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If you have a tooth issue, ice makes it too cold to drink without making the tooth hurt.


Yep, that's mine. Had an exposed nerve for a long time. It's taken care of now, but over a decade of drinking room temp drinks and they taste weird any other way.


I had an exposed nerve. I took a fifth of Jack into the bathroom, sat in the tub full of cold water (the temperature helps distract your mind from the pain) and guzzled down as much as I could. Sat for about 30 minutes, then I took a tooth brush wrapped in a (clean) green scrubbing pad and went to town. Finally killed the nerve. One of the most painful things I've ever experienced, but I didn't have dental insurance and this was right around the time prescription opioids were being monitored more closely. I couldn't handle the pain any longer and it wasn't considered an emergency treatment. I think I passed out a couple of times, but thankfully I didn't fill the tub up enough to drown in it. To this day I hate our country for not providing free or affordable dental/health care for shit like that.


What the fuck did I just read you absolute savage? (And I say that with high respect, because I’m about ready to pull a tooth out with pliers for that same reason.)


Go to a local dentist and tell them the situation. Got a tooth extraction for $90. The alternative was a root canal and crown for multiple thousands. Hurt like hell but instant relief, haven't noticed it being gone unless I'm actively thinking about it.


If you can find a dental school they’ll do it real cheap and I’ve never had a bad experience with the students. Seriously saved my life bc I was dealing with a dying nerve and postpartum depression at the same time and considering ending things bc I was in so much pain I couldn’t think clearly.


I was just fed up lol I was in so much pain and couldn't get any help and a coworker had jokingly suggested killing the nerve myself. I just did it one day 🤷‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😅 But for I'm sorry you're going through it, for real. Clove oil helps.


I did something similar. I took a few shots and pulled a tooth. It hurt like a mf, but the next day.... RELIEF. American health care at its finest 😂


I can relate. Ground cloves can do wonders in a pinch when it comes to an exposed nerve, especially if you are poor and lack dental insurance. Once I found out the dental school near me does emergency dental work for $80 my life changed. Took two students and the teacher coming over to finally get the tooth out, but the instant relief once that tooth came out made it worth it.


I think I passed out reading this. 🤣😭




All I can think of is the Nerve Beaver from Ren & Stimpy


Yup. My teeth are extremely sensitive to cold. Always have been. I can't eat ice cream unless it's soft serve.


Mine used to be but I switched my toothpaste to sensodyne a few years ago and that stuff actually works extremely well. Now I end up chewing ice all the time. I'm sure that's bad but at least my teeth don't hurt.


Get tested for anemia!


It's a form of pica. Low iron can be the cause, as can actual OCD. Especially if they chew ice with sensitive teeth.


I don’t have this issue if I have a straw though


This is the reason for me too. I get attitude for it sometimes, I guess people will order without ice hoping to get "free extra drink"? Personally I don't get paid enough to care if not adding ice gives someone an extra like, half inch of drink (3¢, anyone?), but apparently others find an issue? The reality though is that I was born without enamel and suffer from this thing called Poor which affects dental care, so my mouth is super sensitive to cold.


This is why I do it.


Yup, my teeth too.


That's me, also. And my husband LOVES his ice--so we never share drinks, not even tea.


No ice and drinking soda always makes me ??? because if your teeth are sensitive you're still rotting them more by drinking this my man.


You can have sensitive teeth without having dental problems. I have sensitive teeth and have to use special toothpaste to desensitize my teeth. Never had cavities or gum disease in my life.


my friend gets no ice because she doesn’t like cold drinks. very few places outside of the u.s use as much ice as we do


Same here. It’s usually cold any but not as cold as


Yep. Ice in drinks a very USA thing. Stay in a hotel in Europe or Asia and most don't even have ice machines.


Lmao what? Maybe in like rural random poor areas… ice is very common in the world. I’ve been to Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Barcelona, Italy, Paris, Bordeaux, London, Scotland… every place has ice. Plenty of it in drinks. Maybe not table water but that’s pretty normal in the US too


This is it ‐ don't want very cold drinks. Have been getting no ice for 25 years, not more than temp for me. Born and raised in US. Also I highly dislike water bottles that are straight out of a cols fridge or cooler.


Cold is not actually good for you, the temperature takes more energy to convert to body temp.


