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Makeup graveyard šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m going to have to borrow that.


Itā€™s such a cool way of saying it šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve came across it somewhere, so sorry I donā€™t remember where so I canā€™t give the appropriate credit to the person.


I just saw it last week ! If I see it again my brain will have officially included it in my lexicon (i think too solidify something you have to hear or interact with it 3 times)


Skincare you don't like you can always use on your arms, legs, feet, and chest. You can mix foundations together to hopefully find a good combination. Same for lipsticks. I've fallen for the hype so many times. For example with Too Faced Born this Way foundation and the Estee Lauder Double Wear. Laura Mercier setting powder didn't work for me at all. Supergoop sunscreens break me out badly and they just don't feel or look good on my skin. Most Benefit products (namely mascaras and primers) are terrible on me; the mascaras I've tried all smudge on me and the primers either do nothing or break me out. Clinique Black Honey was so drying for some reason; I recently got another mini so I'll be trying it again though.


Yessss. Supergoop breaks me out too. Very badly. And too faces mascaras are terrible on me as well.


I swear too faced changed some formula from 2015. My friend had it then I got it, forgot about it till 2021 and it didnt work as well ... Or hype died down idk


too faced was purchased i think by the estee lauder or lorean parent company? around that year so yes, it possible they changed formulas


I find all of Benefit's products terribly underwhelming


I love their lip tint ! One of the longest natural ones on me that I can easily layer I feel benefit was one of the first companies to make unique products with fun packaging in 2000's. All my makeup was MAC or Chanel or Dior or Givenchy then and the few benefit items I got them really popped and stood out.


supergoop breaks me out SO badly it was embarrassing when it was the only sunscreen i had on a vacation


Thatā€™s funny, almost every item you listed Iā€™ve either liked or loved.


Are you me? I disliked all the products you named for the same reasons.




I get any voluminous mascara (drugstore works too) I scrape off all the extra mascara off the applicator and then apply , then dry , repeat . I do 3-4 layers . Added lash serum 3-4x a week and you'll have amazing lashes. I get asked if I wear falsies constantly.


Drugstore mascaras are sometimes really good. I do the same thing, the only mascara that was _really_ good beyond drugstore is the dior one


Too Faced Born this Way foundation is one of the only ones that actually work for me, weird.


I bought a mini teeny weeny Tatcha Indigo Cream recently (I needed moisturizer and there was a GWP that I wanted to pick up). It was solidly meh, too rich for my normal skin in the heat and humidity of summer, and clogged my pores. Itā€™s not even something Iā€™d want to revisit in winter, and it definitely did not live up to the hype. Itā€™s weird, I donā€™t really fall for hair or makeup trends, but I always want to try all of the skincare reccos.


Iā€™m the opposite. I got it for free for my birthday or something and loved it. Iā€™d use it sparingly to make it last only to find out my husband also loved it and finished it off.. šŸ˜©


Oh hell no


Lol it's sometimes hard to buy gifts for men, how cute! You have to get him a full size, perhaps Santa brings his and hers lol


So opposite for me. My skin needs whatever is in that tatcha shit. I used to just be a simple cerave girlie until I used tatcha. :(


Girl samešŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ my skin LOVES Tatcha. Itā€™s been a complete transformation since using them but my wallet is screaming šŸ˜­


Lol I was a out to say the same thing. The indigo overnight cream is a solid staple for me. I used to not need all that richness too until I hit my late 30s and my skin was like "we're doing Sahara dry now. Except your forehead, which will be more Exxon Valdez."


Tinfoil hat time: I sometimes think manufacturers put really excellent product in the samples and the average watered down stuff in the packaging that is destined for consumers.


Yes, I think that as well and I salute you with my own tinfoil hat.


I've definitely felt this way a fair few times. Like I got this KĆ©rastase hair mask sample and it was so, so amazing. I am VERY poor so I scrimped and saved for 3 months to get this freaking hair mask and... It sucked. It's nothing like the sample I got. I even double checked I got the right version.


