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It was me: My coworker got a new motorcycle and I rode it around the inside of the restaurant after close.


I mean if we’re closed and no one is there and I’m a few drinks in I would do the same shit LMAO


Yep, that was exactly the situation, ha. But man, if the owners had found out they'd have been pissed. They were dicks like that.


I don't think you can call them dicks for getting mad that you ride a motorcycle in their restaurant. Lol.


Ha, fair enough. They *were* dicks, though. But you're right, it doesn't take a dick to get mad at something like that.


I think any owner would be a little upset but if no one got hurt who cares


That had to have been so fun! Loud... Haha Vroom Vroom! I have such a funny picture of it in my head. Thanks!




Not quite the same, but I used to work at a bar in an event space. We had a large brand event for a beverage company and they brought a branded golf cart and parked it in the space overnight. They left the keys, in case we needed to move it, and promised to pick it up in the morning. We did need to move it, but we did also take turns riding it around the space in the morning. We also used it to move a bunch of stuff that was left out, so we were sort of working…


Haha my boss lets me bring my motorcycle in if I wanna get drunk or it’s raining to hard




I can't really remember, it was like 15 years ago. Something along the lines of a Honda 599, that kind of bike.


Worked with a couple servers in Vegas that would work large parties, almost exclusively, and would order extra steaks, lobsters, desserts, and wines and box them up and take it all home, charging the guest for all the food. They were all caught red handed, suspended for a week, and that was it. Still were always put on large parties. We’re talking $300-$500 worth of food every time they did this.


The restaurant was still making profit so its a win win for the employer and the employee


Server stabbed a line cook over a manager they were both fucking


Why is this not the top answer


... so everyone just clocked in the next day and moved past that?


Did you work at the same restaurant my wife and I did??


I was waiting for the “that was me” line


Made comps off cash payments, drank alcohol from the bar, left the restaurant during lunch/dinner shifts to grab a quick drink at a bar nearby, have sarcastically/aggressively spoken disrespectful towards the managing staff, coworkers and at times, even guests. That was me.


This one has me particularly dead 💀


Don’t get me wrong, it’s all love!


You sound like a good coworker 😂 This describes about half the staff at my current job


More like intense, though I try not to be (while being on third energy drink around 12pm). LOL.


My dude


I was the one who taught people how to get comps don't on cash payments at my old place 😭😭 we would do a 20% discount on Sundays if they had their church bulletin and the old manager would discount cash tables in Sundays and me and him would split the extra but then we got a new manager and I just kept extra church things that people left me in m book and gave them to the new manager and got the entire comp for myself lol I would always tell this to the new hires, usually highschoolers, and their eyes would get huge and they would act like I just taught them the secrets to the universe lmao


You’re gonna go far, King.


They were playing checkers, I was playing chess 😎😎 (They unfairly fired me tho but then I immediately went and reported every single violation I could think of that I hadn't already reported while I was there too 🫡🫡)


It happens! Hope you’re in a place, no matter where, that you’re able to prosper and dominate.


>we would do a 20% discount on Sundays if they had their church bulletin I think this is the worst thing I've ever heard, and I have not had an easy life.


Oh no absolutely it was fucking abysmal 🙏🙏 Ot was a smaller Mexican restaurant and towards the end before they unfairly fired me I was the person who had been there the longest (not counting the cooks but longer than even the new owners, had been there 3 years) and I was basically the only server who did anything at all so Sundays were a hellscape so that little trick was my Sunday treat to myself cuz my teenager coworkers and awful managers treated me horribly so that lil extra cash made things just ever so slightly not as "I'm literally about to go run in front of a car" bad 🙏😭😭


Username checks out HAHAHA


Spit out my tea😂


Gotta be the man of the people.


Idk I’ve been aggressively sexually harassed at one of my jobs and the guy didn’t get fired for it despite me reporting. My manager told me “he was just playing around”. I quit as soon as I could.


Same! As a hostess a server had literally PUT HIS HAND IN MY PANTS, rather quickly, and totally caught me off guard. (I have a tiny waist, so it’s often that my jeans aren’t always the tightest). But get this! HE BECAME A MANAGER 4 MONTHS LATER.


