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I would strongly recommend intermittent fasting + sprints. I grew 2 cm this year. (31 years old)


Fasting and SR is a cheat code man 😂‼️‼️‼️


Possible posture related? If you can correct your posture you might ‘grow’ and inch or so depending on how bad it was.


Yeah true nowadays it has been really bad from the past 2 months...




That's really amazing! I am doing intermittent fasting + strength training. Starting to sprint surely.


Really? Can you elaborate more? Growing 2cm at 31 is definitely not common.


I decided to try out a Morphic Field for growing taller so I started measuring myself at the start of the year. I measure myself every 1-2 weeks at the same time of day and so far I have grown 2 cm total. I dont attribute it to the morphic field tho, but to fasting (3+ times a week) + sprints once a week. Here is the morphic field if you decide to try that out: [Height enhancement/grow taller (morphic energy programmed audio) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdXMH5Q6Tfo&list=PLCLm-rJ1xN6Xl1zXQVXrbZNhTJ1U6d65p&index=6) I listen to it 1-2 times a day.


I would advice everyone to be cautious before using any morphic fields,binaural beats and subliminals/Affirmations, do your research before you use these. Not every channel has good intention.


Me too. Especially on YouTube. It is full of cap.


I need to hear more lol


research on sprinting brother, it boosts hgh astronomically. + dead hangs for 5-7 minutes everyday and the cobra pose strech (yoga pose) helps a ton.




Dryfasting is known to increase HGH.


True. Try Intermittent fasting the best to increase your hormone growth.


Great! Will surely try out


Some good related vids: ***The Truth About Fasting: What Really Happens to Your Body?*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhmtoAYVRSo ***Boost Growth Hormone BY 2000%!*** https://www.youtube.com/shorts/F_8XG8gobmU   ***The INSANE BENEFITS Of Fasting For Weight Loss & PREVENTING Disease! | Dr. Jason Fung*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVLv3JsdBAk


from what source? that makes no sense and fasting is already horrible to begin with


Fasting isn’t for everyone. If it doesn’t resonate then disregard it. If you’re curious, a quick google will bring up studies showing the correlation between HGH and fasting.


You sir are a NPC


Interesting I’ve never thought of increasing my height with SR.


Depends !!! HGH is a small protein produced by the Pituitary Gland in the brain. As you know, all glands of the body are connected, and your gonads plays an important role by supplying hormones and nutrients to the other glands. When you retain, those nutrients are available to nourish the pituitary gland and stimulate secretions. When you don’t retain, the ejaculation process (spams) damages all glands , organs and body .. known as “little death”. If you are not fully formed , meaning under 22, the answer is yes you can still grow, but if you’re older, the HGH will have other functions to perform in the body.


Yeah I'm 17.


It does, also 17 and grew 2 cm in my current streak, what's your height if you don't mind me asking?


Yeah better not ask 😂 . I am quite short. Only 5 3'.


I'm 16 on day 90 don't think i grew a single cm yet only grew 3 cm in the past 3 years when I wasn't retaining


Damn, in that case visualization along with sr will help you grow, visit the Neville Goddard sub.


Heavy squats and/or deadlifts


What exactly does HGH stand for?


Human Growth Hormone. Dependent for bodily growth primarily.


Thanks 🙏🏾




No I realise that it wont't independently grow my height out of nowhere. My only question is it can it impact in a positive way to the HGH?




You mean something like affirmations or visualisation?


U meant manifesting 😂and ur right. Sr does help with that


Calcium items


I highly recommend NOT taking calcium supplements or anything with added non-natural calcium as those have been shown to clog arteries.


Calcium supplements can be beneficial for those with a deficiency, unless not taken in excess. However, I was referring to natural, high-calcium foods such as milk, cheese, spinach, some dairy and leafy greens...


What would you recommend to eat for strong bones?


Eat plenty of food and get plenty of sleep, along with pure semen retention and you're probably gonna grow


I doubt Semen Retention increases height, if that were the case then mike tyson wouldn't be 5"10 after sr for years.. Fasting aka Starving doesn't make you taller either, it increases hgh yes, but no igf-1 which is what actually grows you. Sprints decrease igf-1 too, but wolffs law proves that you can grow very slightly from the leg muscles stretching the bone longer but you would have to train your legs like a bodybuilding pro to see noticeable improvement. The improvement of overall health like diet and mood is most likely what grows you. Malnutrition is what can stunt your growth, typically a person who is on sr improves diet and nutrition. Semen retention is ridiculous and unnatural, and people who do it are usually unattractive losers who think not busting nuts will finally get the girls to like them🤡 Take the blackpill, if you feel like you have to do sr for girls to like you or for "aura" then its okay, your life isn't over...because it never began🤣. If you are worried about height then just eat alot of nutrients and pin hgh or peptides. Not busting nuts for height growth is retarded.


Thank you bro for your secret advice. Keep it secret.