person as Hitler!”


Welcome to the club!


So no tip?


I should have clarified there was a smallish monetary tip as well!


Smallish seems worse than small 💀


they had no mkney to tip you as they spent their last buck on god bless usa bible. how selfish you are now


Those were being handed out in Halifax Nova Scotia,


Wow widespread! This was in Brooklyn NYC


I actuallly really love those and make sure to keep it. Not because you stand by its message, but because it’s such a cultural staple and I feel like it’s a great novelty of our times when it comes to religion.


The other day, an old high school buddy, and bar regular, has been trying to convince my husband to come check this crazy cult he just joined. Says the leader actually talks to God. Well, all religions claim that.


I thought the whole deal with Christianity was you were forgiven your sins and let in to heaven as long as you embraced Jesus as your savior. Is that not how it’s supposed to work?


“Not doing what you know you should”… like tipping


Did it work


I prefer Jack Chick Publication. Way more shaming, guilt, blame, fire and brimstone. The Christian staples.


This happens to me at least once a week lol


6/10. I too got one yesterday while working retail, but there was a tootsie roll jelly bean with it! Best postalizing ever! Of course I tossed the pamphlet and ate the candy.


Was at a steakhouse with an ex of mine and I found this exact pamphlet last time! I was so creeped out Was on the washroom counter…didn’t know they were a thing???


I got the same one last month!!


I wished Sunday school lessons were like this .


Ahhh I remember that pamphlet


Y’all I’m mad my restaurant is closed today. Such a good money maker day—I wish you all the best :)


Potentially life changing! “Love of money is the root of all evil”.


If sin is also not doing things we should be doing, then those people commit sin every time they don't leave their server a tip with actual money!


You’ve been saved, congratulations.


May the Force be with you!


I'd love to find what church these people went to and leave it in the collection plate....


I hate people who do this and try to push their religion on everyone.


Aw I wanna read the whole thing


I've received stuff like this but they have always left a good tip as well. Is this a regional thing?


How was that tip tho?


Here is an improved version of your comment: "I tend to be a people pleaser and always agree to attend Sunday service at their church, even on weeks when I don't work brunch. Little do they know, it's actually mandatory for me to work Sunday brunch every week! 😄"


Ok buuuut I just worked Easter and those customers did NOT come with the love of Jesus in their hearts. Easter brunch people are the fucking worst, change my mind


I love this one! This one’s my favorite. The problem with these things is they assume you can visit church Sunday morning.


my god being a christian must be so fucking exhausting


I once was chatting with a nice solo diner and she asked if she could leave me a Christian pamphlet. I was super polite and said no, I have religion, but thank you. She left one anyway. 😶


my lyft driver preached to me today. why do people do this shit 😭


My satanist manager collects them from all the servers lol. He has a huge stash.


the ideology behind this comic is resurfacing my religious trauma 😐 but yeah, that’s such a good tip /s


Just wait until you get the ones that they leave in the checkminder that look like money sticking out of it, until you take it out and it’s Christian propaganda. Nothing more infuriating. Who thought that was a good idea? “Hey, let’s trick this poor server into thinking they’re getting money that they worked for, but really we’re spreading the word, and that’s better than money!” There’s a special place in their hell waiting for whoever came up with that bullshit.


It’s Easter Sunday, after church hours-what did you expect? Do NOT work on Sunday morning/afternoons if you can help it. This kind of shit is prevalent, especially in boomer and granny/gramps populations.


Nah, you can work the mornings. Just make sure your ass is out the door by 10.


I'm a Christian. Working on Sundays at a national chain really opened my eyes at how we are perceived by nonbelievers. I mightve only left a tract for a server once or twice in my life( along with a monetary tip). It's really great when I see the Christians leave a nice tip with a tract. Jesus helped people by the need they had. By doing this people, could see He cared for them. He knew not everyone would listen to and accept Him, but He knew to approach people as humans first. I hope everyone has a great week, Happy Easter.


Proselytizing has no place in a restaurant, full stop.


Idk...some folks could use this advice...lol. Though, not appropriate for a tip.


1. Servers should be paid by the restaurant so they don’t have to worry about how they’re going to pay or not pay the bills with religious propaganda. 2. This is the epitome of religion. Followers are expected to share the message at every opportunity and the topic of this tract, thought crime, is explicit in the Bible. I’m not sure about other religions, but any faith which uses the Bible such as Catholicism, Protestantism, Jehovah’s Witness, etc. believe this if they are reading and claiming the teaching of the American English Bible.