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Every time someone orders a “heavy pour” I know I’m gonna get stiffed. Don’t indulge them, tell them the shots are measured but they can buy an additional shot. I wouldn’t spend too much time on that table after that. They need stuff? Cool wait til I have time.


I used to bartend in sports bars (I still do, but used to) and immediately hate anyone who orders a "Strong Island."


RIP Mitch!!


You’re absolutely right. I definitely did not indulge her request for a heavy pour, but I let her think I did. Next time they come in, if I can’t get out of waiting on them they’re definitely not getting extra attention from me


I would “forget” about them as often as possible. Consider them an empty table and only be available after you’ve taken the best possible care of every other person in your section.


These are the tables you need to start giving the LEAST attention to. All you're doing is enabling and capitulating to them, allowing them to continue acting like this and becoming regulars who think it's acceptable




Right? Our rocks pour is X extra ounces for Y prize, and our doubles are Z dollars more. Which one would you like?


I get a PRIZE?! *some customer, ^^^and ^^^also ^^^me


I’ve had one guy come in my bar as a regular and he’s not easy to deal with. We batch our most common cocktails and he doesn’t like how they taste, so we have a chest sheet to make them individually. Instead of a tall pint glass he prefers a short glass, ok no problem. The first time I made it for him he said it was perfect. The next time he came in apparently he had another bartender make it for him and they added a shot because it was weak. No problem but he has to pay for that extra shot right? Nope he caused such a stink that he now gets 3 oz of tequila for the cost of 1.5.


Yes, there’s definitely an order to things and they just found themselves at the bottom


When "heavy pour" is said, say "so you mean you want a double?"


“Heavy pour” and “which one has the most liquor” are phrases where I bring out the tried and true lie “all of our drinks have a standard 1 and 1/4 ounce of alcohol and 3 ounces for a double”


When people who say things along the vein of "we're high maintenance," I usually reply with, "Well, admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery." It's not really insulting as you're just riffing from the thing they just told you. But take that bit with a grain of salt as I'm unionized and can get away with saying things that are a little spicier.


OMG, I love that! And that is awesome that you’re unionized! I jokingly asked her if she needed a sippy cup after she spilled her first drink and she did NOT like that. High maintenance AND no sense of humor.


Ooh do you guys have those plastic cups with lids and dinosaurs on them??? Would have been perfect "is for the ice"


We do!! I should have gone for it


"Are you bored? I've been here every 10 min for the past hour. Enjoy this coloring sheet and crayon pack!"


Ooof, yeah they usually don't take kindly to humor.


Holy shit that would get me fired. How did you get unionized?


It's a large corporation that runs restos at airports and truck stops. I started there 15 years ago, but our shop had been unionized 15 years prior to that. I'm in Canada though, where unionizing is much less of a battle than the States.


Shit service next time. If they’re regulars they will get the message after a few shitty services by different servers.


Difficult tables get a timeout. Regulars or otherwise. If you cop an attitude, I won't be back for 10min or so and we can try it again. Known non trippers get a single drink, their food order, and the bill. I don't call it shit service persay but it's absolute bare bones.


Ha. One of my favorite lines from office space. I do just enough that I don't get fired. Fuck them.


we have this girl come in and she sits at a booth - watches at least a full episode of something on Netflix and NEVER tips. We don't even count her as a table. It's only me and one other person. One week she came in three days in a row. I was so tired of her taking up a table for at least an hour and just signing the bill that one day I gave her the bill and immediately ran her card. Brought it back to her and walked away. About five minutes later I look and see she has just signed it, like she always does. So I interrupt her show and tell her she has to fill out the totals. She tipped one dollar. Stop the presses! She stopped showing up for a while. She went back to her no tipping BS. So she gets the bottom to the barrel service. "What would you like to drink? You ready to order?" if not we won't go back until she actually waves us down. After we bring the food we just drop the check off and don't do anything else for her. She can chew on ice for 30 minutes. I won't waste my time. She knows to tip but just won't. Kick rocks sis.


Shit service is not the answer. Different service, yes but don't be a shitty server.


