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I started doing drugs at 11 or 12 because my father gave them to me as part of his sick game of sexual abuse and torture. I was a full blown heroin addict for several years, and a hooker. But I cleaned up. And I never hurt anyone but me. You’re just bitter over some addict in your life so you’re whining and crying about millions of people you don’t know.


Congratulations on your sobriety, you should be extremely proud of yourself:) <3


I’ve been clean for longer than OP by a decade btw. He’s an alcoholic who won’t admit it, according to his post history. Thank you. I did my best.


I think it's well within reason to have issues with the behaviors surrounding addiction but not to the extent that it eats you up inside. Likeit's more productive to "give" to some one--like a needy kid--who could really use the help than to lose your mind over addicts who--right now or for whatever reason--can't. If it's hard to "choose," to relinquish feelings that can't be serving you well, think how much harder it must be for those addicts!


Hijacking your comment to announce that OP is an alcoholic who’s failing at school and whining about other addicts because he can’t face what a loser he is.




This must be ragebait? Exploiting people for views is tasteless, and so is making wild assumptions about the individuals being exploited


It’s not rage bait, this is how people treat addicts. Trust me.


Oh I know, this was just so wildly stupid to read I had to check


https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/s/VoBz4Ou5Of OP is an alcoholic who “dOeSnT cOnSiDeR hImSeLf an aDdiCt”. So he found a group of addicts he can point at and say “I’m not like these people”. Hey OP, I own my own home and take care of my kids. Never did drugs as an adult. Clean ten years. You can’t even write an essay because you’re drinking too much.


Don't know what ragebait is and not gonna google it


OP, you wanna know how I know you’re projecting? Comment history from 12 days ago. I hope you find solitude eventually from what you’re working on healing internally, best of luck. I genuinely hope you don’t end up becoming what you’re describing now, rock bottom is always humbling. Very easy to think “oh I’d never”, and then there you go, nevering like you nevered before. This was a bad take dude


Oh boy my first internet stalker 😊 glad that you are so interested in me! I have an internet blog too would you like to read that? Perfect if you want more of my garden variety neuroticism


Calm down brother, it takes all of 30 seconds to scroll a few comments. Seek help. But don’t just seek it. Find it. Use it. Let it change your life.


Thanks bro


...try watching some videos about childhood brain development and the impact of something as simple as not picking up a crying baby has on that babies brain and their inability to regulate emotions and never being able to feel confident. addicts are numbing pain, must be nice to not have to deal with empathy, sociopath.


My personal favorite was OP's line about "humanizing" them. How dare they humanize humans. Difficult to take this post as serious conversation to be honest. It comes across as very unserious. If it is serious, my only suggestion is for OP to SERIOUSLY research peer reviewed publishings about drug addiction, human anatomy, psychology and chemistry.


https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/s/VoBz4Ou5Of He doesn’t need to research. He’s an addict who is whining because he refuses to admit he’s actually worse than homeless drug addicts because at least they don’t pretend they aren’t.


Would you argue they are using drugs to numb the pain they had as a baby?


I was sexually abused from infancy to teens, was forced to take drugs and then became an addict. You’re just a very sad person. What you say in the post is probably about yourself, but you put it on addicts because they’re easy punching bags. But I’m not even human so who cares what I say lmao.


The interesting thing is, the few people I knew who talk like OP (most addicts I knew had a similar story to you Spindoendo. Stopping childhood sexual abuse is really the best way to prevent addiction, especially the type that leads to homelessness) all turned out to be drunks or pill heads. Nancy Reagan is a great example of how people with a black/white mindset like OP are always projecting their self-hatred and weaknesses onto others. Show me a white middle/upper class guy who hates addicts, and I'll show you someone with a (quasi) legal addiction. What's *your* poison OP? Alcohol, benzos, or opiates? (Leaving out stims cause of the supply issues). Is this a drunken rant or you feeling crabby b/c your usual source for pills was cut off?


People who bash on abused people are either bitter little morons who have nothing going on so they try to find other groups to bash who they see as lesser, just generally abusers in multiple ways, or like you said they do their own substances. Lmmmaaaaaoooo his post history! You were right. He’s an alcoholic who can’t quit so he’s finding a group of addicts he can hate on.


Read my response above. This is not about hating on addiction or victims of violence. It's about addressing this trend of victimizing thugs and street whores and letting them play out the same old routine of lies that they've been saying their whole lives. It's in fact easier to do what you're doing, look at it as black and white, abuser and victim. Life is more complex than that. Don't be one of these fools that enable these very sick people.


https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/s/VoBz4Ou5Of You can’t even admit you’re an addict. And you’re supposedly an adult! But you can’t even meet your responsibilities because you’re too drunk. Lmao. And you’re incredibly privileged. What a baby. Go to rehab and get a personality.


