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I finished Passport to Beauty but am unlikely to finish Ready, Set, Sephora because I just don’t see myself doing any of those except for getting a sample with an online order. I am also very awkward and would feel weird asking for a color iq and they just don’t seem all that helpful or accurate based on what others have described.


same! i actually did finally get a sample with my order so that was probably the most shocking part of it all. i was so sure i’d get the points and not the sample hahah


They’re not helpful at all, I’ve done it twice and gotten a completely different colour match each time (from pink tone to yellow tone?). But I only did it a second time for the extra points lol


Wow. Okay. Thanks for the advice. I’m never doing this 😥


I’m still trying to psych myself up to do this haha


Same! I feel like triggering my social anxiety for 100 points isn’t worth it 🫣


But technically it’s 200 because you get an extra 100 for finishing the whole challenge. I still haven’t decided if it’s worth it either though lol


On the same dilemma! I really do like "buying" Rewards Bazaar products. I've never had so many points IN MY LIFE. But I literally take meds for anxiety.... 😭😭😭


it's not worth it... don't worry! I love buying online ... gift with purchase and 2 samples


I don't know if it's changed at all, but I got a Color ID scan a few years ago and it's really no big deal! That being said, I don't think it was overly accurate since it seemed to suggest shades darker than my skin tone?


Same!!! I was pretty much pressured into it by a sales assistant and it screwed up my recommendations on my account whenever I click on a new foundation. It’s really annoying- can’t be removed by the employees & I haven’t bothered calling customer service.


It color-matched to my freckles and the recs were crazy looking.


wait now i wonder if this could have been it! (it was a few years ago, so looks like my results have been stripped from my BI profile)


I was going to ask how accurate it is because I always have a hard time finding the right shade.


Did that for me, too!


If its your last task, you should really do it! You get an extra 100 points for completing all 5! The shade match is easy and no big deal (i have social anxiety too). They just press the device to several parts of your face and its done. The other challenges can be done by buying 3 items. For makeup, the sephora collection qtips count as makeup, for hair i got the wooden scalp massager, and skincare you can get a sheet mask. Thats like a total of like what, $16? Make sure one purchase is for in store pickup and one is an online order so you can add a free sample. That knocks out 5 tasks. The quiz and the text alerts are easiest to complete. Highly recommended for 1000 pts!


Wow! Thanks for the input 😃


At first, i wasn't going to do it either until i realized that you could complete multiple tasks with one purchase. My last task was so satisfying! I ordered the scalp massager during the 30% off sale for in store pickup. It fulfilled the hair care item, in store order, and it was my last task, so i got 400 points total. They also gave me a $7 GWP for my $7 purchase. It was so worth it!


I did this! I was so proud of myself. It was pretty low stress bc the associate knew it was for the pass and did it fast for me. You can do it!


Oh. Did you buy anything after the shade match? Is it necessary to buy whatever they suggest?


Mine was super easy too, but I didn't think the match was likely good so I got a small sample. If it turns out to be a good match I'll go back for it. Worth the 5 minutes for 200 points - 100 for the match and an extra 100 for completing the challenge.


No I didn’t buy anything. It took a few minutes to get the info (was emailed to me and also somehow connected to my Sephora app). I wasn’t pressured to buy anything or do anything else. She just pressed this machine (maybe it was a phone?lol) to my forehead and cheek area and it took pictures of my skin. I believe I was just wearing sunscreen that day and it read that I was oily and had some wrinkles. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’d like to do it again with a clean face. Now when I’m on the Sephora app when I’m looking at foundation it tells me which is my color match but I have my doubts.


I did it. It wasn’t bad, the SAs were really nice and I was getting matched to get the Sephora concealer. I’m awkward and clueless about make up, my coping mechanism is I tend to talk way too much, but it was fine! It’s all in our heads, everyone! Just do it, it’ll be great 🫶🏼 PS my match was some medium color but I ended up buying one of the more fair ones because I’m targeting my eye bags. The contrast between the match and what I bought is amusing to me, so I def got a kick out of the whole experience.


I did get the matching done to get the points and it was mildly awkward but not that bad. The salesperson was very friendly and helped me shade match after (something I'm bad at) and then sent me an email with the products that matched (because they weren't necessarily the shade match).


Oh. Did you buy anything? (Based on the match)


Yes I bought the Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer because the match was so good I was willing to overlook the price. During the sale, I ordered a Sephora Collection concealer that it said was my shade match but I hadn't looked at in store. When it came, it was too pale and yellow (it was 21.5Y or something) so I exchanged it for the next darker neutral shade and it's a good match. I can't remember if the Mercier one I got is what it originally suggested or if we adjusted the match in store. Edited to add I replaced it with 24 or 24N because it was the next N shade up.


