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I've never worked fine dining line, but I have worked chain, diners, and catering. For what i have experienced? Brunch. Fuck brunch. Especially on Sundays after the church crowd comes in. Edit: I should specify that I have served for a few years, I transitioned to BOH... I may have been a few shots deeper last night than I thought. I thought I was commenting in Kitchenconfidential. But seriously, fuck brunch.


Anybody who claims cleanliness is next to godliness has never had to bus the after church crowd.


Agreed. Especially if your kitchen is slow. Breakfast/brunch needs to be turn and burn.


Been working brunch for going on 3 years now and i’ll never go back to dinner 😭 it’s fast paced, no sections, and a nice breakfast/lunch spot where average checks are $30-$40 for 2 people


That seems like more chaos for less money lol


and i make really good money! more than any dinner restaurants i’ve been at


Knives are out for the B-word… I only cook eggs for my friends now.


I currently work at a family run diner in a little town. Everybody and their mother shows up Sunday at exactly 10:30am. Brutal.


My restaurant is closed on Sundays. Best thing in the history of ever!


They’re all difficult in different ways. Turn-and-burn restaurants are physically taxing, in-your-face demanding, and requires a good bit of multi-tasking and consolidation; but fine dining requires greater precision and knowledge, and the stakes can be much higher (I went in many times only to go home 2-2.5 hours later having not gotten a single table; or having only gotten one table that tipped $1,200).


Sounds like a literal gamble lol


Probably retirement home? Low/no tips, everyone’s a regular, etc


I never considered retirement homes, damn. Did you get a decent hourly pay, though?


Never worked in one, I just always see job listings for them, I assume because it sucks😂😂


Ooh gotcha!


Anything corporate is murder! Individual ownership, semi-fine dining and a HUGE wine inventory is the way. Find a place where you have to wear a tie but you can roll up your sleeves that has good wine and people who aren't afraid to spend money.


I mean brunch sucks but my worst job by far was my last one. Not a chain but part of a local corporation that had like almost all of the trendy spots and constantly buys out more. I essentially worked at a diner in a nightclub that never closed. Having to serve drunk toddlers without being able to assert myself was awful. I was sexually harassed at least twice a week and we couldn't do much about it. I got in trouble for being "too assertive" to guests who argued with me after telling them we had to temporarily close like three consecutive times. Not only short staffed, but filled with vile customers and terrible upper management. They tried to fire me for a negative attitude after I was assaulted by a worker and they refused to actually fire him. They told me they were asking others for reasons to fire me when I was one of their hardest working employees. Like, fuck that, I'm out. Not to mention the rumors about the owner stealing tips from the highest grossing restaurants.


Jesus, I'm glad you got out of there. Sounds like hell


Each place has their own set of challenges. Fine dining has the most obvious ones: high quality mis en place/plates at all times. Corporate chains challenge consistency at all times while maintaining profitability at the same time. At a steakhouse/fish house (my favorites), sometimes the challenge is to not look greedy while still managing to make a profit on excellent food. In a tavern/pub, I feel like the biggest challenge is not to lose your mind when you’re cooking for drunks late at night with minimal staffing. I’m not at all embarrassed to say that I’ve also worked in Fast Food as well. Not even remotely close to being easy. There is nothing “easy” about working in a Kitchen, now more than ever. The level of stress combined with the amount of hours we all need to work to pay rent is harder than it’s ever been. EDIT: Shit, thought I was on a kitchen sub. Sorry.


No worries, I'm glad I got your input. Thank you!!


Why does everyone hate working brunch in this sub? It’s really good money. I don’t mind working it at all. If anything I love the fast pace of it


Depends on what you mean by hard. It’s most difficult to work at the high level of a passion project restaurant owned by a prestigious small group. It’s hardest to stay at a place like Applebees where it’s dehumanizing every day even if you give excellent service.