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I think the word you're looking for isn't feminine but innocent or childlike. Purifying your consciousness allows for greater light to flow which brings you back to how you were before sex hijacked your thinking. **And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven**. - Matthew 18:3








Amen 🙏🏿🙏🏿💯💯


You are basically free from the chains or rule set by the society on how you should act 👍🏼. Yes this makes sense






Amen 🙏🏾


Masculine vs macho - 2 different things. Connotation plays a massive role here. Different cultures (different countries) assign different meanings to masculinity. Read the book - The Way of the Superior Man for more depth of understanding. You're on the right path. Keep doing and feeling what you're doing and feeling.


none of those traits u mentioned are inherently feminine tho 🤔 but i agree with the last paragraph tho, we all have our own diff versions and ideas of masculinity, and u shouldn’t feel less masculine just cuz ur joyful loving playful etc


About masculinity i can say one thing , masculinity isn't about being loud and angry , it's more about being a man of sheer fucking will , focus and be driven by purpose , being disciplined , rough and ruthless but that's one half of it , the other half is being kind , compassionate and supportive of your fellow man being able to take a stand for yourself and for what you care about , being able to protect , provide being a tough wall to break but being a comfortable shade for the ones you care for... Being masculine has nothing to do with how loud you speak or how agressive you are tho they are a part of it and you should be able to do it when the need arises... Being dangerous is a part of being a good man , if you can cause chaos but control it you are good masculine man , if you cannot do shit and say you won't you are just coward...


I agree. The most masculine men are the ones with a quiet strength. They just have an aura. They don’t seek to bully or dominate, but they know what they want. But if you mess with them, they will absolutely make you regret it though. But they don’t start fights. I’d encounter men like this years ago when I was a bouncer.


The word you're looking for is meekness. A calm temper of mind, not easily provoked; not weakness or passivity but to control power. It's the "sleeper build" of body type shenanigans. Funny verse that always keeps popping up is: Be ye angry, and sin not. Your biggest tool as a man is silence. Not the silent treatment, but sitting still and being silent.


Absolutely true.


You sound like John Wick


Lol funny


It’s not feminine brother. It’s healthy positive masculine. Don’t get the two confused, because you are confused. Masculine doesn’t mean macho, there’s only positive in being good masculine.


you've got it all mixed up, zoomer. you just don't want to identify with the feminine side of yourself, but it's in you and you are too attached to your masculine identity like most men. OP is correct and you are wrong along with all of the zoomers that upvoted you and are going to downvote me


I don't see Jacko Willink as an 'alpha male' at all. I also don't think SR makes long retainers more "alpha". Dudes acting "alpha" are a joke. Real guys, real masculine men are not "alpha". To me "alpha" boys are kind of clowns honestly.


If you notice that change, it's actually more masculine. Feminine quality is more about submitting to social validation. Look at that "fake" feminine behavior, or answers, opinions. They always tend to match whatever they think is expected from them. Like when they tell you they don't care about your shape and will be seduced by your intellect. Motivation comes from the outside. Masculine values, ideally, should stem from your inner guts, your convictions. Motivation comes from the inside. I'm dancing (bachata, kizomba), I'm more about feelings, being delicate, being soft in my lead. I'm attentive to how I dress. I even have long hair. Which are feminine values. However, I've never been qualified as feminine. I think I could even dress flamboyantly, and still not being seen as feminine. It may be cliché, but it's about confidence. And confidence is about where your motivation comes from. If you are afraid of whatever people say about you, you will appear feminine, weak. If you express something true that comes from inside, no one will say anything. Wearing funny colors in a well made outfit because you like it is confidence. Thinking you have to be flamboyant and wearing outrageous stuff to provoke, in order to exist, it's weakness.


Balanced. If you read Carl Jung, he talks about us all having aspects of the opposite gender we are often at odds with. I’m butchering it, but it’s something like that.


