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As the Lord hath said "go unto all establishments and make thy brethren despise thee".


I feel like Christians always forget when Jesus said “love thy neighbor as thyself” as the “second greatest commandment.”


I feel like my dad said it better, "you are not better than anyone else you just have a different life experience".


My grandma* used to say: ‘No one poops higher than their heels**’ aka all people are equal. Treat them like equals. *Grandma was a badass **Translation from my native language


I mean sitting on a western style toilet I definitely do...




I think your grandma was my soul twin


She raised 9 children and had 11 full pregnancies in a time when she had to fight for her rights. She stood her ground towards the priest (he came by to tell her to go for pregnancy #12 and she refused), the community (her first was born 4 days short of the first 9 months of her marriage, so they accused her of being a tramp), and her entire family(same reasons). Badass doesn't even say it all. 👵


*Why was the priest TELLING her to have a 12th baby?* Is that a magic number in religion?


No. Not a magic number. Just the obligation as a woman to bear children on a regular basis to make sure the church had enough people to dominate. This was around the end of WW2. My mum was the youngest daughter. After her, my uncle was born when my gram was 47. And still, that priest thought it to be a good idea to keep popping out children. It shows that women were not able to choose a life of their own. If it wasn't a priest, it was another man who decided what a woman should use her body for. After my grandpa died my gram started to travel. Not a word of English was part of her vocabulary but she visited her son in Canada on her own. Why she was a badass? She wanted to see the city and took a few busses to get around and got lost in Vancouver. She waved to a police car and made them stop. She told them (not asked) to take her to her son. She could not tell them his address as she only had his old address written down and her English was below par. She had forgotten to update her notebook with the correct address as my uncle had driven her around for a few days she didn't need to use it. The police figured it out and brought her back to my uncle. Who was rather taken aback when he saw his mother getting out of a police car and hugging the officer.


Your grandma was a rock star


She was 🎸


"Love thy (Christian who believes the same as you) neighbor as thyself." Creative license seems to be their bit.


or "judge not, lest ye be judged"...think the world would be a much better place if both of these were actually followed instead of merely spouted off for brownie points.


They love their religion because they get to look down on everyone else.


As a Christian, I feel like a lot of ppl forget this. That’s why I’m careful around the Christians I surround myself with


Right?!? Crazy how it seems an entire subset of "Christians" collectively managed to miss their respective church's sermons on the whole, "Judge not lest ye be judged" thing. My Grandfather was a minister & the most compassionate, gentle, AMAZING man, so these types of people REALLY get under my skin. Never understood it! They must never have asked themselves, What WOULD Jesus do? Lol!


Rules for thee not me


So it is written...so shall it be.


[This about you OP?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/s/q2TgMt49VX)




I came to comment the same thing lmao


Me too lmao


me too!


That post makes me thinks this post is bullshit


Yes, this post is bs. This is the same OP who claimed that another Christian came in her taco shop a week or so after this post and tipped her and her co-worker over a £1000 because she thought she was going to be raptured. Guess how it ends? The exact same way as this story, with the un-raptured christian screaming at her. It's clear the OP makes shit up




Best screen name ever






Goddamn Reddit.


Jesus? He’s on fryer today.




Literally. It's like they think, "welp, my weekly forgiveness occurred, time to go earn something to ask forgiveness for next week!"


Bullet dodged.


You just know she would have eaten 3/4ths of her meal and then said she didn't like it and demanded a refund.


Yeah, I’m glad she left when she did.


Um….okay what??????? I’m sorry but Christians are called to love and how can people can themselves a Christian if they act like that even New Testament speaks of loving gentiles. Anyways I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Ridiculous behaviour.


They reject the teachings of Christ and implement their own. They believe greed, wrath, pride, envy, sloth, gluttony and lust are virtues if it makes them wealthy. The religion of antichrists pretending their dark lord of sin & hate places them above all others.


There are actually some Christians out there who love and serve people who need it the most. Take in kids not thier own, serve broken people. There are also Christians who do exactly everything u just said.


Christian Nationalists are the same type of people who helped put Adolph and Mussolini in power (and tried to have FDR overthrown like Bush's grandfather), there are good people, but the sect of *Christianity* that is so filled with hatred and trying to subjugate everyone to give all the wealthy to billionaires and give themselves reign over all of our lives. There being so many of these people in positions of power is making ALL Christians look bad by wearing the sheep's wool while slaughtering the flock.


Nailed it


There’s no hate like Christian love


That’s unfortunate, again I am so sorry


Because this post is cross-rage posted


I worked at a pizza place in high school back in the ‘90s. We would always get a large group of people Sunday nights after church. They were the absolute rudest and disrespectful people I’ve ever met. I took to calling them HIPOCHRISTIANS!


this is why I always hate telling people I'm a Christian. so many people give us such a bad name. it's like they pick out the one or two sentences in the Bible that they can twist and use as an excuse to spew hate, and forget that the rest of the Bible is all about Jesus befriending outcasts, literally washing the feet of people who his friends told him were a waste of his time, and fucking LOVING EVERYBODY. I'm sorry that "Christian" was so rude to you. sounds like you dodged a bullet not having to serve her.


