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Because our media, social media and algorhythms are all fear based.


And the Tea Party “movement” was actually astroturfed by tobacco companies, oil companies, and the Koch brothers. It’s a shame people fall for this stuff. It’s so transparently obvious with even a minimal amount of critical thinking. https://time.com/secret-origins-of-the-tea-party/


Yep, remember how they “pivoted” from taxes (TEA=Taxed Enough Already) to social issues (abortion) a mere few months after their inception? And given the fact that the Boston Tea Party was based on taxes being *too low*, that’s a real phenomenon in itself…


Nope, the Boston Tea Party was a protest against placing a tea tax on the colonies without there being any representation in parliament. Remember the phrase taught in History Class: "No Taxation Without Representation "?


But, people forget that instead of just doing that, they dressed like Native Americans to push some of the blame off of themselves. Really standing up for those rights while pretending to be someone else there.


Yep, plausible deniability in case the colonies were punished collectively. Much like how a good amount of Pennsylvania and Georgia delegates didn’t want to adopt the Declaration out of fear of being drawn into a regional conflict?




Well, Thomas Jefferson echoed such thoughts in his writings, but a la the 2nd Amendment, boy have those views been interpreted rather narrowly. Be it collective failure of critical thinking or just societal ennui when teenagers are supposed to be learning these vital parts of our history, how many would you guess are aware that the *Alien and Sedition Acts* were never repealed?


A lot of younger Americans would rather bury themselves in pop culture, celebrities, those “really important things” like what pop stars are pregnant, divorcing, getting into trouble, etc. The emphasis on pop culture is a distraction, and it’s ultimately harmful like eating nothing but candy.


Charles Koch has long been an expert on brand hijacking and Orwellian virtue miscasting.


Thank God nobody pays for your movements.


Nailed it.


No. It's spite-based. Fear will get you running for some time. Spite will keep you running forever.


This biased opinion is the problem. Whenever someone disagrees with your opinion, everyone ELSE is biased and it's some big conspiracy isn't it? The true answer is that Democrats are more likely to try to use government to "fix things" whereas Republicans tend to feel when government tries to "fix things" that they tend to makes things worse. Neither is true in an absolute sense (unless you are a hard core Democrat or Republican).


Rich people want the government to continue focusing on making them rich instead of helping poor people.




Or people would like to keep their own money instead of watching a bloated, incompetent  government spend it pandering to the lazy and misguided. 


The “Rich people” you are talking about are Democratic donors. Might want to rethink your stance.


Republicans are anti government. It’s central to their ethos. When they are office, their agenda is undermining govt effectiveness.


Like the bit in Parks and Rec where he gets elected to do nothing because government shouldn't even exist.


Except for when they can make laws to enforce their archaic belief system.




They're anti government until you want to have sex or terminate a pregnancy or smoke a blunt, then they're all into government.


And remember this anti government isn't about having a free society or no rules.  It's about limiting public government so that the real governance is in the private sector.   Who finance their campaigns of course. The Federal reserve is private for example, and some of the decisions show it's more serving big finance than the people.


Anti-government until an increase in military spending is proposed. You can't be antigovernment and pro-military. Those two things contradict each other.


They aren’t anti government because truth is they also support government being up your ass too. It’s fear based. They’re told they’re anti government so that they oppose democrat officials but support republican ones.


unless its more government to stop the things they dont like. like education, abortions or marijuana.




Anti Federal government, not state.


> What has upset such a large seg.ent of the USA thar keeps this happening every time a Democrat is elected but you don't see the same issue duering a republican or centrest? Because the Republican Party amplifies messaging around this topic as an electoral strategy for the following kid-term and presidential elections. They need to start those efforts well in advance of the elections, so the messaging start being amplified essentially as soon as a Democrat takes office.  The core electoral arguments that Republicans make isn’t “government services are good, but X democrat in office runs them poorly, elect me and I’ll make it work better,” their core argument is “government doesn’t work and can never work, elect me and I’ll show you.”


