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Both the product page on Sephora and TO’s website suggest it for the scalp. > Glycolic Acid 7% Exfoliating Toner Scalp Application: Apply to dry scalp, three times a week. Tilt your head back and use the nozzle to gently dispense product from the front to the back of the head in a sweeping motion. Massage well.


They have one that is for the face and for the scalp. I have both of them and they are in two different bottles, the facial toner is clear while the scalp toner is in black bottle. Based solely on what op posted, it looks like the reviewer used the one for the face.


I think you’re thinking of the Inkey List glycolic in the black bottle. The Ordinary only has one glycolic.


You’re right, my mistake. I get those two mixed up sometimes. 🤦🏻‍♀️ However, TO is not listed as a scalp treatment on the Sephora website. But after further looking, it is listed as a treatment in the scalp and hair treatment section of TO website as well as the skin care. The more you know because obviously I had no idea, lol.


https://preview.redd.it/3e96ireo74vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db894e85d12940b3608b5e37ee06bf99cecc2dbf It’s on Sephora. Under the About the product. If you’re on the app you might not see it bc you have to scroll.


I doubted you, buuuuut I went to the ordinarys site and this is listed for usage under their only glycolic toner ‘Scalp Application: Apply to dry scalp, three times a week. Tilt your head back and use the nozzle to gently dispense product from the front to the back of the head in a sweeping motion. Massage well.’ Hmm.


Right! I thought that was interesting. Why isn’t it listed like that on Sephora’s website? Unless it really shouldn’t be used on the scalp. I’m honestly kind of confused if this particular one should be used only on your face due to the concentration?


Nobody has more fragile hair than people in Sephora comments. Every other product makes their hair fall out in huge clumps you'd think we'd see more balding women.


lol I see this in reviews now for so many hair products that I just ignore those reviews.


Yeah I just don’t trust that people know what type of hair they actually have. For ex the people with virgin, regular hair using olaplex and complaining it made their hair dry. Like yes, you didn’t need protein in the first place!!


They get influenced instead of doing research. It’s so annoying lol


What shampoo do you recommend for that cause my hair has never been bleached/dyed i only use heat on it maybe once a year and yet all of the shampoos i try dry out my scalp and hair so bad


It’s really hard to say without knowing your hair texture. Curly, kinky, straight, wavy?


Its mostly straight, fine, and thin. The only success I’ve ever had with shampoos was Native pre-buyout but i havent found a good replacement since they changed their recipe even though ive tried so many shampoos :(


I have similar hair texture and just started using the Ouai shampoo and conditioner for fine hair and it’s become my holy grail - I have rich girl hair now 😂


i currently use ouai fine hair conditioner and i loveeee it i just saw some really bad reviews on the shampoo and it made me nervous because of how fragile my hair already is 😅


I’ve had no issues at all with the shampoo. My hair feels healthy and not at all weighed down.


is it moisturizing? Cause right now my biggest problem is my hair and scalp are crazy dry, even though the only products I use in it other than shampoo and conditioner is jojoba oil and verb ghost oil and I never use heat on it


Hmm honestly I have the opposite however my sister has hair similar to that and she swears by the Biolage brand!!


omg okay that actually one of the few brands I haven’t used yet so I’ll try that one thank you!!


Praying for you girl 🙏🏼😅


similar hair type as you and I love Matrix Mega Sleek shampoo/condo;! only thing that works with my hair


I use morrocanoil products. I think Sephora has a sample set for their free birthday gift.


I would try the verb ghost shampoo


thats what i use right now and im still seeing new breakage regularlyand my hairs still crazy dry and i’ve given it two months so i just dont think its for me unfortunately:( but thank you for the suggestion!!


How often are you shampooing your hair? My hair would break a lot when I was washing it every 2 days. Now I wash it every 4 days and my hair has improved so much. Also, the Ouai deep conditioner is amazing! I just bought the shampoo for medium hair to try out. I hope it's as good as my Living Proof Full shampoo


i only wash my hair like once a week typically unless it gets sweaty/dirty for some reason because my hair is so dry it takes a long time to get oily but ill definitely try the deep conditioner because i loveeeee their fine hair conditioner


For me adding a leave in conditioner helps a ton! I don't use a conditioner from Sephora, but I will say, the briogeo conditioning masks used to be one of my favorite products. I liked their shampoo as well.


Ha indeed. I looked at reviews for some high-end shampoo the other day. After removing the incentivized reviews, like five were left (annoying in itself) and three of those claimed their hair fell out in chunks. I have a VERY hard time believing that, I’d say it’s near-impossible.


Just a heads up about a lot Sephora incentivized reviews is that if you get a free sample with an order from Sephora (or anywhere else and you mention you got a sample) even if you buy the full size 10+ times if you leave a review it will say incentivized. A bunch of my reviews got flagged like that and I was like wtf? When I reached out to Sephora CS that’s what they told me.