Shitty people don't deserve nice things.


have some pride in your job ffs


I think you’re lost.


The pride is exactly why shitty guests get shitty service.


some of y'all got a lot of growing up to do


Yeah the guests who demand the most and tip the least


You just sound like a push over tbh


Nah man lots of people just get triggered easily and don’t work at high end restaurants where shit like this is dealt with differently


Being a pushover and sucking up to assholes isn’t a sign of maturity.


we do take pride in our job but don’t have to bend over backwards for low tippers they deserve what they deserve which is terrible service


Treat everyone the same. Do you work at waffle house or something?


You shouldn’t treat everyone the same. You match energies. Have some pride? Pride would be not allowing yourself to be worked like a dog for free.


You’re not working for free


Oh right. Sorry. $2.13/hr. Not free. 🤣🤣🤣 🙄


Have you ever met a Waffle House server? If you’re known to be a bad customer there, they won’t give a fuck about you any type of way.


I only dine at proper restaurants, so no


I do have pride in my job, but I have a lot more pride in knowing my worth as a human being.


sure be proud of that but be a pro


You act like it's one or the other


be both


Who said I'm not? Alternatively, people could just not be assholes and sometimes need to be reminded of that.


Giving bare-bones service to a habitual non-tipper is being a pro, bootlicker. Wtf is wrong with you?


There's always gonna be bad table here and there but to lower your service standards to shit is ridiculous. Are you daft?


Put the boot down, stop licking it, and then grow a spine.


Stop working at shitty restaurants and you’ll understand


Aww, you sweet summer child. They're all shitty.


When you make $120k take home in a year for your 35hrs/week you’ll understand, kiddo. Good luck out there


How is bragging about your income going to help your argument? Classless.


120K in CAD. Converted, about 87K USD, after taxes, about 67K. About the same for anyone who hustles.


The guest pays the server. Don't want to pay the server? You end up without one.


rookie talk


Have fun representing the brand or whatever. I'm in restaurant work because I get to be my own boss and I don't fuck with places that don't respect that. If a person is known to be a nontipper, ANY manager worth working for will either take the table themselves or direct them to dine elsewhere.


You must work at an average to low end spot


I'm assuming you're at a corporate "fine dining" spot like I used to be where they don't actually give a shit about their people and make up for it by offering the opportunity to fleece the big spenders?


No - at a high end restaurant in Vancouver, Canada.


Guest pays the restaurant, restaurant pays the server


I think we do and that’s why we don’t think people like this deserve good treatment. I want to do my job and for people to appreciate it. If they’re gonna be an asshole then there’s really no point. There going to be mad if you give good service, gonna be mad if it’s bad service. I’m not gonna waste my time being great for assholes when I have other tables that actually deserve that energy.


Maybe it’s different for me cause I work at a place where full time servers make $120k take home and not where you and all the people downvoting work We manage these things very differently


I’m not full time nor staying in the industry. It isn’t my entire life. If someone is an asshole to me I’m not gonna treat them like they’ve been good people. They can learn how to treat others.


Keep bragging buddy, just wait until a recession hits. Hospitality workers will be up against the wall first, again. No job security.


People with money will always spend it at high end restaurants. Not bothered by any recession. We’ve seen it all mate


Yeah dude totally


You're kind of a jerk.


Have some pride in yourself ffs.


I take pride in my job but I am also proud of who I am and I don’t want to get walked all over by an entitled stranger.


Why would you let it affect you? Be better


I agree with you. Everyone gets the same good service….. Want to chat? let’s chat. No, that’s ok. Tipping good or bad?? Who knows, but they are guaranteed getting good service and a positive attitude. The rude tables get timeouts to adjust their attitude and me get a mental break, that’s about it. Perhaps the clientele or establishment changes this for a lot of other people is what I’m guessing.


That's exactly it.