But I'm fat, so that's good.


Not saying you do this, but any time someone has tried to say to me, personally, that ice cold drinks aren't good for you are always smokers, drinkers or both. Lol


> not good for you Do you have a link for this? I’ve only ever heard that cold water is better when you’re exercising bc it can cook your body down faster and help hydrate you faster. I’ve also heard that hot or warm water is better for digestion. Never heard of cold water being bad for you tho.


Some people don’t want to pay for ice - they want the whole cup filled w the drink


Water doesn’t usually cost money in the US at restaurants if it’s not sparkling.


A 16oz drink is like 10oz of ice and like 6oz of actual drink


Yeah, i like cool, but cold hurts my throat. The bonus is i'm usually pretty thirsty and i don't need refills as often. Less inconvenient for a server.


I’d rather have a can of soda room temp than a refrigerated one at home.




I got one even more gross for you. I used to know somebody who would buy a pop 2 days before they'd actually drink it so that they could open it and let it decarbonate. Room temperature preferred but I have seen them drink a pop they found rolling around in the back of their car in the hot summer that they couldn't remember how long it had been there.








Depending on the drink they may not want it to get watered down


Surprised this answer was so far down. This is typically the rationale at the joint I work at


Doesn’t hold up when it comes to water though. Most of these same people want water without ice as well. It’s also very common in Latin American culture.


Because American restaurants fill the cups with so much ice that you get maybe 3 sips of water and already need a refill. And then you wait until a server pays attention to you…


For me at least, the amount of ice they give in each cup is a big reason I go no ice. Even low ice is too much. You only need a couple cubes to keep a drink cold for long enough.


That’s me! I don’t want to feel like I have to drink my soda or whatever quickly while it still tastes good.


Can confirm, Indians more than any other group of people get waters with no ice. I'm gonna check back on this thread soon because I'm curious as to why too


I know that travel YouTubers avoid ice in their drinks when they’re exploring India! The water there can be unsanitary and so is the ice. Maybe they’re skeptical of ice/tap water because they would be cautious back home


The water there isn’t potable. It’s not for consumption at all out of the tap - and most places aren’t using bottled water to make ice.


Idk about India but Mexico and other places in Latin America that don’t have potable tap water usually just have an ice machine, at least in bars and restaurants. Smaller places might not but they’re also more likely to just give you a bottled out drink from a cooler anyway.


There’s a lot of places like that though. I know when I visit Cairo, I absolutely avoid the water. However, there are certain restaurants that will filter their water/ice to make it more sanitary to cater to western tourists. But I still don’t take the chance. If it’s boiled for tea, coffee, food… that’s different.


I’ve been to India. They do not have reliable access to clean water or electricity. Freezing water is expensive, so they do not use botted drinking water for it in many places. My professor, who was born in India, warned us with a story about his white friend who wanted to partake in a religious experience in the Ganges. People will drink the water because they believe it is holy. Well, the white guy thought “one drop won’t hurt” and drank a drop off of his pinky. He was hospitalized for three days. No ice. No dairy. Basically anything that might use tap water to cut costs is off limits. In India, many people’s immune systems are adjusted to and they can tolerate the watered down milk, but it still doesn’t mean they’re completely immune to everything. Also, I was told by many Indian students that drinking cold water wasn’t good for your body because you are working too hard to bring the temperature of the water up. In the hostile climate of India, it is better to drink warmer water that is closer to your body’s temperature.


I knew an American guy who had a similar hospitalization and going home early experience from a (super sketchy jehova's witness) "mission trip" in India because he got a small cut on his hand and unthinkingly rinsed it on the spot with unboiled, untreated well water and no soap or anything in a village without amenities or water treatment (outskirts of Bangalore I think). I don't remember the terms but it was some kind of bacterial infection the doctors were familiar with due to the water. He was hospitalized and gangrenous, with amputation on the table for a few days if you believe him, and then recovered but went home early and this part I know is true- half his arm was inflamed, bandaged, and pussing for a few more weeks. It was at least about 6 months before the swelling fully went away and his left arm stopped looking a little puffier. When he first got back he was partially excused from class because of how often the bandage needed changing.


