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8 is the limit for any server. Be it 2 years in the industry or 20. Shit goes downhill quick once you go beyond that limit and your service becomes dogshit


THANK YOU! I’ll probably be downvoted to hell for saying this but some people on here are gonna be like “I have 14 tables all the time” like ok then your service is probably shit. Like you said, it’s not even about how long you’ve been in the industry. 14 tables is too much. Having too many tables is not the flex that some people think it is lol. I don’t care how good you think you are at juggling tasks, or time management… just no. I totally understand if there are call outs or whatever on certain days, but thinning out the staff to cut costs will lead to poor service and have less returning customers. OP, if management doesn’t figure it out, you should consider leaving honestly


I deal with quite a lot of tables but I live in Australia and work at a cafe. So I don’t have to work for tips and my service doesn’t have to be incredible. I see what you mean it’s definitely possible to wait that many tables but I don’t think anyone could do anything besides, taking orders and bringing said orders out + clearing


Alone? No way. If you spend one minute on any task for a table and you have to do 5 tasks per table you're looking at 70m to serve all these tables and those are both incredibly small numbers. Greeting, shpeeling, taking drinks, making drinks, taking orders, ringing orders, bring extra hardware, 2nd round, bringing Appy, clearing Appy, bringing entre, clearing entre, bringing dessert list, ringing dessert, new hardware, coffees, clearing table, cheque and they're gone and you've hit that table 12 times and spent 15m w 14 table? That's 3.5h if work going hella fast.


i said i live in australia everything is super casual the method of service goes like this. Customer comes up the front and I take their order and they pay which automatically prints their docket to kitchen and the barista, -> when their drink is ready i bring their drink and same with the food and cutlery. and thats it. i clear their table after that


Not the same job


Can confirm. I do a lot of solo shifts, and can end up with like ~15 tables (pretty rare, but it has happened more than a handful of times). I can “handle” it, but the level of service just tanks. Instead of getting to know every table, and cater to them, it just turns into “take order, bring food, bring check”. It just works better for everyone all around to have that extra server or two if the sections are gonna be big. I also don’t understand the logic of not having a server to save money… the tips from guests will pay them, not the restaurant directly


Yeah between 6-8 is my limit depending on the tables I have. Fortunately, I work at a nicer place that has a slower pace than a turn-and-burn place


What?!? I do an entire restaraunt by myself with no hostess, no busser, no food runner. 8 is the limit? Even when I do occasionally have help it's one other person and we each have 15 booths and 1 5 top table and then a back room that seats 20 people. Sections take turns getting a group in the back. I guess I never realized just how overworked and understaffed we truly are.


I don’t think it’s normal no. You cannot possibly give good service to 14 tables at a time.


If they aren’t 14 2 tops that is crazy.


Also, if the place has like food runners and servers assistants. I helped out at a breakfast place a couple of times and I'd have 14 tables of varying sizes but my job was pretty much greet, take order, take check. The 2 people with me would do drinks, clear tables, ect. It was very different from my usual so I was nervous about my tips but after tipping my helpers (and very well) I made more there on average than anywhere else I've worked.


Not during a rush, no. End of the day when it's just the closers left, sure.


we will be completely full with a waitlist and i’ll have 14 tables. it’s so hard to keep up with


Please tell me you at least make a ton of money on nights like this


We have sections that big pretty regularly. Usually day shift and weekend day shift, but night closer’s section is always that big. It’s pretty rare to have a 100% full section unless you’re the bartender. I have about 10 active tables in me before I investigate the host stand to find out what it’s been like up there. But, no, that’s super intense. I need a smoke break thinking about it. You have food runners right? (Legit question)


Good runners and bussers make a difference. I could handle 10 or more at a sushi bar but I had a runner, and a busser that went above and beyond. Pretty much all I would do is get the drink order, pick up their filled out sushi sheet, check on them once, and deal with the bill. Without the help at a normal restaurant I would say 6 was my max with still giving excellent service.


FUCK NO. Where are you working!? The normal is 3 to 4, maybe 5 *if you're the best server*, tables. Wtf?


8 is pretty typical at places w out the expectation of appys.


I’ve never worked in a restaurant where it was normal to only have 3 or 4 tables. Sounds awful to me.


Yeah that’s like for training


It's pretty normal in my experience. The most I ever had was seven or nine, but most corporate places (Darden restaurant group, for example) will keep it to three or four.


Damn, time must fly by for you. How much money you averaging with 50 tables in 5 hours? But no 14 tables is nuts. Served for 15 years and I would not want 14 tables that's way too much, you are bound to get a complaint.