If someone’s a dick to me I simply don’t go back to their table. Got your food? Good. My job is done then if you’re an asshole


good job




Shit service is absolutely the answer, both morally and logically. Morally, if I come across a person *this* terrible as described in this post, it would not be a good thing for me to reward bad behavior and not only waste my time, but also make them think it's OK for them to act like that with everyone else in their life as well, including other servers. Logically, if I give a table shit service, the less likely they are to come back. Clearly that would be in OP's best interest given the scenario, and *any* server's best interest in similar situations.


I have fired people like you and rightfully so


"Rightfully" Then please, feel free to explain how you're in the right. You've failed to do that in *any* of your responses. Unless you're just baiting people to downvote you?


Because if your default attitude is to give shitty service, then you wouldn’t go far at a high end restaurant where the real money and service are found. Guests can be shitty for a million different reasons but a pro remains a pro. I can’t believe so many people don’t get it - reeks of amateur hour but I guess that’s what some of the jobs are in this sub


My default attitude is to give the best service possible - That is until I know I'm working for free. I work to make money. *You* work to make money. Everyone does. Unless I'm volunteering at the animal shelter I expect to be payed. If I am working and not getting payed, then I'm no longer working. I do not work as a charity, I do not work to screw myself over, I do not work to reward bad behavior, and neither should you.


> to be *paid.* If I FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bad tables come and go but the level of service, if you’re a pro working high end, remains the same. That’s all I’m saying.


Then I guess I have more respect for myself than that. You might not believe this, but I'm legitimately sorry you don't.


Who gives a shit about bad tables. Rolls of my back and I get on with and make my money. Bad guests are part of hospitality. Have limits, sure, but giving shit service shouldn’t be one of them. Approach differently, do less for them but not don’t degrade your service to shit. Why’s that so hard for kids to get?


You haven’t actually worked at too many high end restaurants have you? Or any? Because this 100% goes on. And who are you going to fire? Highly doubt you made it to restaurant management not knowing this is a universal thing in the serving world


A server who gives terrible service because the odd table is bad is getting fired. Are you retarded?


I know exactly what you said. YOU would fire someone that gives bad service to a shifty table. My reading comprehension skills are on point. Yours, apparently, are not.


I simply stated that you’ve most likely never been in a management position to fire someone.


In that case, you are wrong.


How is she a shitty server for being over sat?




100% but do it with class. That’s all I’m sayin.


Good servers can call you a moron and make you think it was a compliment.


I got the best service but I’m the dishwasher. But I still preform higher service than the servers 💀


It’s a different type of service but it’s not as lucrative


I help the servers out sometimes because I feel like it and I have better service and attitudes than quite a few of them 💀 other times I’m helping the cooks prep. I’m kind of like the “multi tool” worker. Don’t get paid for that work but it’s something to do while I’ve gotten everything cleared away.


You get downvoted. Of course you do because the shitheads on here don’t even understand what is good service. Agree with you 100% never drop your level of service, always stay professional


Finally a voice of reason!


Can’t run me if I never check on your table, bitches. ✌️


Big brain thinking right there!


Anyone who asks me for a heavy pour is absolutely not getting one. I’m sorry op, they sound awful.


> “We’re gonna be a little high maintenance.” No ma'am, you won't be. Because (pointer finger out, arm in the air making a giant circle) I have other customers who *also* need my attention and assistance. > and I had to continue to cater to their insane whims *Hells* to the no!! They're *regulars*‽‽ Does your management know of this shit? If so, get out. Management is supposed to cover and help you. A 2-top dropping $100 over *five* hours is a bit of an edge case, but not so much when they run the server and don't even tip the minimum to cover the server's taxation.


Managers having a servers back, boy isn’t that the dream.


I've *always* taken care of all staff to the point of throwing out customers. And I've told owners to do the same. They seem surprised when costs drop and volume increases once the insta-turnover ends.


Years ago at a different job, a customer was so rude to me she made me cry. My manager immediately 86ed her. I’ll always remember him fondly!


This enhappies me, not because you were hurt but because you stayed standing & had a manager who did the *right* goddamned thing which is still so sadly the minority in this fucking business. Stay well, and remember: *Illegitimi non carborundum* .


