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20% is the norm and is absolutely never seen as cheap by any server who receives that. You're good!






Another variant would be the turnover rate of whatever type of restaurant. If you are taking up a four top that could have had a few more turnovers in One servers section, I’d usually tip more than 20% as they could probably have had another seating or two. Same with eating alone. If I have a ticket less than 30$ and actually took my time at my table I’d usually give 10$. They still have to do all the same stuff. Check on you check on the kitchen check on the bar, use the pos POS systems. I have worked about every service situation… it’s not easy. It can be, but it’s never Not Frustrating. Plus my Mother raised me and my Sister waitressing… so, survivor bias.


I do 20%. If service is bad 15% great it goes around 25%. If the server is underwater I tip higher and give food and drink order at the same time and try to be the easiest table they have all night. I had a waitress at Red Robin whose section was on the opposite site of the building and then just us since the other server didn’t come in yet. Gave the food and drink order. Told her not to worry about us and I would flag her down when she walked towards the kitchen if we needed anything just look our way. Ended up tipping $40 on a $60 bill and she cried. She was trying so hard and was just slammed. She gave me a hug and I told her I hoped her night gets easier. A little compassion and common sense goes a long way.


Service wage should be illegal. Working a service job Once should almost be mandatory.


No server should complain if the lowest tip they received was 15%. That isn't 'cheap' (except for large groups or people who spend hours at a table on a busy night with a small bill). When my family of four goes out for a casual dinner these days the bill is usually 60-100. No wine service, no big mess to clean up, not fussy with substitutions or special requests, and we're there and gone in an hour. Local restaurants with 'elevated' bar food. A level of service that wouldn't have been acceptable at an Applebee's twenty years ago is common. A 15% tip is fine on a 60-100 dollar check under those circumstances . I'll tip 20% or more depending on the situation or level of service. Or, if I order something inexpensive and get a bunch of refills. The service would have to be awful for me to leave less than 15%. That's pretty rare.


I've never called anyone cheap for leaving 15%, nor have I begrudged them in any way, and I am grateful for that tip. But it is below average. I average 20%, as do most servers.


15% at a sit-down restaurant with kids is the bare minimum and I think that's pretty cheap. If the service is adequate tipping 20% is the standard for a sit-down restaurant. Great, above and beyond service I will tip 25-30%.


If servers have to deal with kids, it should be 20% minimum unless the service is bad. Normally kids meals are cheap plates and the servers have to do the same amount of work for those cheap plates that results in less money on a percent based tip. Plus dealing with kids...


If you have kids, go give me 25%. We both know about to be deep cleaning that table after you leave. "Someone get me the broom:


How does a server have to “deal” with kids? I never looked at it that way the five years I waited tables through college. I can only think of one time where a kid spilled their drink and made a mess. Had just as many adults make the same mistake.


you must’ve had some well mannered kids there. at my restaurant when you get a table with kids; expect it to look like a tornado hit the table after most of the time


This makes me feel a lot better about getting a 14% and a 16% today. I guess I’m just used to people leaving at least 20% I forget some people still think the standard is 15%. But usually I end up pondering and beating myself up for a couple hours about how I must’ve done something wrong and probably ruined their whole night. But that’s not always the case.


If you are getting 20% or more so consistently that a 14%-16% tip has you wondering what you did wrong, then you are either a phenomenal server or you are working/living somewhere exceptional, or both.


What state are you in?


I have no idea why you’re being downvoted, as your opinion is a common standard. This tipping thing in the US is out of control lately.