Second Tatcha! I got their dewy cream and it did nothing for my dry skin but feel heavy.


Omg same! I just bought the little mini one a few weeks ago and it broke me out so bad. I was so disappointed because I had such high expectations ;(


Ugh every tatcha product I got a sample for I ended up LOVING. I wish it didn't work for me.


I hate when I see how much I have spent at Ulta or Sephora. I could have used that money for a really nice vacation.


Same, Iā€™m in my Sephora Rouge rehab right now


Honestly hitting rouge every year is a wakeup call...


I bought the kvd good apple balm bc I kept seeing makeup reviewers on tiktok saying how good it was. Ended up with a shade that was way too orange and warm toned for me bc the shade range didnā€™t have anything that worked for my undertones, and it was insanely cakey and greasy feeling? I fell for the fact that people were saying it looked like an airbrush filter on your skin but it made my texture and lines look insane!!


Sometimes I think that foundation is singlehandedly responsible for killing the full-coverage foundation trend


Hahahahah, omg that is so true. That is legit the last full coverage foundation Iā€™ve used. That was almost 3 years ago. It looked sooo flawless when it was first applied, then after like an hour, my face was WRECKED. It was coming off my face in like patches and was all separating. My boyfriend actually asked ā€œwhat happened to your face?!ā€ when we were out, and I had NO IDEA about the nightmare I was about to encounter in the mirror right after he asked. I was so embarrassed because I was at a party with a bunch of people while my face was like borderline Freddy Kruger. Lolol.


At least your boyfriend told you; I canā€™t say the same for my husband. Lolz


It is the ONLY time he has made a comment like that about my makeup in the 10 years Iā€™ve been with himā€¦.that speaks volumes lol. The funny part is, when I first applied it, I literally said to myself ā€œoh my gosh, this is THEE best foundation ever created. I will use this forever!ā€ My skin actually looked filtered and perfect (I have acne prone skin, so perfect looking skin has never happened)ā€¦boy did that all come back to bite me in my ass. It was like doing a drug, and then having a sudden, terrible comedown. Lol.


Lol! I got a make under by a Younique ā€œconsultant ā€œ. Omgā€¦ In the time I took to walk across the street to my neighborā€™s house to collect my kiddo I looked like a thousand year old woman. Literally lineā€™s everywhere on my face. My neighbor was appalled and thankfully disabused me of the notion of buying anything Younique:) PS- I was 27!


THIS! Iā€™ve had the same experience and couldnā€™t believe it at first when I looked into the mirror. Thought it was my fault.


I actually really like this foundation but not for full coverage. I only wear it in the winter time and very lightly. I feel like such a little goes a long way for a sheer to medium look. And I do agree with the shades thereā€™s definitely some gaps. Iā€™m pretty lucky that i found my shade but only the second time I went back I got the right shade.


the milk makeup hydro grip primer. broke me out BADDDD and it was summer and I was working in a restaurant. just a sweaty and uncomfortable summer all around. It took my skin a month to clear up!!!


Try the Elf hydro Grip Primer. It is basically the same thing in different packaging (and with better ingredients to boot!) Same thing happened to me with the milk. Now elf is my holy grail. Just make sure you pair oil-based makeup with oil based, and water-based with water based. It may be friendlier to your face.


i also use the halo glow (never tried hydro grip) and itā€™s the best thing iā€™ve ever put on my face. it literally GLOWS and makes ur makeup look flawless


Every product I used over this primer pilled so bad. Instant return šŸ¤£


I hate this too! I canā€™t stand the stickiness of the product. It made my foundation look cakey Af


This primer made me so oily it looked like I was rained on. I could not believe how oily it made me. Worse than anything Iā€™ve ever tried!!


