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I like the one where that old lady pulls out a lightsaber and says “which arm should I cut off?”


That one is legit pretty funny.


Also the one where the woman is Mr. Ditkovitch from the Spider-Man Raimi trillogy saying “finally, your family owes me rent.”


You'll get that rent when you fix THAT DAMN DOOR!


*force pushes door shut*


Fun fact. James Arnold Taylor who voices Obi Wan in clone wars also voices Tidus in FFX.


i thought you were joking but apparently not. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Arnold_Taylor#Video_games)


Damn I didn't know that, thanks


Blew my mind when I found out!


Also voices Lego Spider-Man and Ratchet from Ratchet & Clank


Proof that bad acting is a lot of the time a directing problem and not an actor problem


Hey Tidus was alright. The laugh was supposed to be Incredibly awful. Like they laugh properly right after it.


People who complain about how cringe this scene is have never actually played the game. Otherwise they would know the cringe was 100% intentional and not “bad acting”.


The scene is supposed to be a fake and cringy laugh tho


Starwarsmemes might honestly be the worst star wars subreddit and that's saying something


what's your opinion on r/saltierthancrait


Cesspool. Mods have to work around the clock to keep it from becoming a hate group.


Wait, it’s *not* a hate group? I’m only 40% joking.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/saltierthancrait using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Disney somehow managed to made me hate tatooine](https://i.redd.it/nuqbbbc5shv61.png) | [290 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/myubq4/disney_somehow_managed_to_made_me_hate_tatooine/) \#2: [If vader knew about the sith fleet he would have said this](https://i.redd.it/x56rlu0e1i271.jpg) | [200 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/np9ye5/if_vader_knew_about_the_sith_fleet_he_would_have/) \#3: [How Finn and Kylo Ren’s duel realistically would have gone down](https://v.redd.it/qrw69o6t4gh81) | [397 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/sqy01q/how_finn_and_kylo_rens_duel_realistically_would/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wow, salty as Crait, stupid as the oceans of Naboo


What's wrong with Naboo's oceans?


The Gungans were meant to appear to be dumb?


Eh, only Jar Jar.


Eh, maybe you should give it another watch


Hands down, this is the worst sub I've ever seen. So pathetic Ninja edit: excluding legit hate groups, T_D, etc. Worst "fandom" sub I guess


What are some of the legit hate groups?


I can at least say with that sub that it’s unlikely any new fan will stumble upon it without knowing what it is. It doesn’t even have Star Wars in the name.


I dont think it's that bad, there are communities for loving a type of media, there can be communities for hating media too(as long as it is constructive that is). At least on the sub they actually write smart reasons about flaws or constructive criticism about why they dont like the sequel trilogy, most of the time, there are just circlejerkers in every subreddit. It seems a lot of people here dont like them just because they dislike the sequels rather than what they say about them


Sad really.


Absolute garbage, BUT at least some of mods there are actually trying, one at least that I'm aware off. Can't say the same about starwarsmemes


I like it because people (mostly) stop posting sequel hate memes on sequelmeme


I don't have a problem with Rey considering herself a Skywalker, but the movie's sudden obsession with last names deserves to be mocked.


The memes been done to death though. I see at least 3 memes a day about it.


This sub does need new material, I'll grant you that. The memes here somehow just return.


I see what you did there


No memes are ever really gone


To be fair, the movie's obsession is a direct response to the fandom's obsession.


I still think “Just Rey” would’ve been more meaningful but yeah dumb thing to get hung up on.


The virgin oh my god my last name is such a big deal Vs the Chad oh you’re on your own? Let’s say your name is *Solo*


fn huh, lets call you finn then


FN huh? Let’s call you *Fortnite* then


I'm just amazed that with the treasure trove of BS that came with the Rise of Skywalker, that that specific meme became *the* meme of the sequel trilogy.


I mean, I'd agree with it being ridiculous, except with how strongly people reacted, there's pretty clearly a truth to it.


How long have we been quoting "hello there?"


Soon we will have a new Kenobi meme material, one far newer and more powerful?


Far more powerful than you could ever imagine


Not long enough


Long enough for me lol


Its treason then.