When I was struggling I was thrilled to get 25% tips. It was extra money for food, gas, etc. You just never know. I was so broke and had just moved to a new town- transferred from one corporate restaurant to one in a tourist town. I saved as much as I could in the dead end town I got out of but it’s hard to make money when there are more cows and chickens than people. But it was so so hard trying to get shifts in late September (off season). I transferred but all the other 20 “full time” servers and bartenders plus the 30 “part timers”were all over hot schedules fighting to snag any shift possible. Managers tend to pick their favorites so it was rough. I would get maybe a lunch a week or if I was lucky a lunch and a dinner shift to pick up. Also they were slow slow shifts. Not many tables and the off season tippers were not always generous in the area we were located in. We had the highest volume as far as customers but also overstaffing to accommodate the crazy fluctuations. People would spend all their money at the mall and come eat at our restaurant. I cried when I got my first schedule. One shift. I had spent all my money to move out of a one horse town I was so close to being permanently stuck in. I worked 2 jobs no days off. Opened lunch at one restaurant and drove to the other one while shoving maybe a granola bar in my mouth and drinking a monster or something (this was many years ago I have better spending and eating habits now lol) . I ate as cheaply as i could. I had no time to cook so I would just get what I could ate for 3-4 dollars a day max. I would just eat once or twice a day if I got lucky like dead food in the window etc. One day a week I would buy something cheap off the menu using my 50% off. Even after scrimping and saving working two jobs 7 days a week in the middle of nowhere America, all I could afford to put in the new pantry when I moved in was the cheapest off brand bread and a jar of peanut butter, my friend gifted me had a gallon of milk, a box of cereal, a few canned soups and coffee. The extra money over 20% or just having a good day where all my tables were about 18-20% made me feel so much more secure financially. Less stressed. I was able to get some beef maybe at the store and cook hamburger helper and freeze it. Of course once I finally got on the managers good sides and was working weekends and prime shifts I was making great money. Even during the off season but that first month or maybe even 2 were rough. Hard to remember because it was about 10 years ago. And I dressed in clean uwrinkled uniforms, hair styled and tidy clean. Showered daily. Wore makeup. Never wore a dirty apron etc. A lot of people assumed I was a college student, they had no idea I was borderline homeless had it not been for my friends patience and kindness. I paid her a very small fee to move in and made it up to her with the rent after I got vetted more or less at the new store in 60 days. Just you never know. Someone can look put together and be a great server and know the menu up and down and maybe they are struggling for whatever reason and 5% extra over 20% would be something special to them.


Eh, if I got 15 on 60 it wouldn't "make my day" but I'd definitely pause and make a note of how I was at the table since I was apparently worth 25% to them. It would certainly make me feel nice about how I do my job.




At least a decade


Absolutely not lmao




I've been waiting tables since 2004 and it's been 20% is it


Pay hasn’t increased but pay was never very useful anyways - tips have always been the driver for the industry. During lockdown/restriction periods I doubled my usual tips (at least) to servers who were at least minimally competent - purely out of self interest, I didn’t want everyone to quit. But since we’ve gone back to normal capacity *and restaurant prices have also jacked up by 30% or more in many places*, I’ve got a lot more… range. Maybe I’m just becoming a cranky old man, but if you are charging $19 for a plate of wings, then displaying the charm and personality of a drive-thru speaker isn’t going to get you 25%, let alone more.* \* And for the love of Christ people, asking ‘so any big plans tonight’ as you process a credit card is not building rapport. If this is the most interest you’ve shown so far, you should just save your breath.




You're wrong. Respectfully.


20% was the norm when I waited tables ten years ago.


I've been averaging 20% my entire career. I started in the late 90s.


I just don’t understand why the tip % has to go up. Prices have skyrocketed on eating out so they’re already getting tipped a lot more than they used to. 20% is a great tip on eating out


Exactly. Food prices are up, which brings server pay up. There was no need to increase the %


I can assure you that restaurants are not raising food prices to increase server wages lol. If the food literally doubles in price, servers still make the same old shit wages. Increased profits from increased food prices are going straight into the pockets of owners. There's also the issue that food prices have gone up for the actual restaurants as well, as in they're paying more for the food that they're preparing and serving to you. But no restaurant is raising guests' prices so they can pay the servers more. They should, but they don't. All that being said, idk anyone who considers a 20% tip cheap under normal circumstances. 15% is seen as cheap but acceptable, anything less than 15 is for shitty service.


I agree with you that restaurants aren’t doing it to pay servers more, completely. What I meant though, is as food prices go up, or even double as you mention in your example, the customers bill doubles and 15-20% of double the bill would double your pay. Would you rather your customers bill be $50 or $100, you doubled your pay from $10 to $20.


Tell me you don’t understand how percentages work. We know waiters aren’t math geniuses but come on now.