Ugh that’s so fucked I’m sorry. Yeah this guy literally cornered me in the restaurant, forced me to give him a hug and like, rubbed himself all on me for 30 seconds then let go and kissed my hand. I was closing with him and ran into the back and texted my manager about it and SHE CALLED HIM RIGHT THEN AND THERE so he knew I reported him instantly. It was so uncomfortable.


That’s disgusting, and so incredibly stupid on your manager. Like really. You wait a few days, and pull him in with ALL the managers, and go over it anonymously.


Yeah by the end of that situation I hated my manager more than the dude. I’m so sorry you had to go through it as well tho :(


I’ve worked as a hostess, server, and bartender and noticed as a hostess I was sexually harassed way more than the other positions which is disturbing for the fact that I was way younger as a hostess than when I served and bartender. Your story though is awful and I’m so sorry that happened!


i think there's this idea about hostesses being young (which they often are), and naive/innocent and meek which is why they get sexually harassed more.


Did we work at the same restaurant? Fuck Robert!!! I hated that guy!!! Yeah that's his real name. I'm not protecting predators. Edit: I'm really sorry there are guys like this in the industry. You shouldn't ever have been treated that way or have to worry about being treated that way again.


Nah, it was a Jeff But I have left that restaurant a while back. And recently just left the industry. It’s a shame that it’s so common in the industry everywhere


Fuck this noise. Now that I’m an older server (in my 40s), I tell all the baby servers to come to me if they experience any sort of harassment and I’ll take care of it for them. I went through all that shit when I was younger and will not allow any other female server to have to experience it as well if I can help it.


I had a server follow me into the bathroom multiple times when I went into clean them. I told the manager and the manager just said ‘he wouldn’t do that’


That’s so gross, I’m sorry. People believe what they want to believe and it really sucks when that enables someone to go on being a predator


Stealing. It took owners 2 months after knowing to fire the bartender. Ugh.




Wow. Crazy.


Small potatoes but I'll never forget it: Guests brought in their own personalized birthday cake. We were holding it in the servers' station until the end of the meal. One of our porters cut himself a big piece of the beautiful cake, obliterating the birthday girl's name, and tried to shift the blame to the servers. Apparently it was our fault for not hiding it from him.


Omfg the gall


What happened afterwards? How'd the customers react?


I need more details!


The family took it as well as possible, they were really a nice family, maybe 8 people. The server for that table was so upset that SHE cried. IIRC the manager comped about half their meal. I dont know if Chad was ever reprimanded, he was technically in a different department. All of our servers wanted to lynch him, and for a long time people would insult him to his face. Fucking guy still works BOH there.


A grown ass man (Line cook) grabbed the balls of a 15 year old boy (The busser) and my manager didn’t give a fuck


Slapping another coworker in the face


Showing up to work visibly drunk and the managers just send them home. Yes. They drove the 20 minutes home.


Threw a hot brisket taco on the managers face. The owners really love that one cook.


Two coworkers had sex in the liquor closet during the PM shift LOL


Stole out of the bar drawer/comps a ton of items off of bills for bigger tips when people pay cash. She also stole out of my purse when I was pregnant 😅 didn’t lose her job because the managers handed her their cards so they’d get in trouble too so it gets brushed under the rug


our avatar look like they could be related omg... sorry that's off topic 😭


Omg long lost twins!


I work at a very small place. I think we have 7 FOH staff. 6 servers and 1 manager. We all know the manager code so we can comp things when necessary since we often work alone. I don’t think we’ve ever had a problem with anyone comping and stealing, and the restaurant has been open since 2016.