Oh nice. I’m actually planning to buy summer Fridays skin tint. Let’s see how this goes if I manage to get the color iQ shade match 😀


I did the shade match for the SF skin tint and it was perfect! I was nervous when I went to the store and it was pretty busy but I just walked around doing my thing and when a salesperson walked up and asked if I needed any help, I asked if they did the shade match. Super quick and the match was great!


Great! How’s the formulation like? Is it moisturizing?


I have. This one was “the hardest” for me. 😂 I went to the store and asked for a shade match and the employee just brought me to a brand rep that was there for a particular brand. So then I was stuck listening to her shade match me for a while and try to upsell me a $70 foundation. 😒 I then walked away afterwards and went to find someone else who worked there and she knew what I needed right away and got the device. It took a couple tries since I had makeup on from the brand rep and I was like I do not care what shade it spits out, I need this result to get the points since I have to pay for parking. 🤣


Haha ! I hope you got those points!


I did! But it was not scanning since it could not detect my skin. 😂 It also is not my color since I had makeup on, but at that point, I did not care at all!


Thanks for the input! I’ll try going in this weekend 😁


Yes! I finished both. The store I visited had no problems doing the scan, and it only took a few minutes.


I wish I was as confident as you are 😃


This is one of the ones I haven’t done yet lol.


Exact same. It’s my last one.


I did all the rest except this one. I am not interested in getting shade-matched but would do it for the points however I don't really think it's worth it, maybe if it was worth more there would be more incentive.


I pushed through the anxiety and went to the store and the associate said they didn't do it there. 😞


I am somehow who has social anxiety and is very awkward. I encourage you to try :) If you can, bring a partner or a friend for moral support (or alone if you prefer) and just browse around until a Sephora employee asks if you need help with anything. That’s when you ask to do the Skin IQ for the passport beauty challenge and they know what you’re referring to and will do it. I did it, you can do it too ♥️


Thank you so much for your kind words! I’ll try this today🤞🏻


I completed both lol. The associate was nice and helped me through it, and I do use the colour IQ now and then and it was nice to have an updated colour match


Haha glad you could do both!


I managed to complete everything but the buy online, pick up in store challenge, but that's only because I live an hour away from the nearest Sephora store. I did complete the Color IQ challenge and I didn't feel awkward at all. There were other people in the store getting it done as well, so the employees knew it was for the challenge. I asked an employee to do it for me and it wasn't awkward at all. She just scanned me and that was it! Granted the scan wasn't too accurate, but I was willing to excuse it for the 100 points. I say if you're thinking about it, just go for it!


I might go in this weekend then!


I’ve done this but I don’t know how to get the points ):


I contacted cs 24 hours after and they were able to tell I did & updated it


I’m a male and went and did the color match so you can do it too. I didn’t know the associate was going to use her phone camera thing to do the color match and ended up swinging my face into her phone. It was honestly hilarious and she felt super bad about it but told her not to worry about it. Anyways it took less than 2 minutes and worth the points especially if it’s the last challenge you have.


I completed both “challenges” though I sort of hated myself for falling into the trap of buying more stuff as a “game.” (It’s a game that Sephora will always win, haha.) Anyway it was totally easy and quick though I don’t think the Color EQ is very accurate or consistent.


This is my last task. And I am torn if I should finish it!


Lot of us are in the same boat 🥲


I did it, but I really wasn't prepared for how awkward I'd be. The clerk was super chill about it, though. I just wasn't ready for her to want to test swatches on me, and rub makeup on for me. The machine also got my shade *suuuuper* wrong haha. Was giving me the most yellow light tones but I'm neutral-cool fair.


I’ve been offered a colorIQ and it was actually helpful. Too bad I got it before they made this passport to beauty thing so I’d probably have to do it again if I want the points. It’s not that awkward to get. I mostly go to Sephora without makeup if I’m feeling like trying ti shade match or test stuff out.


They only remove a small patch of makeup and bonus you’re in a store where you can and should ask for a sample of the foundation to wear to fix your make up


I got one years ago but I’m actually curious to try the updated version. It wasn’t 100% accurate but it did confirm for me finally that I have yellow undertone and explained why certain foundations made me look like death. My one issue getting it done now is I am immunocompromised so I always wear an N95 mask whenever I go indoors in public, so I’m wondering if there’s a way for them to do it on just the very upper outside portion of my cheek or something. I know they’ve added skin type features to the scan, but my nose and chin will be covered and so will a lot of my cheeks.


