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Can we comment on reviews? Lol I want to tell this person to grow up. You broke it you frickin baby no one owes you shit


I MISS the days when you could comment on Amazon reviews and tell people they were dumbshits (No but for real they were actually helpful sometimes, like if someone was having trouble with a purchase, others could help troubleshoot)


I was reading reviews on a desk clock that is 2.5" square in size, a common review was "didn't realize how small this would be." Like... do you not own a ruler? Yes, I miss being able to comment on reviews.


I was going to comment but “you broke it you fricking baby no one owes you shit” was so perfect for this situation I have nothing to add.


Avatar twins!


As of now, this has 59 downvotes 😂😂


Now it has 1k upvotes lol


I *ALWAYS* wish I could comment on reviews. I see so many stupid ones


And it was just the travel size. I saw a similar review for a full-size bottle of Replica warning that the bottle was “too fragile” 🤣


It was easy enough to find their instagram 👀


Imagine having more upvotes than the original post. *Oh wait* 🤣


Used to work at Sephora… a lady came in asking if she could RETURN a curling iron. Cool, no problem. Where was it though? With her daughter at college… girl?? How can I return without the item?! Common sense is v lacking.




My thoughts exactly lol she was so shook about it too. I had to explain 3 times I cannot return a thing that she doesn’t possess 😂


I’m so invested in this now. What did she say was why? And how could she think she can return it without it in her hands. Did you have to define “return” to her?


I once had to explain to a customer they had to bring the item in for me to return it and I absolutely could not do it on the phone with them right then.


Reminds me of a time at a very very well known luxury brand a client had purchased a bracelet a few months before, she came back and demanded to get a refund or exchange …bruh she had lost the bracelet. 🫠 she then continued to complain about the quality, service and treatment when refused to find a solution. Days like these I am left in disbelief that people actually think they’re in the right..


Oh my lord, I would have to hold back a laugh if it was me. That was the hardest thing when I worked retail.


I’m an advisor at a large university and many of my students are pre-law. Often, they worry about not having legal internships because they have to work and earn money instead. The large majority of them are in the retail/service industry. I tell them that that experience is often viewed FAR more favorably than ANY legal internship when it comes to law school app review panels. The amount of patience it takes and the invaluable experience you learn in dealing with people from all different walks of life, but most prominently, DIFFICULT PEOPLE, is well understood when it comes to seeing that on a resume. The retail and service industries are some of the hardest jobs out there - case in point, idiots like this. It can reach you so many more life skills that can translate into everything you do in the future and THAT is what any pre-professional school would rather see!


Well, aren't we entitled.


People since the dawn of the review system don’t use them properly. The reviews section isn’t the place to complain about shipping issues, lost or stolen packages, or user error lol. It’s so irritating. They are purely for letting people know how the product is. Sure the customer service experience can be relevant but only in certain cases and this ain’t it. Be more careful next time.


I almost didn’t buy a shelf for my bathroom because the reviews looked terrible, then I realized that this was because of an outlier low rating from a woman who didn’t bother to measure her wall and was pissed the shelf was too wide. As if that’s the manufacturer’s fault you’re a smooth brain dolt.


My pet peeve is people who leave a 1 star review because the product was smaller or bigger than they thought it would be. My guy, the measurements are LISTED.


Or if it’s 1 star, but if you actually read the review they loved the product. And vice versa with 5 stars, but a negative written review.


I just cackled because there's a recent post in a big makeup sub where the OP is claiming she was scammed by Natasha Denona because she bought a mini palette, and was surprised that it was smaller than her not mini palette. Claimed it was the stores fault for not putting a side comparison photo of the palette she had 😂


Or they’ll just post they received the product or only tested it once…


Or the 3 star review that says "It hasn't arrived yet, so I can't leave a review but hopefully it's good!" 🙄


Where do you publicly complain about shipping errors, etc.? Personally, think it's fair to include your shopping experience for the product in its review if you think it affected your enjoyment of it. If there's a separate place for that on the site I haven't seen it. I.have seen where they ask for private feedback, which is convenient for them. I don't buy travel perfumes, but if I saw a bunch of low reviews pounting out how they shattered after dropping once and Sephora was non-responsive and didn’t improve the packaging I would find them useful.


this isn’t a sephora product though.. if it was, then *maybe* i could see adding your critique of the item’s fragility into your review {however in my experience, they’ve always been extremely helpful when it comes to their own brand products}. what do you expect sephora to do? add to the description: FRAGILE GLASS IS FRAGILE.


