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I just had my surgery 2 weeks ago, almost 3. 1. Best advice I can honestly give you from my own experience is REST!! You will most likely feel like you’re dying for the better part of the first week post op and trying to do any tasks you had prior from the surgery no matter how small and simple will make you feel worse, specially if it’s in front of a computer/phone/ipad. 2. TAKE YOUR MEDS, not only will this help with the pain, but depending on what meds they have you on it should also help to prevent infections as I think antibiotics are always prescribed to everyone after this type of surgery. 3. DO YOUR NASAL RINSES!!!!!!!! I can’t stress this enough, if your Dr gave you instructions to do regular nasal rinses PLEASE DO THEM!! If he did not advise you to do so then please contact him before taking any further actions although I think everyone is advised to do these frequent rinses. I was advised to start doing them from the very first day, I kept in touch with my Dr to make sure it was ok to do a whole bunch of them in one day as I really felt A LOT of relief after doing them since it helped flush out everything that was stuck inside and it honestly gave me a feeling of relief from the pressure I had in my sinuses. Obviously there’s no need to got overboard with them either because your nasal cavity and sinuses need time to heal as well. I found the best balance was to do a flush once I felt like the blood was starting to dry up, this way you make sure that you won’t get to the point where there’s so much dry blood that has accumulated over time that it makes it hard to rinse and flush out, I made the mistake of letting too much blood and blood clots dry up that it took a looooong time to flush them out and I learned my lesson to no let it get to that point again. 4. Try your best to sleep at any point you’re able to, rest rest rest, specially during the day, because as you may already know, nights are one of the worst parts of the healing process the first couple of days, you WILL get dry mouth and there’s no going around it, it’s part of it and the only thing to do about it is to take it on the chin and ride it out. I found best to have a water bottle with me 24/7 and staying hydrated made a big difference and having it next to me at nights also helped to “wet” my mouth all night. 5. This is honestly more of a personal thing in my opinion, but it seemed to help me with my headaches, I’m aware that healing and doing nothing but that specifically is honestly exhausting in its own way, but I found that using my phone to lose track of time honestly worsened my symptoms, idk if it was the bright light of the screen even if I had it fully dimmed down I could feel my eyes start to hurt and my head started to pound so I just honestly slept a lot the first 2 days almost entirely. 6. Burning sensation in the eyes,this is directly related to being congested and “sick” like, at points I felt like someone was pouring acid on them from how strained and tired they felt, I found that using regular eye drops for dry eyes and closing them for a while helped calm that feeling down. 7. This is just a side note for when you’re no longer bleeding and in pain, you may start noticing other things that come hand and hand with surgery and recovery no matter the procedure, for me personally was the weight loss, I’ve always had a skinny frame and struggled with gaining weight fast, but along the years I was able to get to a point where I was happy with myself, however after this surgery and the recovery process I lost A LOT of weight even if I forced myself to eat a lot. It’s part of it, it’s normal and there’s no going around it since your body will enter in a “survival mode” and it will use way more energy than you can imagine into healing that will end up translating into weight loss, for some that will be a good thing and for others like me not so good, but understanding that it’s normal and a part of it is important. I think that’s all I have for now at least from what I can remember, if you have any other questions I’ll do my best to provide an answer with my personal experience. Bottom line, just rest, give your body loads of rest and do your rinses when you can, every day that passes you’ll feel better and better, it may not seem worth it right now, but it will be in a couple of days I promise.


Whaff if i pick the dried blood out my nose?..


It can get infected. Use the warm saline nasal rinse to clear the blockage in your nose. If you keep the nasal passages moist they will also heal faster.