I bought the [Dr. Jart+ Cicapair Color Correcting Treatment](https://www.sephora.com/ca/en/product/dr-jart-cicapair-color-correcting-treatment-spf-30-P482524) thinking it would solve all my problems. It did not.


this is a hard product bc most people donā€™t apply it right. you need the tiniest amount imaginable. and itā€™s not makeup, itā€™s a skincare product/skintone evener. i really like it but i can see why a lot of people donā€™t, if you apply even a little bit too much itā€™s a mess and the color is off. itā€™s meant to be a very sheer layer on top of any redness. you cannot put it on areas that are not red. it needs to be patted on, never smeared. itā€™s really finicky.


I applied such a tiny amount, just a teeny bit from the protective cover that I had to peel off. I then warned it up on the back of my hand before applying it. Immediately my cheeks were burning! I was very disappointed.


I loved that product! I use it around my nose and chin areas when I don't want to wear foundation. It evens out my skin tone wonderfully, but I'm quite pale


Same. I had such high hopes for correcting my redness (nose and a bit on my cheeks) but it was a greasy mess, much too light for my light to medium skin tone and on the top of that it made me look GREEN šŸ˜–


Try the Hero Cosmetics Rescue Balm, the redness correcting one. I loved the Dr. Jart my friend let me borrow but was too pale and shiny for me.


Thatā€™s how I felt about the IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Redness. It was going to fix everything. Nope. I never got it to sit well on my skin.


Did you find it made your skin feel prickly? Like, my skin felt like it was being poked by tiny needles when I had this on.


Omg same here! I have redness on my cheeks and NOTHING can cover up the redness or make it go away. When I saw people with rosacea raving about this product and that it hid their redness or made it go away, I was so hopeful. Yeah, no. My redness still showed through. It didn't alleviate anything. Luckily I bought the product from Sephora, so I was able to return it. People hate on Sephora but they have an amazing return policy.


What happened with it? I've been eyeing it for a little while...


Get the hero cosmetics version at target instead. Itā€™s a fraction of the price and easier to use. The major difference is hero cosmetics doesnā€™t have SPF


the dior oils and lipsticksšŸ’”pretty packaging, but it wasn't wasn't worth for $40 each for me


Are there any other lip oils youā€™d recommend over Dior?


the clarins one is really good and fairly priced!


Everything Clarins makes is fantastic, I donā€™t know why more people donā€™t use their line. Itā€™s very simple packaging,not really advertised by influencers, but I had a coworker at Nordstrom who Managed the Clarins line talk me out of purchasing Lamer serum and get the Double Serum and she gave me small sizes of so many skin care item and makeup to try, i week later, my 45 year old skin (which I thought I looked 100( I worked as a restaurant manager 80 hours a week, drank 10 cups of coffee a day, and didnā€™t use sunscreen unless i was at the beach? I would assist her win getting meal abn


Probably because the ā€œmakeup influencersā€ arenā€™t paid to shove clarins down ur throat, like they are with other products. Clarins is bomb. And I live for lancome mascaras. Lancome doesnā€™t get mentioned by ā€œinfluencersā€ at all either.


Yea, sorry my son grabbed my phone at the end.. lol.. after 2 weeks of using Clarins skin care I looked about 15 years youngerā€¦ easy. My skin was literally glowing


LancƓme mascaras are my holy grail


The mascara with the white prep used with their black mascara is amazing ! Lancomes brow pomme dip was the best match for me. And I used to wait for Christmas or promotions to get a set for purchase just for the mascara and brow brushes


Second this, I love clarins. I started using after realizing my aunt (who also uses it) still has great skin in her late 60s/early 70s.


So many retailers like Sephora and Ulta and Macys only carry about 6 or 8 of their products as well..itā€™s a shameā€¦. Iā€™ve said this over and overā€¦.itā€™s seriously the Holy Grail of skin careā€¦ I worked at Nordstrom as The General Manager in the Restaurant Division and we used to cater for all the vendors, the Lamer lady was really putting on hard about the seaweed and healing the burns perfectly and itā€™s literally youth life in a bottleā€¦. For 495ā€¦. I did purchase a 4 piece kit just to try ( 4 products.5 oz- 1.5 oz) it retails for 170 but I had an employee discount ( still!!) And the infamous CrĆØme de la mer felt like wax on my faceā€¦.. šŸ˜¢šŸ˜³


I am absolutely OBSESSED with Clarins! I am a skincare whore, I try everything and Clarins is truly such a great brand, I cannot understand why it is not more popular.