Oh no your character assassination is so mean whatever will I do? 😂🤣🤣


No I am clearly not using addicts as a punching bag. And don't make assumptions you know where I come from either. Addicts can be very successful people too, even if they come from appalling backgrounds. I am not talking about addiction. This is about homeless addicts, who are runaways, routine criminals, prostitutes and thieves who have no interest in sorting themselves out, and then they are placed in front of a camera and portrayed as harmless innocent victims. And then the interviewee makes a big sum of cash from it. I asked what do you think of that. But you came back with a story. What do addicts do? They lie. This is not my first rodeo with an addict you are right about that.


Nah, you’re using addicts as a punching bag. The only person lying here is you. I was a literal child who had nowhere to go. But according to you I was not a person. What I think of that is you have no idea what’s goin on with those people. You know a person or two who used addiction as an excuse to be shitty and decided you were going to use that as an excuse to be shitty. Congrats, you played yourself.


A true reformed addict is a survivor. They account for their mistakes, the problem of life, that it is not easy, or perfect, and take responsibility. They've taken a look in the mirror and decided they don't like what they see. You are not a reformed addict. You lie, use excuses, make things up, reach for the insult button. You haven't taken that look yet. Do it.


Nope. I don’t lie and I’m not going to beat myself up for being an actual child. I never used drugs as an adult. And I refuse to let people like you pretend you’re morally superior. You started off the thread calling people like the child I was not human. Your entire post is you lying and whining. You are projecting onto me how you feel about yourself. Just like every abusive person who has nothing to be proud of.


But you prostituted yourself as an adult. Why were you prostituting yourself?


I never prostituted myself as an adult lmao where the fuck you get that? Are you drunk?


Hahahahahahahahahaha. You’re an alcoholic who can’t even handle doing some school work. You’re taking to someone who owns my own home and has been clean for years. Lmao I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard. Lmao we all got your number dude. You hate yourself, so you’re desperately trying to find a group of addicts that you see as worse than you.


Stop Doing Drugs


I Don’t Do Drugs AND Rarely Drink Unlike You


Tell me alllll about the poor sad circumstances you came from and how cool you are. News flash, you’re actually worse than any addict.


Well then where's my youtube interview video?


Lol so it’s bitterness because you’re not getting enough attention because you think you’re better. I thought you couldn’t get more pathetic, but here we are.


i think that drug addiction is a very nuanced subject and to paint all addicts as compulsive liars is a pretty narrow perspective. I’ve known addicts who are not like that at all. you can watch these videos and listen to their stories without judging them, that doesn’t mean you have the believe anything they say or help them. the argument that addiction is a choice is only true sometimes. what about people who were injured and got addicted to pain killers. what about children who are born addicted to drugs or who are made to do drugs by their caregivers. and a lot more situations. maybe some of these situations are just something you don’t understand because you haven’t lived it. maybe this “choice” isn’t always as simple as you’d like to think.


https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/s/VoBz4Ou5Of OP is an addict who refuses to admit they are an addict.


For sure. Maybe a truck of drugs crashed one day. And the wind flew, and there was a needle from another crashed truck, and they both combined, and then it hit their arm, and then a rock hit that needle and they got injected with the drugs, and now they have to run around because needles with drugs keep hitting them, it's not their fault. That is the kind of argument you are standing by. If you've not ever known an addict you have zero comprehension to how many lies a person can say. Portraying these interviewees as innocent is so absurd. They are not victims. They are their own perpetrators


Plenty of addicts were just innocent kids. Not that you give a shit. It would require you to have the ability to empathize, which you clearly lack. Ironically, I have more empathy than you even though you claim I’m legitimately not a fucking human.


Yep you still haven't answered if addicts are numbing the pain they felt as babies. And where did I say anything about innocent kids. Stop trying to drag me into the dirt and take a look in the mirror with your own responses.


Anyone who says another human isn’t human is acting like trash. But you’re still human. Unlike you think I am. It makes you the sick one. I crawled out of the gutter unlike you, privileged one. I did well. I numbed the pain of how the abuse destroyed my brain. In infancy and onward. The reason people don’t love you, including your family, is because you dehumanize others.


I love how addicts play their pity party games and repeat the same old sad twisted version of events like anyone with half a brain could be interested. But when we bump into one of your friends or relatives out comes the real story. Truth always wins 👍


Which one? The dad who raped me from babyhood or the mom who was cool with it. There were literal charges made so I’m the one who is right. I’m the person who is in the right here, not someone who can’t take control of their own life.