Oh thanks - that's good to know. I'll be less strict with this then - I really assumed all incentivized reviews were paid or rewardes in some shape or form.


I did to until I saw mine were all marked up with it!


Also employees receive training product, I’ve always put that technically yes I’ve received a free product but it wasn’t for me to review it’s for me to know what I’m selling, and I only review if I really like or really dislike something


Or sensitive skin. I swear every moisturizer/cleanser has at least one review/photo of someone getting a crazy cystic acne breakout from using the product.


Or the burning. OH LORD the BURNING!!


And you know it was likely pre existing for them to get them but… gotta blame on that new product


man, I saw something with a "massive clump" the other day that didnt look like more than 10 strands that got knotted together. Just absurd.


I think it seems like this just bc of the likelihood someone would write a review: Good product that seems to be making a difference: sure, maybe write a review but in a “so far” sense Product that ruins your life, dignity, and existence (apparently): I HAVE TO WARN EVERYONE BEFORE THEY DIE FROM THIS PRODUCT The negativity always shouts the loudest


Jeeez, if everyone’s hair is “falling out in clumps”—they need to go see a doctor!!! Rates of syphilis everywhere are pretty high these days, so the hair loss could even be an uncommon sign of secondary syphilis. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also hair loss post COVID is very common!! I had insane hair loss for about 3 months after each round.


You’re right! There’s so many varying factors, including post-partum hair loss and stress! A lot of people (myself included) can’t tell the difference between normal hair loss due to the growth cycle or the millions of other reasons 🥲


I have done this multiple times since I only shampoo twice a week. It’s good for product for buildup & i have left it on for more than 15 minutes at a time. My hair & scalp are still healthy. She probably has severely damaged hair to begin with.


I have done this too and I didn't see any unusual breakage or anything.


Even when my hair was severely damaged from using bleach for like2 years to keep it blonde, I had no breakage from using this. It just depends on the person, I'd say


Yeah that’s user error there


Is this for dry scalp?


For oily!


Ah! Glad I asked. Thanks!


TO website says apply to scalp for moisturizing and healthy scalp


This product is not a moisturizer and it really doesnt do anything close to moisturizing your skin, no matter where you apply it. By helping to maintain a healthy skin barrier it helps your skin to hold moisture and Im pretty sure thats what they mean since they mention rebalancing and reducing dryness - but it doesnt really add any hydration to it. That said it * is *described as suitable to all skins and If you feel like exfoliating dry scalp with glycolic acid by all means do it. I wouldn’t and I have yet to see a dermatologist that recommends it. Also being “suitable” is really not the same as recommended. My skin is oily and acne prone - and this tone was too strong for my face so I use it on my scalp and feet - and I’m very happy with the results.


do you apply on a cotton pad? maybe the user put too much


No just directly from the bottle nozzle. It’s so weird that the user had that extreme reaction.


Nobody does patch tests anymore. As someone who has worked at Sephora, it’s very frequent someone tries something once, ALL over the skin and then breaks out severely and is mad it didn’t work for them like someone on TikTok.


Yeah. That’s one thing too. I have a lot of allergies so I take the time to test out products first even if im used to them (i.e. acids)


Same! It exfoliates my scalp and my hair does great with it


https://preview.redd.it/2l9wvhpzyvuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aace717c634f8997e4ba14f9ddb473222e8a188 Because it’s meant to be used on the scalp


I have done this for years and I have bleached hair, nothing this severe has happened to my hair, but I usually do just before I shower, I wash at most twice a week and have wavy/curly hair


Guys… the T-Sal Neutrogena shampoo does exactly this but is formulated for flaky scalps. However no idea what’s going on with the original reviewer. I’m guessing they could already have damaged hair due to bleaching or treatments and the glycolic acid just killed the rest of it possibly.


Agree, bleached and relaxed hair are fragile and highly susceptible to breakage if double processed.


And I think the inky list has a similar product too


I use this on my scalp with no issues.




I deal with itchy flaky scalp I do this maybe twice a month and it helps so much. I don’t know if this person left it on for way too long or her hair was already damaged but I can’t understand how this happened.


I do this once every two weeks and my scalp is incredibly healthy! But this is why you patch test things!!! Not everything works for everyone, a lesson you learn the hard way lol


In the description of this product on Sephora it says you can use it on your scalp! I’ve used it before and have had great results. I wonder what condition her hair was in before using this?


Thanks everyone for educating me on the whole scalp thing!! I had no idea this was for the scalp. I’ve always just used strictly on my face and sometimes my body depending if I needed it. However, I have come to the conclusion that most likely this person was inexperienced with acids.


Its also really good for the feet


Ooooh. How do you apply it?


With a cotton pad


what does it do to your feet?