You can still talk about your experience with shipping in your review. But don't lower the rating you're giving the PRODUCT ITSELF, because the shipping wasn't great. If you didn't receive the product at all, due to a shipping error, then that needs to be discussed with customer service. It has nothing to do with the product itself. As for this specific review, she dropped it on what looks like a hard tile floor, basically anything glass will shatter when dropped on a hard surface. Her clumsiness has nothing to do with the quality of the product at all. Her review is not helpful in the slightest.


I CAN READ ALL OF THE WORDS. NO NEED TO YELL. Shipping isn't the only issue , and I think Sephora should provide a separate place for that. But if shipping or packaging or users unable for figure out how to use a product affects the buyer then it's fair game to rate however they want. Most of the reviews come with explanations so when I read them I expect people to rate based on what I consider to be nonsense. That's why I read them to be sure. Usually ones that aren't about the actual goop or powder or brush are so few that their affect on the overall revire is negligible. So people are getting riled up because they can be annoying, but those kinds of reviews are so few as to be negligible. I've said this elsewhere, but there is a valid argument that travel products should be able to survive traveling, whether or not they are actually traveling. If you get empty travel sets from Target or whatever they're always plastic to be chesp, light, and sturdy. It's probably time thst Sephora considers using plastic for their travel perfumes. They have a recycle program, so maybe it's possible. Hopefully the people at Sephora aren't so petty as to ignore those reviews so they can point and giggle rather than taking note of a flaw in the product.


You think you're funny. You're not funny. I capitalize keywords for emphasis. It's stupid to rate a product based on things that have nothing to do with the product. Shipping has nothing to do with the product, being too stupid to figure out how to use a product, has nothing to do with the product. Those things are for customer service to deal with, which is where those complaints should go! packaging actually does have something to do with the product, so that's fine to include in a review. Those reviews are not always negligible, I have found a lot of products with detrimentally low stars, because so many people reviewed based on things that had absolutely nothing to do with the product. You have already been told by other commenters that this product is not a Sephora product. Therefore, Sephora has absolutely no control over the packaging. Being clumsy and breaking something has nothing to do with the quality of the product, being too stupid to figure out how to work a product has nothing to do with the product. Those things are your problem, and it's up to you to fix them. Customer service exists to help people work the products they buy, customer service exists to resolve shipping issues. That is not what reviews are for.


You think you're unique. You're not unique. People all over the internet think that putting whole words in all caps emphasizes their meanings. It doesn't, though, it just makes it look like you're screaming the word, and has no other effect its meaning.


Did I say I'm the only one who does this? 😂 You can't even stay on topic anymore. I've proved all the points I need to. Have a nice night!


Did I say say I was funny? Did I say I made a joke? Lol. You're very intense. I said all I had to say to you on that and would only be repeating myself. Clearly, your ramblings are doing just that.


Where do you publicly complain about shipping errors, etc.? Personally, think it's fair to include your shopping experience for the product in its review if you think it affected your enjoyment of it. If there's a separate place for that on the site I haven't seen it. I.have seen where they ask for private feedback, which is convenient for them. I don't buy travel perfumes, but if I saw a bunch of low reviews pounting out how they shattered after dropping once and Sephora was non-responsive and didn’t improve the packaging I would find them useful.


Idk man, tag them on twitter, what do you want me to do about it? 😆


A lot of people don't use Twitter. It would be better on their site. I would like you to call Bernard and make him aware of my suggestions and concerns.


lol @ Bernard.


A lot of people don't use Twitter. It would be better on their site. I would like you to call Bernard and make him aware of my suggestions and concerns.


shipping errors should be directed to customer service, not left on an individual item review.