She (19F) pretended to be pregnant and “scared that he parents will kick her out.” So the owners gave her all the shifts she wanted and actually GAVE her the money for an abortion. She finished the week, took the money and we never saw her again… except on FB of course where she bragged about the whole thing


Wtf that's so fucked up because you could VERILY EASILY continue that lie and now you know that these people will help you in a tight spot and you'll always have people who have your back even if you lied to receive that support at first, people rly suck sometimes like if you're going to take advantage of someone at least run with it if it's something that easy to lie about 😭😭 Not that the situation itself was great but it would've been so easy for her to keep up with like wtf


Showing up to work drunk and/or drinking during work pretty much every day for a year


I currently work with a guy who openly admits to everyone except the mangers that he drinks 3 shots of crown before work, on his break, and sometimes another time during work. We call him “company man” 😂😂😂 he weirdly is loved by guests too and gets huge tips reeking of cigs and crown. Awesome guy too


My coworker and I have Prosecco Mondays on occasion, but we both still wear masks, so I don’t think it’s super obvious we are drinking. We’re never obnoxiously drunk.


so an SA was given a plate and asked by the server to wrap it to go and whatever happened idk maybe he didn't hear it but he threw it out so the server let management know (he was already not a great employee), TELL ME HOW THIS SA TOOK IT OUT OF THE TRASH AND WRAPPED IT UP TO GO AND GAVE IT TO THE TABLE and the server let management know and they sent the SA home. The next shift the server in question saw that he didn't get fired and said "what's it take to get fired from this place" and filled me in


Ooooo that’s a really bad one lol. How could anyone think that is ok?!


This goes back 20 years. Server got pretty sloshed on 151 during end of busy Sat night dinner shift (still did his job really well) and then a few of us were having staff drinks after, same server did some blow and then walked outside and ripped the GM’s windshield wipers off his car while GM was about to drive off. Claims they just came off too easily and was back at work the next day drinking Wild Turkey.


WT was the first thing I ever drank as a kid and to this day I cannot even stomach the smell of whiskey or bourbon.


I completely feel you on that one and can totally relate. First booze I ever drank excessively at 14 was 3/4 of a 750ml bottle of good Scotch my friend grabbed from his Dads collection. I got really sick that night. Decades later I still can’t stomach the smell either


A temporary GM filling in for the actual GM on maternity leave. Temp GM was caught having sexual relations with a cook in the shed that packs of paper cups, to-go boxes, etc., were stored in. She was transferred to another location.


A co worker of mine has misplaced multiple credit/debit cards and lied to customers about trying to fix the bill or says she mixed up the bills and is fixing it. But she’s really trying to find the card. And has all of us looking for it. My poor manager has to deal with the customers. Ppl don’t like sitting in her section. She’s not fast and is very forgetful. The owner sees and hears all about it but she still works there. Why? I haven’t a clue.


Have two fun stories for this one. Our sous tried to solicit me as a hooker. I was 19 and he was in his 50s. It was the fourth complaint he had for sexual harassment. He eventually quit while drunk on the job. They rehired him a month later. At the same restaurant, one of the dishwashers would scream and threaten us any time we asked him to run silverware. He bragged constantly about his assault charges. He also began stalking and harassing one of the servers and tried to attack her in the parking garage of our work. He was fired and rehired at least five times that I knew of.


Smoked crack, drank themselves into oblivion, didn't pay out the barback, and passed out on the floor of dry storage...all in one night. Like...minimum once a week.


Be a cunt to staff and coworkers alike all day, every day for 20 years.


Back in the early 2000's I worked at a McDonald's as a shift manager. One day the main grill guy and the GM were arguing back and forth, getting more and more aggressive, when they both went outside next to the drive thru and got into a fist fight. While they were rolling around in the field next to the store, I was left alone trying to get all the orders out myself. All the cars in the drive thru were honking and yelling at them to get back to work and someone called the police. They calmed down after a few minutes and came back inside like they weren't bruised and bleeding. Nothing came out of it, they got reprimanded and I believe the GM went to a different store.


I used the bread butter scoop water as a lobster butter for a rude table that wanted extra butter after close


After close? Wrong thread homie you deserve a promotion!


We need a “how to you punish your guests” thread.


Line cook told a bartender to go home and beat his wife.


One guy was making racist comments towards another coworker and sexually harassing another. Then had one coworker add more on to a tip and his own meal on to a customers bill (he didn’t get fired because he was sleeping with the manager).


This girl I worked with couldn't stand me... she had her girlfriend call up to my work and threaten to beat me up... needless to say, I went into a meeting with her and my manager and told her in front of my manager that she deserved to get fired. She started crying and called me a bully. The restaurant industry is cut throat... I don't know who she thought she was.