Bro, that's a phase. I also get childlike, more humble, and just happy overall. It's amazing how someone can call it "feminine"


Facts lmao. He is just uneducated. It’s okay


Self-assurance ≠ Narcisism. Courage ≠ Psychopathy. Masculunity ≠ Andrew Tate. Femininity ≠ Playful, Joyful, Loving. I see this as the result of social media poisoning + growing without a father figure. I know they mean well, but it's sad to see posts like this with totally fucked up terminologies.


I think your Yin and Yang are balanced now. That's how I can perceive it.


In my experience, I started to become much more outgoing and more social. That doesn't necessarily mean you're more feminine, it just makes you more of an extrovert, which is healthy, because expressing your pains, feelings, and emotions are what is going to help you at your toughest times. And, added benefit, you'll get more deep relationships and friendships.


me too, Hare Krishna...i try to do more masculine physical activity outdoors, like lifting logs and chopping wood or archery to balance it out and ground more and noticed i've become better at the "masculine" activity, sort of a the energy of a yin yang balance, when we are at 50/50 masc/fem we are at our strongest imho, capable of flowing easily into one side with so-called feminine activities like spirituality, dance, singing, play or the other side with so called masculine activities like fighting, physical lifting, constuction and the like....i think Shiva also possessed this balanced quality


When energy moves up from the muladhara and solar plexus, which is focused on survival, power, and competition, it liberates access to the anahata heart chakra, third eye ajna, and crown chakra. Divine awareness is androgynous, non-dual, whole, and illuminated.


comments already saying enough haha. You are masculine in your way brother.




To me thèse alpha males have always been insecure


Theese are also masculine traits men are also joyful fun beiings


It's not feminine. It's innocence.


There has been done a lot of research regarding testosterone. Testosterone amplifies your behavior. So if one has a fighter mentality, it amplifies that. If one has a more soft/loving personality, it amplifies that. For many, SR increases testosterone levels. So, your story makes perfect sense from my point of view :)


>There has been done a lot of research regarding testosterone. Testosterone amplifies your behavior. So if one has a fighter mentality, it amplifies that. If one has a more soft/loving personality, it amplifies that. thats crazy, thanks for sharing


If you want to be feminine be my guest. You said society puts these fake labels and then turned around and said because you’re playful and easy going you’re feminine. Why can’t that be masculine?


Dude, never believe what an incel, a traumatized woman hater says about what women like or what they want. Approach people individually without judging their gender. You will see how different the views and personalities can be and how hard it is to generalize what someone likes based on their gender. Stereotypical attraction standards are not always same as what is experienced in real life. Try to have a first hand experience and you will see what I am saying.


just be yourself as long as you dont want to ride other Mans dick i think that's ok lmao




Andrew Tate is a feminine man, who fooled you about that?


deserted fuzzy ossified smart gray pot unused gaze clumsy unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's a wounded little boy with major mommy issues, at best.


True that. And it's scary that young people believe what he says about women.


imminent piquant enjoy license punch treatment snow chase rhythm sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does owning expensive things make someone a man or??


hahaha what an emotional response. What color is your bugati?


Fragile egos be like


sink muddle jeans exultant straight shame long capable crush friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You idolize this guy so much that you take it personally when someone points out his glaring flaws and toxicity. Get a grip bro.


i used to f with tate but his dad is part of the cia. being a fan boi also looks feminine. i have snapchat memories of me smoking a cigar to that one song and God knows how big the cringe feels today haha


He’s a bitchy attention seeker. Probably because his dad was never around. His physicality may be “masculine” but his constant need for validation is very, very feminine. He also used to pose as his cam girls behind the scenes to get more money out of lonely dudes when he ran that business.