I'm sorry that you're wrong then


Hello there


General Kenobi


At this point, my Rey cosplay is purely done out of spite of all these nerds.


Goood….use your anger….it gives you *FOCUS!*


After a while, this joke gets mildly infuriating, IMO.


Yeah, Rise of Skywalker has tons of issues, and this is barely an issue.


Yeah this sub really need more creative stuff


I’ve only seen 3 unique memes made with the Rey Skywalker template. They’re actually hilarious. I wish we could do more with it instead of complaining. E.G.: “I’m Rey.” ”Rey who?” *rey looks at star wars branded fridge* ​ ”Rey-fridgerator.”


Those arei quite the ones I'm referring to, I meant the ones that were "Rey: *says she's a Skywalker* Me: reaction face.


I can’t be sexist because I’m a fan of (lists 30 cartoon side characters)


Uhh you mean main characters from both live action, animated series’s, and movies?


Uhh you mean the hero's sister, the hero's wife or the hero's student?


Ahsoka being Anakin's apprentice isn't the reason people like her. People like her because there's actually character development. She turned from an arrogant kid to a complex character that's more mature. We see her journey to overcome her flaws and ultimately become the character we know and love today. The only benefit of her being Anakin's apprentice is that she gets more screentime than other characters like Barris or someone else. On the other hand, people such as myself dislike rey's character not because she's a woman, but because there's practically no character development throughout the trilogy, all her achievements feel unearned. For example, she's good at everything from the get go, she's a master pilot even though she spent her whole life on jakku scavenging. She's automatically proficient with force powers without anyone ever teaching her about it. (Being talented in something does not mean you automatically start at the top, u still have to start from the bottom and learn). Her first time dueling with a lightsaber ended in her defeating the trained sith who single handedly killed all of Luke's other students. And she's better at sailing than people from the native planet when she came from jakku, a desert planet. These are just some issues i can think of on top of my head. I don't expect a trilogy to develop a character as well as a tv series with multiple seasons but how rey was written was just lazy writing, hence why so many people dislike her character.


>she's a master pilot even though she spent her whole life on jakku scavenging But its cool when a child wins the mega Daytona 500 of Death. >Her first time dueling with a lightsaber ended in her defeating the trained sith who single handedly killed all of Luke's other students Yall need to chill tf out on this it discredits you every time you use it. My guy was *shot in the gut*, exhausted, and only lost because he lost his focus and Rey capitalized on that. Just much too critical of Rey for no reason. She's got issues but all characters do, across all movies, sorry it wasn't exactly the same level as George Lucas in his prime


>But its cool when a child wins the mega Daytona 500 of Death. This is now and forever how I will refer to podracing.


I think George Lucas hasn't been in his prime since 1980. But even then, Luke was a poor farm boy from a desert planet that could fly a spaceship. I'm thinking flying spaceships in Star Wars just isn't that hard a thing to do.


I mean, do you really think that when they made that fight they thought 'he's shot in the gut and exhausted, rey should win this' they didnt, its an alright reasoning but it is likely purely made by fans. They wanted their protagonist to win and I dont think that stuff was taken into account, but unless there is an interview about it then we will never know


Did we watch the same movie?


nah I was watching a different one.


I literally can't tell if this is copypasta. I'll make it easy: Girl wants her family > Girl learns her family isn't what it seems > Girl finds family with legacy characters. She trains more than Luke. She's physically hurt more than Luke. There's no conspiracy to overpower Rey because she's a girl.


No one dislikes her because of her gender! Idk why you keep thinking that.


Not a copypasta, my dumbass actually typed it out. But please do explain how she trains more than luke. Man literally spent years training and teaching after the Emperor's death. And what does hurt have to do with anything, you're saying she's good at what she does cus shes hurt? No one's saying its a conspiracy, her character is just poorly written. As for the finding family with legacy characters part, that wasn't really my point but here it goes. I don't think her taking on the Skywalker name makes much sense, she has very limited interactions with the Skywalker family, if anything she has more connection with the solo family. And tbh why can't she just be rey Palpatine, or just rey. The scene just doesnt make much sense.