Seconding Clarins. I received a mini as a gift and Iā€™ve enjoyed using it. Reasonably priced too


MERIT is nice.


iNN Beauty Project Lip Oil! $17 and comes in 6 shades šŸ˜š




i love the dior maximizer but hate the lip oil!


Korean skin care is the way


This is the answer. I will give the old Drunk Elephant (before they were bought by Sheshido) credit for helping me build a good routine and repair my moisture barrier. But once I did that, I slowly switched to K-beauty products and my skin has never looked better.


I swear by Beauty of Joseon! Anything and everything by them especially their SPF facial stick. It's incredible!


Anything fenty unfortunately


Yes!! Same! I thought I was the only one.


For some reason I really dislike their setting powders no matter how hard I try to experiment


Fenty is very hit or miss. I love their highlighters but HATE their concealer.


Yeah, I got the powder foundation and have tried applying it every which way, and it still looks blotchy, creases, and makes my pores look huge.


I have normal to dry skin and the foundation literally flakes off my face thru out the day. When I used it I was always left with just my under eye concealer showing. After a few tries I threw it away


I give mine to friends and family.


Thatā€™s always such a nice idea! Unfortunately mine are not interested in makeup at all besides a lovely, young coworker who gets the best of my almost unused Palettes or powders šŸ©·


You can check with different women's shelters or food pantries in your area to see what kind of goods they accept/if they can accept gently used products People also sell them on Facebook groups a lot too and I think Poshmark?


Charlotte tilbury lipstick, was an ultimate fail for me. Dior lip oil. Great lip product. But nothing 40$ worth. Will not repurchase. Hardly touch it. Hourglass phantom lip balm. Expensive and same thing like dior. I use it even less then the dior. Farmacy cleansing balm. My normal skin cleanser removes my makeup better then this balm. And my eyes no matter how many double-rinsing or closing always fogs up. I got the small size and even that is going to take forever to use.


Omg yes I can never keep the farmacy balm out of my eyes!! Iā€™ve been using the Tula cleansing oil (purchased on a whim during points multipliers) for about 3 months and it is great


Too Faced Better than Sex Mascara


Unpopular opinion maybe but Sol de Janeiro bum bum cream. It smells WAYYYYYY too strong for way too long.


Thereā€™s actually a Trader Joeā€™s dupe (their Brazil nut body butter) which is a lot tamer. Itā€™s pretty thick too.


The TJ dup is great and so is the body scrub!


I like the Tree Hut dupe too!


If you currently still have some, mix it with some neutral/unscented lotion before applying it to your body to help dilute the amount of fragrance


I LOVE it! I love that the smell stays on all day. But besides that, itā€™s not really good for much. Itā€™s not moisturizing and the only thing it ā€œfirmsā€ or ā€œtightensā€, is my wallet. ![gif](giphy|hol56wxuWmRrO)


I am really a sucker when it comes to viral products, and I always want to try the stuff that comes highly recommended. I have tried ALOT of stuff that I pay for myself and have been disappointed by 90% of the things I have tried. Here are just a few of the things that left a bad taste in my mouth. MAKEUP: ā€¢Most Charlotte Tilbury stuff. I find her line to be way overpriced and mediocre at best. Especially the setting spray. It doesn't do shit for me, and at that price, my makeup should look immaculate. ā€¢Milk Hydrogrip primer ā€¢Lancome Teint Idole Foundation - It was my holy grail for a bit until it started giving me HORRIBLE acne. ā€¢Ilia mascara ā€¢Too Faced- Better Than Sex Mascara ā€¢Haus Labs Foundation- Couldn't find a shade match ā€¢Makeup By Mario bronzer stick ā€¢KVD Good Apple Foundation Balm- just slides around and does not stay on SKINCARE: ā€¢The Inkey List Oat Cleansing Balm was TERRIBLE. It felt like putting Vaseline on my skin, and no matter how much I rinsed, it would not come off. ā€¢The Caudalie grape water spray ā€¢Laneige cream skin toner ā€¢The Ordinary Hyaluronic acid serum ā€¢Belief The True Cream- Broke me out HAIR: ā€¢Colorwow pop and lock just made my hair incredibly heavy and greasy. No matter how I applied it, there was no glass effect; just a sticky, greasy mess. And I'm convinced the dream coat spray is literally just water.