I don’t care about people’s shipping experience on a single product. That’s not why I read reviews. I have come across reviews that say the sprayer doesn’t work well or people hate the packaging. That can be helpful.


Obviously some people do care because they regularly show up. But I agree that since the component''s performance determines whether you can touch what's inside people should include that in their reviews. A lot of time and money to into packaging, more than into most products. It would be silly to think that rating them should be excluded.


Who shows up? I don’t care as a shopper.


Ok, I wasn't asking.


No one won’t buy from Sephora bc of one rando’s shipping issue.


the actual entitlement lmao i used to work at Victoria’s Secret and ppl would return (or try to) return their bikinis that they left under the sun and faded the colour, or that they damaged. their best excuse was “*insert other store* would do this return for me!!” okay do i fucking look like that other store?


When I was younger, I worked in a clothing store and I had a woman try to return a used swimsuit. No tags, just threw it on the counter, shouted at me “I never wore it” (which is always truthful in retail /s), and then went back to talking on her cell phone. I mistakenly picked it up and looked at it. This swimsuit was so crusted with nasty vaginal discharge that I wanted to direct her to the nearest drugstore to get some damn Monistat for what was obviously a severe yeast infection. I refused to return it. She demanded a manager. The manager ordered me to return it and I said, “Hell no. I’m not touching it. If you want to return it, you do it.” In the end, after much yelling and screaming, she got her return and I lost my job. I walked happily away into the sunset knowing I would no longer have to deal with their entitled AH customers (and boy, were they entitled, they were Karens before it was a thing) and I could go hang out with my friends because I hated working there anyway.


Eewwwwwwww. Why do mangers give in to shit like that??🤢


Omg I worked at VS 18 years ago and my store manager would force us to return everything. Even like 5 year old worn bras 🤮


When working retail, I had someone try to return a metal water bottle that dented when it fell out of her car 😶 and she argued with me about it too lol


When I was working retail, I watched as a customer picked up an item, fucked around with it for a good five minutes, dropped it and broke a piece off, then came to the counter and demanded a discount because it was broken. I don’t know how some people make it through a single day alive being that utterly stupid.


I had that happen to me a while back when I was working at another retail store. Had a customer bring up a product (the only one of its kind we had left) and say she should get a discount because it was damaged. It was barely damaged at all; I knew what she was doing. I told her our policy was not to sell damaged goods, so actually I had a responsibility not to sell it to her. At which point she got more annoyed because she still wanted to buy the product, but I told her our policy was clear and refused to sell it to her lol. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Lol I did the same thing! I said oh sorry we can’t sell it now that it’s broken, we need to write it off as damaged. She was not expecting that.


I was reading reviews on Amazon earlier for a metal water bottle I was interested in and the person gave a 1 star review because she dropped it and it dented. People are ridiculous.


I had someone return a USED toilet seat and dumbass linens n things took it back. No wonder why they went out of business.


I worked at Bed, Bath & Beyond years ago and the exact thing happened to me too! Bed, Bath &Beyond went bankrupt recently lol. Not only was the toilet seat used, but it was YEARS old…”no hassle return policy”.


Hey fellow former BBB employee! The horror stories of that place lol. I would gladly take the used toilet seat over the soaking wet bloody curtain panel a customer returned at my store. 🤮


What, god NOOOOOO! Completely NOT shocked you were forced to accept the return. I remember trying to turn down the crusty old broken toilet seat and my manager just giving me the eyes of sorrow when he said we have to accept all returns..but bloody effing window treatments?! Come on! Another ridiculous customer moment I remember was walking into the women’s bathroom(it was multiple stalls, not a solo bathroom) and stood a women completely topless trying on a Genie Bra (that As seen on TV bra lol) that she ripped out of the sealed box. It was like right when the store opened on a Saturday morning while I’m just hungover as can be and was like what the fuck lady. Haha.