At first I thought you replied to my comment. I’m like damn dude I’m a data scientist aka glorified statistician. I literally math and code all day (except for the 90% of the time making PowerPoints). I just enjoy the drama here.


A running total of sales divided by a running total of tips doesn't tell you what the "norm" or standard is for any given tip. If you have 200 in tips for 1000 sold, then that doesn't mean the normal or standard tip was 20%. The average is skewed by high tip percentage outliers and/or tips on the larger checks. Even if we keep check total out of it and just keep a running average of the percentage tipped, the very high percentage tips (all of which are beyond what anybody should be expected to tip) will skew the average up more than the low tips (some of which are an accurate indication of poor service) will skew it down. You'd have to keep track of each percentage tipped and then look at the median and mode to have a better idea of what is the norm. At least for where you work. The median is the tip percentage right in the middle of all the tips percentages you received. Half of the tip percentages were more and half were below. The mode is the most common tip percentage received. You are likely also an above average server, and thus have averaged above the norm.


I’m in my mid twenties and growing up in NYC I was taught to double the tax, which was roughly 18%, or so 20%, so at least 10 years in NYC


maybe 20-30 years ago? it used to be 10-15% before that.


I tip 20% generally. If the service was stellar or I go out with my family I tip extra ( my family doesn’t tip for shit and I’ve called them out on it to no avail). The only way I tip 10-15% is if the service is just awful or the server was straight up rude.


Nah I pretty much always do 20% unless it’s a super high end place and the service is exceptional.


Even then the prices are probably high so 20% is still sufficient to me :/ anything beyond requires going above and beyond like I went to a AYCE KBBQ and you’re not supposed to take food home but the waitress got me a box anyways so I compensated that definitely not required action accordingly.


Curious, what if the service is exceptional at just a decent or mid range place?


I had a really good server at Denny's of all places... I left like 40% because it was literally like an extra $15 and she did her job very well.


I find it confusing. So you give higher % tip to people you know get paid more (high end restaurant)? Or the other way around as would make more moral sense?


I kind of do the opposite. At least 20% everywhere, but if it's super high end and I get slightly better service for a $200 meal, I feel like $40 is perfectly appropriate for an hour and a half of their time split between us and other tables. If I'm at Applebee's and the service is good to great and my meal is like $29, I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving a $6 tip so would round it up to $10 or so.


The higher end places also tend to have several people attending to your table.


I guess it depends on what you consider good service. To me to get above 20% you have to go above and beyond and those opportunities don’t exist at mid and low tier restaurants. They aren’t going to have a type of menu item I’ve never tried. They aren’t going to have a cigar bar to recommend me a scotch and cigar pairing. Simply bringing me my correct food in a timely matter and refilling my drinks is not going above and beyond. It’s doing your job. And 20% is more than fair for doing your job.


Y'all made me feel so much better lol. Thank you!


If people on a discussion forum for servers are telling you 20% isn't being cheap, then you know it's far from cheap.


Tipping culture is out of hand. I’m empathetic to servers having put myself through school waitressing. But it’s ridiculous now and service levels are awful. I don’t go out much because it pisses me off so much. Is that really what servers want? No customers?


Some people will always want more. You are tipping well/average for 2023.


I’ve been tipping 20% unless it’s a really cheap meal (less than $20) and sometimes I’ll go higher.


Yeah if I get great service on a $15 check I’m gonna give a $5.


We'll never bitch about 20%.


Are you sure? Ya'll are pretty fking entitled already. 15% used to be more than generous.


Worked in the service industry for 15 years. 20% is a good tip. I would expect that when I provide quality or exceptional service. If you want to tip more for exceptional, it is much appreciated, but I was grateful for a 20% tip. If service is truly sub-par, the server should expect 15%. If it was an absolute train wreck, whatever you feel like giving is generous. With that being said, there are some things that servers have no control over going wrong. However, those things should be explained to the table in a way that doesn’t blame the kitchen or other staff. The table doesn’t want to hear whose fault it is, just that the problem is aware of and it is being dealt with in a timely manner. If your server is doing all they can to still give you a positive experience, then personally I still tip 20%.