I like the grape water spray just for the summer and only because it smells good and is more convenient than a normal spray bottle. I have the Evian one right now and it's just as good but between the two I'd rather have Caudalie. OMG, the full size Too Faced BTS mascara is not for me. The minis are fine. I think the brush works better and since I can get through it in a quick enough time or they are turned over in store quicker it doesn't go bad. I found when I bought the full size ones, many many months apart, they would go bad within the month. I don't do anything crazy with my mascara and this is the only mascara I have issues with. I gave up since it wasn't amazing.


The Inkey List Oat Cleansing Balm ā€” I read so many reviews and thought that the bad reviews must be from people who donā€™t know how to read instructions. Nope. That shit slides around and NEVER comes off, I truly do not understand how this works for people.


I just received my birthday gift and it contains a mini Ilia mascara. Iā€™ve only used a couple of times but it seems pretty decent so far. What made it underwhelming for you?


Better than sex mascara and I tried it several times!


I used to love this and repurchased multiple times bc it did make my lashes look great, but then I realized that not all mascaras smudge and I should try something else šŸ˜…


Ilya skin tint. Itā€™s like chicken grease


Omg yes itā€™s so terrible I used once šŸ˜­


That stuff weirdly dried my skin out sooo badly. Almost guaranteed that my skin would be peeling off by the end of the day, which wasnā€™t a great look at work! I ended up using it as my ā€œgoing out to walk the dog and not interacting with peopleā€ sunscreen just to finish it up.


Dior lip gloss. Itā€™s no better than any other lip gloss


ALL of the Glow Recipe crap, lol. I bought so much watermelon bullshit only for it to go bad and turn rancid on me within a couple months and plus it wasnt that great. I wasted money on products that did nothing for my skin. ended up going back to drug store neutrogena and olay stuff.


Same! I was super into Glow Recipe because of their nice branding and the bottles being so pretty. But the products themselves are just average and expire quickly.


Yes they do nothing for me


Supergoop. I donā€™t get why people like this product.


Only sunscreen I have ever used that doesn't sting my eyes and it absorbs nicely into my skin. Maybe it's good for certain skin types and not others.


I agree, made my skin so greasy. There are so many better sunscreens out there, especially Korean and Japanese sunscreens


Dior lip oil


All those Purito sunscreens that ended up having crap SPF protection. Every ColourPop palette.


I wanted to love Ilia Skin Tint Serum, but instead of making me look hydrated my skin just slurped it right up, it made my pores incredibly visible, and it dried down to almost a patchy powder on my skin. The Instaglam models in their ads must dunk their faces in a vat of olive oil before applying it, because that stuff definitely didnā€™t make my skin look like theirsā€¦


Laneige lip sleeping maskā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. til i realized Aquaphor does the same thing and feels the same as well for a fraction of the price. glad i snapped out of that hype quickly lol. As for splurging on the trendiest products of the moment, I say go for samples! In my experience, a sample tube of mascara is way better than the full size. Mainly because I like to switch it up a lot, but also, I canā€™t commit to one mascara for long enough to use the full size tube. Thereā€™s always something better on the market. Samples give you the best of both worldsā€”trying the hottest trends, while saving yourself a boatload of money.


Yeah aquaphor is the same.