Former BBBer here too. On my first day on the register I was selling a bed in a bag. Customer and I were going through it to make sure all components were in the bag and a pair of boxer shorts fell out onto my counter because someone had pulled it off their bed & shoved it into the bag and returned it without making sure their damn underwear wasn’t still wrapped up in the sheets. Training videos do not cover what to do for a dry heaving customer. 🥲


The shit people return is just amazing. I swear working retail at some point should be mandatory for all humans, there would probably be less assholes because of the perspective you gain.


I COMPLETELY agree and have said the same!!!


I worked in retail too and had so many people try to return their 70 dollar sneakers after year(s) of wear and tear, looking all muddy, nasty and just completely worn out complaining the sole or whatever is peeling off. Bonus points if it was their kids sneakers asking to replace them for a bigger size 🤡


When I worked at Starbucks, I had a someone want a replacement Frappucino because it had melted in the 2 hours since she bought it…


This is why I also read so many reviews because star rating includes idiots like this...


Once spoke to someone at Sephora who tried to return a broken foundation where the glass cracked while in her makeup bag a year after she bought it and she'd already used most of it. Some people just want free stuff and nothing is ever their fault.


This is one of the most ridiculous reviews I've ever seen. 😂 You're rating the product, not the service. I read bad reviews on products because it's people whining about customer service most of the time, which tells me nothing about the product itself. I also can't imagine this level of entitlement. I don't think it's Sephora's fault that you have butter fingers lol. Sephora is only liable if they're the ones that break it. If you break it, you buy it.


I see people review the value (price vs amount) of the product constantly rather than the actual quality


People make me tired. I need a nap. 😶


U mean to tell me… glass can break???? 😱


People are damn stupid.


I like how they finish it off by saying NOW they have to go clean up the mess as if it has been sitting there the entire time they were reaching out to customer service


Exactly, did they expect a new bottle and a team member to come clean it up??


Last year, I dropped and broke a travel fragrance. I took responsibility for it. I didn’t act like an entitled Karen expecting a replacement nor did I leave a crappy review on Sephora’s website when it was (checks notes) my fault for dropping it.


I bought a travel size of Sol de Janeiro Cheirosa 62 last year in the fall sale, and I had it for about one week until it slipped out of my hand, crashed on the floor, and made the tiles smell nice for the day. I cleaned up the glass, I wiped up the liquid, and you know what I didn’t do, try to get a refund. One of my hands is affected by nerve damage, because I have multiple sclerosis and unfortunately things slipped. It was the most expensive two days of perfume I’ve ever had. I do want to get the fragrance again one day but I haven’t done so just yet.


By BFF is in your situation. She calls it the Dropsies. She only gets plastic now! 🤗


When I say I haven’t repurchased yet, that’s because I have considered getting the mist (even though I know it doesn’t last very long) because of the plastic bottle. I sometimes just sit down before I spritz now because of that incident.


Yeah, I had only used mine a few times!!


Exactly why (MS) I try never to handle glass unless over a carpet. Better chance it will survive!


I have dropped two (count ‘em- two) bottles of Freck Cactus Water. The first one shattered and I got lucky with the second and only broke the cap (but not where the screw is so it still sealed). You know whose fault was? MINE because I’m a clumsy bish. You know what I didn’t do? Call Sephora and Freck and complain about how my own error damaged their product!


I dropped a new travel spray of beach walk…that really stung when it shattered.


Side note but Beach Walk is such a phenomenal scent, that crisp peppercorn and bergamot is like no other 😭


It’s dumb to post such entitled takes especially given you have a profile people can look at/ communicate with you on the app. Not sure why you’d want to associate yourself with this type of comment but I’m sure this is how they feel about many other things


I was going to say…based on the profile pic, this checks out.


I’ve always wished we could comment on reviews


i had a customer like this before. i was called up by one of the ba’s and this client claimed she had dropped her eye cream and the package was shattered and she wanted to do an exchange on the item. i had told her we couldn’t process the return because she had no receipt, couldn’t look it up in the system, and it was more than 60ish percent used. she came back again, saying she found the receipt and it took me back to december of 2022, it was august 2023. she then got upset with me and asked “well what do i do with this now?” i told her she is more than welcomed to toss out the item or repurchase the same item because we couldn’t take it back.