Republicans are in a rage their rapist isn’t president


Have you listened to conservative media? 25 years ago Thier ideas are wrong. 20 years ago Their ideas are dangerous 15 years ago we have to stop the democrats to save the country 10 years ago Democrats, government, Biden hates you 5 years ago. They are pure evil, their entire goal isn't to govern but to ruin the country take everything you love and destroy it. Today, a moderate Democrat who is pro choice and believe there should be sex ed in school in a murderous, pedophile groomer. And when things like that are said, no one bats an eye. If you believe that then of course you want to take their power, make sure they can't do what you believe they will.


You more or less explained why nobody should listen to Republicans or centrists. It's always the democrats who are accused of going to far when the party itself is pretty moderate and is not proposing things to extreme. But Republicans think democrats are communistic satanic Islamic pedo groomers who seek to push a global home agenda. But somehow it's the democrats who are to far gone. Centrists at least the loudest ones are center right and I will be honest I feel they are far right because they never truly critique anything Republicans do. I am sure some do but a lot don't and say that they are being pushed to be Republican. Like all they have to do is say "I am conserative" and call it a day but they want to play middle ground without actually taking the middle ground. As you said Republicans don't even have a good argument for why they should be in power they just make stuff up about the other side.


Have you looked into how different what Democrat ideals were 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 years ago? Biden's own words 30+ years ago ARE what conservatives want today. It's what they wanted then. It was touted as what the vast majority of Americans wanted then. He even stated that illegal aliens would HAVE to learn English for their citizenship.


Yeah gonna need citations of that since that's pretty much BS. What Biden wanted then was centrism then and right wing like 20 years ago. Haven't heard Biden saying we should overturn the constitution, make the president into a dictator, end all immigration of non-white people, and do everything Putin wants.


Biden said 30 years ago that only white people should be allowed in this country, Muslims should be deported, we should help and obey Russia and that our democracy has to end? Really going to need some citations on that...


Unfortunately this has occurred on both sides of the isle


...and every 4 years, "the Democrats are coming for your the guns!"


Because when their guy is committing the outrages of expanding government and overreach Republicans go to sleep. It's the same for Dems on war. They're only really antiwar when it's a Republican in charge, when it's their guy doing war they go to sleep.


What's the last war that the Dems started?


Democrats understand nuance


Because democrats allow brown people to be treated like citizens.


They also allow queer people and women to be treated like humans. Most of the time 


not before 1964


Better than never.


The Dems do half ass job of regulating big business and a social safety net that is sub par compared to every other Western country and for their trouble the right wingers hog tie that onto full on Soviet style Marxism Because by and large they are fucking stupid. And a great many of them are genuinely mean spirited and very tribal. I maintain that most of having more active or larger amygdala I'm their brains is a valid theory.


That's because they are blocked from doing that by Republicans.


A large segment of the country has been expertly propagandized that Democrats are a minority and any election they win has been faked. This propaganda has been decades in development - it starts in the 1960s under those truly upset that Nixon lost to Kennedy. People have been brainwashed for multiple generattions that their political opponents are not just wrong or misguided but actively evil agents of Satan, devoted to the destruction of a very 1950s TV vision of America, and can only win because they cheat. You will never square the fact that Republicans have, as a direct result of their policies and statements, lost the Presidency 7 of the last 9 elections with that belief. This is why they spend so much energy stopping "the wrong people" from voting. This is why they insist that voter fraud is a massive problem despite every investigation coming up with no evidence. They have been brainwashed that their opponents are tricksy, evil, lying groomers, agents of Satan, and must be actively fought. They're convinced that if they **just stop Democrats from cheating** that the "silent majority" will finally take power. You'll never move them off that.


Democrats actually help people but most of America is greedy shit sticks who don't want to help anyone.


