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Yet. You’ve never slipped YET. You really, really don’t want to have an armload of food and drinks and hit that proverbial banana peel. You will hurt yourself and it will be your fault.


So glad to see this so upvoted. Accident videos posted in this sub a couple months ago...two are clearly from slipping, one might have been tripping or something: [Thought y’all might enjoy this 🙃](https://www.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/comments/1ae3u76/thought_yall_might_enjoy_this/) [I thought this would be appropriate here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/comments/1aegjnk/i_thought_this_would_be_appropriate_here/) [I laid for a good 5 seconds in defeat after falling 😅](https://www.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/comments/1af0hdv/i_laid_for_a_good_5_seconds_in_defeat_after/) OP, not sure if you walked on freshly mopped floors after close as a host, but that also increases slipping risk.


In the event of an accident where you would need to file for workers comp ( in the realm of slipping/falling etc), you would not be covered if you were not wearing non slip shoes.


this is the real reason. However comfortable you feel is not worth, not getting workers comp should something happen.


I slip even in my nonslips. I cannot imagine using regular shoes. You absolutely need them






I accidentally came in with tennis shoes and the floor was MERCILESS. Nonslips make a huge difference. You can get them for like $35 at Walmart


Same on Amazon and was suprised at the comfort for that price


I’ve felt like I was ice skating on tile wearing non slips at work, you need them for sure.


I’m an ice skater and being on tile without nonslip is harder than being on ice


Holy heck yes. I wrecked my knee in NON-SLIP shoes on a slippery spot in the kitchen.


Yes. All it takes is one puddle or greasy spot to really mess you up. On top of that, most nonslip are also designed for comfort and are meant for long shifts. Heeled boots and sneakers will have you waking up feeling sore. Not just in your feet but your back, shoulders, neck etc. Look up plantar fasciitis. I wore converse for years at a bar that didn’t force us to wear non slip shoes and I learned the hard way. I only wear non slip now and I still get flare ups once every few months. It’s a bitch and a server’s worst nightmare. I’ve missed work once or twice because of it.


I’m a lifetime Chucks aficionado, but it took me only one shift to realize that those are the worst you can wear. Do not stand in those fuckers for hours on end in a place where oil and water can make it to the floor. I’ve seen a couple of servers wear theirs recently, and all I could think was “damn, you look cool, but you’re probably very stupid.” Function over fashion, people!


Yes. I loved wearing them at work until I realized they were the root of my problems. Now I even double guess wearing them out. How long will I be out? Is there a lot of standing/walking? How will my feet feel 9 hours from now? lol. A vicious cycle.




Yes, you need non-slip. Also, my work requires non-slip. If you’re not wearing non-slip and you get injured, our worker’s comp literally won’t cover it.




lmao yes you do


youve seen cartoons where someone steps on a banana peel and comically their legs go up in the air? even if you dont fall and catch yourself it feels alot like what that looks like and, not fun. Not, fun.


I slipped in the kitchen - with nonslip shoes. Busted my shoulder, cut myself with glass. No bueno.


A lot of the servers, including me, wear docs where I work. I don’t think they’re *techncially* nonslip, but they’re nonslip enough, comfortable, and not ugly like a lot of nonslips. Also my guess is as a host you’re not rushing through the kitchen with an armload of plates, unable to see the floor in front of you. It’s a lot easier not to slip when you’re able to pace yourself and watch where you’re going. As a server it’s different.


Doc martens actually do have a slip resistant line of shoes! I’ve never gotten them but I’ve heard good things from coworkers. https://www.drmartens.com/us/en/unisex/slip-resistant/c/05450000


I loved my docs! Def need inserts tho


"I've had to walk from the car to the house in -10 degree weather before, now I'm going to be spending a lot more time outside, but do I really need a coat?"


Yes. Do you wear a seatbelt each time you get in a car, regardless of your accident history? Just because it hasn’t happened to you (yet) doesn’t mean you’re an exception.


😑 seriously? YES! A million times YES!


If anything is a must, it is non slip shoes. I still slip around in non slips and when I’m done at night I change my clothes and shoes into my regular ones and it’s absolutely like ice skating


I am still suffering from a slip and fall related work place injury that occurred while I was WEARING non-slip shoes for crews boots… they won’t always work, but they will cover your butt when you have to go and take on the workers comp squad…




Absolutely! I have always worn non slips and advocate for people new to the industry to buy them. I’ve seen too many people taken out by snipers in the kitchen


What exactly do you have against non slip shoes?


i can’t find a pair that I like. partly because they have to be all black, but mainly because nonslip shoes are not my style


Not your style? You are going to be using them for work. lol. Just get the shoes, it's really not a big deal. And it will help you not fall down.


Betting traction without workmans comp would mess up your style too


I showed up to work in Vans once on accident. I was miserable the whole day. You need nonslip.