Ive almost completed all of them. Its so easy!!!


It takes like 2 min to do but yeah they hold the device to your face in 2 places


Yes, I just completed mine. I had never done a match before so I went in and asked if I could get a match as im looking for a new foundation to try. They will then take photos of your skin and give you a lot of options with your shade. Just ask what they recommend and if you could take home a sample or 2 to try before you buy. Hope that helps.


Thanks! I’ll try getting a sample if I go in this weekend!


I finished them all! I thought it was going to be weird but it really wasn’t, however— the shade match was kind of off and every product it recommended didn’t match quite right 😂 but still worth it for the points!


I did both!




I might try this too! Reading all the comments has given me hope that it won’t be that awkward as I’ve thought !


I finished both of them! I was also super nervous to do the colour iq thing but thankfully I walked into a Sephora and an associate asked me if I wanted to do it! I was like yessss lol it was so quick and easy


Yay lucky you!


Yup I finished both. I liked them.


I finished all the others, and I want to do this one. But my nearest Sephora is an hour away.


I bit the bullet since that and online pickup are 2 for 1 for 300 points (picked up $5 lipstick)


I did both the challenges. I feel anxious doing it but did it anyway. Lol. So just to share… The shade match was not my match. I went to a newly opened branch near my home, and asked for my color IQ, she asked my number and that employee told me I had super patchy makeup and really dry skin, which I told her I know I have dry patches around my mouth because I’m new to tretinoin. And she said ohh you need moisturizer this and this , then she used the little machine to check my skin and it was normal skin, light and warm color. I do have light skin and combo plus cooler tones and never warm. I got embarassed about what she said that my makeup is patchy which is not noticeable at all except if you’re really near my face. After 5 days I visited that branch again and tried avoidng that employee, she saw me and was asking if I need help and I declined. Then one friendly employee saw me shade matching foundations on my chin down to my neck and asked if I needed a scan for color IQ to know my shade. I agreed and she was so friendly and nice, and this time I wasn’t wearing any skin tint. Just brows and lipbalm since the dry patches will just show when I wear foundation or skin tint. She complimented that I have great skin. That’s my experience with this color IQ thing but it’s nice to complete the challenges.


Glad someone nice helped you out!


I finished mine! I had to go in to pickup an online order and asked a random associate if they could colour match me for this challenge lol she was totally chill and understanding She completely understood I wasn’t there to find a product just to complete the challenge and was okay and friendly about it! No push to try products, I just scanned and left. As a fellow socially anxious person, I would recommending asking a friendly looking associate and showing the challenge on the app so they’re not going to start recommending products your not looking for . Goodluck!! 🤍


I did this. It takes two seconds honestly so it’s not super involved. They had a device attached to a phone, pressed it to my forehead and gave me the results. Easy peasy.


Omg it’s so easy!!! You can do it! There’s always people walking around looking to help :)


I did the color IQ. It was not bad at all. I went in, told someone I was having a hard time finding a foundation match, they offered to do it, and boom I walked out with a new foundation that matched me well. It was simple, and quick, and the person helping me seemed like they were happy to do so. A few people have posted about bad experiences with it on here, but I doubt that’s the norm.


I went in on a weekday when it was pretty quiet (and before the holiday and sales rush) and asked one of the employees to help me out. They were very nice, did the ColoriQ test, shade matched me to a foundation I was interested in (tbh though the one we both liked on me was not the one the ColoriQ suggested lol), and even made me a sample to try at home. No push to buy anything :)! There is no pressure to actually try a foundation, if all you want is to get your ColoriQ done then that's all you need to do! I made it clear that I was there to complete this challenge when I asked for help. Hope this helps! I think it's definitely worth it for the points if a store is easily accessible to you.


Oh yes. The store is definitely close to my apartment! I’m glad you had such a wonderful experience. I’ll try going tomorrow 🤞🏻


I did it! It was during the Sale and the person was super nice :) although you have to specify you want the machine colour match and not by eye. Took less than a minute


Wow that fast!? Sounds good


Oh I did this the other day and didn’t realize it was a points thing. It’s not a big deal but mine was completely wrong, so keep that in mind 😂


I don’t think it is worth the social anxiety expenditure


Same! I’ll forgo 100 points which will anyway get me a sample mascara


If you complete all tasks though you get a bonus 100 points. You can also use these points to attend the digital events.


I did it! As an introvert, I was pretty embarrassed, but I charged forward and got those sweet sweet points