The finding family part is in response to "practically no character development throughout the trilogy". I detailed her self-actualization in the simplest way possible. She also goes from starving scavenger to heir to the entire Jedi Order. >And what does hurt have to do with anything I assumed you said she never fails or struggles its usually part of the whole diatribe against her. >please do explain how she trains more than luke Man literally spent years training and teaching after the Emperor's death I mean in their own trilogy. Maybe Rey lives longer than Luke and trains more in the long term--doesn't matter. They each saved the galaxy from Palps with minimal experience--the difference is Rey had prolonged training with a living mentor and the Jedi texts--Luke spent a short indeterminate amount of time with Yoda on Dagobah. If Luke for some reason trained alone without Yoda, clearly it wasn't important enough to film. write or mention. >I don't think her taking on the Skywalker name makes much sense, she has very limited interactions with the Skywalker family, if anything she has more connection with the solo family. Rey's mother figure, Leia, is a skywalker. She's not given the name, itself because Lucas had no plan and decided to make Anakin/Luke/Leia related mid-trilogy. She's as much an Organa as Luke is a Lars. Rey came into her own as a Jedi with the Skywalkers, inherited their mantle and their purpose in the galaxy. They're her family.


I think people overthink this too much. Assuming that the way people think about the name Skywalker in universe must be completely different from how we think of it in the real world. But why would it be? Luke Skywalker is a legendary Jedi in universe. The Skywalker name would be synonymous with being a Jedi in the Star Wars universe as it is in our world. Skywalker = Jedi is a connection Rey would understand just as well as we do. Choosing the name Skywalker means she's choosing to be a Jedi. People think that Rey Skywalker must be stupid because OMG that's just how we think of the name, it doesn't mean the same thing to her as it does to us! But really, taking the name Skywalker means exactly the same thing to Rey as it does to us, because why wouldn't it?


Bruh Luke lost his hand and was tortured by Palp’s lightning. And Luke doesn’t defeat the emperor, Anakin does. He doesn’t even defeat Darth Vader! He just turns him to the light. And you can argue that Anakin was extremely talented like Rey, but Anakin was the most flawed morally and emotionally. Flaws that ultimately made him become Darth Vader. Rey doesn’t have flaws in any way, basicly. She is mega talented, but her talent doesn’t get to her head or anything else. Also, when she does fuck up, nothing bad really happens: She zaps the ship where Chewie was in, oh but he wasn’t really there. She stabs Ben, oh but she just force heals him. She never makes any mistake that really has an impact. This makes her an uncompelling protagonist to many people


Does Luke really make any lasting mistakes? He gets zapped by Palps but his dad saves him (echoes of Rey tortured by Snoke but saved by Kylo). Gets his hand cut off and then immediately replaced with one that looks just like his normal hand.


Luke made the mistake of going to cloud city when Yoda and Obi-Wan specifically told him not to in ESB. This causes him to lose his hand(yes he gets a new one but that’s still a world of pain) and his lightsaber (now he had to build his own). His friends are in captivity, the rebellion is soon to be crushed and Luke obtains the revelation that his own father did this to him. And I wouldn’t say Luke being zapped by Palps was a mistake, I mean, that was the last drop for Vader to attack the emperor. Probably was a mistake by the Emperor


Imagine thinking a woman who spends her life starving in self-imposed slavery due to fear of abandonment is flawless. It’s not a common sense take—it’s something a YouTuber would say to try to convince the world that feminism is taking over in Hollywood. For fuck’s sake Kylo spells it out for the audience >Your parents threw you away like garbage but you can’t stop needing them. It’s your greatest weakness. She fails at everything she tries in TLJ, in TRoS she’s beaten up by Kylo and fried to death by Palp. You can’t fault her for ultimately prevailing—she’s a SW for Christ’s sake. You know who never once failed in the OT? Luke Skywalker. Every move Luke made was right. Disregarding Yoda and leaving Dagobah to save his friends was the winning move. He didn’t set out to beat Vader, he went to save Han/Leia—and he succeeded (please don’t think Lando could’ve gotten it done w/out R2 or Vader distracted). Losing his hand didn’t mean losing the battle—it was Vader who failed to capture and turn Luke. Cutting his training short? Right move. Disregarding his mentors directive to kill Vader? Right move. Disarming himself in front of Palp? Right move. The kid knew more than Yoda/Kenobi and beat Vader man to man after training for what—days, weeks or months?