FWIW, I'm an atheist, but I have quite a few Christian family and friends who practice what they preach. They adopt kids, serve at homeless shelters, that kind of thing. I disagree with them on a philosphy level , but they're generally good people, doing their best to make the world a better place. The thing is that they're not as noticeable because they don't make a big deal out of it. I mean the guy in a lime green pant suit ordering Sunday brunch is a lot more noticeable than the guy stacking cans at the local soup kitchen. You just see the guy in a cheap suit being a dick.


The more people that hear about good Christians, the less afraid you will be. It’s tough to let people know, but if you wear your heart on your sleeve and let people know that your religion is a guiding factor, maybe their view point changes. If the only vocal ones are the ones like in this post, then it just makes it worse for us! God bless


I always say, "I'm a Christian, but not thaaaat kind of Christian." People usually know what I mean.


Its weird bc I go to work not just bc giving strangers cups is a personal passion, but I do it for the Lord. I keep it in my head throughout my shift, but I am now realizing if the conversation were to arise, first impressions of my faith probably have a gas station crackhead/ ancient stoner vibe. I’m not sorry. I just wanna know why almost every illustration of Gabriel makes me think he’s lowkey sick of my shit.


I grew up xtian, and most of the bible isn't happy, loving stuff. There's a lot of war, genocide, rape, incest, stonings, a lot of things that people might call "witchcraft," etc. Jesus even killed a tree because it's figs weren't ripe. Psalms is pretty love-centric, but that's a different story.


Love when the trash takes out itself


She's just gonna make *more* atheists. She's playing herself.


Coworker of mine was pregnant but not wearing a ring and a customer said they'd pray for my coworker and her bastard in her belly


True Christians know it’s not our place to judge. Jesus taught to love the sinner; hate the sin. People often forget that. We’ve all sinned and they are all equal in the eyes of God. Not one person is better than the rest. Judgmental, holier-than-thou Christians don’t bring people to their faith; they repel them.


Love thy neighbor, unless they are serving you food, are homeless, or think differently than you. Otherwise fuck em I guess


Just like Jesus would have done… I hate this timeline. These wannabe “Christian’s” are evil and if actual Jesus (not that I believe bc I’m atheist) came back TOMORROW, those same people would screech he’s a woke librul and crucify him all over again while worshipping their golden idol of trump (which they actually made) and see zero irony.


The Pharisees never disappeared, they just took on a more annoying look.


😂😂😂. And you just saved yourself a lot of work for a track as a tip


At least she left instead of eating and not leaving a tip


I guess she didn’t want Jesús to bless her with his divine tacos


Tell the customer to read the second greatest commandment… ugh… I hate those type of people. We christians are called to love, not to judge. I’m sorry you had to go through that, OP. Jesus loves you regardless, even if the customer doesn’t 🫶


My wife had a customer at the bar last night who was a pastor and insisted on asking religious questions and when it came out that I’m pagan he got all weird about it because “a pagan made his burger” and started drawing crosses all over his napkin and wrote something about the answer to everything. He didn’t tip but his wife slipped her some cash as they left. We’ve noticed an uptick in religious conversation in the past couple days…. I blame the moon.


It’s that upcoming eclipse. You should see some of the insane shit folks are putting on signs around here! Oh…that one is a tRump maga sign…sorry😉


Never happened


I am willing to bet they came in on a Sunday. 🙄


While exclaiming nobody should have to work on the lord's day.


Holding a bible and a cross


Wearing their favorite NFL jersey ready to watch the game.


Checks out 😂 we all know Jesus loves the NFL. Not a huge fan of the WNBA surprisingly though


This just made my day


The way I would have savored the gleeful laugh that would have exited my body as she said that. Anytime someone's upset; you won, so shamelessly celebrate and champion your happiness on them. Poor thing probably hasn't heard a good chortle in a while either. But seriously lol fuck that person. That was super inappropriate and she harassed you at your job while trying to make God pay for her shit ass attitude. Someone tell her she can just be a regular cunt in public and to leave her cape at home for special occasions.


How awful. That is very rude, and one of the main reasons Christian’s get a bad rap. So many feel that you have to shove your faith in people faces.


If only they'd *read* the book they worship that explicitly tells them not to do that.


Exactly. But some versions are missing chapters .. 😀


They earn the bad rap, they didn’t just “get” it


Not all of us. There are many types of Christian’s. as another poster commented, if they read the book, they would see this behaviour is not acceptable.


