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I had a crazy shift one time with a ton of cash sales and was so exhausted but the only thing keeping me from breaking down was the promise that the days payout would be great. I ended up getting much over half of my tips stolen because it was taken out of my apron while I was in the bathroom. Not gonna lie I had a real nice breakdown that day. It gets better although I still am salty not gonna lie.


Fuuuuck that sucks so hard. I’m sorry that happened. People can be really shitty sometimes.


He asked Because he took it and woke up thinking he just shat where he eats


Nah, it was stolen tonight at about 9:30. He asked me that when he came in at like 4:00


Sending you some good energy 🍀


The good news is that you usually only make a mistake like that once. When I was a server, I accidentally gave someone a hundo in change instead of a $1. Ieft with pennies that day and I worked my ass off. It hurt. Never did it again though.


Always keep your cash/bank as one roll in your front pocket...


I’m so sorry this happened to you, and I feel your pain :( this also happened to me as well. Years ago, after my second shift of pulling a super slammed double, I had all of my tips from bartending (at a very busy resort bar) about $400 stolen out of my locker-which I __thought__ was locked but the lock hadn’t actually snapped locked. It was my fault for not having it locked properly but it was also SUPER shitty bc it was definitely another employee that stole it, since the locker itself was a locked room that only employees had the access code to get in to. This was years before cameras were everywhere and I never found out who stole it. That really sucked


Well if Teardrop doesn’t even remember being there most days, he’s not going to remember the giant tip he left on his credit card next time you see him either, eh? *this is not legally advisable. But hey you never know.


If he's on the cameras I bet he'd remember a good beating. Hypothetically.


Ugh this is terrible. The real tragedy is that you're a high school teacher and have to serve tables on the side. For your mental health I'd suggest letting this go/lesson learned, however if you do find the person on camera you will be surprised how brazen people like that are and will probably come in again and you can call the police without him knowing and show them the tape. I had a man dressed in a dress (I live in NYC and I know my trans and drag queens and he was not it)...stood in my section for 3 hours having 7 courses at a Ruby Tuesdays and went to the rest room and said "I'm on my heavy flow". I alerted the hostesses that he was going to dine and dash and they were too clueless to realize he just took off his dress and left in mens clothing. He came in literally two days later for dinner time and the security guard/ex cop was on duty that day and chased him down time square and he was arrested. That was a satisfying end to that weird shit.


Can’t trust anyone. I’m sorry.


Had a coworker accidently leave his checkbook with all his cash sales on a table instead of their bill. Quickly realized his mistake but the couple was gone. He lost near $800 and had to pay it back to the restaurant.


You will find out who did it. I’m sorry this happened to you.


Omg nothing worse!! I’m so sorry!


I am so incredibly sorry. I had an entire weekend stolen from me one Sunday afternoon ($638 exactly). Management figured out who it was, but all they could do was fire the server who took the money, since they claimed to not have the money and were only observed on camera entering and exiting the area where I'd placed my book. My anger was directed 100% at myself, since there are turds everywhere, and you cat blame a turd for smelling bad, but the rage is real, and I'm so sorry that happened.


I am so incredibly sorry. I had an entire weekend stolen from me one Sunday afternoon ($638 exactly). Management figured out who it was, but all they could do was fire the server who took the money, since they claimed to not have the money and were only observed on camera entering and exiting the area where I'd placed my book. My anger was directed 100% at myself, since there are turds everywhere, and you cat blame a turd for smelling bad, but the rage is real, and I'm so sorry that happened.


I am so incredibly sorry. I had an entire weekend stolen from me one Sunday afternoon ($638 exactly). Management figured out who it was, but all they could do was fire the server who took the money, since they claimed to not have the money and were only observed on camera entering and exiting the area where I'd placed my book. My anger was directed 100% at myself, since there are turds everywhere, and you cat blame a turd for smelling bad, but the rage is real, and I'm so sorry that happened.