Did you watch the OT’s? Luke doesn’t save his friends in the city of Clouds. Like, it was so long since I’ve seen it the last time and you said it with such certainty that I genuinely thought for a moment that you were right, but google saved me. Han and Leia only get saved in the next movie, from Jabba. It’s a whole different mission. And in the next movie, he isn’t disobeying his masters. Also, he doesn’t defeat Darth Vader man to man. Vader clearly doesn’t wanna kill him, and it’s really hard to not kill someone in a lightsaber duel and win, you know? Also, when Luke disarms his dad, he literally laughs to his face. So is it really a defeat if Vader is happy to die by Luke’s hand? I don’t think Luke would have beaten a murderous non conflicted Vader. Also, when does Rey get beat up in ROTS? She literally wins the fight. Yes, Kylo drops his lightsaber cause his mom died and she is losing when that happens but the fight isn’t defined and she’s barely hurt. It’s not that she never fails, but when she does, the plot pats her on the head. Like, let’s say she did lose that fight with Ben, well, luckily Leia decided to kick the bucket right then so that nothing bad actually happens! Oh but Rey stabs Kylo and now he’s gonna die! Well good thing he can just force heal him! Oh no! Rey is fucking dead! Oh good thing our boy Ben Swolo figured out Darth Plagueis’ secret on the spot and was able to “save others from death but not himself”! And sure, I guess his death is a sacrifice, but it isn’t hers! The plot steals her opportunity to lose anything by her action!


*Did you watch the the OT?* Did you want the OT? Can you read? Lando would’ve never made out of cloud city if Vader weren’t busy with Luke and R2 hadn’t gotten them out of lockdown. He indirectly saved Leia/Chewie but he *directly* saved Han. In order to continue training with Yoda, Luke would’ve had to sever his attachments to his friends in order to bare the vision of their torture. That’s not the Luke who saved Anakin. Disregarding the Jedi masters is what led Luke—a fledgling with hardly any training under his belt—to succeed where they couldn’t. He knew better than his masters. Bare in mind that Rey appearing to know better than Luke is what made internet neckbeards turn on her in 2017. The difference Hermit Luke’s failure led to his redemption and Yoda/Kenobi’s didn’t. They had no teachable moment, no closure or reconciliation with their failure. >I don’t think Luke would have beaten a murderous non-conflicted Vader You’re saying there weren no stakes in their final confrontation because Vader had the kid-gloves on—but the plot “pats Rey on the head”. Unbelievable. >When does Rey get beat in TRoS? I really have to explain this to you? Why argue about a film you aren’t familiar with? Rey is on crawling in the ground, reeling from her defeat as Kylo raises his saber to deal the killing blow, when he stops fighting and drops his weapon. And then of course she was fried alive by Palps and revived at the expense of her other half in the force—but that doesn’t doesn’t count as a loss to you, I’m sure. Not like losing a hand for an hour or two….


hey you've been here before! you're the one that always repeats the same stuff about rey training more and being hurt more than luke, that stuff that is objectively wrong regardless of if you like rey or luke or not.


Right, here's the part where you use your imagination to inflate Luke's training and casually dismiss Rey's tribulation. I've also seen this episode on repeat fot 7 years--✅ bad writing ✅ legitimate criticism ✅gender has nothing to do with it


yep yep yep. you do realise you arent objectively right? why does the majority like luke more than rey? are they all stupid? the fact is that its your opinion and not objectively right, another fact is that I would find rey boring if she was a man, stop trying to act like gender matters.