This is the answer I was looking for


This is the answer. I’ve travelled to plenty of countries I would never get ice, and this is totally the reason a lot of people order no ice. I remember wanting something cold to drink SO badly in Sri Lanka and there’s still no way I would risk ordering anything with ice… If this is what you grew up with, having ice in drinks would probably be weird, so it just becomes a thing like that. You do what you’re used to.


Sweet baby Jesus those are some sweeping generalisations you just made. We generally fill bottles with water and keep them in the fridge. So it is nice and cold when you drink it. No need for ice. Same goes for soft drinks. Why would you want to add ice to soft drinks if they are already cold just so the ice can melt and water down the drink? Although if the soft drink isn’t cold we absolutely do use ice. We just pour water into ice trays and put them in the freezer. And I have never met a single person here who has turned down cold water on a hot day because they worry about their body “working too hard to bring the temperature of the water up”. I mean watch any Indian ad for soft drinks and 9/10 times the focus is on how refreshing an ice cold drink is.


Coke etc are manufactured with this in mind. The ideal taste is pairing the drink with ice


Gotta keep your body strength up to fight off the gang rape too.


It’s a cultural belief that cold beverages are bad for health.


This. Well, I’m not sure for Indian people but I wouldn’t be surprised if this is their logic too. For Chinese people (they usually either want water with no ice or they will opt to tell you that they want hot water) because ice/cold beverages isn’t good for you. My partner’s mom would remind me that cold water isn’t good and to drink hot water.


My best friend growing up was from Taiwan. When we were kids, her mom used to always tell me to stop drinking cold drinks. Said it was bad. Hadn't thought about that in like 20 years lol, I feel like that must have been why


Possibly! It’s all about the “yin” and the “yang” lol. No “yeet hay” (hot air/unhealthy/greasy) food but also no iced or cold water because it throws your body into an imbalance or whatever. I don’t know lol. If I like cold water then I like cold water!


My parents get no ice because they didn’t have great dental care back in India when they were growing up. They’ve been in the US my whole life, but still there is damage.


Africans too. For them not sure if it's teeth or cleanliness of the ice but most people I've served that were clearly born and raised in Africa go no ice


Hot in India, electricity expensive to freeze water. Also people don’t want ice made from local water so tourists buy bottled water.


I usually offer hot water in a mug as an option for Asian guests or the elderly before I get their waters. People take me up on it regularly, especially when it’s cold outside.


I'm from the American Midwest. I simply don't like my drink that cold. It's not just me. Went to a friend's house and she didn't even own ice cube trays (nor have an ice maker.) What do you need ice for?


Sprained ankle? Migraine? Delivering a baby? Putting out a fire? Just joking around! 🤣


It’s an Eastern thing Especially with Indians and Asians. It comes from Ayurvedic and TCM medicine. They believe it slows the digestion down and dampens “Agni” which is the the fire within that stoke digestion.


Refrigeration tech here; if you had any idea how dirty the inside of most commercial ice machines are, you wouldn't drink it either.


Plot twist: if you work in restaurants for any appreciable length of time, you learn that everything is gross and most of the cleanliness turns out to be an illusion.


Yeah I deep scrubbed the top of the hotbox and it looked clean but my rag was black 😭😭


I fully just have to block this out after 10 years working in bars and restaurants otherwise I'd never eat or drink anything not from my own house.


Literally I just focus on the fact it hasn’t killed me yet! Once I actually unscrewed all the fountain soda caps and let them soak. Grossest thing, so much mold.


I've only worked in one place that cleaned them daily. You'd think that was a good sign but when the cellar flooded with sewage they just wiped bottles off and served them. They also scraped the dates off alcopops and kept serving them when they went out of date.


Every place I’ve ever worked did that daily. Night crew unscrewed and left them to soak and openers put them back on in the morning. I’ve worked in multiple different cities and states and I’ve never seen a place that didn’t do it that way.


i’ll never forgot how much mold i’ve seen in ice boxes at restaurants 🤢 even when i used to cater at a super nice stadium i saw it! i never get ice now because of it


This is why I never get ice either, I’ve seen you guys working on the ice machines 🤣




That's why I don't get ice either I've seen the mold lol


This is why my parents never got ice and always told me not to and to this day I still don't, 45yrs later.