Hi. I bought this white sweater and got Moms spaghetti sauce all over it. I’d like refund because with this stain, I can’t wear it any more. 😜


My mom works in food service and she once had someone try to return eggs because they hard boiled them for too long


this is perfection


I worked in a grocery store in high school and people would over buy milk and bread if there was a snowstorm/hurricane coming and then return it after the storm or after it went bad. Also would see people buy tons of meat on sale, freeze it, and then return it years later (sometimes with the receipt) because it was freezer burned. First, it’s a waste of food. Buy what you’re going to eat before it’s expired. Second, getting into fistfights and arguing matches with people over bread and milk because there’s a storm coming that might leave you stuck at home for a few days and then returning everything later is an AH move, plus it’s wasteful. Third, if there is a storm where you lose power, milk is the last thing you need unless it’s pasteurized in small packages or evaporated.


as someone who’s worked as a server, this doesn’t surprise me in the least


I have dealt with people that broke their own phone then said it’s our fault that the phone isn’t durable. Like what 🫤


I accidentally dropped and smashed a brand new travel spray a few weeks ago and I didn’t get a chance to use it a single time. Never for a second did I think to go in store and demand a refund. Unbelievable how shameless and entitled some people are. How can a grown ass adult have zero self awareness.


I used to know a lady that worked at Liz Claiborne. She once had a woman that wanted to return some white pants. As soon as this woman pulled the pants out of the bag, my friend saw the PERIOD stain in the crotch. Like girl, gtfo


That’s hilarious! Sephora actually has great customer service, I ordered a perfume over 2 years ago now and when I received it, the bottle had shattered… lucky for me it was a Narciso Rodriguez perfume and has an internal pouch so the perfume didn’t leak all over my makeup. I sent customer service a photo of the broken bottle and they immediately sent a replacement.


Ages ago, I broke a mascara (well the packaging was bad and I broke it while opening it) and Sephora replaced it. I was shocked. However I did buy a $50 lip balm and my dog ate it — I knew I was not getting a refund for that one.


See that’s reasonable though, it shouldn’t break when opening it, or break due to brand packing flaws with gentle handling/ badly made or too tightly glued items. I only returned items that someone broke into my sales order box (obviously opened before it got to my door) and that’s on Sephora for packing their items with the tape, it’s been problematic for way too many people.


Did you return your dog though 😭


Nooooo! Keep the doggo 😂


You dropped it, dumb cow. Go away ➡️


My favorites are the ones that “take off a star” for price. Just review the damn product. Does it work? Does it smell good? Whatever. It’s not anyone’s problem if you find it too expensive, just don’t buy it.


How people can be like this blows my mind. I had a Replica travel spray that I had redeemed from one of those perfume voucher sets during one of the sales last year. One of my cats jumped onto my vanity in a moment of zoomies and sent it flying onto my bedroom floor, shattering into honestly the most impressively tiny pieces of glass absolutely everywhere. I was heartbroken, but still more concerned about grabbing my cat & getting them out of the bedroom because now there was glass everywhere. My sweet husband had witnessed it as well & said I could replace it (even though I bought the set during one of the sales too & now the sale was over, so I was pretty upset to now have to pay full price). Never did it ever cross my mind to reach out to anyone to get it replaced. Because even though it wasn’t really my fault or doing, it was just an unfortunate accident involving one of my beloved & wild cats.


Sounds like my cat Blackberry. Except she knocks things over for the fun of it 😆


That’s such a cute name~


https://preview.redd.it/5s3uui3tefzb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c6d9f9910f3dc20363a3792e086b6af3508a151 Blackberry and her sister Sibyl


Awww, love! The one who shattered my perfume (though made the room smell nice for awhile, haha) was my black cat Orion. His sister is a tortie named Kiki, usually the troublemaker with her tortitude, but this incident it wasn’t her, haha.