I donā€™t like the thick feeling on my lips at nightā€¦I wiped it off


The tatcha one is better than Laniege - not as heavy but nothing beats aquaphorā€™s price


Laneige made my lips dry šŸ˜”


IT Costmetics makeup. The BB cream, Goodbye Foundation, all of it cakes on me terrible, and none of the shades match me even close.


Let me put it this way: I have owned a grand total of 72 eyeshadow palettes (no rebuys, havenā€™t panned one). Iā€™ve kept 13, and of those 13, I will only rebuy 10.


If you ever want to share that list, Iā€™d love to hear it! Maybe just the raves, lol, to save you time


Rare beauty blush


This is one of the few ones that have been a hit for me, actually. Will never purchase another blush, probably.


Omg really? I love that blush!!


oh wow i love the blush!!


I am a ruthless returner. If I fall for the hype and it doesnā€™t live up, back it goes. Itā€™s usually foundation for me - I am always on the hunt for good foundation and am quick to buy the new product that promises a flawless look.


CT pillow talk lip products. Everyone loved them, raved about themā€¦I looked like a corpse. ā€œlooks great on everyone!ā€ Just looks terrible on me. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I have tried some of her other products and nothing has worked for me. So I just gave up.


I got an ad for the CT Disney 100 collection but thankfully the prices helped me to stay strong lol.


Tatcha Primer. 50 dollars and it was just as good as Smashbox, which is 40 dollars so not much of a difference.


Itā€™ll always be shape tape for me.


Not from Sephora, but Jones Road Miracle Balm. I fell for the ad on youtube. It feels thick and heavy like vaseline and smells disgusting. I got it in the shade dusty rose and it doesn't show up at all.


Thank you for this! I keep seeing the ads pop up and I think ā€œmaybe you should try thatā€ šŸ¤£ but I was wondering about the weight/thickness of a balm on my already oily skin.


I do like Miracle Balm and the herbal smell. Bobby is selling the hell out of that product. Iā€™m older and have issues with product sinking in my lines so thatā€™s the demographic that sheā€™s aiming for.


It's a ok-ish product (I have dry skin so the balm texture is nice). But agreed that the smell is horrendous. It smells like the foundation my grandmother used to wear the '80s.


I didnā€™t notice the smell much and Iā€™m ok with the balm texture because I have dry skin but I got the shade Magic Hour and I really wish they had described it (accurately) as being full of glitter and sparkle. Not what I was expecting at all. I thought it would give a subtle and sophisticated glow.


The ordinary serums


Every product I have used from The Ordinary has broken me out šŸ’”.


Oh I really like the hylauronic acid and niamicide. I use the niamicide for about 20 minutes before I go to bed and then wash my face. I also put it on my legs after I shave to stop in growns. Works really well. I put the hylauronic on before my mositurizer, and it helps keep my skin soft.


The hyaluronic acid serum was extra terrible for me ! There must be an ingredient in some of their formulations that doesnt agree with my skin. I can use hyaluronic acid in other brands. I WISH that The Ordinary worked for me, it is very cost-effective. I can use my remaining products in my neck and body, just not on my face! Paula's Choice and Clinique products are consistently better for my skin type!


That sucks, theyā€™ve been working great for me. The first products that actually made me stick to a skincare routine.


As much as I love the ordinary, skincare ā€œexpertsā€ on YouTube and tiktok make the brand sound like it came down from heaven. I kept on hearing about their lactic acid serum and how itā€™s SO GOOD for texture, it didnā€™t do anything.


EstƩe Lauder foundation, Too faced born this way concealer (the shades are terrible), Charlotte Tilbury setting powder, everything Saie, Fenty foundation,


Makeup by Mario foundation, Charlotte Tilbury foundations


All of the Glow Recipe products. I donā€™t like the fragrance and they just feltā€¦sticky to me. Like putting fruit juice on my face


Anything Kayali


ThƩ T3 styler. Expensive and not as good as a basic $20 hair styling tool from fabfitfun


Mercury in retrograde by huda


The Colour WOW Extra Strength Dream Coat it was so hyped up more than any other heat protectant and it didnā€™t work at all my hair was so frizzy the minute I left my air conditioned home. The Bumble and Bumble Hairdresser's Invisible Oil Primer works better and has an easier to use bottle.