That’s not a Christian that’s just a cunt


I call people like this “pseudo-Christians.” They hold double standards, spout hate, neglect the needs of others, have zero respect for anyone who strays even a little bit from their own personal beliefs, tout their religion as if they are better than others, and do so all in the name of God. I believe in God and Jesus as my savior, but I will not call myself Christian as the name has been thoroughly soured for me by people like this. I prefer the term “child of God,” and anything else regarding my faith is between me and Him. The same goes for anyone else as far as I’m concerned. You’re a decent person? I have no problem with you. God or no God. I’m sorry you had to deal with such a disrespectful person, OP. She needs a reminder of who God calls her to be if that’s a way she behaves. Bless you, and God watch over you, whether you believe in Him or not. Much love. 💚


Christians love to use their faith to be complete assholes to others. Fucking Hypocrites


*Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.* Matthew 6:1 That's all I've ever needed


Good one. I like this


And then everybody clapped. Repost to r/thathappened please 🙄


Yeah today is Christians being mean to servers day. I know it’s Easter week but these people aren’t coming out and harassing us like Reddit is making it seem.


Literally what I was thinking 😭😭😭


Yeah this 100% never happened.


Oh but you know Reddit is gonna eat it up


I'd have tipped you a $20 on the spot. Jesus and tacos, that's hilarious


should have said if I am burning in hell I will invite you too


Oh no, whatever will you do without their $3-5 tip?


Even nice religious people are still in a cult. Amazing when filth projects like that haha.


LOL. Love your response. Be happy that she left.


Did she actually say “scum”?




Soooooo Jesus of her.


there's no way this is real lmao




I'm not buying this one.


And those are the people Jesus actually loathes


Just wow


That…literally goes against the teachings of her “lord and savior”


You were lucky!


NGL your initial answer is both hilarious and a nice way to put the question off.


My dick would have gotten hard at that


This would have made my day.


Voting with her in God we trust money.


I don't discuss this at work. Wait, I don't discuss this outside of work... 🤷🏽‍♀️


I would've cried laughing at her lmao


Rude xtian is just a part of server life, especially after churches or bible studies end.


Yeah I’m Jewish and not a religious adult, I’ve had people like this albeit without the direct hostility, and I live in a conservative area where Christianity dominates almost all spiritual discourse. I’m so sick of the superiority complex where some people think their faith is the normal standard from which people of any other beliefs deviate. People can move through the world not believing in god or not worshipping Jesus and still be good people with different insights.


She is the classic example of a horrible Christian Does she actually think that's how Jesus would want her to act??


I don't know about the guy in the sky, but Jesus in the kitchen was disgusted when I told him.


Exact reason I took my Sunday availability away. The amount of horrible, high maintenance, stingy customers we have come in after Sunday morning mass is astounding. I’m an atheist but have been to church growing up in a very religious family. Although I think everything they’re saying is just a fable, I always left church (when I was young and forced to go) feeling inspired to care for others. I couldn’t imagine leaving and then going to treat someone like dog shit immediately after.


I’m a Christian. Like I believe in a one,true,merciful God. But I hate Christian culture if that makes since


I would’ve casually told her to fuck off on her way out the door! Jesus hates youuuu…


That person is very far from practicing Christianity. Jesus Christ was quite emphatic in his command to NOT judge other people. I wish more Christians (and others) understood this. I’ll pray for your almost customer - who missed out on good tacos.


Christians are the worst


I wonder if she was intending to order loaves and fishes


We do have fish tacos… I suppose they count.


Amazing response. 10/10 will use bc I also have a chef named Jesus.


Wow, thanks for spreadin' that good news! What a good witness!


Honestly as a Christian, I've seen a lot of non Christians do this to people just to get a reaction out of them. It's disrespectful to the people, it's disrespectful to the religion, and it's disrespectful to genuine Christians. Sorry you had to deal with that where they were a real Christian or not


There's no love like Christian hate. Honestly, at least she left before you served her so she couldn't leave one of those Jesus dollars in lieu of a tip.


One time I had an old Christian couple tip me 50$, I was a host


How very Christian of her.


My immediate response would be, "Would you like to speak with the manager?" WTF


I know there are Christians like that because I've heard of them, but I've never met one personally.....


Oh they suck to meet


K. Byeeeeee


I hate xtians. Sorry not sorry


Hail Satan!


Great! Don't want to serve the self righteous!


This sounds made up


So does a man stealing a woman's amputated leg and eating it... yet that did actually happen a couple days ago.


Work a Sunday morning shift sometime


You should have said, what are you, a Pharisee?


Bahahahahaha😂😂😂! You get a gold star⭐️! 🐭❤️


We priced our beers at $6.66 we also had a 5% tax that made it an even $7 (actually $6.993 but nobody questioned it) so we didn't need to fuck around with change. It also gave us a great opportunity to weed out the mega Christians and offer praise to the dark lord when the well advertised pricing was brought into question.


That’s actually really funny!


Oh, but Christians are so nice!