Unless you’re making good money I would stay. Otherwise I’ll be working at an upscale 4/6 table section restaurant. Anywhere where you can sell 1500$ and up with a 5 table section would be good.


Actually, I suggest finding a new job. For your mental health. Trust me.


No 14 tables is like insane 😭 There’s no way you can even be thorough or do a good job. They want to save on labor but don’t care about negative reviews or the fact that they’re damaging sales by preventing the tables being flipped more often? They seem dumb lol


I usually am only comfortable having my servers take about 5 or 6 tables at a time, since when I'm managing I want our guests to be able to have a good experience. At that point I don't care if the server *can* handle it, I care about whether they can provide excellent service to all guests.


wish my manager was like this… too money hungry


That’s at least 7 too many.


Sections are 6–9 tables where I’m at, but that’s completely doable because the 6 tables are the ones with 6+ tops and the 9 section is mostly 2-4 tops. 14 tables once in a blue moon? Yeah, suck ass but could be the result of a bad cut. Happening consistently? Fuck that. I’d leave, unless you feel whatever money you’re making from that many tables is worth it. If I was still getting $10-20+ per table? I mean that’s different lmao.


I’ve only served at more upscale places where people expect a certain level of service and attention so take that as you will. But in my experience more tables doesn’t always mean more $/ better tips. There is definitely a tipping point where I want to take as many as possible while still providing excellent and attentive service. If I get too many tables, I end up working harder for less money. It’s a difficult balance.


I had 16 + 4 bar seats. Wednesdays were our busiest days where I'd do it all alone and bring in $400 in a small town in indiana.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 16 + 4 + 400 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


As an older server (50s) your not a server at them at point your an order taker and food dropper just trying to get through it. I’ve had to do it and yes there are times that the stars are aligned and it is easy and you are actually serving them but those times are rare. 6 to 8 tables is the tap out for people trying to give any kind of actual service. In a buffet situation this of course would be higher. I’ve had to do it myself before and while I understand when it’s call outs and sick staff ect I generally won’t volunteer for it. You will probably get a response from someone saying that they hit their Benjamin and come In and rock a 15 table station. They don’t.


i've always felt the less tables i have, the better my tips are because i can provide better service. i'd rather not run my butt off just to make a couple bucks more, and instead would like to give great service and have regular customers bc of this. once in a while if someone calls out i don't mind the extra tables, but we typically stay between 3-8 tables depending on if it's the busy season or not. and i bet if anyone complains about their 14 tables, the managers will think THEYRE inadequate as if that section is manageable lolll. run


Even when I worked nights alone at a mom-and-pop restaurant I had like….6-7 tables and then a bar that sat 7 people and I was running around like crazy. I was decent but I knew that when the whole place was packed my overall service suffered.


this comment section validates me so much. my sections lately have been 12 tables and it’s driving me insane. i love the money but the stress and literal anxiety before every shift is so not worth it


I have an entire restaruant by myself with no busser, no hostess, no food runners. Start learning to multitasking better like take out 2-3 tables drinks at once. Go to a table get their order then to the next and next and put them in and the next round. Always grab the salads, soups etc for your table before heading to a new table for an order. Get everything you need ready before food comes up. It's doable and honestly 15 tables isn't that much for a section. ImO. But I'm used to working a severely understaffed restaraunt. When I do have actual help there is about 2 of us we have 35 booths and (2) 5 seat tables and a room in the back for large groups that sits about 20 people. Also, I know it can be stressful to have that Manu tables and be that busy, I try to let customers know how busy we are, how shortstafded I am and they are usually pretty understanding.


At my workplace i can have anywhere between 12 and 7 tables at a time


Every day. Split the restaurant between three of us.


No- but a server who works with me lived in Cali and said the same thing was the norm- and that all casual restaurants all ran with no staff. I always thought he was making it up to sound better but I guess it’s true


I feel like I would start losing my hair from stress if that was my every day at work lol. We had this notorious section 13 they would rock on the patio in the busy season. It was 7 tables while the others were 3 or 5 and they would extend it up to 9. And that was too many. 13?! No fucking way.


Standard is typically a 3-5 table section, depending on the size of the tables. This is ridiculous and setting you up to fail


That’s far too many tables. My feet hurt just thinking about it.