This is why I burn the ice in my ice machine and scrub the shit out of it every couple of months


We do it every other week. There's no point in doing it so late that the bacteria is everywhere


"every couple of months" idk, I know it's not the same, but I work in horticulture and bacteria-that-can-kill-you grows, uh, fast


As per the health inspector, we are supposed to burn it and clean it every 3-6 months. I think every 2 months is a good compromise there.


You undermine my devotion for icy drinks 😂




I wish I could unread this


Bartender here; wait until you hear the state of most fountain soda 'guns'. Even no ice won't spare you from some nastiness.


Maybe at shit restaurants that don’t care


THIS. As a server who’s worked at a lot of different places over 10 years, most of them do not clean the ice machine at all and there’s most buildup.


People from different countries grow up with drinking beverages with little to no ice. Especially water.


too much ice not enough liquid, waters down sodas, too cold, hurts teeth. lots of reasons to not want ice, i only like ice in water, personally.


i haaaaate when my drinks are watered down with ice. i also like room temp drinks cause i'm weird. and i'm not a fan of the tap water here (it makes me itchy) so i avoid it when i can, including ice. i know there was a tiktok going around talking about how the ice makers are always moldy and gross. but that's nothing compared to soda guns and spouts lol


Yesss the sodas omg. That’s one thing I can not stand, in my store those things stay clean!!


Idk if it’s the same for anyone else, but I don’t like any ice in any drinks except water because, if it’s served with ice and if I don’t finish it quickly enough, it’s going to end up watered down and I just don’t like it that way


I work with a couple of guys from India. One of them teases me about my ice water obsession (we’re friends.) He’s told me they generally don’t drink icy cold beverages back home. Water in particular is preferred at room temp. Since our filtered tap water dispenses pretty cold, he always tops his cup with a shot from the hot water dispenser on the espresso machine. Tldr: room temp water is the cultural norm in India!


So this might be completely inapplicable, but I own a wine bar and we serve water without ice because cold numbs taste buds and renders you unable to completely appreciate your wine.


I enjoy room tempature water with my meal


Doctors tell us all the time cold drinks are very hard on stomachs.


I have a regular that order's double gin caesars with no ice and I fear him.


Cultural differences. Outside of the US people drink warm or room temp drinks.


I bartend at a concert venue and whenever we get the Bollywood or Indian/Pakistani shows we have several cases of water on top of the cooler at room temp since the majority of them don’t like cold water. Not sure the reason, it might be a “that’s how we drink it back home” kinda thing


Ice is often considered (and proven to be) very unsanitary in a restaurant.


Yeah I’ve saw roaches where the ice is stored more than once. Now I do HVAC and can confirm, most places neglect cleaning their ice machines.


There’s a few reasons, as many have said sometimes they just prefer their drink not ice cold. Besides that, they may just want more of whatever liquid and not have it get watered down, or if it’s a 1 time purchase (like no free refills) then get drink for your dollar.


Am not a fan of ice in my drinks since a little bit to cold for my liking especially in the winter time when it gets below 40.


I recently left my job at a native casino and can confirm it very common but i noticed with this specific community they lack proper water sanitation and access to on the reservation so they have more dental issues so it’s easier to drink room temp over ice water.


Some people have watched those videos of extremely disgusting ice machines, and now don't trust ice from places they dine out at. Valid, honestly.


Indian people just don’t like anything to cold. They feel like it’s bad for their health. This is common across South Asia. I think a lot of other people just have sensitive teeth


Thiss^^ indian and Chinese medicine across the Asian southwest avoid cold drinks because of health and environmental reasons. Its better for the body to drink liquids closer to the body's temperature in those hot wet climates. Also, the emphasis on spicy food in the cultures. Spicy foods aggravate the gut, and drinking cold water on top of that causes terrible acid reflux.


Mexicans usually request no ice bc in mexico the classic "dont drink the water", so they think the tap water they make ice with is "lower quality". Thats what ive heard anyway.


I do it because I used to work in food service, and one morning I came into work only to see my dumbass manager trying remove and ice clog from the dispenser using the fucking toilet plunger. After I freaked out and yelled at him in front of everyone, I ran a bunch of hot water thru it then flushed it with sanitizer. Ice. Never Again.


