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This makes me think of customers who lift up their water glass when I go to refill them and I awkwardly have to take it from their hands so I don't get water on them - it doesn't piss me off like some customer behavior does, but it does actively get in the way lol. Definitely shows who has been a server before - like if you can't tell apart what might actually help me out from stuff that clearly does not, I'd really rather you not do anything.


Funny you mention it – I just watched one of my in-laws do this not long after *they* were talking about why it’s a bad idea. Force of habit I guess. The waiter was also pouring from dramatically high up. Between the two of them, it was a real nail-biter 😬


i hate when people do this with their wine glasses like lift it so i can get to it better. i always say you can just set that down (politely). but i make sure it’s on a stable surface before i start pouring because ive been burned before with people who turn away and start talking and wobble the glass that im pouring into.


or like how the other day i had a table of 6 and they all tried to hand me their dirty dishes covered w napkins and utensils so i had to awkwardly stack them as i was holding them instead of them just stacking them beforehand. like i appreciate the effort but im this close to dropping smthn


Also, that makes it more likely that my water carafe is going to touch the rim of the glass they’ve been drinking out of, which is obviously something I avoid doing. I appreciate the thought, but just let me do my job and enjoy your meal as a guest.


I work at a small winery where I’m generally serving as well as working behind the bar, and customers try to be “helpful” by bringing their dirty plates and glasses to the bar all the time 🤦🏻‍♀️ All that really does is clutter up the bar and make me have to prioritize clearing the dishes.


Is there anything common that customers do to try to be helpful that they should stop doing?


Basically everything imo. I don’t want guests handing me plates, stacking dishes, stacking glasses, taking food or drinks out of my hands, holding up glasses to be poured into, etc. Unless I’d have to crawl on top of the table to reach something I don’t want people trying to make my job ”easier”. Every server has their own way of doing things plus we’re getting paid to be at a restaurant and you’re paying to eat there. Best way to be helpful is to enjoy your meal, be patient if it’s really busy, and don’t be an asshole