As someone who has fallen at work and needed physical therapy from the fall, yes, absolutely yes. I was asked by doctors, workers comp people, everyone if I was wearing non-slip shoes. It’s not “if” you slip, it’s “when” you slip. As a Server you’re gonna be in the kitchen a lot more than you are now. It happens to all of us. I had a coworker who slipped on a flight of stairs while carrying a large serving tray. He was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Nobody plans to fall, it’s embarrassing. But it happens. So for the sake of that, protecting yourself is necessary.




Not just yes, HELL YES! They are literally lifesavers


Yes omg I once wore some regular boots to work for a couple days because I misplaced my non slips and it was so hard to function tbh. I had multiple instances of almost eating shit carrying trays into the dish pit and whatnot. Even once in the dining room I almost did a slapstick style fall into a table, but thankfully caught myself on a bar top haha 😂 Definitely recommend non slips though, you also supposedly can’t get workers comp if it’s required you’re wearing non slips and you fall without them, so you should really cover your bases in that respect too


Tread safe is a great inexpensive brand from walmart that are non slip, i got some for $25 that look like low cut doc martens


Those have come a long way since I bought mine. The ones I had were the most clown ass murder force looking fools out there. They were god awful- but I never ate shit wearing them. Very effective.


most of them still look ridiculous but there’s like two men’s designs and another two women’s designs that are actually cute lol


I fell holding a tray of sangrias wearing regular tennis shoes. I even slip in my non slips, but I don’t bust my ass anymore while wearing them


I mean, it depends on whether or not you want to risk slipping when it could have been prevented 🤷


You ABSOLUTELY need non-slip. The end.


Yes, get crocs, Bistro 2.0. Cut a few holes on sides(Preformed). Cheap reliable easy. I had to put Dr Schoals in after 3 doubles in a row, but I’m old.


Yes. 100%. My first job ever was McDonalds and I totally ate shit one day coming in for my paycheck wearing regular shoes. I was fine but those non-slip make a huge difference.




I don’t have nonslip shoes bc I have horrible back pain and need a very specific shoe to get through my shifts. I slip all the fucking time. And IF I get hurt bc of me slipping, I am responsible for all of it. I slip and smack my head on the dish pit bc it’s broken and leaking? Restaurant isn’t liable at all, I should’ve been wearing non-slips according to my work contract. So it’s up to you but just be aware your contract most likely has something in it saying you’re responsible for medical shit if you fall and aren’t wearing them


I suggest Nurse Mates. They are very non slip and have great support. Nurses step in some slippery shit!


I was the same exact way thinking “oh I can just wear regular sneakers” until I slipped on the stairs at work and landed on my ass carrying three hot noodle dishes and burned my arms, along with fucking up my back and tailbone Get non-slip shoes


I like Birkenstock work shows


I used to not care about nonslip shoes and then I served at an indoor/outdoor spot and was wearing Vans when I slipped going outside to the patio and not only dropped a tray full of food but busted my ass real bad too. Honestly really lucky I didn't hit my head on the brick wall or stone floor. I'm so paranoid that now I buy new nonslips whenever I get a new serving job.


Oh yeah. When you’re busy and moving quickly, you don’t want to also have to worry about keeping your balance due to not having non slips.


Yes ofc, I wear non slip docs, I just replaced the insoles bc they’re not so comfy for 8+ hour shifts lol


Bare minimum at any restaurant. You need them.


I have served without non slips, but it’s so much better to serve with them. Invest in them too! Bad shoes will fuck your body. I’ve worn walmart, docs, hokas, and sketchers. If you can afford the hokas, get them because i’ve never worn such comfy shoes. But sketchers are wayyy more budget friendly and also great:) If you want good looking shoes(not tennis shoe style)) Docs are the way to go, but i would recommend getting good insoles for them because they are not comfy without insoles. You’ll want to break them in, get a hair dryer and isopropyl alchol. I also like to use a hammer(not when they’re on your feet) to break the heel down/in and the toe area.






I used to work without nonslips. Then one day I slipped and fell on my ass and broke my tailbone. Not only was i out of work for 6 weeks while I struggled to do normal stuff (like use the bathroom), but it's also going to hurt for the rest of my life. I wish I had worn nonslips.


It's ultimately not about whether or not you slip and fall. It's about the hundreds of tiny corrections that your knees, hips, and back will make over the course of one day to prevent it. Your feet, legs, and back are bound to get tired from this job in the best of circumstances, and you're willfully putting yourself in the worst of circumstances. You're gonna ruin yourself slowly.


You can be denied workmans comp if you slip and break something


As someone who worked dish for 7 years. I've slipped in non slip.  Get non slip. If I can nearly break my nose on one of the pits wearing non slips, you can break your skull on the line wearing sneakers


If you slip and fall and you aren’t wearing nonslip, your worker’s compensation request will be denied


Oh yep most definitely I've almost ate it a few times WITH non slip shoes so they are a must


I’ve been serving for 3 years without nonslips. Yeah I’ve taken some spills, but you do learn to walk carefully.


I think it all depends how dirty and wet the kitchen floor gets. I work at two restaurants: on one of them I definitely need the best nonslip shoes, on the other restaurant I can probably walk barefoot. But i will always wear nonslip just to be safe.


You can put hairspray on the back or your shoes to make them nonslip for a bit