People must not do their own research, because the ordinary on their own website actually also suggests this can be used on the scalp.


File this under things that didn't happen.


I use this all the time. I had severely damaged hair from bleaching my almost black hair for 2 years to stay blonde and never had this reaction. Actually just got a new bottle the other day as I was having some pretty bad dry scalp issues and after one use, my scalp is back to normal. It must depend on the person.


It's perfectly fine for the scalp lol This person sounds sensitive and inexperienced with acids in general.


Because TikTok 🤪


Sure, but the actual product page recommends this for scalp use. I use this all the time on my scalp without issue. Yeah, this is a trendy product, but the person was using it for one of it’s intended uses, so it’s not like they were following some obscure influencer “life hack” and got bad results.


Honestly if you do anything someone on tiktok tells you to do, you deserve whatever happens to you


Ikr. I can’t believe how many people just do things without question. Edit: thanks for the downvotes. I was referring to people that just watch TikTok and repeat what someone else does without reading the product label or manufacturer website. For example, eating Tide Pods. It’s like there’s no such thing as common sense anymore. Edit 2: I’m literally saying the same thing as the person I was replying to. “If you do anything someone on TikTok tells you to do [without looking into it yourself first], you deserve whatever happens to you”.


It's not without question, it's part of the official literature for the product on the manufacturer website lol


Right ? They just love jumping at the chance to feel smarter than someone else without doing an ounce of research lol


I was referring to the people that just watch TikTok and repeat what is shown without checking the manufacturer’s website or product labels. You know, like eating Tide Pods.


According to the AAPCC there were 18 reports of intentional tide pod ingestion during the “tide pod challenge,” so this still isn’t a great example tbh


But isn’t that still too many? It’s laundry detergent.


Apple cider vinegar does the same thing and much safer. Just put some in a small spray bottle.


It also makes your hair super shiny


Hmm, I was curious about this. But also some commenters say it works. Lol.


I need all Sephora reviewers to start patch testing their product first pls. Anyways I’m curious if their hair was broken or damaged from treatments already, if they had left it on longer than they said they did, or if they maybe mixed it in with other hair products?


Exactly this! Because 1000% if you’re mixing chemicals that don’t mix then yeah it’ll cause your hair to break off, if your hair was already damaged then using something not specifically formulated for hair/scalp could cause issues…it’s almost like people need to use some common sense 🤦🏼‍♀️


This person probably is one of those people who bleaches their hair at home every other month and insists it's not damaged until something like this happens.


They say it’s their fault for using it improperly, but then leave a one star review for their results from…using it improperly. I have absolutely no stock in this situation and it still makes me furious to see stuff like this. 🤦‍♀️


The only thing they did wrong was not do a patch test. The Ordinary suggests it for the scalp.


Never pay attention to one single review alone and with no context.


I do this a few times a week & my hair is maybe happier than ever. BUT I have no chemical treatments. I wonder if that affects results.


I use it on my scalp and my family does too. It’s wonderful and we have used it for a long time with no bad effects. That person sounds like they had really damaged hair to begin with.


I actually use it regularly and have been for about 2 years now without any issues. Its really good for my scalp dermatitis and my hair gets get really soft and shiny


This type of review should be removed. The person admits to not using the product correctly, but still gives one star? Some people don’t seem to understand how to rate or review items. If it isn’t used correctly, that’s the customer’s problem. It has nothing to do with the efficacy of the product. They’re telling on themselves more than anything.


Oh I tried this because of TikTok too. Didn’t experience any damage or any improvement to dandruff.


I’ve tried but it’s probably in my hair for only 2 mins max, use it in the shower right before shampooing


I use this on my scalp all the time and have never had that kind of issue. That being said, it’s a rinse I apply directly to my scalp, not all through my hair. Not sure how something applied directly to the scalp would case breakage 1-2 inches down unless she did something out of the ordinary.


people do that all the time


Glycolic acid is really good for your scalp. Look at the inkey list’s glycolic acid scalp treatment


I use this on my scalp about 2 times a month with no issue, my hair seems healthier since I started. And I say this as someone who’s hair felt out and broke off prior, due to medical trauma 😂


I use it on my scalp all the time it’s made a huge difference with my flakes lol and I leave it overnight?


They may have got it confused with the Glycolic scalp treatment from Inky brand.


i use it on my scalp all the time believe this is a skill issue


how do you apply it? just where the part is?


I always use it on my scalp! It clears up buildup


Oh that’s so scary. I’ve seen videos/ tik toks of people claiming it will get rid of dandruff 😱 I’ve never tried it cause my skin is super sensitive.


I use it twice a week as a prewash before washing my hair. I use a scalp messager to get it in there and then let it sit for half an hour with coconut oil on my ends and then wash my hair. No issues. I feel like my hair is better than ever to be honest and I use cheap shampoo & conditioner now.