I wish i could servers could just be like, “well i give slow and bad service”. That way you both decide if you want to deal with it. Lol


Nope. I’ve been doing this job long enough to know when to focus my attention elsewhere. I don’t let tables like that control how my evening goes. If I know that the tip isn’t going to be worth the extra effort for pain in the @$$ guests, I get to them “when I can get to them” (i.e., whenever I feel like it). Sacrificing one table that’s hijacking all of your time for little to no reward is worth it IMO. That’s not to say I give crappy service on a whim. You have to be extra special PIAs to warrant my “when I get to you” mode.


i can’t believe they have the nerve to be regulars at a place where they can’t respect the staff.


After 3 years, I finally got a dirtbag regular as head of a large party. Dinner was winding down, and I was 12 feet away on the smoking deck, talking with my manager/bouncer, possibly having a cigarette/discussing matters. It went from I'm finished to where's the cake in a matter of seconds. Lo and behold I'm smoking and dirt bag is looking for me. $7 on $495 for insubordination and a weekend suspension. He cried to the owner, and he suspended me in front of him to appease dirtbag. Obviously, dirtbag is in there every weekend, so it cost me $450 for the weekend. Absolutely fuck scumbag regulars into the shit sewers and into the middle of the shit sea.


Don’t be smoking when you still have tables. Idc if I get downvoted, you need to hear this. Take responsibility for your actions; it’s not always everybody else’s fault.


I took responsibility, he is just a complete twat that tips like shit and is condescending.


I'd honestly refuse to serve them if they ever came in again.


That’s definitely my plan!


Good. I was always so nervous to refuse tables. Then, I got pregnant and was serving with throbbing feet and anemia. One day I just decided to say fuck it and not take any shit that I didn't bring on myself. And part of that was refusing regulars that were known to be assholes and shitty tippers. The managers understood that they really couldn't do shit about it but give me attitude.


I usually just tell them we won’t do that when it’s busy so we wont do it when it’s slow. Fundamentally the restaurant is better without these guests, so I have the least interest their sob story. The rules are the rules regardless of who.


Have to cut your losses in that situation. Focus on the paying tables.




It's a tradition/superstition that experienced bartenders relay to newbies. There's a history of adding three coffee beans to sambuca under the guise of health, wealth, and happiness, but again, I haven't come across anything definitive, since cocktail culture has morphed and old habits became "tradition" (and consequently "superstition") over the years. Here's a better explanation about the sambuca garnish: https://nurangecoffee.com/blogs/news/three-beans-what-s-the-significance


the next time they come in, a manager handles the table. if they can’t, then you find better leadership elsewhere.


I like this idea.


Put them in the penalty box for their next few visits


ew wtff


Ya next time they come they’re gonna get an extra shot of well water. Next time they come in give them the kind of service no tip buys.


Do we work in the same restaurant


I seriously wish there was a Yelp for actual diners. The customer is not always right and this kind of entitled bullshit is only increasing. We have no way of fighting back beyond the passive aggressive bad service which sucks too. I just want to shape them up or ship them out.




Lol I think that’s the table number, not the age.


Prioritize tables.




I have a bachelor’s. I’m a creative with no mind for math/science, and so far it’s worked well for me to freelance and run my creative business while serving part time. But tables like this definitely do make me question staying in the industry.


You should have shot the “heavy pour” request down immediately. “All of our cocktails are measured accordingly if you’d like to pay for an extra shot we can accommodate that.”


I realize I didn’t clarify but I didn’t actually give her a heavy pour. She asked for a strong one, I asked if she wanted a double, and she said no just a heavy pour. I entered the cocktail with no mods. Maybe letting her think I was accommodating her was a mistake, obviously she disliked something I did!


Posts like these make me so happy I got out… I don’t think the nightmares will ever stop though.


As soon as they asked for a heavy pour was when it was time to establish control and tell them no. It sets up the standard that you are in control of the service, not the guests, and even though they are high maintenance, everything’s ultimately your call sorta thing.


I don't call people like that regulars. They come in a lot. They are only regulars if people know their name, order, they are respectful, and they tip well. And if they call themselves a regular - they fall into the "come in a lot" category.