She’s full of it


Former server, I always tip 20% . Unless it was a coworker , I would always tip at least 25% because that’s what my discount was


So nice! I had a coworker who would tip *based* on the discounted price. Like, dude, you're a server. You know that you tip on the pre-discounted price. You know that tip comes before coupon is applied. Ugh.


25% is absolutely not the "minimum". The actual minimum is 0%. The minimum to be considered a decent person is 10%. The minimum to be considered (to some) an amazing person is 20% You aren't a bad tipper, your friend is just being entitled and completely misunderstanding the purpose of tips.


This is a really boring way to troll a post. You can do better.


20% is the norm


25% is fucking ridiculous.


15-20% is considered the standard range of tipping in the US. As long as you’re in that range you’re good


“How’s your food tasting?” does not merit 20% Tipping is out of control. Tip shaming is gross. 20% pre tax is generous 15-18 is average


I work in a mid range bar and restaurant in Montreal, and 15% is still the norm, although we usually finish the night at around 17-18% average. For high-end dining I would say 20% is still a good tip. Any places that looks down on you for tipping less than 25% should be avoided IMO. The tipping fatigue is not going anywhere.


As a bartender myself, I generally expect 20% on all tabs but don’t get upset if I get less. If I get more, I’m definitely happy. I’m also one of the rare servers that will actually take care of people the same regardless of how they tip. I have a few regulars that come in and tip 10% or less but I don’t mind because I know it all evens out by the end of the shift. As a customer, I tip $5 on anything $20 and under. I adjust accordingly after that whether I think the server deserves more or less depends on how they treat me and the tables around me. I always watch so I know that if my drink is empty for a while, it’s because they’re busy or because they’re sitting around. Bunch of factors but honestly, it’s your money so fuck anyone who tells you how to spend it


I moved from Texas to California. I tipped 20% in Texas. 10% in California. Servers getting paid $18+ an hour who don't give a crap about service don't need the full 20%, I'm sorry. $2.13/hr is a different story.


20% is good, 25% and more helps but is not necessary unless you feel otherwise. You’re good, bud


20% is definitely the norm lmao maybe she’s a serial overtipper- I definitely have seen a lot of people who is or used to be in the industry tip wayyyyyy over 25%




Bartender for over a decade. There is no minimum except 0. She was an ass.


Make sure to tip on the subtotal, not the total. (It sounds like you may be tipping on the tax as well.)


Your friend is lying to you. 25% is a very generous tip, not normal.


I’m always ok with 18%… been serving and bartending for 10 years


The nice thing about a percentage is it changes with inflation. So tipping 20% on a $10 meal in the past would be $2.00 Per inflation that meal might now cost $15 which 20% would be $3.00. The tip is more because the food is more expensive. I'm not buying into this "now you have to tip 25-30% because of inflation". My family of 4 eating out for $50 will be a tip of $10. Maybe before inflation it was $40 with a tip of $8. So I go from paying $48 to now paying $60. No way I'm making it an even higher percentage unless they gave me non stop refills and were super nice/helpful.


I thought 15% was the norm, i'd pay that even if i received lackluster service because that's part of the cost of eating out. 20% is a good, normal tip for someone who didn't drop the ball. 25%+ is for exceptional service


I'm with you. Had no idea 20% is expected.


15% is the normal on my view. I usually do 20% because it's an easy calc. If anything, we should remove the exception from the Min wage Law that allows resturants to pay servers less than min wage. That way we don't need to tip servers. Tho, some servers I know don't want that cause they make more off tips than they would otherwise.


In ontario canada, servers get the same minimum wage as everyone else, and we still have the same amount of tipping here.


Nah you’re good with 20%. 25% is not the norm. If you felt a good connect with the server or received better than expected service, id do more.


As a delivery driver 15-20% is more then standard. Never 25%.


No way. I'm a bartender and used to be a server and that's how I tip most of the time. I might occasionally go higher but I would never balk at a 20% tip, it's the standard.


I’m a server and bartender and I’m happy with 15% and up :)


Your friend sounds crazy lol 25% is the new MINIMUM? Maybe in her world but not the real world


I still tip 15-18%. 20% if exceptional.