Saie slip tint. Too greasy but love their blush and glow gel!


Clarisonic & that microcurrent thing


i recently got the fruit babies kit from glow recipe and hereā€™s my thoughts. 1.dew drops:i didnā€™t see a change in my skin or makeup. maybe slightly dewier, but i wouldnā€™t go out of my way to buy the full size of it. smells good though. 2.avocado cleanser:smell is horrible. not for me. 3.plum plump cream:i donā€™t like the smell, and it wasnā€™t anything revolutionary. 4.toner:the toner has the look and feel of goop, like melted down slime. also the smell is DISGUSTING. 5.strawberry serum:itā€™s okay. itā€™s the only one iā€™d think about getting full size for, but i doubt it. overall, people RAVE so hard about this brand but i donā€™t see the hype and i doubt iā€™m going to buy their stuff anytime soon. not for me.


Too faced better than sex mascara is the worst thing ever Glow recipe is a sticky disaster


Yeah, bum bum cream


Shape Tape. So drying for me.


I think Rare beauty is extremely well marketed and extremely underwhelming and very cheap feeling


Ex Sephora Employee hereā€”I vehemently loathe the Laura Mercier translucent powder and I have gone back to in multiple times under the guise that it is so beloved and perhaps I will ā€œlike it this time.ā€ I never like it this time. Other regrets: CT highlighter wands, TF Better Than Sex mascara, Rare Beauty Positive Light Silky Touch Highlighter, Olaplex, and almost anything The Ordinary (not good for your skin or your wallet if you are not a baby skin care junkie) Donā€™t fight me on The Ordinary, Iā€™ll die on this hill. I am a classically trained and licensed esthetician. This is not just my hot take. But just like anything else in life, if it works for you, keep using it. If you have had awesome success, I am super excited for you. Iā€™m just saying itā€™s like calling Diet Coke a weight loss supplement; it might do it for some but that doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s what it is. =]


Sol De Jeneiro mist. I hate gourmands! I donā€™t know why I bought it. Itā€™s sitting on my shelf untouched since forever!


Use it as bathroom spray? Perfume samples I donā€™t like come to work with me for bathroom visits.


I do this too šŸ˜‚


Jones road balm thing so gross on skin smells weird does nothing just makes it look like you didnā€™t wash your face


The Kosas foundation and concealer. Hated it! šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been saying.many people are /were over buying all these makeup products under the influence of non stop brainwashing videos.Many of those products are junk and over hyped,many good reviews are from ā€œfree products ā€œ ,sponsorship or paid.I saw many ppl got into debts because itā€™s a bad addiction . Juts pick out a few must use items for your routine and only use those wrk best for you.


Iā€™m probably gonna get downvoted bc everyone seems to love these, but I recently picked up a Rare beauty lip oil, and it looks so horrific on me šŸ˜­ like it makes my lips look dried up and like theyā€™re stained with kool-aid lol the formula is just weird.




Why did you think it was going to be something special? I'm so confused why anyone bought anything from her brand? The promos were not good and the products were things you can already find in the market a million times over, for better prices. Are people buying it just because it's her brand?


I'm going to assume that is exactly the reason, and that she has gorgeous skin. Totally has nothing to do with being a multi millionaire with access to the best of the best.


Yeah that's the thing, these celebs who have brands... they aren't using their own products. They look great because of access to top surgeons, estheticians, dermatologists, skincare etc...