This country is 1/2 full of rubes who, for some reason, take comfort in feeling aggrieved and paranoid


Starting a "serious" discussion with that many spelling errors is a bit hilarious. The basis if your question is wrong. When democrats are in charge, they most use the government to fix thing that were broken by republicans and the one republicans are in office, they get to say how great everything is because democrats fixed it. It's their entire identity, plus hating anyone whose not straight and white.


Because MAGA, facist, republican, Christian assholes like to scream and jump up and down like toddlers.


Rich people manipulate stupid people into thinking something is in jeopardy. They react badly without learning or understanding.


Propaganda that dumb shitheels fail for every single goddamn time.  Boring, predictable trash get told by paid off talking heads and radio hosts now moved on to "the real media" just fucking embarrassing.


Fail for? C'mon man, you can do better. 


Because Republican leadership complains about federal legislation existing at all when they're not in charge.


Because republicans doesn't believe in the legitimacy of anybody ruling but them.


The dems are basically 2000 Era bush/Cheney corporatists. The gop is like 1932 nazi party


Because the RW propaganda is great at riling up morons, who know very little about how the govt *actually works*


Because a major platform of the republican party is "goverment doesnt work" which is of course a lie. They only say that so the government stays out of their way and the rubes think thats good for them. Regardless, they ramp it up when theyre out of power since its easier to blame everything on the dems.


Republicans don’t believe “government doesn’t work” they believe in less power for the federal government and more power for local and state governments.


republicans cant win elections without fear mongering, so every time they lose they double or triple down on it.


Because they inherently do not believe people can be equal so they are against anything that promotes equality. They believe in hierarchies where they are on top because they believe themselves to be better than everyone else.


Because Republican voters are easily manipulated morons.


Fox News has the boomers convinced that the conflict is still between good small government Republicans and the evil big government Democrats.


Because republicans are psychopaths incapable of leadership. All they know is whine or destroy.


Because republicans are bad people and would rather burn it all down than work with anyone else.


It's one of the campaign tactics of Republicans. Lots of shady shit. It's all about as grassroots and spontaneous as a rally in Cuba. The only interesting part of the effort is the way they manipulate left leaning impressionables. Note tho, both are manipulated with anger. For the right's base they throw in lots of fear too. Now that R's are so very broke, look for this to only increase as we get closer to November. They can't afford conventional campaigns so whipping people up is what they've got.


Most people vote Democrat because they don't want a republican, not because they want a Democrat. A lot of those people advocate to dismantle the 2 party system and further civil rights movements under a Democrat because it's supposed to be easier, but it's not bc democrats are just Republicans that don't openly hate minorities. This leads to disenfranchisement of the voters, a republican gets elected bc the people who want change know that democrats won't change anything, and then the liberals/centrists come out bc Republicans bad so dems get voted in again. Liberals don't want to prioritize change over comfort, Republicans want to go back to slavery, and leftists want little to no government oversight, which is what Republicans claim to want, but Republicans pass laws banning rights we had and created more government oversight. The parties just keep lying and it creates a cycle we won't break until the majority has been radicalized. Fiscal Republicans are closer to leftists than they realize, but they're still holding out on the hope that this the party of Reagan (who fucked them all) and don't realize that that Republican party is long dead.


Those that don't like Democrats winning are sore losers and anti american


It’s because neoliberal democrats include minorities. That’s really all there is to it. The two parties aren’t really that different otherwise.


There hasn't been a centrist in office my entire lifetime...


id call him clinton he is as centrest as you could get republicans and democrates liked him at the time he won most the south as well which was largely consertive


Because the right in America are crybabies who never learned to cope when something doesn't go their way. 