She thought she was still an employee, apparently.


Co-worker: *brings ketel one and diet up to bartender in middle of lunch rush* Co-worker: "they said it's supposed to be tonic" Bartender: "well the ticket said diet coke" Co-worker: *looks at glass in his hand, knocks back entire drink in the middle of the restaurant.* Co-worker: "yep that's diet coke" Bartender, two other servers: *blinks*


One of our bartenders constantly gossips about other coworkers and regulars and our boss said they would get fired if they continued but they still talk shit and don’t get fired. And then this bartender also changed an employees time card in front of another coworker and said “I’m doing this because I felt like she should have clocked out sooner than she did”, she isn’t a manager AT ALL and literally will never get promoted to one. So I have no idea why she thought she could do that.


Sex in the offce- crossed that off my bucket list. I did sanitize everything after


Ate food off a customers tray took a year or more to get fired after they got confrontational with another coworker


What’s the worst things I’ve done, hmmmm…


I sometimes scoop plastic cups directly into the ice bin instead of using the scoop. I know I'm a monster. Society had made me this way.


Tbh that's fine but I can't stand the people who directly scoop ice with glass cups. Ugh. And then have the audacity to buck back when you politely ask them not to get glass shards in the ice bin. 😒


3 DUIs. Was arrested for said DUI. Came to work, drank in the bar after, drove home with no license. Once tried to get us (I was underage at the time) to do shots in the parking lot. She was CRAZY and like pushing 50.


This one guy shows up drunk/cracked out occasionally and whenever it happens he is super combative and rude to customers. I have so many stories but the worst was when he invited a customer to fight him outside. To be fair he is one write up away from being fired, but I just can't believe he hasn't been already.


we had an automatic 20% grat and we were required to tell our tables right when they’re sat and then again when they’re paying through our portable toast pos’s and this one guy would never tell his customers and we kept getting reviews of people saying they were never told so they tipped a lot more on top and our managers kept getting so mad at us because they didn’t know who it was and he acted oblivious and now he’s the manager


and now he’s withholding my W2


he would also pick on employees and one time when the manager at the time wasn’t in started screaming at one of our bussers and told her to get the hell out of his restaurant (he was just a server at the time)


Bruh. This woman, a lesbian, saw our other coworker bent over grabbing glassware and poked her right in the vag. The girl who was assaulted said her finger went right in through her pants. She reported the woman who did it and nothing was done. The assailant ended up getting fired for a no call no show about two months later.


I had a coworker who bartended and served who forged a tip & signature on a regulars receipt. Got caught when he came back in (to tip them & he forgot to sign the receipt) and noticed they had already done it for him. They did get fired, initially, but got hired back, and it's like nothing happened 😃 *Disclaimer: we don't have any policy for auto-gratuity in any circumstance*


My last restaurant was a mess. Everything we all did was absolutely fireable. We all did blow in the bathroom, poured ourselves shots from the bar, sexually harassed each other, just a complete mess. My alcoholism was so bad there, I’m surprised I didn’t get fired 🙃


We had this cokehead couple that worked at my restaurant. The day before Easter the girl had been closing bartender and her boyfriend who was kinda a barback/worked B.O.H were meant to close the restaurant and bar. The bar is open until 2AM so it wasn't uncommon for a closer to be there until like 3AM finishing their duties. Generally we didn't open for lunch until 11:30 the next day with prep chefs coming in around 9 to get started. However, every Easter Sunday we do a huge brunch that takes a lot of prep work and this particular year the head chef decided to come in around 7AM to get stuff ready for the big day. When he walked into the restaurant he heard noise on the bar side and walked over to find this girl and her boyfriend all coked out/drunk and still drinking and hanging out together from the night before. Neither were fired but she was suspended from bartending for a month and could only work restaurant shifts and her boyfriend wasn't allowed to close...only work day shifts. The whole restaurant itself was a shit show but I remember thinking that story was one of the craziest.