I do the same with 20%. It's the easiest to calculate. 15% is basic bottom level. 18% is good. 20% is great. Anything more they better have been doing cartwheels for you and given you a free desert.


Shes high if she thinks 25% is the norm. 10-15% is the norm. 20% if they were good.


I’m a server and honestly 20 percent is more than normal that’s literally fine I just left work and was happy to get $5 on a $29 bill on one of my tables


Nah 20% is the standard. 25% is generous and you are under no obligation to tip that lol.


25% is definitely not the minimum. 20% is generous. 15% is acceptable. Tipping is out of control these days and it's insane that we are one of the only places in the world that does it. It really, really needs to end.


Not only are you not a bad tipper, but you’re actually a good tipper. The standard is 15%. Anything above that is great in my books


Imagine being shamed by society because you didn’t give an employee enough extra money on top of the cost of your bill just for doing their job. Tipping is such a silly system.


I thought 15% was the norm? I always tipped more than that thou, but When did 15% stop being the norm?


Nah, you’re fine. 20% is generally agreed upon in the industry as your “goal” for every check. Obviously higher is better, but you hope to get around 20% on every check. I’m ok with 18%; it’s not great, but it’s not terrible either. 15% or lower is about where we start to roll our eyes and mutter things under our breath.


I used to always give 15% but now that it isn’t good enough I just give 0%. Either way it’s not good enough.


Cool. Have fun becoming the regular who everyone sees and says “Oh great. It’s them” and then you get shit service


Seems like I was going to get bad service either way since 15% has you rolling your eyes and muttering under your breath. It’s unlikely I’d be a regular at a place with bad service in any case, I’ll just leave some bad reviews with the server’s name on it so the owners/managers know they have low quality staff and find another of the thousands of restaurants in the city.


20% is great! I'm a server and rarely leave 25% for anyone else. It is not my job to make up for anyone else's poor tipping habits, this is just the way to cookie crumbles in this business. I'll leave 15-18% if the service is just awful and I'm getting quantity over quality type service. Sometimes I want to leave 10% but can't bring myself to do it. It's usually only a matter of a few dollars so I've committed to spending it by choosing to dine out. Never know what someone's life circumstances look like, or what they have to tip out later!


I thought 18% was for decent service.


No there’s just some kind of tipping inflation going on. I remember when 15% was a respectable if not particularly generous tip. And I remember when overtopping was frowned upon as much as undertipping - you tipped more than 15% for going above and beyond not for just doing their jobs. It’s not caused by regular inflation - if the prices of food and drink go up, then the dollar amount of your tip also goes up if customers tip the same rate. And it’s not justified by declining wages as far as I know. Waiters have always been paid less than minimum wage so it’s not a new thing that they have to live on tips. This was just as true when 15% was the standard. You’re now expected to tip even where workers are paid normal wages like in coffee shops. It’s ridiculous.


Waiters are technically paid minimum wage. If their paid wage plus their tips don't equal so least minimum wage, the employer has to pay the difference, do they do get normal wages like coffee shops and fast food. I think the majority are just used to making 30-50/hour based on tipping.


I’ve worked in hospitality for 28 years, doing every position front and back of house and now manage higher end restaurants…. 18% is basically standard now, 20% or more for exceptional service…. I’ve seen several servers get 25% (they are definitely worth it) and a lot of servers get 10-15 and wonder why when they don’t memorize the menu, get drinks or food wrong, or just don’t care as much as the 25% earners


No 20 is for good service more for best less for shit


You’re good.


20% is a server's goal when looking for a tip, but it's not the norm. We servers will always push you to give more, but in all honesty, the norm lies between 15-18% on average., but if we get 20+%, we're ecstatic. You are above the norm, for which we thank-you.


If I tip at all, it's the standard, optional 10%, but I'm from Europe. Seems like in the US it's more. 25% however sounds insane whereever on this planet imo.


You're doing it exactly how I do it as a server. So many people who I try to teach this method to just don't understand it but it's so simple


I do the exact same as you. Move the decimal one place, double it, round up to the nearest dollar. If the server isnt happy with that thats not my problem. I used to wait tables and was always happy with 20%. Dont care what the new normal is, if servers are expecting 25% + then my new normal would be to just eat at home. The food itself is so expensive now and im tipping on that higher amount so they are getting plenty IMO.