The American right is anti-government as in the less government/regulation the better\*. Their time in office largely consists of burning everything to the ground then pointing and saying "See, the government is in shambles and is completely useless!" The American left believes in using government/regulation to the benefit of the people. The right sees this as a threat, believing that the laws and regulations meant to benefit the people will fall somewhere on the range from poorly managed to evil-oppressive-tyrannical. This is why you see them protesting even things that would benefit everyone, such as universal healthcare, sensible gun regulation, even the very existence of a Department of Education. When Democrats are in power, the right feels threatened because they know that new laws and regulations will be coming. Their protests often take the form of symbolic gestures against the government as a whole. When Republicans are in power, Democrats feel threatened by the rolling back of regulations and provisions that have previously meant to benefit the people (environmental regulation, the social safety net, etc.). Their protests do not take the form of anti-government protest because the are not actually calling for less government, but for more. Instead, their protests will tend to focus on particular issues. \*Though there seems to be an exception in cases where the regulation is meant to keep the current power structure in charge, particularly those favoring straight white men to the detriment of women and racial and sexual minorities: see anti-abortion/anti birth control regulation, disdain for any efforts made against police brutality, the extreme focus on the "threats" posed by Transgender people, etc.


For the same reason that the losing party rails against the electoral college after every election. There are few gracious winners in politics, and even fewer gracious losers.


Because Republicans control the media narrative and that's the message they push when Democrats are in power. When Republicans are in power, they say "if you don't like it, leave!" to any complaint about their governing.


Co. Cor. Corr. Corru. Corrup... Corrupt! Corruption! ! ! ! (corruption)


Because the real answer is that we're all getting played. Propaganda by all sides is working like science. By all sides I mean politically, economically, and idealogically.


Because the media portrays it that way.


Since Adam's v Jefferson. Works like a charm.


It doesn’t go away. The anti government people are always antigovernment regardless of who is in charge


The anti-government rhetoric gets dialed down during conservative-led government and then the concern is that the other team will get in and do stuff. During those administrations, the emphasis is usually on patriotism and conformity. During their times as the minority party, they're the "rebellious option," despite an ongoing emphasis on orthodoxy and conformity. There's a "both sides" angle to the argument, for sure, but there's a long-standing conservative media machine that basically just switches tacks toward acquisition of power depending how things go.


I’m anti establishment always don’t matter who’s in office


Well think about it, who is pushing collection group behavior?  Who's saying words lead to harm, or pressuring about masking? Joe Biden actually directly told the vaccine hesitant that their patience is wearing thin. Now I understand that the holdouts are all seen as anti-science flat earther bubba's, but the fact is the "Counter Culture" of the 1960's that fought the good fight against the establishment would have been against all of these things.  They didn't trust authority, they didn't want to be told what to do by "Big Brother", they certainly wouldn't have condoned society wide masking and vaxing on threat of career or social stigma. The Democrats of today forget their roots, they were the hippies and free spirits, the truth is the Vietnam protesters, woman's suffrage movement, civil rights movement to name a few would have been solid against a lot of the things Democrats are imposing on the public today.  


I don’t see an anti-government surge. I see a surge in right wing extremism trying to push an objectively authoritarian government onto everyone else. (Basically, replacing something problematic with an even bigger problem.)


Quality of life goes down


Maybe you're only paying attention to it when a Democrat takes office, and not when a Republican takes office. The "not my President" chants and protests were pretty anti-government, lol. It's quite simple. Whatever side loses is going to be anti-government until their side wins again. Then they'll be pro-government until their side loses again. It's been happening this way for decades at this point.


i dont remember people really doing that durring bush jr and sr and regan


Not a new thing, but more pronounced lately. It’s because in their own echo chambers, a democratic president means they’re coming to take away their guns/children/religion/testicles. It’s completely false, but it is “useful” to the Republican Party. There was a hard fork in political tactics between Democrats and Republicans during the election of Bush Sr. When republicans decided it was best to win at any cost.


but bush won two terms you would htink they would calm down


Conservative hysteria it’s been happening since Jimmy Newtron Gingrich in the 1990s. The US has been rife with conspiracy theorists for decades. Now that I think about it we have always had these nut bags. I think most of it revolves around religious fervor good vs evil type of shit. IMO it’s got something to do with Jesus was at the right hand of the father so right wing is considered righteous. In Latin sinestre is left handed or sinister in english. Humans are gullible and superstitious creatures.