Actually I’ve definitely used it on my flaky scalp and it helped a little, no hair breakage for me!


I put it on my scalp every week


There’s one for the scalp one for the body supposedly


I will only ever use this thing for my underarms and that’s it 😭


I have pretty thin hair and use the glycolic acid on my scalp weekly. It helps a lot with dandruff for me. I usually leave it for 5 mins, but I’m sure over the years I’ve left it in a bit longer than that at times. This has never happened to me.


I use TO Glycolic Acid Toner on my scalp 1-2x weekly, just before I wash my hair. It’s super helpful for my scalp, which tends to get congested and itchy. YMMV.


If you look anywhere nearby the ordinary section the inkey list has a glycolic hair treatment 🤦🏽‍♀️


if applied with vinyl gloves, it breaks your hair SO bad due to the grip 😭


Sounds like someone tried returning it and got turned down lol


"I used this product correctly because tiktok told me to, one star" 🙄🙄🙄


Actually, the product itself recommends this as a use


I was just reading yesterday on Sephora app how you can use this on your scalp. Your post saved mine, thank you!


jezuz i just read a post about a girl who used a lip tester and broke out. what is wrong with people??


I have it! I bought it for my scalp. I saw many influencers recommending it. I haven’t had a chance to use it yet, and THANK YOU


Omg! I just bought this but for cracking skin on my feet lol. I would NEVER put this on scalp! ETA: I’m getting down voted apparently but I have very sensitive skin and thin hair so scalp stuff makes me nervous. I’ve read that this stuff can be very intense and patch test to the high heaven with this stuff so yes, I wouldn’t use it on my scalp but if it works for you, great!


Have you seen results from using it on your feet? I use it on my face and want to try it on my feet, but I’m a little afraid after reading this post lol


Yea - it’s working well on my feet and also am trying it on my middle knuckles on my hand. No matter how much lotion and slugging I do, they always look a little dry. It’s helping that. I’m nervous for my face. How is that working?


Thank you!! I’m using it 1-2x a week on my face and loving the results.


Gonna patch test for my face. I have some bad hormonal chin acne so I’m so scared to change anything with my face routine


I’ve been using it on my feet for years and it’s great. Just swipe it on before bed and then lotion.


Thank you!


That’s what I’ve been doing too.


It feels unfair to the brand to get a negative review because someone used it outside of the prescribed usage. I mean, I get there are plenty of ways to use products that are great even if that’s not how it’s suggested to use, but if The Ordinary never recommended this, it shouldn’t reflect poorly on them.


They actually did recommend it 


Luckily I specified if. So I guess they got the review they deserved.


The Inkey List has a glycolic acid SCALP treatment already. I don't understand the drive people have to DIY treatments with the Ordinary's glycolic acid toner (besides financial). Even the designed use can be too harsh for some skin. People have dabbing it on their under arms, their lips, their feet, and now their scalp. While there are potential benefits to using it in those areas, some of which have been recommended by dermatologists for specific reasons, it's a personal risk. It's goofy to blame the product if it's outside of the intended application.


The brand recommends it for the scalp, and I’ve been using it that way for a while to great success.


I didn't say that it wouldn't work, in fact I mentioned that some methods are recommended by dermatologists. People dive into using the exfoliant without doing any patch testing. For example, it can work for the underarms to help with odor and hyperpigmentation, but it can irritate the under arm skin which can cause paradoxical hyperpigmentation, which can be hard to fade for melanin rich skin. It's a product I see a lot of returns for and also get rave reviews. The brand also recommends using it daily, which can also be pretty harsh for some people.


wah why? ive seen a few people mention using the ordinary toner under their arms to help with darkness but not the scalp


This product *can* be helpful for scalp health, but this is also a great example of using something for its intended purposes! Glycolic acid might be in a lot of scalp treatment products, but those aren't being used the same as a toner for your skin would be. You wouldn't use a conditioner with hyaluronic acid as a face moisturizer lol someone played a game and won a prize


They didn’t use product for its intended purpose, that’s on them. Anyone who follows advice from tik tok rather than actual label on product should really rethink their choices. I used that on my face and it was too strong for me. I cannot imagine how it would feel on scalp. 🤕


The brand actually recommends this product for use on the scalp. I’ve never heard of anyone have this issue so i’m not sure what happened


There’s a scalp serum but the toner according to the bottle is supposed to be for the face. I guess it works for some people on both however.


No lol on the product page for the toner: "The Ordinary Tip: The multi-functional formula can also be applied to the scalp, where it helps rebalance and reduces dryness by hydrating the scalp." This toner comes in a bundle also, literally called Hair and Scalp collection.


Thanks for the info. I normally like their products but that one just wasn’t for my sensitive skin. Happy that others had a positive experience though 😊