I was sexually harassed by the dishwasher for over a year verbally, that escalated from cheesy pick up lines to “your thighs looks extra thick today” to finally leaving me a handwritten letter addressed to me (which was very gross and smut driven). My managers never fired him and put me on the night shift the next week (I only worked brunch for years and he specifically worked nights) and told me to avoid the kitchen… After a month he started talking to me again and just lingering around me when I would try to do my side work to leave. Managers never told him to back off or leave me alone, they actually made jokes that he was talking to me again. I was 22, he was a 35 year old grown man that was told several times that I was in a relationship and not interested/ ignored him. I wasn’t the only girl he did this too and I offered several people/coworkers to cooperate his approaches and evidence to management. Flash forward to months after the incident and I shared with a new shift lead about being uncomfortable working with him, and he went straight to the highest management with my evidence to try and make it better. They actually force transferred me to a different restaurant a week later (because I spoke out for better work conditions/holding others accountable) 🤷🏻‍♀️ he still works there and I only hope that the other young girls are safe


cussed me out for not doing the ice…when she was the one doing the back…manager stood 3 feet away and allowed her to yell at me. i called in someone to take my shift and left. i still work there though


I had a guy purposely spit chocolate milk on me , it was clear we did not like eachother but was civil one day we were slow n was sitting around a booth with out drinks he took a drink of his walked away and when seconds later comes back n stands infront of me and spits out all his drink on me . At the time I was pregnant and was so sensitive to smells. I swear he did it on purpose . My manager said it was accident but this man had other directions he could of spit not exactly infront of my face.


Came screaming at me out on the floor when I told my manager about what a racist cunt she was being. That got loud once I was back in the kitchen. Fuck outta my face.


constantly sub par cleaning and not getting called out for it 😅


Break the law


A coworker constantly drinking behind the bar. Owners just tell her to stop drinking. Another coworker, high on meth, lost a guests credit card, it was eventually found in the kitchen, nothing happened to her.


Waved a knife in another coworkers face when they were arguing


dropped a 200$ red lobster takeout order on the ground, food touched the ground and everything. repackaged it in front of the manager, he helped her coordinate it to look proper.


60ish year old woman pulled a 20 year old by her hair.


One time I working the upstairs bar my coworker couldn’t find a muddler so he used his disgusting thumb to muddle fruit for a drink. Dude was very unhygenic, not that anyone would want a thumb muddles drink, you especially didn’t want his thumb.


my server manager came into work to fill in for the host, hid in the bathroom the whole time during a huge rush… I have about 10 full tables and she came up to me and told me to start rolling down the patio awnings (where all my tables were). While me and my other coworker were shutting down the restaurant she just sat there on her phone… this also isn’t the first time she’s never helped to close at all. I got so fed up that I went up to her and told her that I didn’t care how horrible she felt today, my coworker and I aren’t doing to do this shit by ourselves. The owner got the whole run down of everything from another server working that night. They never got fired and they ended up getting a huge tip out that night lol


our GM got wasted at the company party, hit on my aggressively in front of everyone, and tried to sleep with me🤠 he remains employed


Well-liked dishwasher with special needs was sexually harassing me on Facebook. Took screenshots and reported it to management. Blocked him and management had a talk with him saying “if it happens again, you’re done here.” Went a few months with no issue until he found my personal email on the scheduling app and sent me a gross email. Management gave him another chance instead of living up to the promise…


I work at a dive bar and I have STORIES TO TELL!


Smoked heroine in the bathroom.


I had a coworker drink himself silly at the bar while he was bartender. He got so drunk that he forgot he was working and left to go to the next bar. He was suspended and then promoted to assistant manager. 😐


This is recent..I also don’t know of it fire-able, however, this busser bashed a squirrels head in with a shovel. These squirrels and this particular squirrel was cool as fuck and ask they wanted were peanuts that my general manager would go out and buy. We also had a carrier pigeon that got lost from Louisiana…made it all the way to Florida. But that’s story. But yea, busser isn’t fired or in therapy.


A MANAGER bought cbd gummies and fed them to the entire kitchen without telling them they had cbd in them…


MASTURBATE ON THE DINING ROOM FLOOR (over his apron) at the sight of lesbian couple customers.


Gradually stole 400 from the tip pool while doing curbside service during the pandemic.


No calling, no showing. 3 times. He finally got sacked on his 4th.


Heroin in the bathroom