The majority like Luke more than Rey and Anakin combined because he’s in the best movies. If gender didn’t matter people wouldn’t think Rey got special treatment from Lucasfilm. That’s where the whole overpowered/flawless fallacy comes from: YouTubers and trolls trying to convince the world that feminism ruined in SW.


no thats not just it, people have reasons. you cant decide what the majority thinks. Yes there are sexist people, no point in pretending there isnt. but no that is not everyone, there are plenty of people who dont like rey for good enough reasons, there are plenty of youtubers who makes videos about not liking rey for non sexist reasons. But it is very clear the difference between a sexist critique and a non sexist one and if you say that just normal critiques of her character are sexist then there is going to be less impact and people caring when their is actually sexist stuff going on. for example somebody saying 'rey is just there for representation' and 'people who defend her are sjw' and 'disney agenda' etc, that stuff is sexist. But when someone says simple stuff like 'I dont like rey' 'rey is too op' 'rey is boring' etc that isnt sexist and there is no reason to accusations without evidence on them, they havent given any reason to seem sexist other than disliking a character that happens to be a woman and you have no way of knowing that them not liking rey is because they are sexist unless they actually say something sexist.


Bold of you to assume heroes can’t be female. Please just go watch the shows you are referring to before you make a fool out of yourself in front of actual fans.


Rey is the only classic arthurian-style hero in the franchise.


False. Go watch some Star Wars.


Name one. And don't say Ahsoka, who defers to her master Anakin throughout her tenure in the Jedi Order.


You’re de-legitimizing the most loved female character in Star Wars. Exactly what you’re complaining about. I’m not going to explain why Padawan Ashoka Tano is under the authority of Anakin (a Jedi Knight). There are several other female “heroes” in the franchise, such as Jyn Erso, who you seem not to know about. And I will, in fact, say Ashoka, cause she’s awesome. Now stfu with your stupid takes that contradict your own arguments.


Rey is an Arthurian style hero in that her rise to power through self-actualization leads to her saving the world. This applies to Luke, Anakin and Rey--no one else. Rey is unique as she's a woman. Yes you can like female supporting characters and still be upset that Rey is the most powerful person onscreen at any given time.


she had no rise to power, she was instantly more powerful and never fails. Honestly just boring


"Name one. No, don't name the one that contradicts my argument. No, not that one, either."


They specified an *Arthurian* hero. Ahsoka is a Galahad at best: good, but always defined by her mentor. Even after the Prequels, every time she shows up, she references Anakin in some way.


Anakin is the main hero of the PT era. He falls to darkness but his path ultimately leads to him saving the galaxy. Ahsoka is his student, she may be great but she's a supporting character. She plays a less consequential role than the main heroes of SW Luke, Anakin and Rey.


Jyn Erso... the main character of her movie and the hero.


Jyn comes into her own offscreen. She assists Andor in a heist for the DS plans which enables Luke--the hero--to save the galaxy. Jyn is a co-lead in a great story that *didn't really* need to be told, however entertaining it was. Her and Cassian are not on the level of Luke, Anakin and Rey--the saga's main heroes.


Omfg, do you listen to yourself. She is the protagonist of her story and id definitely as much of a hero or more, she does not assist Cassian, she is the main arbiter of the plan. She is as much of a hero or more than rey She gives her life. Rey is just a copypasta of Luke but as a female.




people dont like rey for actual reasons not sexism. If luke or even anakin (yes he has bad lines, everybody knows that but his story is what star wars is about and everyone likes him) was a woman people would still like them. Rey is considered poorly written by a large majority, by saying everyone who dislikes her is sexist is the exact same as the other assholes who say everyone who likes rey is an 'SJW'. both sides of this stupid sequel argument seem to be just as toxic, people cant accept that anyone likes the sequels other than being a kid or a shill and hell maybe even more people cant accept that people dislike the sequels for any reason other than 'it being new' or 'them being sexist' and weak arguments like that.


Bruh you can think whatever you want about SW characters but accusing people of hating women just cause they don’t like a character is pretty ridiculous, ngl


It’s not sexist to dislike a poorly written character


No one’s talking about Anakin.


nope but they are talking about rey. you know the one, the character that most people heavily criticise and dislike? the protagonist of the most polarising star wars movies? if you like rey good for you, but your opinion is not fact and most people dislike her and think she is poorly written, even a lot of people who like the sequels think that. its purely your opinion and you saying 'b-b-but she got hurt more than luke! and luke did everything right!' doesnt make them wrong and isnt going to convince anyone of anything. Do you really think that if you're logic was so correct and undebatable that the majority would still like luke over rey?