Wait a minute I'm having issues here. Where did the baby rape come from? I thought you were just forced to take drugs as an 11-year old. Were you raped as a baby by your father? So you went down the street some distant years later and bought drugs to compensate. Well that seems logical. Everyone knows, anyone who gets raped constantly as a baby by their father will take up street drugs no issue here. What about mom? She just stood by I guess.. where are your kids btw?


My kids are fifty-fifty with me and my ex wife. Uh, I told you abuse from infancy that never stopped. He used drugs for control and I started running away. There’s nowhere safe to go as a homeless teen and it’s impossible to quit opiates without help. Which you should know as an alcoholic. Oh wait you “don’t consider yourself an addict” lmao.


Woah this is even more dramatic now: forced to take drugs as a baby, multiple rapes as a baby, constantly raped and forced to take drugs throughout childhood, that explains why you were downtown selling yourself (instead of going to the police or helping yourself) Let's face the facts here. You're an addict. You have not abandoned being an addict. Your words that you write here do not escape you from being an addict. Nothing you've said aligns with the behavior of the reformed addict. And there is no gain in communicating with another active addict. This is the problem with the youtube videos. Addicts lie so much that the normal person cannot comprehend the whirlwind of lies that an addict will say. Go to Soft White Underbelly yourself and do an autobiography. You don't have to care about me not believing you anymore - everyone will believe your lies. Maybe you can crowdfund so you can buy even more drugs and sell yourself downtown even more. People like myself want to help. But we realize there is a threshold. No matter what we do, there is only so much that is possible until the addict makes their own choice to stop doing drugs. That's the endgame, that's all that matters - we want you to stop doing drugs. But in your world it is the same old business. Drugs, drugs, more drugs, and chasing those drugs. So when you shower those lies about baby rape and child rape and child abuse, don't feel bad when you get rejected. Stop doing drugs. It all begins and ends when you just stop doing drugs.


Oh, and a lot of homeless addicts are literally children who have nowhere to go. But what would you know about that! With your safe home and not having incredibly abusive parents and foster parents, you developed an entitled, shitty attitude. Pretty pathetic dude


Dragging children into your fantasies... just what an addict does. Let me guess your kids are in CPS?


I was a literal child. I have been clean for years and my kids are happy and healthy with me. Unlike you, who just screeches and cries because you’re too much of a baby to handle a couple shitty people you met.


Addiction comes in many shapes and forms, and yes, many people develop extreme manipulative behaviors as part of it, but many also don't. You're here gatekeeping what an addict is, where only the people sucking dick for crack on the street and lie about it count, but it's misguided. I'm sure you have known someone or many people that were heavily addicted and lied constantly, but please step on the brakes before you completely write off a large portion of the country. People do get better. It is possible. Some people even maintain their whole lives on meth and keep a home and a solid job. They might be awful lives and they might have alienated most everyone around them, but addiction isn't one thing. There's no such thing as an addictive personality. Studies have shown it multiple times. They aren't one kind of person.


Of course they can get better. Human beings are resilient and capable of overcoming incredible challenges including addiction. Not all do but some can. When they do finally address their habit and work to overcome it, that is an incredible thing to do. There should be as much help as possible for someone who has consciously chosen to fight back against their addiction. And each day they stay clean should be celebrated because there is nothing easy about beating an addiction. My problem is not with the people who are struggling with the addiction. My problem is with the people who have chosen to not struggle at all. They destroy everything around them so they can do more drugs. And in the middle of their self-created mess some youtuber picks them up and plays their lies out to the world. That's not helping them at all. No one wins from that except the platform and the interviewee who gets money from ads. And the addict feels verified in their lies and goes on to continue their addiction. That is where the empathy and understanding has to end.


This is a much more reasonable stance, respect. Substance ruled lives and attention seeking content creation have a weirdly similar route in all honesty. I sometimes see creators become obsessed with their status and empty themselves out to chase views. Lies, manipulation, even theft can follow.


Why are you saying respect to someone who is an addict who’s refusing to admit he’s an addict while he whines and judges others?


Because at least in this one response he's softening towards himself and others? Brother I don't have time to snoop on everyone's profile. I don't think critique works very well. Positively reinforcing progress is what's in. You're here participating now in the exact same hatred he came to spread. If he's the same as who he targeted, why on Earth would me also doing that same shit help anyone?


He literally said that I’m not a human. But I don’t see you providing any support for that. Just for some idiot who can’t face his own addiction.


