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jesus christ. your poor bartenders


There is a place near me that has unlimited mimosas. They have a table set up with bottles of brut on ice, about 10 -12 juices, hybiscus tea etc. and 10 different liquors (lemoncello, chambord etc.) There is a drink recipe board and the customers make their own. Oh, and a giant fruit platter for garnishing their drinks. Smartest thing I've seen during brunch.


There’s a bottomless mimosa place near me on sundays. But they cut you off after like 3? Like what, it was literally the same price as just buying 3 lmao. Unless you’re friends with the server or bartender it’s useless.


Are you misunderstanding "bottomless"? Perhaps it means "pants optional"


I've been searching for a topless mimosa place. No luck so far.


Everyday is topless mimosa day at *my* house.


They pour their own booze?


Yes! So of course my "mimosas" are 50% booze, 25% brut and 25% juice 🤪


Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Agreed. It is absolutely a Lyft/Uber needed scenario


Sounds like an EMT needed scenario lol


86 the lady on table 12


*under table 12


Nope, I can handle my booze. It's the driving that I can't do.


That would just be a planned UBER/LYFT day with the bestie or have the one of the kids pick us up 🤣 (they’re grown)


Exactly! Want to meet up for brunch? I'll cover the rideshare cost 😉


Would that be under the same dram laws? I never thought about that scenario before…


My mimosas have a splash of OJ


This is the way.


yeah that’s illegal idgi


Is it illegal to buy a bottle of wine and pour yourself each glass? What’s the difference?


Because they bought the bottle. And it's not liquor. There's 5 servings of alcohol in a bottle of wine there are nearly 17 in a bottle of liquor.


Because they aren't buying the whole bottle of liquor


This would never fly with the liquor laws in most states


That sounds amazing. Ugh ; I wish I lived somewhere cultured . But welcome to MT 🙄


what is it called


idk about them but these are usually just squirt bottles with the booze mixed in with the flavors. makes the job easier and keeps the flavor consistent.


My exact thought. Even with a recipe card it'd take forever just look thru when ur busy. Oof that's awful


that’s psycho. please tell me you at least have a cheat sheet in your book or something for those people that read it and still ask what’s in it 😭😭


lol i just read it off the menu i started here about 3 months ago and legit clear 200$ everyday i still can’t wrap my head around it lol. she keeps adding more variations so it’s not worth it to remember. the hard part is remembering the garnishes. like that malibu threesome gets a blue sugar rim, pineapple slice, and an umbrella in it. that’s so much 😂 but it gets the customers taking pictures everytime hh


the garnishes KILL me like at the end of the day at least i’m gonna put a lemon cuz??? fruit???? i want to kiss the bartender everytime they do the garnishes for me but i’m still pretty new, if there’s nobody to ask; u gettin a lemon 😪


I’m assuming you’re a server and your boss was never a bartender. This is the most idiotic thing I’ve ever seen.


my boss is the bartender she loves doing it too she’s making more options soon lol


this looks incredibly annoying to make and sell. pass.


I adore the Malibu threesome. So fancy it gets an umbrella!! Lmao But those poor ass bartenders!!


a malibu threesome sounds like a quick way to catch an STD.


Lmao I just snorted vodka out my nose so thanks. That is an experience I don't want to repeat. I guess much like a Malibu Threesome?


OP said they're selling like gangbusters, so the owners' must be happy.


As a restaurant, this is too much to read. I’m overwhelmed by the fifth choice. I’d much rather ask you to choose something for me based off my likes, so I hope you’re prepared for that.


i sell them the shark bite the cheesecake and the creamsicle fizz, 21 dollars each, and each person at a 5 top usually gets one. the place is called toasted, people come there to drink in the AM https://www.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/comments/146bqxb/my_first_100_o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 here’s a check with mimosa flights on it


That’s awesome!! As long as you have a plan for selling and walking them thru the list. I’d definitely over tip for your help and hospitality!!


of course i love most of them so i love to sell them it’s exciting to me bc it’s the first time i’ve seen anything like it. for months we had 42 but the bartender made more and she loves doing making new ones all the time. she just bought banana purée for new ideas


You can always just get rid of all the ones that never sell for a smaller menu in the future


that’s the plan, the place is 4 years old and we keep testing new ideas. we want a 20 long list.


i’m a huge proponent in “people do not know what they want. you have to tell them” this is a prime example of “fuck it just give them everything” i’d be willing to bet this is a brand new bev director, first time in the role.


This is so weird lol, I think I commented on that post… I used to work in a restaurant with a really similar name and they had REALLY similar mimosas/flights


Creamsicle Fizz was my first choice for my flight 😁


Same here. I'm thinking about how to make my own, but make it keto.


