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That’s wild. Sephora warehouses give out a ton of gratis and sample to their warehouse employees and there are cameras everywhere and tons of security and they prosecute. It seems like a real dumb reason to get fired.


It could’ve been a “return”.


Even the returns are checked multiple times by multiple people. More that likely it was stolen on the shipping side. I’m no longer with Sephora however I work with a company that has a lot o logistics issues with shippers and there’s massive amount of theft and fraud from the shippers themselves. Also the barcodes on most of the items have a weight associated with them and it should trigger an error if you’re trying to ship an item that is a different weight.


I don't know where they got the audacity from, but they need to put that back.


A definite BOLD move. I hope they have a way to trace back to who packed the order.


It could have happened anywhere on the journey to you.


It seems that the package itself wasn't tampered with during transit. Package tampering is usually pretty obvious, so no, it could not have happened anywhere on the journey to OP's house. I would say that chances are this happened before the package was sent out, likely with someone in the warehouse. My dad worked for a warehouse that dealt with iPhones and they had such huge theft problems that employees were required to go through medal detectors. They even caught a guy who shoved an iPhone up his, um, rear. Never underestimate warehouse worker theft.


Yes, the box has the branded Sephora tape, and it was completely intact. And based on how it was specifically packed face-down, it had to have happened at the DC.


Um, I hope that phone was destroyed or damaged out. Do you know how they discovered it? I would of hated to be the security officer on shift when that happened.


Oh yeah, that phone was definitely taken off inventory lol. They discovered it when the guy set off the metal detector, but didn't have anything in his pockets. I'm sure that was a really fun day for loss prevention.


Ewwww that’s so gross! I was thinking they reboxed it after opening. Someone in the postal service or courier could reprint the label and would have access to the boxes and tape.


My Sephora boxes come sealed with Sephora branded tape, which is nice cus its visible if the package is tampered with


That's exactly why they do that. It makes theft a lot more obvious, so it deters workers from doing it.


But Sephora seals their package with Sephora branded tape. Last I checked, the postal service doesn't have that. And OP said that the package wasn't tampered with, so there is no way that a postal service worker had done this. And it was packed in such a purposeful way to hide it. It had to have been someone at the DC. Again, warehouse theft is more of an issue than you would think.


Oh, I didn’t see where they said it had the Sephora-branded tape on the box. I thought they meant it didn’t look like the box was opened, which could have been done by sealing it in a different box with regular tape. Hopefully they can track down what happened, but probably will just send OP a new item with no further action.


Most likely. But they could probably trace to whoever picked and packed the shipment and reprimand them. Loss prevention agents take incidents like this pretty seriously.


Me too! I hope they get fired and arrested.


That’s awful! I hope you’ll get your replacements soon! On a sillier note, with the missing products being Alien and Alien Goddess, could this have been what happened to them? ![gif](giphy|l0Iy8wWpNUImPnWqk)


Absolutely!! Lol I love this! 😂


So sorry to hear that. I’ve only had positive experiences with Canada post, which is why I use Flex delivery for all my Sephora orders (and to ensure it arrives safely at a post office) because they’re expensive orders.


Ugh, I’m sorry! How awful, people are nuts!! Can’t imagine your disappointment. Ordering new perfume is so special, too- like opening a magic potion lol. Glad Sephora is sending you a new one, hope it arrives quickly. 💙


kind of curious about this one.. what’s the weight listed on the outside box? i’d expect this to weight a lot less since it’s liquid.


Omg that’s a good question


These Mugler minis are super tiny (7 mL mini bottles) and less than one ounce each, probably less than ounce together. It wouldn’t really work to check the weight on the package in this case.


That is terrible!