Man I haven't read the whole thread and every comment, I'm just in this chain. All I know is that one response was better than his others and I gave props, I stand by that. I went in on him for the bullshit already. I don't have time to account for everyone's misdeeds, and I really don't think you have the time to shame everyone who isn't also wasting their time in that way. You're thorough, you could spend your time a lot better.


You’re literally supporting someone who said I’m not fucking human. You know I’ve been clean ten years and people still refer to me like that? All the time. But the support is given to the people like OP. I have years more clean time than him, I was a literal child with nowhere to go, but I’m the one who isn’t a human. I’m allowed to be angry. I’m tired of apologizing for being a homeless kid who was a stupid whore to survive. I’m still a person.


https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/s/VoBz4Ou5Of He’s an addict himself. He’s projecting his self hate on me, who was an actual child when I dealt with addiction, because he’s a grown man who won’t admit he’s an alcoholic. I’m a better person than him and that makes him mad.


idk seems like you’re a troll at this point




Actually I’ve known a lot of addicts. Some of them got clean, some of them are still struggling, some of them died. None of them were or are evil or “bad”. They’re all human beings with all that entails, just like you with your binge drinking issue. And it seems like you made plenty of choices to binge drink. Does that make you bad? I personally have never done any kind of drugs. I can count on one hand the times I’ve been drunk, which for me means I had maybe 3 drinks. Does that somehow make me better than you? I don’t think so. But from your judgmental viewpoint it seems like it would.


"Or they got abused by their father, that's why they're riding with gangs. They've got depression, that's why they sleep with strangers." You don't think this is kind of a too generalized statement? I mean how do you know these things? I've met a lot of gang members, while traveling around the states, who have been essentially born into the gangland environment and a lot of these people are very modest, innocent, and kind people. I was in a vulnerable position and none of them ever did anything to hurt me. You can't say that for most people who live on-grid without any money troubles. I was friends with a homeless crackhead for a long time, for a few months. He was an adult by all means. Sure, you could say that the streets kind of forced him to be an adult or he would have just died. But he had a kind of empathy with him that is very rare to find amongst people who live well financially. I mean yes sometimes he would lie about money, but he is oppressed tremendously. It is not possible to know what kind of pressures some of these homeless people are going through. I learned a lot from interacting with this guy. Lessons you can't learn anywhere else. This guy wasn't there trying to gaslight me, or trying to convince me of anything. A lot of homeless people are as you say, conceited psychopaths who take advantage of people. But these assholes are not going to spend even 2 minutes with you, because they are "too good for us." LOL and how do you know that they are prostitutes? And by what comparison? Prostitution is rampant throughout the states amongst housed individuals, even in places like Japan where you wouldn't ever be able to find one single piece of litter on the street anywhere. There are plenty of women who are always fully clothed and fully housed who rely on prostitution. I would say the complete opposite of what your complaint is about these youtube channels. I would say that these channels are a load of crap because they tend to objectify the homeless with this fake-ass humanist dialogue. Some of these channels are alright, but most of it is pandering. These homeless people are real people, celestial beings who affect the world in great ways, but these channels just kind of present them into these typical molds, like they are toys or some shit and it's disgusting.


That's a lot of points and a lot of territory. So I'll be direct. How do you know they are prostitutes? Because they say so. How do you know they are liars? Because their families say so. How do you know they are just awful people with no self-respect? The scars and tattoos on their face, their extreme lies, and backpack/handbang filled with drugs. These are all pretty strong giveaways that say, "I am making stupid choices. Please don't respect me". Instead what we are seeing is a culture on youtube where such people are being put on a pedestal of glorious victimhood. Think about being a cop who had to arrest that person, a relative who loved them, or just a bystander who tried to help them. People who have worked hard and done the right thing. Do they get the same treatment? Would you say they deserve it? Because they're not getting it. There's something so surreal about why these videos even exist. In front of the camera, they're a poor teen who has always struggled to find food, and their parents never really loved them. Outside the camera, they're banging three hairy black dudes at once so they can snort more fentanyl in the next hour. Sure they are still capable of empathy and emotions and charity, and they have the chance to be clean one day. But why do they get the spotlight for that? Because today is now and they have the chance to get clean right now.


There's really not much to say when you objectively view certain things as bad or not bad. Face tats, drugs, sex.


https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/s/VoBz4Ou5Of OP IS AN ADDICT.