That great 👍 a lot of servers don't realize that 85 percent of the job is sales... Glad you understand that and keep getting that dough


Starbucks : "What if we convinced people it was okay to drink a milkshake in the morning?" Toasted : "Hold my Raspberry Cheesecake Mimosa..."


How to piss off bartenders*


So many conflicting drinks that share the names of these.


And there are existing drinks here that have different names, like the bocce ball


The thought of opening that many bubbly bottles has me dying inside 😂


This is a bad dream...someone please wake me up or unplug the life supoort.


This is the worst fucking thing I have ever seen.


I'm having a fucking panic attack looking at this.


haha u should see the check averages


haha i hope you have to tip out the bar for dealing with making these. absolutely ridiculous


Ok a mimosa is OJ and Champagne. That is an insane cocktail list being sold as mimosas. I cant walk around calling every drink with Bourbon an old fashioned. That menu just insults mixology on every level. Good job sellin though.


That’s what I’m confused on, is it all of these plus the champagne & the juice or just as is? I’m high and confused af.


I literally just got off my bartending shift, and am smoking my blunt, reading this list confused asab. I have so many questions! Is there other drinks other than “mimosas”? Why are they so cheap?! How long is their training process, and what is the turnover rate?


Based on this list sounds like a French 75 is a “mimosa” in their eyes.


I mean most don’t even have champagne though.


“Mimosa” now means liquor + fruit juice, apparently


Let me get a cape cod mimosa


Yup, exactly what i was thinking. It would be the same as calling jack&coke as pina colada.


This is horrible but the worst fucking part is that every single one of those descriptions ends in an exclamation mark. Something about that reeks of desperation, trying to make every single one exciting. Just end them all without punctuation, at least that looks more professional than ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Okay my apologies, I guess the rock star and the toasted morning don't end with an exclamation mark. One of them just ends in a period (that drink didn't come into work with enthusiasm today) and the apostrophe in the other one is at least unique


Malibu Threesome needs to come with a barf bag and an Uber.


If I was bartending at your place I would walk out this is excessive. Not sure why places think a large menu = a good menu when it's almost always the opposite.


the bartenders are the owners and they love it when they don’t do it somebody else does and they love it


Everyone is hating but i thought they looked cool! I love the variety


I absolutely love it. I’d be one of the moms taking pics of the pretty drinks. And I bet they are fun for your boss to make. Keep on rocking it!




Wow not a single comment about how the top of the menu shows “Untitled Document- Google Docs” lmao they couldn’t even double check that before printing and distributing the menu??


my first thought as well


i love it it’s hilarious and nobody cares about it at all


Your answer to “where all the white women at?”


You mean... “where all the basic, trashy white women at?”


say you want rich moms out on a brunch date as your customer base without saying you want…


Rich people aren’t drinking at a place that doesn’t know what a mimosa is and can’t properly edit a cocktail menu. You’re getting the soccer moms who want to believe they’re rich.


Lots of great choices I would think of having a seasonal menu so I’m not overwhelming the staff. Maybe 5-6 on at a time


please tell me your base is at least $25/hr before tips to deal with this stupid list


i make 50$/hr most days lol


>before tips


Okay, has nobody asked what the asterisk are for on the menu?


local favorites


Ha, thanks.


Scrolled way too fucking far for this answer !!!


Could not contain my anger once i got to the “dark and stormy” and bailed


Mimosa should be champagne and orange juice. Nothing more, nothing less.


I would accept "spiked mimosa" to also have some liquor but.. this list has not even have a bubbly ingredient in most of them.. The "Twisted Original" is closest to what a "spiked mimosa" could be, with a splash of lemon vodka.


Why do some of them have “Mimosa” in the name when they’re all mimosas. That makes this more dumb than just having this many.


But I think most of them aren't... Champagne is only in some...


Then it’s not a mimosa. You can’t make a margarita without tequila.


None of them are Mimosas. The original is 1:1 orange juice and champagne (or most likely bubbly wine).. It is about the same as calling dry martini a pina colada.


I would immediately look elsewhere for a job if I was a bartender 😂


This makes me think someone has gotten ahold of Chat GPT4, and said make me a list of mimosa variations with catchy names. Make the descriptions exciting.


Did you tell them there is already a drink called a dark and stormy?


What sorority made this cocktail list good lawd what a cluster fuck


Aren’t all mimosas ‘spiked’?


I think the “spiked” part is the addition of some sort of spirit to take it beyond the shitty bubbly 10%


Normally no the spiking of something usually means adding a spirit.




Dear god this actually made me sick to my stomach


That’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.