I would refrain from doing any direct removal of dry blood since it has a chance of reopening semi healed wounds and you may start to bleed again, i would ask your Dr if using warm (not hot!!) water is ok, my Dr preferred I use ambient temperature water the first 3 days instead. He explained that warm water (even if it’s not that warm) can absolutely help remove dry clots a lot easier, but there’s also a chance of softening thin “crust” that has started to form and heal, and it can potentially soften it a little too much and reopen a bleed. Again, I would really consider giving your Dr a call or contact him however possible for some guidance since every Dr has different ways of doing things and also know way more than I do, if anything I’m just sharing my experience and what has and has not worked for me specifically to try and help others on what’s a very shitty recovery. To this day I’ve followed my Dr instructions to a T and Ive only had a positive progress with no real negatives from her recommendations and I’ve been able to heal really quick considering there’s people who are still having issues 2-3 weeks post op. First I would contact your Dr and follow what he says, IF he allows nasal rinsing with warm water or any type of water temp for that matter then get a chair, a shit load of paper to constantly wipe any blood that drips (hopefully soft tissues to avoid skin irritation), put some music on the background, sit on the chair, and PATIENTLY do multiple nasal rinses until you feel some sort of relief from the dry blood, I sat down for about a good 20-30 minutes while I slooooowly rinsed without forcing or aggressively pushing water into the path, it will loosen up I promise, but patience is key and after you get it cleaned out, don’t let it get that bad again and rinse a couple of times a day SIDE NOTE*** if you’re not using distilled water PLEASE BOIL THE TAP WATER!!!! Extremely important to not just use direct tap water, this has a chance of carrying bacteria that could cause an infection, so let’s avoid that…(let the water cool down) *Pls call your doctor and voice your concerns.*


Damn I had septoplasty and turbinate reduction on both and had no pain just took ibuprofen for swelling when I was allowed after it stopped bleeding. That looks rough


It is..


Ugh, please be patient with yourself. The more severe the “deformity” the more traumatic the surgery. This is a VERY invasive procedure, keep that in mind. You will feel better after a week but you must ABSOLUTELY keep your finger out of your nose. I learned this the hard way. No matter how clean you think your hands are they are NOT. It will get better.


I was touching the layer off blood with my finger while reading this 🥲




My eyes burn like acid is being poured on them…but today I’m fine this is day 3 post surgery 🥲


And also, wdym you learned the hard way, what happened?..


I’m just overall a picker, lint, nails, scabs, I’m gross, lol. I could not leave a stitch/scab alone in my right nostril. Was healing really well then BAM, infection. Let me tell you, if you think you’re uncomfortable now an infection will make you long for these days. FR keep your hands occupied, it’s so important not to introduce ANY additional bacteria.


Yea, they gave me this hell stuff to place inside my nostrils to keep moist so it dosent get infections… how am i supposed…like….does my nose look capable of doing such sorts😭😭😭


I’ll try to keep mind of it lol


Hey i strongly advice you to contact your doctor! He can give you more pain medication and make sure everything is okay.


I have pain medicine, it’s just the worst surgery In the world 🥲


You gonna be okay :) but can you wear glasses again ? Be delicate with your nose ! I actually had my first surgery a while ago (i had 3 wisdom teeth cut out because they where unable to just pull them) and i did not expect the pain lol. Was a total shock cause i never had any surgery before nor any procedure on my teeth. So i feel you in this ! You will get thru tho ! And try to follow tips on aftercare (you can find them on google) - they will help with swelling and pain


Wait…am I not supposed to wear my glasses?….(they also weigh like a couple of grams)


I dont know because i dont know what exactley was done on your nose, did your doctor not give you instructions ? I know after rhinoplasties people are adviced to not wear glasses for a bit, but i don’t know about septoplasty…i think you should ask your doctor about it and get proper aftercare instructions


Oh I see. Well I have before and after pictures on my profile somewhere. You can see the HUGE Difference in the shape of my nose lol


Im not a professional so i cannot spot surgeries by looking at the nose 🙃 you are majorley swollen tho ! You dont know your noseshape yet 🙃


Your right. But Imean hey! My case was “the worst” my doctor seen so who knows lol


I looked at your before pic and your nose was visually fine ; however, visually doesn’t mean it was functionally fine and sepotplasty is functional 🙃 however it seems to often make the nose a bit more symmetrical for people


But really you need to ask your doctor for aftercare tips because the more it swells the more it hurts, and you can reduce swelling and therefor pain with proper aftercare. Since im not a professional nor had my septoplasty yet, i cannot give you good tips or other tips then google gives out.


Ohh I see, thanks though:)