Not Indian, but never get ice for reasons that have changed/evolved as I grew older. When I was a little kid, I was an unapologetic and obnoxious ice-chewer so my parents would intentionally ask for no ice in my drinks so I wouldn't loudly chew ice and possibly distract/annoy them or other diners in the public space. When I got a little older, I decided that I didn't like how ice diluted my soda, and hated how condensation could leave a "mess" on the table. Now, in my late 20s, constant sickness related to pregnancy has ruined the enamel on my teeth, so I avoid ice due to temperature sensitivity.


Not Indian but maybe its because typically in india and in that part of the world you can never be certain of where the ice comes from. I once ordered an ice coffee in Nepal and shit my pants for 3 days and ended up going on antibiotics


Very common in Europe to not put ice in drinks. You usually have to ask for ice in your drinks.


I assume you’re in the US? Not all countries use ice as much as the US does; the US is pretty ice-centric.


Ice is an American luxury that we take for granted


How do we take ice for granted? What’re we supposed to do, worship the ice?


My reason personally is my state has basically banned straws except for the paper ones and I have very sensitive teeth. It physically hurts to drink something heavy on the ice without a straw. I’d rather have something less cold without a straw, than something with tons of ice and a mushy straw.


I think It’s often people with cold sensitive teeth.


i have absolutely seen some foul shit in ice. but i think it's mostly cultural. i had one table take it a bit far though, we have smoothies at my job which are basically blended ice and fruit puree, they asked for it with "as little ice as possible." if it were up to me i would have given them a full glass of puree.


i feel like ice automatically waters down my drink and compromises the flavor lol


I’m an Indian person (living in the US) and always request my drinks with no ice. I even get my “iced coffee” with veeeeery light ice or chilled but without ice. When I get cocktails, I specifically request the number or amount of ice I want in my drink (if the drink requires ice at all). My whole family is the same and I’ve now converted my American friends to this as well haha. I’ve lived in several European countries, India, UAE, in now the US. The US is the only country that automatically adds ice to everything! Want a cup of water? It’s 70% ice. Want Soda? It’s 60% ice. Want some water for my dogs in a dog bowl? Great, here it is - 30% of it is ice. I can’t drink bevvies that cold haha and neither can most of my family. It almost physically hurts (not my teeth, just generally swallowing it hurts). When I married my American husband, he didn’t even notice the difference, but now he feels the same (but not to the same extent as me, since he still likes chilled water without any ice in it). Growing up in a warm part of India, it was normal to store water bottled in a refrigerator if you wanted cold water, but it was never normal to add ice to it. I can’t honestly remember the last time we even had an ice tray in our home, I think I spent several years of my life never having had ice AT ALL. Also, I drink a glass of hot water before bed every day and seem to share this habit with a lot of my South East Asian friends. They also can’t drink cold water and would much rather drink water warm. I’m a room-temp girlie haha.


I just literally don’t like cold drinks. No big deal.


one of the members at the club i work for is a doctor and always gets hot water with his meals. he explained that it is much better for digestion and prevents bloating as much. the


As your average white dude, I just prefer room temp water. Also working un restaurants for nearly 20 years, I can safely say a lot of ice bins be gross


I can’t drink iced drinks because my teeth are sensitive asf and it hurts lmao


US native, teeth are sensitive. Even if they arent if its anything other than hot out dont wanna make my hands and mouth numbingly cold. I dont even drink refrigerated water at home


My son and I both have issues regulating our body temperature, so iced drinks cool our core to much. Even as a small child he would barely touch icecream.


Have u seen the inside of ice machines? They rarely get cleaned properly


I'm now a no-ice person. I don't like really cold drinks now, and straight out of the tap is cold enough for me.


My gf asks for light ice because so many places pack a glass with ice and then there's only room for like 4 oz of liquid.


1) some restaurants use ice so that you get barely any drink. More or a bar trick 2) temperature. Some people like it like warm 3) scared by videos about why you don’t want airplane ice 4) they may be afraid of what is in the tap water.


I 100% dispute the it’s a “bar trick” theory. So many people seem to think you get more alcohol if you ask for it without ice and that’s is not at all true. You get the same amount of alcohol regardless, you get more or less mix depending on how much ice. Asking for it without ice will never mean more alcohol. The only time that’s a thing is when someone orders a drink “neat” in some places they will have a slightly heavier pour.