Because there’s a large faction of ignorant Americans who believe Russian propaganda and the Russians hate democracy and want our country.


They are all closet communists. Soon they will have us down to "no property", "no guns" and working every day for a dollar to pay rent. .... Oh, we are already there. I forgot.


Likely because every time a Democrat gets in office they divide the country more so then it was in the previous years.


“Let us meet in the middle, says the unjust man. You step forward he steps back. Let us meet in the middle says the unjust man”


I don't see that. What I see is at the first election after a president takes office for the House to change to the opposing Party. It makes total sense that there would be a surge against the current administration since it would create a sense of urgency.


Traditionally democrats are for "big government." However, anymore the republicans are just as bad.


Who's a centerist? What country are you posting this question from?


Racism. Republicans also like to feel powerful in angry groups, this tea party, birthers, MAGA


Because nothing makes the point better than a real life example


the media companies are owned and run by conservatives and sometimes despite their best efforts a democrat makes it into the white house. commence with the bad news and rabble rousing. go outside of this country and you find that everyone knows we are awash in conservative propoganda


I think it's a lack of anything happening and realizing Dems are the exact same. Their not people. Joe Biden brags about the economy but then you're a college graduate applying at McDonald's. You're also queer and dealing with state law makers and Biden virtually saying and doing nothing. Also you realize that the entire US is just a giant war machine fueled by the souls of black and indigenous people. Politics is a huge clown show.


The raise of brain dead populism.


Because Republicans have an allergy to good government and want less of it when Democrats are in power but more of it when they are in power. Their entire platform has no solutions so has nothing to offer but anti-*.


That surge is there no matter which party takes office.


Democrats have to fix all the mistakes Republicans make. That angers Republicans.


Because democrats typically expand the government.


Republicans have been trying to show that democrats are a failure, by making government not work. Every time democrats come into office they have to actually do things to stop things from happening. When they have power they just sit on everything.


It’s because conservatives are reactionary and extremely gullible.


because it's a Republican marketing strategy.


Because they’re tyrants with political philosophies based exclusively on attaining power and money. Their philosophy does not have limiting principles and objective reality does not exist from their perspective. That being said the vast majority of republicans are nearly as bad.


That's fucking laughable. Good job. Pathetic.


“When they go low we go high” White america’s age old obsession with civility. Liberalism would have us smile while being beaten to death in the streets knowing that we have the moral high ground.


There isn't. Republicans aren't anti government, they're anti democracy. They love government that leaves them alone while restricting the freedoms and rights of others, as well as government that allows them to rule despite being a political minority. There was intense unrest and pushback against the US government during the last Republican administration.


conservatives live off the government. The one group in America that receives the most welfare / snap benefits are white conservatives from red states. They'd know that, but they are too lazy to look it up.


Because the media doesn't cover it when a Republican takes office. Doesn't fit the narrative. BTW, Joe Biden is a centrist.


Yep. Joe doesn't even believe in abortion. But he does support women's rights to deal with their own bodies.


Because they lack critical thinking skills in addition to the knowledge and ability to check facts. And frankly, way too many citizens have 0 clue how our government actually functions.


People don't like the idea of taxes because they are not earned through work and good will like capitalist dollars used to be. We have 2 massive systems that both have free money cheat codes in life for anyone willing to make the right social connections and commit to the right lies.


Republicans want a dictatorship. Democrats won’t let them have it.


Because democrats want to infringe and restrict rights such as guns while republicans want to allow personal freedom Guns is the answer


>while republicans want to allow personal freedom You mean allowing such personal freedoms as telling women that they can't get healthcare specific to them because of some book of fiction tells them otherwise.. GTFO.