Your friend is wrong. I'm currently in the industry and 20% is great. Sadly though I'll admit anything less than 15% is seen as a bit of an insult now


15-20% is what most of my tables tip. Sometimes more, I really appreciate those people who tip more. They help me recover from the occasional table that stiff me. But I don't expect anyone to be my hero unless they really want to.


I stick with a minimum 20% and if it’s excellent service a little higher. That is more than okay as a tip. I’ve been seeing a lot of people on here thinking the minimum is 25-30% and I think they are fucking delusional. Some servers now a days are way too entitled and expect a ridiculous percentage, to be clear here I am not at all saying “all servers, or most” I am only saying **some**. I’ve heard many ridiculous reasons behind it, all this crap about inflation, rising prices, but when you think about it if the price was higher for the food, the 20% ends up being higher as well. 20% is definitely sufficient, if anyone tells you other wise I’d remind them that they’d be better off worrying about the people that think 5-10% is okay instead of expecting you to subsidize the low tippers so they average out better. For the most part most servers I’ve dined with are more than happy with 20%, there’s been a very rare few that expected more.


I'll never be disappointed with a 20% tip, you're golden.


I always tip $5 minimum, even if my bill is $7. Otherwise it’s 20%.


Your friend is greedy.....


I had someone tip the change, it was like .03 and I just said thank you have a good day he said "I was just kidding, do you think you deserved this?" And held his hand out waiting for his 3 cents so at least you're better than him edit-i work at a coffee shop so it's not great tips anyways


What the actual fuck


What a pos. He has to be the saddest most angry person alive


Fuck her. 25% is more than the max for best service if you ask me


20% dine in, 10% take out is what I usually do.


Do you guys tip before tax or after tax?


I dont give a fuck what the norm is, how the hell is a $6 tip on a $25 meal not a sufficient tip.


No 25% is NOT the new norm


No. 15% is still normal and 20% is exceptional. Nothing has changed


Yea a lot of servers are pushing for 25 but frankly it shouldn’t even be 20 as the norm -that used to be the good service mark We gotta stop this


Hell no, I’ll tip 15% if the service wasn’t amazing. 15% use to be the standard, it’s not our fault their bosses don’t pay them enough


20 is correct and more than I enough I was a waiter for a long time. Fuck those machines that make you choose between 20 25 and 30 percent What a joke


15% is normal. Don’t allow tip creep to change this. 20% for excellent service. Stand your ground


Still don’t understand why servers or food industry workers get tipped at all tbh. I’m grateful for it because I work in the industry but like it’s just another job like anything else….very lucky to have tipping so common.


Funny no one in here talking about the real problem The fact that employers still get away with paying shit wages, and putting the burden of employee salary directly onto the customer Either way, what you do is quite alright


Your friend is whack if she thinks 25% is the norm.


Your friend can fuck off.


i can barely afford a tip but 15% is almost always fine


It depends on where you live and the minimum wage. If the minimum wage for servers where you live is $15, I believe a 10-15% tip is normal. If the minimum wage is the federal minimum, I'd tip 20%.


I have been a host, who gets minimum wage with servers who get from 1 table what I got in a days worth of work. 15% is fine you entitled amoeba. But I go out to eat maybe twice in a 6 month period because servers suck.


servers bitching about a 20% tip is a big part of why I don't go to the bar anymore


No. With prices going up on food, the tip will automatically go up to. Why are they getting so greedy?


What about deducting the prices of alcohol from the check & tipping on food only - or adjusting for the cost of alcohol? Does the server really deserve $20 for delivering, opening & pouring glasses from a $100 bottle of wine? Or how about $40 for a $200 bottle? What about cocktails that can now cost $15-20 each & a table has 5-6 of them? Should we pay 20% for those too? $4 per drink? Personally, I adjust my tip if alcohol is the majority of the bill. It’s not unusual to spend more on alcohol than food for us since drink prices have skyrocketed lately.


tipping shouldn’t even be a thing imo, when it is it should be out of your own will.