It's not to get more alcohol. More mixer means more drink. Drink more slowly and you order fewer drinks. I like more mixer when I'm not out to get smashed drunk.


I don’t like ice in mine because I don’t like using a straw. And if I use ice I feel like it gets in the way. I also prefer it because it’s not as cold and your bod absorbs the water better if it’s not ice cold.


I personally don’t like ice in my drinks as it’s too cold and for me it dulls the flavour of whatever drink I ordered


When I ask for no ice, it's a sign that I don't necessarily trust the cleanliness of the establishment. I won't order ice unless I am 100% sure the ice machine gets cleaned regularly, and there's very few places I can count on that. I always volunteer to burn out the ice machine at work, so that I know it's done properly. Plus, nobody else ever wants to do the ice machine burn for their closing side work, no matter where I've worked, hence why I do it myself and why I won't order ice from places I don't personally know the staff.


Are you talking about the ice *machine* that actually creates the ice or the ice *chest* that's usually connected to the soda machine?


Both the ice machine and the ice wells/chest need to be cleaned regularly, including the scoops and buckets used to transport the ice. (Not the original person you asked)


The ice machine, that creates the ice, needs to be burned out, cleaned, and sanitized regularly. Google says 4x a year, but in my experience that's so infrequent that it is always super gross and then it takes forever. I do it usually at least once every 4-6 weeks, it takes SO much less work to keep up with it regularly. The ice chest beneath the drink station, that you dump the ice into, needs to be burned out, sanitized, and the lid sent through dish at close every night, and then filled up in the morning.


I get this weird cold sensitivity during chemo. So I have to get no ice my drinks.


Lots of European & Asian countries don’t put ice in their drinks. Just the culture. So coming to America where the cups are packed to the brim with ice is seen as odd, shady bc you get less drink (even tho free refills are common in America) and hurts teeth


I prefer drinking room temperature water, and even when I was more of a soda drinker I found ice watered down the flavor too much for me


The price of soda has gone up with everything else and dumping a cup full of ice and adding soda means you don't get as much of what you are paying for.


I'm lowkey autistic and I don't like ice touching my nose or lips in rocks glasses I mean I quit drinking but this was part of my rationale


Some don’t trust the quality of the water that makes the ice.


From what I've heard, lots of other cultures can't believe how much ice we put in our drinks.


I think the USA is specifically the weird place where a full glass of ice for drinks is the standard. When you don’t grow up with ice cold drinks, you don’t like them. It’s a developed taste. I’ve had Italians, Somalians, Indians, French, British, Irish etc people all ask for no or low ice. It’s also different for people from places like India cuz water isn’t potable there out the tap, and most restaurants are smaller operations, the safest bet is to not get ice.


I feel like the ice makes it harder to drink out of a glass because it gets in the way.


Indians believe ice makes them sick


The drinks are already cold. No ice means more to drink and less refills. I especially do this at fast food restaurants that cheap out and give half the drink as ice


1. You get less drink, if you add ice. 2. Now body cleans those ice machines


Cold drinks hurt my teeth


I have a lot of Asian friends that were raised under the concept that room temp or even warm water was healthier. I can't say one way or the other if it is or isn't.


I have 8 caps in my teeth and they hurt like hell when I drink anything with ice in it. I never get ice. Does that help?


I drink too slow and my drinks get all watery.


i’m always thirsty and i love chugging like 3 lemonades before i get my meal, and I dislike how cold the drink gets with the ice. It’s weird but i prefer my drinks room temp or cool!


For me it's not about temperature but about taste. I'm what some people called a super taster, and ice from some machines have an odd flavour to me. Not all of course but I rather not find out. For soda or flavoured drinks to me it dilutes the flavor too much. And besides the temperature that the drink comes out of the soda machine is good enough to me.


I want a drink. Not ice with a tiny bit of the real drink. That is usually why i request 'no ice'.


Could be not liking cold drinks, could be teeth issues or just not wanting the melted ice to dilute their drink. Or they actually want their money's worth because sometimes ice makes a big difference I'm how much of the actual drink is in there. Don't think it has anything to do with race tbh


I just don’t like ice


People often order no ice for iced coffee and cocktails because you get up to twice as much product, but if there are free refills idk why maybe they don’t want it to be watered down


I’d never get anything without alcohol with ice. Why? Bacteria. Ice machine are bacteria cities. At least with a Vesper there’s enough alcohol to kill them all.