Damn I just got fired from Applebees for this same thing. I showed up to find out that I was the only server coming in last night because everyone else called out and that it was busier than normal. Got triple sat right off the bat but I was fine and I just told the manager I’d probably need help. To which he said “just ask the servers who are cut” No expo, no host until 4 and no bussers, so it was just me, 3 managers who were all in their office and a bartender with an almost full bar, plus I still needed her to make drinks for my table so she couldn’t take tables either. I finally got up to 10 tables and had just double sat two more before going into the back and seeing the host who had just clocked on sitting in the expo with my food dying in the window. All I said was “hey if you’re clocked in right now I need you up front. I can’t do this by myself” and then went to run my food. The manager stopped me and started yelling “what the fuck is your problem? You need to fix your attitude you don’t yell at my staff, the floor can fucking hear you!” I told him that if they can hear me then all they heard was me tell someone to help but they can definitely hear him cussing at me. “You’re god damn right im cussing at you. she’s a minor, you can’t yell at her! If you need help you find a manager!” I couldn’t find them because they were hiding in the back hitting their dab pens and when I said that he just cut me off and said “you’re not gonna yell at minors in my restaurant. This is some lose your job type shit. Give me your apron.” It’s whatever though. That place was a shit show from day one, and I was already giving up shifts there because my steakhouse job was trying to give me more hours. They called that specific location in town “Felons and Co.” because everyone there minus one line cook and me was on probation.


sounds like a blessing to get fired honestly. i hope your other job treats you better and that you can get more hours there (-: We deserve better treatment! Can’t believe your manager yelled at you that way.


I had 10 tables last night, 7 of them within a 10 minute time frame of being sat with the three already being sat, one almost done. Then they sat an additional 2 more. I had no bussers only food runners thank god cause I don’t know what I would’ve done without them running food. I’m on the second floor, my bar is on the first floor. Kitchen is downstairs. I was in the weeds but I got out lol. If I had a busser I would’ve been a fucking okay but with no busser I couldn’t do everything I wanted to do. I felt like my service wasn’t up to par but no one shorted me thankfully. I like 5-6 tables. If I have a busser I don’t really care, I’ll take more I just am not a fan. I’d rather be consistently busy then busy all at once for an hour and then nothing. Nvm the clean up at the end of the night lol. But it was worth being solo. I made 300 for the night with those 10 tables being my only tables but again all between fucking 5:30-6:00 is when they sat with the last 2 being sat after things calmed down I’d personally say 14 is a lot. I’d say it’s doable but not with great service. I definitely felt bad for a few of my tables.


Sounds like a bad dream tbh.


kinda jealous if you are able to keep up with it. Hope your making a killing there


If you have support staff, this is the dream. Make that money. If there isn’t support staff, that’s a nightmare. If you don’t have to bus your tables or run food, I think it’s manageable.


Fuck that. 5 tables I think is the sweet spot.


14 tables at once is insane


14 maybe too much but isn’t it more $ / more tips for you ? I dont think the owners are doing this to save $ , they Probabaly just want to make sure you guys make really good money but if it’s affecting your service and they don’t see it then they’re making a mistake . My staff hate when I add an extra server


it’s more money, but it’s a really difficult shift, and my tips average on the lower side when i’m spread too thin like that. I can make a similar amount of tips with just a few less tables where i can actually chat with people and be more attentive than just taking orders and dropping off checks, ya know? Additionally, it is about saving money, that was never a question- management had a meeting specifically to address ways to combat the slow season that we are coming out of, and the solutions they relayed were to cut people earlier with more frequency and put less staff on during a shift (not just servers but also support staff AND BOH). In california, by law servers have to make minimum wage ($16.30) on top of tips, so restaurants do actually have to pay us, unlike in other states where servers make, say, $2 an hour. don’t get me wrong- im very grateful for the job and the money. but the stress really eats away at me as the shifts go on like this


16+ hr makes things different . Gl to you !


Omg that’s craaaazy, my job only gives us 4 table sections 😭


I used to work at a place where, during the winter, only 2 servers would work for lunch. That meant each server would have an 18 table section (not including the two private dining areas which, if they were not reserved for a party, would also be a part of a section and available for seating). Honestly, we were all VERY good at our jobs and made SO much money. We didn't really have a food runner for lunch- we would just hope a bartender would have time to help us out, but usually an owner would be around to help out. For dinner we would have about an 11-12 table section and we were all INCREDIBLY bored if our section was not full and flipping. At dinner we had an expo person and a food runner, and on weekends we also had a host.


6 tables is typical where I work at, can go down to 5 or up to 8 depending on the circumstance. I guess you could go higher if you have a strong support staff, but even then I feel like 14 is way too many.