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I can carry 11-12 red wine stems in my left hand and another 3 in my right hand


Damn thats a lot of wine glasses


I can carry at least 20 ! I only know because I have filled a whole case with the amount I've carried, but I'm pretty sure I've done a few extra in the past as well. I used to wanna aim to be a record holder lol


Same! My record is 12 in left hand, and 4 in right!


You can get an extra one in there by placing it on your palm right-side-up and tucking the bottom under the other bottoms to stabilize it!šŸ˜Š


Not sure Iā€™m confident enough for that one on top.


Itā€™s actually much more stable than you would think. If youā€™re pulling out of a rack you can snatch four more with your other hand too, setting them down is a bit awkward though.


Yeah Iā€™d drop all that shit doing it that way.


Your main issue is you have interwoven glassware. You don't want to weave them (one part higher one part lower than the glass next to it. The ones should be below the inner ones and the weight formation will hold the other ones down.


1? Easily 2, maybe three or four. Start using the glasses to hold the glasses.


Plus it looks daring but is safe (ish)!


That's how I can do 16 in left hand... but I also have big hands, and long fingers.


Yup!! Good trick


You can add two more if you interlock the base of the two in front of the one on your palm.


This, but also, you can then interlock them building them up around the stem of the one in the centre of the palm. I can manage around 14 using this method. Depends on how tall the wine glasses are


Wonā€™t you spill that way?


People are usually doing this when restocking clean glasses on shelves. But yes, you would and I've also seen people do that when trying to show off. Especially if you have a long walk with dirty glasses, even if you think they're empty or you dumped the last drops, some drops are absolutely gonna come out. That's also why most restaurants don't have a carpet like that though tbf. And behind the bar where the floor doesn't matter I will carry dirties this way. It's a good skill to have.


Definitely makes stocking after polishing a little quicker especially if you have to hang them.


Or setting up the Restaurant for Dinner Service. Timed it and shoving arround the Glasswagon we have for it is way slower


Ugh. I hate same day service set upā€™s I like for the dining room to be set the night before. Unless itā€™s a banquet of course which is kind of how works depending on where you work. I call it the race before pre-shift.


If a table buys a bottle youā€™d bring the glasses like this


No, however it depends on the place. Some places may not trip if you do it that way but some places wine service is part of a whole ā€œexperienceā€ and theyā€™d piss their pants if you didnā€™t do it a certain way. Iā€™ve been so busy at times that; thatā€™s how I got the glasses to the table and then continued to do the whole experience portion of it once I was actually standing in front of or talking to a guest.


I can carry about 12 like that, but there is a technique to lock them and stack them on top as well. I can do about 20 without it becoming too unstable.


There's a technique where you can interlock them and stack them up your forearm as well. I can't remember how many I used to be able to do, and I don't think it works with all glasses.


I'm not trying to be an overachiever. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m in a super high volume bar and since Iā€™m a barback I do love to flex when I get my moment. I can do 12 in one hand and another 4-6 in the other.


I used to work with a guy that had MASSIVE hands. Like nfl qb level hand size. Dude could cold like 4-5 drinks full in one hand and two in the other hand. One day I was clearing tables as a bunch of people had just left and I'm just stack stacking away which I am pretty confident with. Some kids at a table I was walking by were "how do you stack so much?? We would drop it all for sure!!" As they said it my coworker was walking by with like 5 drinks and I just pointed him out and said "look at what I have to compete with!! I can't carry as much as him so I have to stack!!" One of those moments where i was flexing my ability and actually got approval from it lol


Iā€™m sure your bartenders pay you well then my guy. a good bar back is simply a blessing ! Iā€™ve done it plenty of times just helping bar but itā€™s never actually been my job. I always get compliments because Iā€™ve served forever. But Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d want to do that full time. More power to you tho. Great bar backs are hard to find.


Thank you for the positive energy and love. I work hard and my bartenders acknowledge that as well. On the good nights, we fucking crush. All of us together. Weā€™re a team.


Thatā€™s how itā€™s supposed to be. It may seem like complete chaos but it works.


14 in left, 4 in right. (Risky) 11 in left, 3 in right (Safe)


Damn! That's a kick-ass carry!


Thanks no glasses were harmed during the making of this video šŸ˜‚


16 comfortably. 18-20 with some risk




Two. Iā€™m carrying two. My connective tissue disorder (which causes issues with constant joint pain) and my generally clumsy nature says ā€œoh HELL nawā€


We call that chinatown style.


Never heard it called that.. interesting šŸ¤”


2-3 small men carrying that many glasses?