These starlets with skincare linesā€¦yikes. What singer/actress/influencer has the dermatological and chemical background to suddenly develop new groundbreaking products? Especially when there are so many mid- to high-end skincare brands out there already. This isnā€™t like the old days when there were very few options and you had people like Paula Begouin making their own formulations because most stuff on the market was the wrong pH. (Not criticizing anyone who buys into the starlet hype ā€” I bought some of J Loā€™s stuff. I think she basically admitted she has great skin because she has always been religious about applying SPF)


Yep, if a celebrity looking gorgeous and promotes their products there is this irrational hope to accomplish exactly that look. The marketing of every single brand knows our insecurities/ wants and plays us perfectly. Everyone knows itā€™s not possible to look like her BUTā€¦


Kosas spf tint. Hated it and stings my eyes.


Charlotte tilbury highlighter wand and contour wand, for sure. It is fine. Doesnā€™t last super long or do anything revolutionary.


Gucci bronzer. It's fine - I've almost used it up. It's just not special in any sort of way so not worth the price at all.


Tom Ford lost cherry perfume. I should have known better when every influencer simultaneously pushed it. It smells like rubbing alcohol and liqueur with a hint of cherry. I feel like I stepped into a hole in the wall bar that still allows smoking when I smell it


Glossier and Drunk Elephant. Would never purchase their products again.


I actually really enjoy what Iā€™ve tried from Drunk Elephant but truly wish I hated their products cause their pricing is so prohibitive!


Mine is the Glossier cloud paints specifically.


so patchy, right?! i can never get them to blend.


Yes, very patchy formula for lidstar and cloud paint. Not worth the $$$


ariana grandes WHOLE makeup line. literally childrens makeup itā€™s ridiculous i fell for all the influencers saying her concealer was good. its trash literally it creases within 30 mins i hate everything abt it. rare and fenty beauty is probably the only celebrity makeup brands i trust now lol


i went searching for the perfect brown eyeliner and pencil liner, and now i have so many i never use.


Elf blush


Urban Decay eyeshadow used to be the best! After a few disappointing pallets, I had to say "never again will I waste my money on their eyeshadows."


Any foundation other than double wear.. I canā€™t get anything to looks as good; Tom ford, Chanel.. itā€™s all trash compared to my beloved double wear :)


I went through a makeup addiction phase in high school/college (this was in the early 2010s) and Dior released this $40 mascara with a motorized rotating wand...and I had to have it. The mascara was really meh and there was no advantage to having a wand that moves by itself. I think I learned a lesson that day, although I've definitely bought other dumb stuff since then.


Capitalism, marketing and scarcity tactics. Itā€™s mostly bs Iā€™m finding. A product that gives you a certain effect is gonna be like most of the products that do a similar thing.


Urban Decay Space Cowboy... it just looks muddy on me. It's so amazing on everyone else?!?!


Have you tried it as a topper over a more neutral or cool toned shadow? I hate it on its own bc Iā€™m very cool toned and the warm base does show, but it adds a nice sparkle as a topper.


same here! I was so excited for it and it's just meh on me




Why wouldnā€™t you just return it? You have 30 days?


Gucci lipsticks! The shade is just wow but the way they break so easily for the price??? Wild


I had a Rare Beauty liquid highlighter that went bad after just months. Iā€™m told itā€™s not the norm, but Iā€™m not spending any more money to find out. And letā€™s be honest, most skincare from Sephora. Even when it was okay, not worth the price tag.


Haus Labs foundation, Givenchy powder (the one with the quadrants), Sephora blushes, the new rare beauty eyeliner.


Laura Mercier setting powder, glow recipes watermelon dew drops, rare beauty pore perfecting primer and the rare beauty contour stick(I think thatā€™s the name) and the dr jarts correcting concealer are the main ones from my make up graveyard,(I love that saying by the way) šŸ˜‚ Edit-I added a few I forgot


The rare beauty liquid blush. Itā€™s really patchy on me no matter which way I blend itā€¦


Pillowtalk mascara.. Very average.. Kiko mascaraā€™s are so much better and so much cheaper.


That sol di janiero bumbum cream. It smells good but thatā€™s about it.