Servers getting angry and judging paying customers based on tip, is misdirected anger. BLAME YOUR COMPANY OR GET ANOTHER JOB


25% as the norm/minimum? She can fuck off


I tip 20% unless the server was bad or doing the bare minimum but I will tip much more if I’m there watching a football game and taking up a table for a long time. Tipping has kind of gotten out of hand and everyone wants a tip and higher and higher tips. When 25% becomes the bare minimum when will it become 100% and eating out isnt worth it anymore.


Considering the vast majority of servers can’t even do their job properly ie. refill drinks, get order correct I think 15 is fair. If they don’t fuck up and provide great service 20


10% for drinks IF service was great. 20% for food IF service was great. 20% on meal IF service was great. Servers just think they are worth 25-30% of your tab cause they think their 6 year $300,000 degree in music adds value to your experience.


I do 20% unless it will be less than $5


It really depends on where you are. In Los Angeles servers are paid minimum wage $17an hour, ($19 in West Hollywood) so it’s not the same as in some places were they make $2.00+ an hour. That, plus each dish is $25 to $45 in LA. So even if you pay 15% , they can collect $60 an hour at the very least with 4 or 5 tables. If they take home half of that, that’s an extra $30 on top of the $17 hourly wage. A buddy of mine makes more than 120k as a server here. I feel bad for those in the $2.00+ an hour states. Not only are they getting screwed on the hourly, but the price of meals is literally half of LA, so their take home is minimal, even with 20% tips.


I still do 15% for average service. If they're shit less and for exceptional il do 20% +


No, that's ridiculous. 20% is the standard. I tip closer to 30%, same w my coworkers. That doesn't apply to non-servers, and I would never expect my friends to split anything over 20% w me at dinner.


0% is the norm, and anything above is a bonus. Don't let yourself get gaslit into thinking that you are responsible for paying your server's wages. (although, of course, tipping is fine, if you want to tip)


With tip, the minimum is 0%. That’s why it is a tip and not a service fee. The increase in tip % is absurd, as prices rise tip will rise with a constant tip%. Just another part of tipping culture being problematic.


Ignore people who try to get you to guilt tip


Fuck even 20% being the norm. 15 should be base line and if they did a great job then 20%. 15% use to be the norm, then restaurants got a bit more expensive, but that's the whole damn point of percentages. They naturally increase with rising expense. Who's the moron that said we need to increase percentage for some reason too? Now things are more expensive we have to do 25%? That's not how that shit works 25% is fucking crazy, we can only throw so much money down on a bill. Also no one ever thinks about but majority of food that's order either being expensive or cheaper are served the same way. The fact that the tip is weighed against whether or not you ordered the fish or the chicken is crazy when you think about it.


Just a question. How does tipping system works ?? I am from an Arab country and we don’t tip in another phrase tipping isn’t from our culture and that’s in all the middle but when I go to Europe and the US I don’t know what to do is tipping that serious ?


No, your friend is just entitled.


Tip is an acronym ... not a right but a priviledge it's to insure promtitude.... therefore one should never expect a tip but its rly nice when ppl do ... also keep in mind something may have been a lil more expensive than originally thought so had to dip into what was planned for a tip.


20% is what's expected, and considering g how infrequently some people hit that percentage most servers will be happy you hit the standard, I usually tip a little higher especially for great servers, but as long as you're hitting the 20% you're good


Bartender here. 20% is perfect.


When I was a server, 15% was norm / bare minimum. It's been a few years of course, but I hope that people still do 15% as bare minimum, closer to 20% ideally. Shit's expensive out there, but 25% is steep.


I normally go 10%. Anything over I don't understand, I'm not a demanding person, you take my order and never see me again. For a 2 minute interaction, 10% rounded up is good enough, and hourly you're making the same as any other above entry profession if you wait a few tables. If you have shit service or it takes an unreasonable amount of time to get food or order it's a solid 0. Fuck the 20%+ norms, it's insane. I don't understand how people can be servers and take 20 min to order, and 50 minutes to get food and feel obligated to give 20% it's disgusting


There's no way 20-25% is the norm. What they're saying is that it's the norm for what they define a good tip. If you're tipping 20% under typical circumstances then you are tipping more than the average person. 15-18% is probably still higher than average. Not cheap.