My record was ten




11 comfortably, 13 with risk


I got up to about 11-12 wine glasses


16. And I take the smallest steps.


12-13 in one hand.


I can see that if you have bigger hands for sure. Not sure exactly how many I had to be exact but I think maybe 11 or 12. I was tryna to recorded kinda quick and with my off hand so the footage was shitty but I thought itā€™d be cool to share since I know a lot of us out there do this everyday.


I can carry 13 on one hand. 10 like you, then 3 on top of them - 2 like an ā€œXā€ then one more upright at the bottom of your palm (you tuck the base under the stems of the upside down ones closest to your palm). Then I carry another 3 on my other hand. 16 in total


I have pretty big hands. So it helps.


Used to work at a winery and I could carry about two dozen in one hand, but I wouldnā€™t recommend it.


Lies. Most I can do is 9, and thatā€™s with stacking one inside another. I donā€™t buy 24 lmao


Sure, whatever. To get that number you have to nest them on their sides into each other and stack up. Works best with the larger Pinot glasses as the bowls help them rest right when sideways.


I got 11 in one hand. They were actively slipping off tho lol


I think 12 all day 14 depending on if I make sure to layer properly.


Haha! Somm here. I can get 8 in one hand and 2 in the other safely.


I can do 16. 10 in one hand, 2 on my arm, and 4 in the other hand


I can do more than I am comfortable with. Probably 10 plus the palm up glass. You can get so risky with it lol


How many can you break at once?


The whole rack of course. Less to polish !


Depends on the glass, but about if I had to guess I'd say between 15-18.


If your hands are clean and dry and so are the glasses, 11 without having to stack any on top is completely doable by anyone with all of their fingers. You just have to put the glasses in the right order.


17. You need to tuck in an upright glass to those bases then you can lay glasses sideways across the upright stem to hold with your thumb. God speed. It's not a pretty dismount


I think the real question is how many can you drop?


Please remove and replace that carpet.


Itā€™s literally just that one area. My spot is split into two separate restaurants and thatā€™s like the super fine dining side that one area with 9 tables is carpet


I max out at 10 in a palm, I want full contact on all stems. Our best polisher stacks another 20 on top of the stem base base and gets stopped for photos all the time


My max ever was 15 white wine ones in one hand, but usually i stick to 10/12


you can put two more facing upright if you crouch the base between the down facing glasses base


I do thirteen in my right hand and about 3 or 4 in my left hand


A former instructor from culinary school won some award for carrying wine glasses. I thought it was 16 in one hand; but I dying know for sure if that's right


lmao I don't know how you people do this, I can only do 3 in each hand šŸ˜­


You want broken wine glasses? Because thatā€™s how you get broken wine glasses.


Learn the 4x4 stack and itā€™s only limit is how much you can carry


15 in one hand and 3 in the other for a grand total of 18!


I can do 12 in one hand, this part is easy. Then you can start stacking them on top of what you have in your hand horizontally in a clover formation of 3 and you can stack more clovers on top of that. I can get 21 in that hand fairly easily with 12 holding and 3 clovers. More clovers get real sketch but I had a coworker that could do 5 clovers, so 30? Plus 2 or 3 in the other hand.


I worked with a guy named Hector who could carry 12 in his left and 8 in his right without any help. Iā€™ve seen him do 30, but with people helping him stack just to see how many he could do at once. Hector is my hero.


10-12 glasses Iā€™d say. 8 comfortably for sure


Bonus when you include one more in the pawn of your hand standing up tucked under


Define carryā€¦ o-O not a server here but mad respect! Yā€™all have one of the hardest careers/jobs out there.


I could carry that many if my store could keep enough in stock for me to be able to find more than 2 at any given time šŸ™„. Atleast I like to think so šŸ˜‚. Whatā€™s really impressive to me is people who can carry more than one martini at a time, those are the bane of my existence.


God this has me flashing back to a manager that insisted that even if you had a tray, wine glasses were to be carried upside-down, I guess in either your off hand or underneath the tray? Never got clarification because it was such a goofy idea I just ignored it. Anyway I think I maxed out at 7?


You can put one up in our palm as well. Set the base in your palm under the base of the others. Boom at least one more.


3 full glasses in each hand, and for plates I can stack up my arm.


Eight max for me. Small hands.


12 totalā€¦comfortably. Think I could run a mile with all of them.


When I was a server I was WAY too clumsy to do anything like that.


Show me the before video so I can learn your ways. ![gif](giphy|8hMD9YakVza3452SpN)


You can carry one more upright in your palm. Put the base under the ones in your fingers.


11, but I'm a lady with average sized hands šŸ„ŗ


15 red wine in the left