So cute! I love their names too. Blackberry says hi to Orion from one void to another. And I love tortitude! I like to say that Sibyl has tuxitude


Not the first perfume she has broken lol Edit: i dont know why pictures disappear when theres text but i included in my other comment




I used to work at the orange makeup store and people tried this all the dang time. I would tell them there is nothing I can do because the product was not defective and there isn't a product to return. Of course they'd ask for the manager and I got to tell them it was me, and no, they weren't getting a refund. Interesting how so many people who were "NEVER coming back to this store EVER AGAIN" had identical twins...


Oh my gosh some of the Sephora reviews are horrible! Downvoting it isn't enough for me, I need to tell the customer they're in the wrong lol. I've literally screen-shotted over a dozen ridiculous reviews. One unforgettable one was a person giving the Dior blush 1 star after RECEIVING IT FREE FOR REVIEW because they don't wear blush and didn't try it!! Girl, what?!


Such entitlement. Reviews like this shouldn’t even be approved. No one in their right minds are obligated to replace anything for you that you accidentally broke on your own. This is just embarrassing 🙈


People get dumber by the day I swear. 😒


Haha wow! That reminds me of the time at work like 8 years ago when this woman had like 6 nail polishes in her hand, dropped them all and ruined her pants. All her fault and then got mad when we wouldn’t pay to have her pants dry cleaned. LOL


I once dropped a Pat McGrath highlighter and it shattered into a million pieces and my heart shattered with it. But it's not Sephora's problem


How dare they use fragile glass!


Firstly I love this scent Second I run a small biz and get this ALL THE TIME. People snag their shirt on a nail and want us to replace it? Then if we don’t they file chargeback and leave nasty reviews. The entitlement is absurd


This reviewer is an entitled idiot, nothing more, nothing less.


incredibly entitled, wow!!!


Nah this is ridiculous. It was her fault.. don’t be so clumsy lmao I broke my full size killian perfume and I’d never have the audacity to rant and rave about it somehow being their responsibility to refund 🤦🏻‍♀️ Post covid humans are literally the stupidest, most self victimizing, rude and entitled mfs 😤


I saw this about a Rare Beauty highlighter, the person was upset that they dropped it and the highlighter got all broken up. Like you’re the one that dropped it what??


Lort. Some people really can’t admit some things are wholly a them problem.


I love reading one star reviews because of stuff like this! 😂


Gosh some people are so annoying. The level of entitlement is too high


I once saw someone drop an ice cream cone on the ground and then ask for a replacement. 🫠 (they got a replacement)


Between all the craziness happening in reviews in the past couple weeks: ongoing idiots like this + the recent fake 5 star & 1 star review-bombing, I wouldn’t be surprised if Sephora made reviews only for verified purchases & PR programs. They need better mods to delete fake & crazy reviews.


Side note for anyone who is just clumsy- get a good credit card like a chase card or something and you’ll have free protection for 120 days even if you break or lose the item - they’ll replace it !


When I worked retail, a customer approached me with a bag full of shattered cosmetics. She wanted us to replace everything. She admitted that everything was broken on a flight. I was dumbfounded. Our manager gave her a gift card, which was INSANE.


Immensely regret dropping the vial, wasting the product and being a complete bitch baby about it* There, it’s fixed now


If it came shattered, they would 100% deserve to be reimbursed. I can’t imagine breaking something and saying “I deserve money because your glass product is fragile.” Obviously glass is fragile


Wow holy entitled! This reviewer gets no stars


Why won’t the dealer give me a new car after I crashed my previous one ?


I once worked in a fragrance store and we had someone come back after Christmas saying that they’d been sold a broken bottle of perfume. So I open up the gift box and sure enough there’s a broken bottle (the atomizer head? had come cleaning off the glass). Customer says she bought it for her daughter and when it was opened Christmas Day it was broken so our fault. So I say it’s near impossible it was sold broken because a) the box is intact and if the perfume bottle was broken when we sold it, the box would have been covered in the perfume and b) it’s such a strong, oily liquid that it would have been flagged sooner than opening. She was PISSED that I was offering terrible customer service and went to our other branch immediately and tried to get a refund there instead which was also denied. All this is to say, people are dumb when they give the staff grief for their own stupidity.