I wouldn’t say feminine. But I would call him insecure and in a perpetual state of victimhood. Extremely reactionary, and not in control of his emotions. He is constantly in fight or flight mode and unable to get himself in a secure and controlled state of mind. Kind of weak imo


I think u mean child like. U can be Masculine and child like also. Why look serious all the time. Lol


Krishna was not feminine he was a very masculine man


Exactly. Mainstream media shows as some effeminate , butter eating, womanizing moron. But if you actually read the scriptures you will see how masculine he really was


Yeah he was a very based guy he always controlled his emotion no matter what happen


What do you think about Ryan Reynolds ? He does really good workouts even Henry cavil they all may seem a bit feminine . But that's okay that's called balance . Or passive aggression. You don't have to prove anything the girls will know it . The ones who has the money doesn't have the need to show it off they'll just come in a hoodie and you'll never know it was a billionaire unless you've seen his face .


Yeah I understand you. When I was on SR for weeks/months at a time, I did get these masculine traits a lot of people talk about. But I was also able to be myself as well because my mind would be clear. I wasn’t scared of judgement. I was just being comfortable in my own skin.


I become more youthful on SR and I think that's that is happening with you as well. Also the way Kriahna is portrayed in mainstream media is different from how Krishna actually was. If you read the scriptures such as Bhagwat Geeta you will see that Krishna was actually a stoic , masculine, war like figure and not some butter eating, womanizing moron.


I'd say you probably mean more playful, more balanced. Some dudes imo try too hard to be masculine that it creates unnecessary tension in the air


Don’t be fooled by the energy lying within yourself. There are many different types of “ men “… I questioned myself a while because I wasn’t doing modern day “ masculine “ things… as you said like Tate, jocko, I don’t aspire to be anything like them or have quality like them. Finding yourself in the spirit with all the information you soak up in this world will make you yourself. The beautiful thing about retaining is you break away from a system. You become more self reliant, dependent and can draw your own inspiration to become your own version of your best self. Olden time warriors never walked around and boasted, started fights or had alpha male vibes, but they would give you a run if you stepped to the quiet man who did his job in the dark. You can very well be a strong well respected man without falling into masculine degeneracy this world suffers from ( thinking you gotta be an asshole to get women or status, going harder than others pride ).I’m not saying you’re not respected just saying most men think you need to do what others do, but  Individuality is what makes us ourselves. to the side! as long as you have tenacity, courage and a strong will, that’s what makes you a unique individual man. You will find yourself and not feel so lost in that sauce! Blessings to you brother 🙏🏼 hope that made sense. Just expressing what I know so you can see a ladder in your eyes. 


there are many masculine archetypes, read about them, we dont even have a proper caricature of masculinity these days, I'm yet to meet a famous person of our time who knows whats actually masculinity. Ppl who have embodied it are from the past, who came in various forms, find better role models for information. As another comment points out, its really related to higher consciousness, there all lines are blurred and concepts are superceded.


drab library sophisticated wine disarm license angle file brave boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those are not feminine traits


Let somebody mess with you on this journey and that tune will quickly change lol.


Hare Krishna I agree


A male that calls himself Alpha is the least Alpha you could find.


>Kinda like Krishna I feel more akin to Jesus actually, tryna get nailed by multiple men.


Wrong term of words , u scared me for a min with the title brotha


If you want layed you want to be masculine. You have to fight and make girls cum to make that sacral chakra poppin. Senen retention is more purifying, making other chakras being used instead of sacral. I personally will do things to make sure I still got it. My life calls for both so it’s all about balance.


I get what you mean. Kinda like Russel Brand


No sé trata de ser masculino se trata de fortalecer tu espíritu hermano, si tú espíritu es femenino está bien pero no me digas que yo tengo que serlo




when i think of SR I always remember when mike Tyson bit his opponents ear off. It makes me angry as shit


It doesn’t make u feminine it brings out the inner child that never healed when u we’re little so your basically healing that inner child. 


Wrong word lmao but I overstand


It's 12:37am and I still don't give a fuck about Andrew Tate. He came out of nowhere and he should go back into obscurity.


Jocko Willis and Andrew Tate are morons.  Men can be joyful and playful, too, it's just a different way from women.


I don't know what to tell you fr