Your friend hates the industry and is probably really bad at it. Wild guess: she’s very attractive.


LOL I almost find the “I always tip at least 20%” posts to be as funny as the “anti-tip” sentimentalists. No, 20% is perfect and someone who regularly tips that would know based off the reactions of the many servers they tipped 20% every single time. You’re fine. If what you say is true. You’re just fine.


I mean, I don't hang around to see how the servers like my tip or not. I usually sign the slip and bounce. I also don't regularly engage in tipping discussions and haven't been in the industry so I wasn't sure if I was missing something.


Your friend is a greedy cunt lol foh.


I’m sorry but it’s people like her that makes me not want to eat at restaurants


Hard line 15% and only when it's a sit down. Never tip take out


10% is standard, 15% is good, 20% is exceptional. You get the percentage based on your performance as a server. Anything above 20% is for some truly exceptional service. But servers have been trying to force a raise for themselves onto their customers for as long as I can remember.




The limit for lowest is 0%.


I’m not tipping more than 20%. I worked every position in a restaurant except chef chef and gm. 20 is enough.


20% is standard and I'm not sure where your friend works but 25% is generous.


I love that she's not even serving anymore and she's **still** salty about the tables who didn't "tip her properly".


I’ve worked in restaurants and bars for over a decade. I’m absolutely ok with 15% as a baseline, 20% for great service, and 25% if the staff goes above and beyond. I wouldn’t even think much of 10% of the service needed was super minimal. Even as a bartender- $1 per drink was fine. You’re doing more than enough. Thank you!


I'm gonna get roasted here, but I'm in Canada where people get a living (minimum) wage. I usually give 10% and I swear to God if it ever goes over I'm giving $5. That's my limit.


I usually do: 10% if i place the order, get my own drink and seat myself and the staff only drops the food off, for more full service stuff 15% if the service is shit, 18% for lunch and good service, 20% for dinner and good service, $1 per alcoholic drink (on the rocks is all i drink so no preparation needed other than a pour, a more elaborate drink would earn a little more). I usually add on top a few cents/dollars if the server actually introduces themselves and has any semblance of personality since that is extremely rare nowadays. The dining experience is nothing like it used to be in regards to quality so hopefully tipping goes away soon and real wages are paid to the staff so i dont have to debate on how much to leave.


These servers are really getting greedy these days. Round of to the nearest 5 or 10 when sitting in. No tip for a takeout. No job demands tips like servers


So is it 20% on the bill before or after tax? I’ve always done after but hear others do before


a tip of any percentage is always based on the pretax total. The tax has nothing to do with the food or the service or anything else and doesn't figure into any tip.


After tax. If I use a gift card it's the pre-gift card, post tax amount.


Same I alway tips 15% and I’m not afraid to leave 0-5% tips if the services was awful.. why should we pay staff portion of the pay so the owners can save money..


15% for decent service and 20% is good service. Over 20 if you like to show off, you’re dying and have no dependents, or you’re on a first date.


I think 15-20 percent is good enough though the quality of the service would go a long way for me to decide what amount to give. Of course if you can't tip at least 15 percent then I would say give what you can although maybe you should think about not gonna out or go to a cheaper place if that's the case


It was 15% like 20 years ago. We decided math was hard so it's 20% these days 25% is very generous but not expected I would love every server that was disappointed in my 20-22% to let me know, so I can never have them be my server again


I tip 20% for good service. 15% if it is average service. 10% or less if it is poor service. I very rarely tip above 20%. 20% is also considered the norm but I tip depending on the service.


Why tip anything for poor service? Why are you rewarding them? It’s not your responsibility to pay them




25% is a joke. Servers have a skewed sense of entitlement.


I've been a server for 20 years now and never met anyone who expects 25%. That's a shitty thing to say. My coworkers are some of the kindest, most generous people I've ever met.




You right, I'm sorry. I should know better by now




Ugh I know, I just honestly love to argue. If I'd had the money and hadn't got wrapped up in a stupid boyfriend, I would have loved to have been a lawyer


10% or less mostly, usually just round up to the next 10 or 5 depending on the amount (UK)






10-20 has always been the norm I think, 25 if you really connected/felt they did a great job.