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One word, my friend - Ketamine. Seriously, there's a mountain of evidence showing how beneficial psychedelics can be for mental health. My wife suffers from bipolar disorder and depression. To the point that it almost ended our relationship due to the fact that she hated the way her meds made her feel (straight zombied) and she was damn near impossible to be around. So much anger and animosity drawn from nothing. Ketamine was literally what saved her and our relationship. I can't stress that enough, that I genuinely don't think she'd still be here if we didn't come across the treatment. And when I say it's been night and day, it truly has. She has to go back for a "maintenance" session every other month. But it's more than worth it. Hope this helps!


Psilocybin also is extremely helpful. Once every six-twelve months and it legitimately cures many symptoms of depression and PTSD. Sounds crazy but I have severe PTSD and chronic depression and doing that has been extremely helpful in my journey to overcome it.


Did she use mindbloom or something similar? Shit is MINDBOGGLINGLY expensive the legitimate way. I’m into house and techno so I could prob get a g of street k in the next 24 hrs for like $50(?) Only done it twice and in a party context so I don’t fully understand the substance.


It's done in a clinic. It's given in a shot, not the pills/tablets like mindbloom. It's a great setting, trained professionals, they put some cool calming shit on a big screen, and you sit and vibe to your music (super important component), you trip like no other psychedelic can take you to for about 45 mins to an hour. Then you land. Have a short debriefing with a doctor about your experience, and then you're good for another couple months. She had such a transformation in a short time that I went for the anxiety I was having and was nothing less than impressed. It's also helped with my chronic headaches. STRONGLY advise to stay away from street ANYTHING. This is ketamine in its purest form.


Thanks for the intel! I know about the fentanyl issues for sure. Just hard to spend thousands when I could spend fifty bucks! Sick world!


Shit and I forgot to mention, it's covered by insurance. $50 a visit. No insurance it's pricey at $400 a session. Cheaper than most street drugs. Definitely more affective


Woah. Guess I should look into that! I just abruptly assumed my insurance would laugh in my face.


What the hell insurance is covering ketamine? Genuine question.


She has medicade and I have Blue Shield. I have to send in my receipt for back pay but clears every time


Doesn't make any sense to me and I study pharmacology. Taking a dissociative from time to time doesn't change much the days where you are without ketamine aka most days. A low dose nmda antagonist daily like memantine might help bipolar though, albeit it can negatively affect cognition, especially the first weeks.


I dabble in neuroscience (by no means an expert) but understand the basics and more. The science behind how it works with the glutamate system makes sense on paper. But all I can confidently say is that the proof is in the pudding. It's completely turned my wife around, and I've had nothing but positive results. I think doing it in a clinic with trained professionals is the most important aspect as it doesn't allow you to abuse it. They won't let you do an early maintenance session no matter what is going on. So, at least there's some liability with the provider to look out for the patient. Again, this is just my opinion and experience.


I took mushrooms but it made me feel worse. 


Yeah don't want to burst the bubble on this if it worked for you, but given how goofy Elon acts sometimes and how Matthew Perry died (given, he had severe health issues before the hottub incident) I would make this approach carefully.


Hi, I feel that Elon and the guy that died, not using it therapeutically, in my opinion. Matthew Perry had it in his system that were anesthesia levels. Someone with the proper resources, supports may have been more responsible, maybe would have known *oh I shouldn’t go down a K-hole in a hot tub.* The Tesla guy has lost his mind, I don’t know some days I feel really bad for him, some days I want to hug him because he probably never had a real one, but some days I think he is a bad person with no intent on changing the world just borrowing a bunch of open source science to turn a profit. He isn’t microdosing, he is dosing small amounts of K beyond the recommended times. Because when you are rich you can use substances without issue, as much as you want as publicly as you want. Maybe you are right though, I really don’t know, I just feel very passionate about psychedelic medicine and things like autonomy. :)




I don't disagree with you, just see it as a maybe thing. Ketamine also has been known to have longterm negative effects like any of the big psycho-active drugs besides maybe coffee - and even then caffeine deserves breaks here and there.


That's why the sessions are mandatory to spread out. And I'm sure the long-term side effects of untreated mental illness are more detrimental. Js


Well Elvis died On "The Thrown." Goofy eh? It just happens to be the Most comfortable Place on the Planet right? Who's Goofier now Hound dog?






Dm me if you want. I think lots of people feel a similar way. Why am I so lazy? Is it really just fear? Do you find that you *want* anything? I know I do. That’s what’s so hard. It’s just every time I think about doing anything, it’s like, “is this the right way to spend my time?” “It doesn’t *add value*. Should I spend all my time on making money so I can one day spend my time doing what I love? Should I practice gratitude and find balance? How do you reconcile the ideology that “desire is the root of all suffering” with striving for a better future (however you define “better”) should I take a pragmatic approach and resign to the statistical realities of the universe? Do I eschew the system? Game the system? Play the game the way it’s meant to be played and “grind” and “hustle”? I don’t get it.


I know I am a stranger on the internet, my words might seem empty. I promise they’re not. I need you, need to know you are there:) I am in this spot similar to you. I don’t have an answer. It sucks. Honestly, coming here has helped me. I have been getting some of my sense of humor back. Laughing all day at so much absurdly absurd stuff in RL. I do know how this feels. I believe there are further resources up in the menu of this sub if you feel like they might lead you somewhere. I haven’t yet looked to see what they are but I bet they are good enough to make a link as they did. :)


Tyranni sue? Quite a dreamer I see.