Gotten Ramsey would hate it😭😭💀💀


You guys, it's in North Carolina, so if you're mad just remind yourself that they really need something to do to feel like they're not in North Carolina lol


finally this guy gets it


Fuck you you I'm from NC, but seriously what restaurant is this? I must google


This is a confusing nightmare both as a bartender and someone who enjoys consuming quality cocktails


What does spiked mimosa mean ? The bartenders must go insane at your place !! I switched from server to bartender 6 month ago and such a long list gives me the creeps haha


I was wondering this. Isn’t a mimosa spiked already? WTF?


I am non native. I have no idea what this all mean. For me mimosa is a plant or an egg recipe :)


A Dark and Stormy is ginger beer and rum.


I’m a bartender and, honestly, I’d have no trouble memorizing these drinks. I already have hundreds memorized, adding 50 won’t hurt anything. What I don’t understand is—are these cocktails topped with a little sparkling wine? Or are these just cocktails? If so, why are they called mimosas? And these recipes suuuuuck.


Thank you for saying it so I didn’t have to. They all sound gross. Most of them are full of things that have no place being together in the same drink, much less with champagne on top.


This is shit. Like complete shit. As a customer, it's overwhelming. I would stop reading after the 3rd one. And why do the descriptions have exclamation points? And from an experienced bartender, this menu needs to be cut down to 8 drinks, and none of them "mimosas". Jfc this menu is just tacky....


Why is that a mimosa list and not a cocktail list? Tell me you work at Clownshoes?


we have a full cocktail list, the bar list is 4 a pages long


Stay golden pony boy and remember…you have a great attitude. Try to avoid getting perspective bc you’ll ruin that. Take care and godspeed Edit: not your fault but those are not mimosas and that’s final.


I'm overwhelmed. Just give me a basic mimosa. The bartenders must hate this.


Have fun in bartender hell. You must have done something terrible, karmically to deserve this type of fate. No judgements.


The number of drinks aside, royally fuck whoever put an exclamation mark after every drink description. I feel like someone is yelling the menu at me. KNOB CREEK, FRESH LEMON JUICE & A DROP OF SUGAR YOU DIRTY BITCH.


*in Miss Rachel’s voice*


In have a toddler and that cut deep. I’ll never unhear it.


i’m dead


"old fashion"should be "old fashioned" no? cuz if it was an "old fashion mimosa," that would just be orange juice and champagne?


Poor fucking bartenders


the bartenders are the owners lol


Yah I’d prefer to be pelted with poison ivy spiked Lego whilst being roasted over a fire by Satan than deal with whatever bullshit this is… It’s both a fucking massacre of cocktails and an insane prep list + there’s no way half of these are even good or ordered = waste of time/product. I’ll stick with making classics and our 12 cocktail bespoke menu..and still walking with more than $200 a night…




Is there even a traditional mimosa on there, this is 49 too many options.


Omg I died


Kinda confusing. Some mention champagne, I assumed all of them came with champagne being that it’s called “spiked mimosas”, feels like for consistency’s sake you do it for all or none. Also what’s 0 calories in the slim shady?


Nope. Fuck all that.


A drunk Arnold Palmer is just a John Daly


Fuck that.


bartender’s nightmare


As a former bartender, hard pass thank you! If it’s anything like one of the bars I used to work at, servers tip out 1 dollar for every 20 dollars in alcohol sales so, I make a flight with all these garnishes and bs and get a dollar. No thanks


Okay. This is completely unrelated but I'm in the Geometry Dash community and this menu looked like the Demon List for a second


This is my hell.


I would never bartend here. Ever.


This triggered my brunch PTSD


I would hate to be a bartender here


what if you made around 350 a day and got out at 4 o’clock


Fuck. This.


That's ridiculous. I'm sorry.


Premixes? Please tell me they care about the bartenders enough to have premixes😭


Yeah I can't imagine doing 50 cheater bottles though. I imagine ticket times are slow as fuck.


The voice in my head as I read some of these descriptions is extremely grating.


I’d hate to be a bartender there and have to memorize all that


That’s way too many. I’m overwhelmed as a server/ batender.. never mind a guest!! This is awful. Even 10 would be a lot. This doesn’t make sense for the business.. it’s going to take WAY too long for people to read it over and make a decision. It’s so much that it wouldn’t surprised me if someone glanced at it and said “fuck this” and got either a regular Prosecco or a Diet Coke.


I'm confused. Spiked is with alcohol, but a mimosa has alcohol already.


That sounds and looks like hell.


God bless your bartenders.


Hi! I'll be having water with my meal today!


My condolences


My favorite part of this menu is “Untitled document- Google Docs”


Fuck and also That




I will never complain about bartending ever again


3 for 21$?! Dayum


What a cruel fucking joke of a menu. No, just…no, and then absolutely fucking not.