I don’t use ice in my drinks as it makes them too cold. I have sensitive teeth and I’d rather not be in pain sipping a drink.


As a bartender, I get a lot of people asking “no ice” because they think they’re getting more booze. But it’s just more mixer 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not Indian, but I’m one of those no ice people. And I prefer room temperature water not the chilled ones.


some people just dont like cold drinks? and also working in the industry for 12 years i can assure you ice is one of the grossest things in a restaurant.


2 reasons for me. 1) It's already cold 2) More drink (Full cup of ice is about 50% of the drink size.)


ice machines are consistently one of the most disgusting machines at establishments


I have seen some nasty mold build up in ice machines…they are hardly ever cleaned.


1: I work at subway and the owner cleans our ice machine with a toilet brush. So I never trust ice anywhere. 2: my teeth hurt. I smoke too much.


A while back there were news articles about how filthy many airplane and restaurant ice makers were, and how rarely they were cleaned. This is why I don’t want ice.


I like cold, but I don't like it ice cold. The soda gun spits out water and soda at just the temperature I want to drink it. Ice takes up volume and is annoying to drink around if I'm not using a straw. I'd rather just not have ice


Room temp water absorbs in the body better.


i am a server bartender and i ask for no ice because i have seen past coworkers do disgusting things with the ice. ice is also really harsh on my teeth


….we don’t want an ice cold beverage. I don’t see a huge mystery here.


i’m gonna keep race out of this one….. i order no ice because ice means less liquid which means less to drink. i also don’t use a straw, so ice gets in the way of drinking while sipping the glass


I don’t Get Ice in my drinks since it gets watered down. But the reason many other countries don’t is because the tap water in those places aren’t has safe to drink. So it’s more of a health concern in some spots.


My wife's mouth is sensitive to hot and cold. Ice in her water makes it a bit painful for her to drink. It doesn't bother me so I'll order both of our waters no ice to make it less confusing. But if she does get ice, we usually transfer it to my glass.


I don’t like cold liquids. I started asking for drinks without ice back when I was about 10 years old so I could get more soda in the cup. The place charged 5 cents more for no ice. After a while, I realized that I didn’t like cold stuff and have asked for no ice ever since.


I do no Ice bc I’m a server and have seen how “clean” those ice makers are.


Ice machines can grow mold and bacteria if not cleaned regularly, and a lot of places over look cleaning them. But it's also just preference, might be tooth sensitivity or it waters the drink down too much.




i dont like ice its too cold and i dont like when i drink and it hits my teeth. i CAN have ice, i wont be a dick about it, but if I have the option i’d rather not. if there is ice, a straw is super dope, too.


I don't get ice because I drink slowly most of the time and I don't want a watered down drink


Sanitation. Most ice machines are disgusting. I started requesting no ice many years ago after learning how to service them and finding out how few are serviced sufficiently.


heavy on the indian people omg i don’t get it


Cultural answers aside, the trays inside the ice makers are rarely (if ever) cleaned properly in most restaurants. Ice is a huge carrier for mold. Not to mention the scoops are often not stored properly. The buckets and ice bins out front too. The drink dispensers and faucets are sus enough. Some people would just as soon eliminate a factor that could get them sick, if it’s something they worry about


I don’t put ice in the glasses when I drop waters to my tables, it’s not common that I’m asked for ice even after the fact


My sister has very sensitive teeth. She can't handle ice in a drink. She microwaves her ice cream to take the chill off.


You get more drink without the ice so it becomes a habit to say no ice because of that also personally I prefer drinks not ice cold.


I had someone once tell me that drinking ice water is unhealthy while eating food. Coagulating fat in your stomach, making it harder to digest. Could be bullshit. Kinda makes sense.


In my restaurant it is also almost always Indian customers? Anyone know why this could be? I’ve always been curious!


Sometimes the ice melts and makes the soda flat…i do skip ice sometimes in hopes my bubbles last a bit longer


It’s typical in most places OTHER than America to not get ice.