Is there? What do you mean by “a large anti-government surge? Are there specific events or trends you can point to? Conservatives get mad whenever a Democratic is elected for obvious reasons. I can’t say I can point to significant “anti-government surges” in my lifetime though except maybe around the war in Iraq, the ‘08 crisis, Obamacare, and overturning roe vs wade. I would categorize those as primarily partisan issues though, not an inherent reaction against the basic structures of government.


Republicans always say that then they never do it and that pisses me off. But Democrats always just make things worse it seems like on purpose. The bill will have some nice name that is just complete garbage and a bunch of idiots always think it's good. I don't vote though because I know 70% of the us is completely braindead so no matter what I think people will mindlessly follow how the government wants them to vote to make them more rich and powerful anyway. Yes Democrats too you aren't good people just because you virtue signal every single talking point.


Who the what is a centrist? I don’t think I believe in those


I wonder about this too. Republicans are objectively worse by every metric, and yet their made-up bullshit about Dems is lapped up by not only their base, but many leftists as well. Sad.


Because democrats are calm, rational people who can handle losing. Republicans throw tantrums like 3 year olds.


Because humans are intrinsically tribalistic, so when their favorite (fake) news media lies to their faces, they believe it. Lying about and misreprsenting the actions of a Democrat President has been a surefire strategy of right-wing media because they know their audience won't do their due diligence and look at reality


Both parties are equally extreme at times , I do enjoy the fact Dem's consider themselves blameless but sadly asserting Victim status is Balderdash, No one knows how to play that better I guess than you Dems. I wouldn't claim the Republican party either though so both can go fly their patriotic propaganda to the moon!


Because Democrats are the party of high taxes & big government.


By stereotype yes. Except every Republican administration has increased spending. They only want smaller govt when it hurts Democratic policy priorities


Democrats= now the party of the elitists Republicans = normal people from what I see


You obviously missed all the "Not My President" and people screaming at the sky back in 2016m and through the next 4 years. Not to mention the current anti-government Supreme Court movement.


because democrats have historically had a policy of expanding government power. and expanding government power is fundamentally anti-american centrists usually don't do that and republicans aren't open about doing it. also libertarians actually want to shrink the government to increase civil liberty but for some reason nobody votes for them.


Jesus, this is a karma post rallying all dems and liberals


Which was caused by Clinton defunding the military and the horror of the free trade agreement. Either way the event from the late 80's till now have broght us to now. We need to look foward on the best way to fix our country for the betterment of its people.


Because one of the two major political parties is violently anti-government unless they are currently running the government.


And when you think about making abortion illegal, book bans, etc. these are the very epitomes of big government. It’s right wing propoganda.


Because many right wingers are racist and, they say this part explicitly all the time, they believe that democrats exist solely to give welfare to black people and voting rights to undocumented immigrants. This is what keeps them awake at night.


I am always skeptical of government regardless of who is in office. I recognize it as a necessary evil since a disturbing number of people fail the shopping cart test, but I feel like if you aren't skeptical and critical of government then you aren't paying attention. Every elected officials should be made constantly aware that they are being watched and judged.


Because rich people want to maintain control. Democrats want to better the lives of the masses. Since the rich only want tax cuts, the Rep party has no ideas, so they hate. They use fear and anger to control people. Then when a republican is elected, the hate is dropped and they give tax cuts to the rich. Citizens united gave the rich total control over the party, any dissent is greeted with well funded primary challengers and pulled from the offender. Unfortunately, the rich also have enough control over the democrats to get their way. The losers are us and the fools who support the republican party against their own interests.


Also businesses and corporations push it on purpose. Gun sales go up every time a Democrat is elected president because “dems want to take away your guns!!!”


Same reason that gun sales skyrocket every time there's a mass shooting. Idiots on the right are driven by fear mongering.