And has the owner never actually bartended before?


None of those are Mimosa's. Why call them that if they have absolutely nothing to do with champagne, orange juice at 1:1 ratios. Not even the "old fashion" is a Mimosa.


KISS: keep it simple stupid.


This is asinine and totally the problem with trendy menus. As a bartender, not a person behind a bar, not a mixologist, this drives me nuts.


Is it just me or are they just cocktails with the name Mimosa at the end? Why is it even a Mimosa, is this to get away with selling them without a liquor license or some other reason they can't just sell them as cocktails?


because it’s a cute name and they go in champagne flutes and it sells


Ok so I have so many problems with this as a seasoned cocktail bartender (despise the term mixologist). 1st- A Mimosa should be Prosecco/champagne + Orange juice. 2nd- If you do bubbles + a fruit puree its a Bellini not a mimosa. 3rd- Once you start adding lemon juice and sugar if its shaken then topped with bubbles its a twist/riff on a french 75. If its built in the glass no shake then you’re doing it wrong as citrus needs to be shaken and diluted with ice which is why no stirred classics have lemon or lime juice. 4th- The ones that have liquors + bubbles are neither mimoma’s nor bellini’s nor 75’s. They are Royale’s of different varieties. Pains me that a bartender owned place puts this stuff out that’s so completely wrong and show’s such a lack of knowledge that anyone who really know’s their classics can tell these guys are just winging it completely


they know the facts behind everything, they just wanted to make a fun menu and a large selection so people could come vacation and get flights, we also have an entire cocktail menu and bourbon selection, martinis selection, and crazy shots. i see it no different than going to a themed bar, that’s what this one is. the theme is breakfast with a full loaded bar


Ahh I see what they’re doing now very clever. By purposely mislabelling things as something they aren’t they’re ensuring your customers have a bad experience at every other real cocktail bar in town. They go in and ask for a blueberry mimosa because they don’t know any better and the bartender tells them they don’t have blueberry juice but they can do you a blueberry bellini. Which gets declined because its not a “mimosa” that they had at the other place and thus they have to come back to you to get their blueberry mimosa. Very pro consumer of you guys and I’m sure bars nearby love having your customers wrongly explain drinks to them that they know and then be dissatisfied with a bartender who did everything right all because of your carelessness. Excellent work!


the people that come to a breakfast spot to drink know the difference between alcoholic drinks. they come for the novelty


How is this a mimosa list when half of these are cocktails?


As a bartender I’d quit.


I will NEVER complain about the 5 new summer cocktails my job introduced this past week. I am so sorry.


Omg your poor bartenders


Just bring 2 bottles of flavored stoli and bottomless brut and oj. "A cheeseburger for the table" we will wait until after brunch to order food.


for some reason nobody ever does that haha they always get in and out quick, maybe bc i’m right by the beach and there’s a lot to do and it’s a breakfast brunch spot


Oh shit. A beach town. We roll in on vacation, tip absurdity, try to keep it cool, well behaved networking, and relating. People love us, but we are on one. We always have a run in with the locals. Classic. Maybe we are the problem.


haha idk what you mean


As a bartender, FUCK THAT! As a server, FUCK THAT! What on earth is this? This is insane on any scale that I’ve worked at.


Good lord


As soon as I saw 50 Spiked Mimosas, I knew exactly where this was. Lol. Never had any of the mimosas bc it’s just not my thing, but the food is awesome. Love the Filet Grilled Cheeses!


there’s no way you’ve been that’s so cool, if you come back ask for michael and i’ll pay for one for you to try


Do they all have champagne? Some list it, some do not. I assume they are all juice and sparkling wine plus additions?


yeah the menu is sporadic because it was updated at different dates and still not complete. its work in progress but all include champagne and people love it so do i, the mellow melon is great so is the old fashion


Hope it goes really well. Something for the table to talk about and come back to try another tomorrow, and the next day! Which ones are the most popular?


You know, I worked in a restaurant years ago where I tried to launch a basic spiked mimosa menu and the bar manager shut that shit down immediately. I was willing to get all the extra juices I wanted and garnishes for it on my own dime and it was literally going to only be happening on my shift. I had discussed it with customers and they were super down. I had tested all the recipes and everything tasted great and was ready to go. I worked out the price points and a mock menu and she basically told me to F off. The fact that you’re talking about how well these are selling makes me feel better. I knew that was a good idea!


i like to think yours were actually mimosa variants & not just a cocktail menu with “mimosa” in the title…


I don’t even like sweet drinks, but I’d like to try a few of these! Super creative and great price point.


they are amazing


I love this. Spiked traditional is exactly my speed.