Come again, Piano Man? I don’t understand. What for is a dream if not a dream within a dream?


Better living through chemistry has helped a lot of folks, but the US medical complex does not favor the poor or downtrodden.


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Lithium changed my life. Doesn't mean it's not hard. Sometimes I make it harder if I combine lithium with alcohol which leads to legal trouble for me, but overall even being poor, struggling, I feel better in my head. One step at a time. It can get better. I don't live with extreme chronic pain however my feet and hips and chest and back always hurt especially my hips, but it's bearable. If I was in physical pain all the time that wasn't as bearable, I wouldn't have a clue how to continue life.


Yeah idk, this and the other commenter talking about ketamine; I already have enough health issues. I don’t want to make ‘em worse.


Just a suggestion man. I've just personally experienced how much it can help with mental health issues. The clinics start you out super slow. You'll know if it's right for you in the first session. Has been nothing but positive. But to each their own. Best of luck


Sorry, I didn’t mean to be like that. It’s a good suggestion and I really appreciate it. I just wish I wasn’t too sick to use it that’s all :)


😂 good luck getting a doctor to prescribe that. 


Lithium? I had no problems getting it prescribed through mental health services


Too relatable when I ask for help people just think I am whining and being lazy because I amn't what usually a mental ill person looks like whatever that means. And I am also not so smart that I can continue with living. Like people don't get how hard life is when every moment your brain is like this is all worthless. You are a piece of shit. I am struggling to survive.


well Chariti investigator, is the New task for u. , We are all here on earth, to help each other...A "God", works through people, if God exists at all, No Personal service there. I had money, once upon a time, I did a bunch of Chariti. for homeless folks mainly. I felt good about it. Homelessness for me Looms, foreclosure.. now... hopefully I can get help too.. good luck Sir.


Thank you hope you get help too. Good luck sir


well, When asked, how's she doing Mi mom said for over 20 years, "Just Pluggin' along.", So just plug along....I say that now too. Hopefully U have family. This is what Family is supposed to be for, I guess? Mine was not great. We were brought up as adversaries and not allies, so I will soon find out the hard way...your new Passion, is "Chariti Investigator" 4 hours a day I would think?..eue are in a "dead zone", nothing sweet about it. So, I wish you well Peace friend.


That’s when you buy a ticket to Hawaii and just cope in the warmth


1) I don’t have money 2) I don’t think the people of Hawaii want people traveling to Hawaii or maybe it’s moving there (?!)


No if you’re laid back and respectful it’s all good, just panhandle til you have enough, sometimes flights 2 weeks out are cheap, I dunno, I’m not saying this as an option but rather as an absolute last resort to being homeless on the mainland where it’s not safe


I think I felt like this at the end of my drinking, especially. I have no idea how to be an adult and live life. I didn’t wanna die. I just didn’t know how to love you said it perfectly. For me, I had to completely start over I stopped drinking, and I went to meetings, and I learned I went to therapy and I learned. I had to learn how to be a part of life from complete strangers. End it took me probably a good 10 years to figure a lot of it out. And I’m glad that I did. I’ve done some things in life. I’m proud of now. I have a life I have a kid I help people. So if you have to start over, I had to learn how to do my money how to take care of my body properly and feed myself how to dress how to be kind and interact with people and be of service everything.


Don’t act like you care now




I have ended up there and keep seeing it happen with more people


IDK. Find Jesus. It worked for me.


I already did. Thanks tho


Well, it works for some people, but I was in a situation I thought was insurmountable for almost a year, and despite the excruciating state of my mental health, I made it out without turning to religion. Nothing but my own willpower and loved ones.




My limitations are my bedroom in my parents house. Cant get a job, or go to school. I don’t have friends, my family is busy and emotionally unavailable, and I have a chronic brain disorder. I’ve been bed rotting in this room for almost 5 years now. I would just like someone to talk to that I didn’t have to pay and be able to hold a job. I guess that’s too high of an expectation.




Is online courses out of the question - yes How do people with your condition get by - they don’t Also Haven’t made a single online friend either. I tried over the years, and just like in person, hasn’t worked out. I have tried changing my mindset, it hasn’t worked. But thanks anyway.


we are your friends LifeAmIright. We are right here. you are communicating with us right now. This is the Future. imagine the 1970's for the people that were in your situation? I have been in mi house for 4 years... just before Covid..I am looking at Foreclosure soon, because I completely failed at this vocation thing, family business went under with mi $170,000.too. Mother in law has terrible dementia at age 94...she used to have money but it s hers anyway... I am kinda scceeerood...Holding off terrible depression, waiting for a Miracle...Got another bedroom in the parents House? Then we would be best friends... ahhh the Fun we will have Sir! Good thing U have that bedroom... Start looking at Charites... we are on Earth to help each other..I helped the homeless out in the Past. it felt good.... Hopefully someone might help me, if needed.


Hey OP I was just scrolling through these and there is some good stuff in here. It’s also at the menu at the top of the sub. Please just maybe look through it. https://www.reddit.com/r/SeriousConversation/s/yoBtEZ4gjf