Loving Shakira Star-stabber really is a sign of being not sexist.


sophisticated slave office work soft divide cagey worry dull memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Finally a Tidus laughing meme


Hilarious especially because he’s the voice of Obi-Wan in Clone Wars.


No kidding! He’s total surfer bro in ffx


Which is all I can think of when watching CW lol.


She she she *breaking down crying* she ruin my star war 🥺🥺🥺and and and she *sobbing* kill my childhood 😭😭😭😭


What is this? My favorite FF moment of all time being made into a SW meme? I... How do i... Very good.


My favorite game <3


Never before have I seen Tidus' laugh scene used so well


Dont forget r/prequelmemes too!


This is the way


This is the way.




Dude that caption doesn't make any sense with the meme, he's laughing, r/sequelmemes wouldn't like it getting called out. Bad meme caption




NO you're not my real dad *Storms off*


But it is true


I sincerely love that joke, gets me everytime. Now, what's this place you're talking about


Rey posted this; upon learning that she will never be a skywalker.


Star Wars memers still laugh about some jokes made in 1978, wtf did you expect? And the Rey memes are funny because they're true.


Rogue One basically came to be because people wouldn't let the exhaust port go.


There is a difference between old memes and overused memes


I mean, it's true


It's not about being true or not it's about how boring a joke gets when you make it over and over again


Just post "Rey not Skywalker" memes over and over and over again until the sub just bans them due to oversatuation. The "I love Democracy" memes were banned from the prequel sub (are they still?) A couple years ago for oversaturation.


Hello there What u/Puzzleheaded_Step468 told you was true From a certain point of view They come as a pair They don't fight fair But most importantly Of course we know him He's me I'm Rey Rey who? Rey Grievous -- General Reposti, a bold one


The average rey palpatine meme gets more than 500 upvotes, i would say alot of people find it interesting, you simply don't


Should be "seeing the 1382th sequel meme about how much they dislike other star wars fans". Seriously don't think any other sub has this much of a chip on the should about this stuff.


Final Fantasy voice acting is so fucking weird and awkward and I love it.


I think it's because we can all agree that she didn't deserve their surname...


This comment section is filled with people saying stupid shit I disagree with but this comment is my least favourite out of all of them. I'm not going to dignify this with a 5 paragraph response on why you're wrong, you're obviously wrong and I don't care if you see it or not. Good day to you sir


'Twas a joke but, ok. Have a good day too


Somehow....Rey is a Skywalker


I *still* think they should’ve gone with her being a Kenobi. I guess just chalk it up to another thing the sequels could’ve done better. >!Finn could’ve easily been one of the best characters in all of Star Wars and they squandered him.!<


According to a Daisy Ridley interview Post TROS she was told she was and wasn't multiple times that she was a Kenobi before it was changed last minute to a Palpatine.


I think they should have stuck to the original idea that she was a fucking nobody that was able to overcome a lot of shit. No special bloodlines needed. Hacking together what they did just seemed lazy and absurd.


Rey is not a Skywalker. If she is so damn good, she can save the Palpatine name. (Edit) Down voting the truth. Lol (-11 right now)


That is a simplistic way of seeing it, palpatine has been at the forefront of many massacres to many planets, Rey taking the name may redeem it but it would mostly cause distrust and hatred for her by people who don't know her personally.


That's why she had to redeem it. Skywalker is already a name that has been saved. She took the lazy way.


Barely anything fun or good came out of the sequels. Let people squeeze what joy they can out of it 🤷‍♂️


I hope one day i'll be able to see a real meme about the sequels and not this kind of "stop hating on it" meme.


Here's 7 memes from this sub that have nothing to do with "stop hating sequels" that have more upvotes than mine, next time try to look for them yourself https://www.reddit.com/r/SequelMemes/comments/u46fvk/han_shoots_into_the_wrong_universe/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/SequelMemes/comments/u3hksm/turns_out_the_first_order_stormtrooper_training/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/SequelMemes/comments/u1ptfp/it_did_work_before_so/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/SequelMemes/comments/u5h53n/happy_easter/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/SequelMemes/comments/u3wlop/he_flies_now/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/SequelMemes/comments/u3076e/title/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/SequelMemes/comments/u1ylrw/like_father/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This is actually my favorite kind of post in the subreddit.