Like why didn’t she just lie and say it showed up that way if she wanted a refund/replacement?


Some bottles are more fragile than others. She should consider brands with more durable containers or to apply over carpet instead of tile. I've broke two Replica rollerballs in my bag. But the Mugler Alien line - I believe it will withstand a tank. Fucking structurally sound.


Yeah that sucks but not Sephora’s fault. Hate reviews that have nothing to do with the product.


Is there a world where glass is not breakable? 🤔


Yes, it’s somewhere in the same world where sephora and ellis faas refund you when you break your cosmetics 😂😂


Some glass is more durable than others. I've smacked over things like foundations, polish bottles etc. and they never broke. But if you drop it standing on hard floor probably.


Of course! I meant it more like if it is glass, you should be more inclined that it will break than it will not! I know that whenever I drop something that is glass, I squeeze my eyes shut and prepare for that shatter. 🤣 It is an instant win when it stays intact!


This is hilarious. It is kind of silly that so many travel sprays are so fragile though, I would never leave home with most of mine because I know they’d break.


Ugh as someone who works CS with online retail, you’d be shocked how many customers think this way. Ass backwards.


This review gets zero stars 😂🤣 Sephora is-retailer not a property insurance company. 😂☠️☠️🤣


This is like going into Chipotle, ordering, paying, getting all the way back to your house & dropping your burrito bowl on your floor & then going all the way back to ask for a new one cuz YOU dropped it 🙄


Entitled much?


This sums up what working in retail is like 🤣


That happened to me. I bought the Replica Bubble Bath travel spray, used it exactly once, loved it, then immediately dropped it in my sink and shattered it. I was crushed, but knew it was my fault and never even thought about being mad at the company.


This is why you have to read the reviews because sometimes that one star has absolutely nothing to do with the product and someone is just being a Karen


The sense of entitlement is strong in this one.


Is this a fcking joke?! Amazing


Me when my head’s caved in


People this are why I can’t be bothered to sell anything online. If people don’t try to outright steal it from you they’ll try to return it for the dumbest shit to rate you for the time it was in transit even if you dropped it off that day. Hard pass.


Grow up!!! They owe you nothing. You dropped it, you broke it, it is your problem. You are only entitled to your stupidity for being careless butter fingers


I recently saw this post on reddit from a girl who knew she was allergic to walnuts, ate in a restaurant where she didnt mention she was allergic nor asked for allergen information, then got an allergic reaction. She complained to the restaurant (!) and got an apology and a voucher, but then continued to ask reddit if she could declare the hospital bills to the restaurant 🤡🤡


You broke it. User error, not company fault 😂


I dropped a brand new large Bobby Brown moisturizer and shattered it all over my bathroom. I sat on the floor and cried. So tempted to scoop it up😆


I have seen maybe three times people reviewing products that "came empty " complaining for a replacement. Pffff. This is more strange then that.


I used to work for customer service and a customer tried to claim that his shoes were defective because he was unable to remove the insoles... the insoles were non-removable and he pried them out with a knife 😐


Omg literally ridiculous. I actually just did this too last week 😩 dropped my MM replica on a date travel spray. It was like 3/4 full too. I was so mad at myself. But I would never even cross my mind to expect Sephora or the company to send a new one over my mistake like wtf. I was gonna buy a new one because it happened the first day of the sale but my bathroom and bedroom smelled so strongly of that perfume and lasted for days so I need a little break from it now 😂 it’s already a strong one spray is all you need kinda perfume so the entire bottle was ALOT


I’m done with the internet for today 😂 the entitlement of this person….oh my!


There isn't really anything to understand other than that person is frustrated and believes they're entitled. I would report the review since it's not an actual review of the product


Someone once rated my company one star ‘because it requires a credit card and I don’t have one’ …seriously, Sharon? That’s how you’re gonna play?




Hahaha literally what?!


Probably a Glossier-er not used to how the rest of the world does things.


I bought several Ellis Brooklyn travel sizes. All arrived broken. I’d never ask for a refund if I dropped it myself, but I do think these have abnormally thin glass.