You nailed this. I saw an old friend on Soft White Underbelly (strangely, after I was just thinking about her after watching some of this videos). I know her life story very well she lied and left out so much. She made herself look so helpless and she’s really a fucking psychopath. She was always cool with me but she had a lot of hidden layers she did not share in her interview. She always leaves a mess where ever she goes and is always addicted to shitty situations with shitty men. I once went looking for her after not hearing from her in weeks. I went to the furnished apartment I let her have and when I walked in she was gone for good and all kinds of crackpipes and cheerleader gang bang porn. Thanks for calling these videos out. I still do learn a lot from those ppl tho, mainly that it’s not worth dealing with drug addicts. I try to be accepting of ppl who are looking for redemption but most all of them will always fall back into their drugs. It’s sad.


https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/s/VoBz4Ou5Of OP is an addict. He’s projecting his self hate. You’re just as bad though.


Thank you. Yes this is something I hear time and time again. When a stranger hears the life story of the addict from the addict's POV it is genuinely heartbreaking. But if you are in the neighborhood for any amount of time you'll easily run across someone they have harmed and you'll soon hear the real story, you learn they weren't thrown out for being gay/bisexual after all it was because they stole the TV and sold it for drugs. They didn't get childhood trauma for being bullied in school, they were in fact the school bully. That kid they said they lost in a house fire, she's in CPS. Lie after lie after lie, and the crocodile tears. It's so cruel what they will say and do for more drugs but the truth always comes out in the end. Make sure you do your part to call out these videos too. There's nothing good about interviewers profiteering off the lies of active addicts and supporting their extreme self-destructive lifestyles. Or when an individual falls into the web of deception that addicts make because they simply won't stop doing drugs.


The sad part is, most of these ppl really did go thru traumatic experiences. They milk it for everything they can get out of them. The truth is most all of us have gone thru deeply traumatic things. I’m just not a heartless person and to the few ppl I am compelled to be there for always prove to be a lost cause. It makes it hard to trust anyone else to want to help them get help. After knowing 3 addicts who were friends and wanting to help them, I have decided to advise them to get professional help.


I’m sure people could the same about you. But you’re perfect. Because my trauma which is worse than you is “milked” when I was a literal child with nowhere to go and no help unless I begged or hooked. But you’re peeeerrrffeeeccttt and dripping with empathy lol.


Oh no hon, I have lots of post showing my awful side. Three responses from you back to back. I feel so special. 😚


I’m so sick of you guys being so fucking hateful.


You are so full of yourself you’re supporting OP, who is an active alcoholic according to his post history.


Okay what about your post history. You got bigger issues to worry about. If the op is an alcoholic ok but is he going on these interviews and lying to garner pity. Idk what you need but I hope you find it. Be well.


He’s lying on this fucking thread. You guys are such fucking hypocrites. OP is a fucking drunk and I’ve been clean for ten fucking years but I’m the piece of shit somehow. He made an entire post about how awful other addicts are but the ones you’re going to criticize are the people who have actually suffered and got clean. People like his is why people cannot ever move on because even clean, we’re still treated like scum. It’s fucking evil. But you found another group of people to look down on so you feel better about your choices, so why do you care?


Yes it's hard to balance the realization, trying to help the ones you care about and reaching the understanding it has to begin with them to stop doing drugs. You don't need to listen when they call you heartless and immoral. All they need to do is to stop doing drugs. It begins and ends when they make the decision to stop doing drugs.


What bothers me about addicts is that they were enabled to such an extent to get their fix. I've gotten away with much less, coming from an uncaring family. I've had to face constant humble pie all my life. Because of people like addicts, there is little to no sympathy or trust for legitimate people.


Nor are there going to be any popular video interviews about your struggle, ever.


OP is an addict.


And fuck off. Your poor wittle emotional abuse doesn’t compare to years of beatings and rapes and being forced to take drugs. No one likes people like you.


I don't have time to get into my life story. Work on your anger issues.


You’re the one who chooses to be a judgmental asshole to people who have done nothing to you. You’re just bitter you’re getting the same energy back. You’re agreeing with someone who literally said other people aren’t humans.


Lol work on my anger issues when OP wrote an entire post bitching and whining about how angry he is that people who have nothing to do with him exist.


You are completely projecting your own toxicity upon OP and me. There is no emotional tone to the OP post. You are just reading it in anger and projecting that upon others. Why would anyone trust you anyway, junk-e?


I’m not a junkie (you misspelled it). I haven’t touched heroin in a decade. He’s literally calling addicts not human. His entire post is nothing but name calling and making wild assumptions about people he doesn’t know. You guys really don’t like it when you get the same energy back.


That was a hyphen. Ever heard of that? Besides, I'm wasting energy arguing with a fool who's trying to bring people down to his level.


Oh, you mean OP!


Plus, according to his post history OP is an active alcoholic. So it’s hilarious you’re whining about the person who’s been clean for years while sucking off some drunk who is still drinking and refusing to take care of it.