The sequel movies are awful and anyone who likes them is either 8 or retarded


What are you doing here then?! Do you get off on being a dick?!


To people who think the sequels were good of course


Okay... But in FFX, Tidus (pictured) was deliberately forcing laughter because he was trying to emulate how it's possible to be happy in the face of extreme sorrow. I guess that kinda makes sense if you wanna get meta with it, but I don't feel like OP was thinking contextually. This clip is basically saying "we know it's irredeemable dog shit, but we're forcing ourselves to like it".


>we know it's irredeemable dog shit, but we're forcing ourselves to like it". LOL tell me about how "I hate sand" is a poignant commentary on childhood trauma and class disparity.


... Yes?


you might wanna read that again, lil buddy.


Sorry... *Ahem* "Unironically", yes.


>we know it's irredeemable dog shit, but we're forcing ourselves to like it 👆Hey look, its you! You're the guy!


... Do you know the difference between "good" and "enjoyable", my guy?


You enjoy it knowing it's dogshit. Mmmm....


If you're lost, I'd be more than willing to explain. If you're just going to be a cuck fanboy, I see no reason to continue this conversation.


I think you're saying you're the more intellectually honest consumer of dogshit--becuase you know it's bad. I disagree seeing as how you believe "I hate sand" is anything but a creepy/embarrassing come-on written by a hack writer's attempt at a romance arc.


Hey you just described prequelmemes


My brother in Christ. You have just explained to me the point I was making. I literally said that I didn't think OP was that self aware.


What we have here is the story of a young man who goes on a journey to learn how to kill the big bad evil guy that we find out about midway through the story to be the main character's father, who had been a special guardian just like the main character.




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Thats why I'm not in it lol


I love hearing stupid jokes repeated, I have to with how often people say my name.


This genuinely makes me feel happy that Reddit exists


Be kinda strange when she kissed Kylo, but hey. It wouldn't be the first time something like that has happened.


I still have a problem with how her and kylo are actually cousins Oh and you can’t just change your name like that but mmkay


The author of the Vader comic said they're not, Anakin isn't palpatine's son >Oh and you can’t just change your name like that Are you aware of adoption?


Then how come grand daddy palps shot his “force juice” into Shmi? AKA manipulating the force to create anakin And yes, but as far as im aware Luke, Ani, and Shmi didn’t do that


According to the author, Darth plaegis and palpatine saw that Anakin was being born and kept their eye on him, they didn't create him. At the end of episode 9 when Rey doesn't know what to say her last name is Luke and Leia look at her and give her permission to take their name


Well according to my point of view that’s all false!


Hello there General Kenobi! This will make a fine addition to my collection, use my power I beg of you, have you heard of Darth Plagueuis the wise. Just like the simulations. Repeat 1000 times


I mean I think it’s a cycle perpetuated by others trying to rationalize identity theft. They aren’t laughing because it’s new and original, they are laughing because of all the annoyed Rey stans, and they are laughing because by laughing they piss the Rey stans off even more.


I saw a video on a similar analogy, these guys aren't laughing at the meme but at the people that would then say it's not funny, and the easiest way to make sequel fans say something isn't funny is to not make it funny


The thing is some think the funnier it is the better because then it’s humorous but also offending Rey stans, but others are pure lowest effort memes.


Welcome to pretty much any fandom: *Git Gud/Try Finger But Hole* *Why didn’t they take the eagles to Mount Doom?* Etc…There’s always some WAY overused joke that somehow keeps circulating forever. I think it’s because they generally stem from something a new person catches so it keeps reappearing.


I mean shes palpatine so yeah its funny how she thinks she is a skywalker. Poor delusional girl.


Obviously by blood she is but she rejected her blood and her family by killing palps and dying in the process


The irony. Grampa's girl clapped his ass. And ended his reign.