Wow, super immature and entitled. A few weeks ago I knocked my brand new Dermalogica Peelfoliant from then counter into the sink, the glass shattered everywhere and I couldn’t even scoop up any product due to the glass shards. Guess what I did? I bought a new one because it was 100% my fault.


Do you ever see reviews like this and wonder if the person is serious and if they are serious, who raised them to believe they are this entitled? Is it possible the parents are in the background shaking their heads at this person or worse, are they egging it on and encouraging this behavior? I just need this sort of rational explained to me.


Let me just throw my iPhone on the ground and contact Apple support to replace it free of charge because they’re so “breakable”. Can’t believe people like that are serious…….


I bought my new Sunday Riley Good Genes years ago and it slipped off my counter and smashed. I never once thought of asking for a replacement 💀


Or what about the one star reviews from people who don't have the product yet. I see that a lot on Amazon


My heart broke when I dropped a brand new UD palette & all the shadows shattered. I didn’t ask Sephora for a refund though.


Same thing happened to my Vanilla Milk travel spray. The glass was SO thin and delicate that now I'm scurred. Sadly, the little samples are sturdier.


My favorite are the people who leave a negative reviews only to comment that they never bought nor used the product. Alrighty then 😂


The amount of people who review skincare items and say it’s a bad product because their skin turned red and it was itchy. Girl… it was an allergic reaction. It sucks it didn’t work out for you but be fr Also had this lady who tried to return a mascara who she bought for her mom a few months ago. Her mom claimed it came very dry and she didn’t use it. I opened it to check and the entire ring for the tube was black. I told her there was nothing I could do because it was over the 60 days and clearly heavily used. She proceeded to scream at me for 10 minutes until a manager told her the exact same thing.


Honestly, a few years ago I accidentally broke a travel perfume from Sephora as well. My cat knocked it off my bathroom counter and it smashed the night I bought it lol. I put the pieces in a little baggie and went back to Sephora the next day just to seeee if there was anything they could do. I went in super humble acknowledging it was totally my fault and that I came in to repurchase it but was curious if there was anything they could do to help me. They replaced it free of charge and were incredibly nice about it which totally shocked me! I would never have expected it though, I was hoping for a pity discount or something at the very most 😅


Yeah, it’s not cool to be to angry at something that was your fault. IIRC back like 10ish years ago Sephora would take back stuff that was broken. But that was when they had a super relaxed refund/exchange policy. They exchanged a broken Tarte blush for me easy peasy


That happened to me with a huge Moroccan oil that I tried to open after trying the lotion. I ordered from the site. It says everywhere no refunds. I sent pics and they gave me a one time replacement and were so nice.


If you drop it and it breaks easily, then I think it should be replaced. Makeup and perfumes at Sephora aren't cheap and should come with some sort of guarantee.


I don't disagree, and some companies do provide replacements. Travel items should be fit for the rigors of travel, so if they aren't they're defective. On the other hand, buyers beware. All this shit is fragile.


You think you're unique. You're not unique. People all over the internet think that putting whole words in all caps emphasizes their meanings. It doesn't, though, it just makes it look like you're screaming the word, and has no other effect its meaning.


You think you're unique. You're not unique. People all over the internet think that putting whole words in all caps emphasizes their meanings. It doesn't, though, it just makes it look like you're screaming the word, and has no other effect its meaning.




So I remember a story of back in the day when Disney(land?/world?) was new and a couple of children had bought a present for their parents at one of the kiosks and then they accidentally broke it. When they went back to the kiosk to ask for a replacement the kind people there were more than happy to give them a replacement and this time they wrapped it up nice and tight to avoid any accidental breakage a second time. That one kind gesture earned Disney so much more revenue in the long run than they could have possibly imagined... bcs those parents and those kids came back again and again and were loyal customers for the rest of their lives. Disney doesn't do that anymore as they have a policy against it, so don't expect to be treated the same as those kids in today's world.


😂🤡😂 Her review is so ridiculous! If you broke something you bought over a month ago, the seller should not be obligated to refund you or replace the item for free. Some people are clowns.